Leonardo da Vinci- презентация посвящена великому художнику, исследователю. Презентация имеет практическую направленность, информацию можно применить на уроке английского языка по теме " Искусство" в старших классах. В презентации представлены самые известные художественные произведения Леонардо Да Винчи, краткая биография, интересные факты из жизни гения.
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Презентация на английском языке Выполнила Белякова Валерия, Учащаяся 9 « В» класса Учитель: Игнатьева О.А. Leonardo da VinciСлайд 2
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (Italian. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, April 15, 1452, in the village of Anchiano, near the town of Vinci, near Florence - may 2, 1519, the castle of Clos lucé near Amboise, Touraine, France) is an Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect and scientist (anatomist, scientist, inventor, writer, one of the greatest artists of the High Renaissance, a striking example of the "universal man« Everyone agrees that Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was one of the greatest of all painters. His painting "The Last Supper" is probably the. most famous painting in the world. But Leonardo would be famous if he had never painted a stroke. For he was also a great inventor. He invented the wheelbarrow, the military tank, and roller bearings. He made plans for dozens of weapons and machines. He even experimented with airplane and submarine modes. Besides, Leonardo was great as a scientist and engineer. He was also a poet, a musician, and a sculptor. Perhaps no other person in history has ever learned so much in a lifetime. Certainly no one ever deserved more to be called a genius.Leonardo was born in the village of Vinci in Italy. As a small boy he lived most of the time with his fathers parents. Leonardo was a beautiful boy, with curly hair and bright blue eyesWhen his father found out that the boy was interested in painting, he sent him to an excellent painter and teacher. One day Leonardo painted a beautiful angel in one of his teacher's pictures. "You are a greater painter than Г, said the teacher, "I will paint no more“ In a few years Leonardo's father decided that he would pay no more to the teacher. His son, he thought, was spending too much time studying rocks and plants, watching birds to find out how their bodies work, and building models of machines. But Leonardo stayed on as his teachers helper. He stayed till he was nearly 25. Then he set out to paint for himself, first in Florence, then in Milan and Venice, and at the end of his life in France.Leonardo had ideas that other painters liked to copy. "Let them" he said, "I will originate. They can copy". Leonardo da Vinci (biography)
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Thus great painter left behind only a few paintings, he had many ideas for pictures and made many wonderful pen and ink sketches. But he had so many other interests that he found it hard to sit and paint for hours at a time. Some of his paintings have been lost because he liked to experiment. He used colours mixed with wax to paint a wonderful mural of a cavalry battle, but the wax melted and the picture was ruined. "The Last Supper" is on the wall of a chapel in Milan. This picture was famous long before it was finished. There is such beauty in Leonardo's paintings that they are as hard to describe as beautiful music. The faces of his people are full of expression. He used light and shade in a new way to make people look very lifelike. One of Leonardo's paintings is called "Mona Liza". It is the picture of a woman with a faint smile on her face. The painting was ordered by the woman's husband. But Leonardo liked it so much that he kept it for himself. He took it to France with him when he went to spend the last years of his life as a court painter to the king of France. Now it is one of the greatest treasures of the Louvre in Paris. Леона́рдо ди сер Пье́ро да Ви́нчи (итал. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci; 15 апреля 1452, с еление Анкиано, около городка Винчи, близ Флоренции — 2 мая 1519, замок Кло-Люсе, близ Амбуаза, Турень, Франция) — итальянский художник (живописец, скульптор, архитектор) и учёный (анатом, естествоиспытатель), изобретатель, писатель, один из крупнейших представителей искусства Высокого Возрождения, яркий пример «универсального человека»
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Television (1920s ) The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light. Motor Car (Late 19th Century) With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petroldriven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel. Electricity The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I's physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Alessandro Volta and Andre Marie Ampere all did vital work on electricity. The invention of genius
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Photography (Early 19th Century) Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscura photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends' endless holiday pictures. Telephone (1876) Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter-writing became numbered. Computer (20th Century) The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information. Aeroplane The plane was the invention that helped shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.
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Leonardo da Vinci Artistic work
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Madonna Litta near 1490
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Mona Lisa (Giocondo) 1503-1505
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Bartisn of Christ 1472-1475
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Vitruvian Man
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A point is not part of a line. As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death. Avoid studies of which the result dies with the worker. Be not false about the past. Darkness is absence of light. Shadow is diminution of light. Fear arises sooner than anything else. Happy will they be who lend ear to the words of the Dead. He who thinks little, errs much. I know that many will call this useless work. Intellectual passion dries out sensuality. Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. Movement will cease before we are weary of being useful. Necessity is the mistress and guide of nature. No small hole can so modify the convergence of rays of light as to prevent, at a long distance, the transmission of the true form of the luminous body causing them. Leonardo da Vinci quotes
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Da Vinci was one of the first artists to use oil paints instead of egg tempera. Leonardo was a vegetarian. He was quite an exception for the era he lived in. Da Vinci painted with right hand. But while writing he was ambidextrous. He wrote everything in mirror image. He wanted to prevent copying his works in that way. It took him ten years to paint lips of Mona Lisa. In order to study the human anatomy Leonardo dag graveyards and stole corpses. Interesting facts about Da Vinci
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Thank`s for Your attention to the great Leonardo!
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