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III regional competition of research projects A GREAT CITY IS THAT WHICH HAS THE GREATEST MEN AND WOMEN ( БОГАТСТВО ЗЕМЛИ – ЕЁ ЛЮДИ ) Nomination: CITY : THE GLORIOUS PAST (Славное прошлое нашего города) Авторы : Д. Брежнев, Е. Глушенкова, Д. Сотников, учащиеся 7 кл . МОБУГ №2 г. Новокубанска Руководитель: Е. А. Бурыкина , учитель АЯСлайд 2
The Great Patriotic War in the history of my town and family
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It’s hard to find a family in our country which didn’t lose somebody in the Great Patriotic War. The tragic event started in 1941 in June and lasted for almost four years. Perhaps, the Great Patriotic War was the most horrible war in human history.
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The Great Patriotic War was more than 70 years ago, but people still remember and commemorate it. Every family keeps and honors their grandfathers’ photos. Today we’d like to tell you about our great-grandfathers and our countrymen who fought against the fascists.
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The aim of our project is to know about the heroic past of our town and about our relatives and countrymen who fought against the fascists.
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For achieving the aim we have decided some tasks : To find photos and documentary material about Novokubansk in the Great Patriotic War; To collect material about our relatives and countrymen who took part in the Great Patriotic War; To systematized and summarized the received information.
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At the final stage of work we have created a booklet « Heroes of Novokubansk » .
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Ivan Stepanovich Kolesnikov Gregory Semenovich Sidorenko Seliverst Evdokimovich Zhogin Nikolai Nikolaevich Verbin Nikolai Vasilievich Oberemchenko Leonid Alekseevich Kolobov Vasiliy Borisovich Emelyanenko Many citizens of Novokubansk returned home with medals, and some of our countrymen were awarded with the title of the Hero of the USSR.
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There is an Alley of Heroes of Novokubansk near the memorial in central park in Novokubansk.
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Ivan Afanasievich Brezhnev 1930–1932 – 49th cavalry regiment 1941–1942 – 550th rifle regiment, after the injury – 690th spare rifle regiment 1942–1945 – he was captured He was released on the 5 th of May in 1945 is my great-grandfather
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Ivan Sergeevich Kulish he served in the border troops of the NKVD he was a soldier in the 2nd separate ski battalion of Zaitsev’s division he took part in the military parade at the Red Square during the Moscow battle he took part in the battle for Stalingrad is my great-grandfather
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Dmitry Alekseevich Eremeev he was an air force officer 1941 – he was drafted into the army He was awarded with the order of the Red Banner and the order of the Great Patriotic War and several medals. is my great-grandfather
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Due to our grandfathers’ courage and patriotism we can live in peace and freedom. We are sure that our generation MUST remember about our grandfathers’ heroic feat.
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Thank you for you attention!
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http://pptforschool.ru/fony/026.jpg http://w4.wallls.com/uploads/original/201604/27/wallls.com_111508.jpg https://getbg.net/upload/full/8/388368_prazdnik_den-pobedy_vov_velikaya-otechestvennaya_2560x1600_(www.GetBg.net).jpg http://i.ucrazy.ru/files/i/2012.5.8/1336450729_9-maya-45.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/Golden_Star_medal_474_f.png/160px-Golden_Star_medal_474_f.png http://www.warheroes.ru/content/images/heroes/GSS11941-45%20part2/SidorenkoGrigoriySemen_GSS.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/0/07/%D0%96%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BD_%D0%A1.%D0%95._%28%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%29.jpg http://www.warheroes.ru/content/images/heroes/1hero/Oberemchenko_NikolVasil.jpg http://www.warheroes.ru/content/images/heroes/1hero/Kolesnikov_IvanStepan.jpg http:// www.warheroes.ru/content/images/heroes/1hero/VerbinNikNik.jpg Все фотографии несовершеннолетних размещены с согласия их законных представителей. Использованные Интернет-ресурсы:
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