Исследовательская работа на английском языке
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Municipal Autonomous Educational Institute
Secondary Comprehensive School №11
Student’s project
«Visual differences of the British and the Russians. Influence of the face features on the character of the person»
Made by:
Pyatina Valeriya,
6 «А» form student
Kozubova Kseniya
6 «G» form student
Votinova N.V.
English teacher
Berezniki, 2015
Chapter I. National character
1.1 Psychological characteristic of the Russian people
1.2 Psychological characteristic of the English people
Chapter II. Meanings of the face features
Chapter III. Comparison of the face features and characters of the Russian and the English
List of references
In other country it is quite possible to do without language. For this purpose there is a language of a mimicry and gestures. But, of course, the knowledge of language very much helps and does life another. You see more, understand more, you are afraid less, you feel more quietly. With English the problem is that bad or excellent many people know it, and here understand the few. Sometimes Russians and British incorrectly treat behavior of each other, it depends on mentality and temperament of the nations.
Independently, adjoining on estrangement of British, the main is the human relations. British diligently avoid in informal conversation of the personal moments. Such lines as restraint, tendency to an innuendo, scrupulousness are inherent in them.
The psychology of the Russian people, perhaps thanks to orthodox influence, strong included such psychological qualities as love and compassion, sacrifice and responsibility, solidarity and mutual revenue, firmness in sufferings and lack of a rigid regulation of behavior of the person.
There is a set of subtleties of behavior and thinking of the different people which can't simply be remembered. Founders of science of physiognomics tried to help to understand with the works, books, a photo human psychology. Knowing some meanings of physiognomics, having looked at the person, we can have general idea of it, its character and type of behavior.
The work purpose – to reveal as features influence character of the person (on the example of the Russian and the English).
Research problems:
1. To give the characteristic to the Russian and English national characters;
2. To consider meanings of features of the person;
3. To reveal similarities and distinctions of features and characters of Russian and the Englishman.
Hypothesis - meanings of features of the Englishman and Russian to the settled stereotype of the typical resident of England and Russia.
Research methods: studying of literature and information search in a research subject; the analysis and systematization of the received results.
Volume and structure of work: work consists of introduction, three heads, the conclusion and appendices. The total amount of the work – 25 pages.
Chapter I. National character
1.1 Psychological characteristic of the English people
The special traits of character are peculiar to each nation. In a special way it concerns to British. Each Englishman where he wouldn't live at the moment, possesses a set of qualities which won't allow to confuse it with the representative of other nationality.
Many authors tried to describe the typical Englishman, his character, habits, interests. But you shouldn't forget that each person is unique therefore it is important not to simplify and not to exaggerate data about life of the whole people.
Constancy of character
One of the main national features of British are their constancy and commitment to various rituals and traditions. Some traditions turn into representations, for example, a ceremony of keys in the Tower or changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.
Some traditions are included deeply into life of British and attempts something aren't considered even to change. Own vision of the world at the Englishman isn't capable to change under the influence of external factors as his habit of five-hour tea drinking isn't capable to change.
It is considered that residents of England are unperturbable in any situations. Their coolness and self-control is defined by that since the childhood them accustom to react definitely to life situations, not to show true feelings, to overcome weights and deprivations. Seldom on faces of British it is possible to see expression of emotions, whether it be surprise or anger.
Paradoxicality and eccentricity
British seldom constrain emotions if face criticism or sneers to their traditions or a way of life. It is rather patriotic nation ready to pay taxes on the maintenance of royal family which can be dissatisfied with some rules until they are entered into a law rank.
The paradoxicality of character of British is defined by some discrepancy of their behavior. They don't love a heat, but love fireplaces, have no idea of affairs of the neighbors, but know everything about life of royal family, houses can carelessly put on, but even an exhibition of cattle will put on a hat and will insert a flower into a jacket buttonhole.
Eccentricity of behavior consists in life of British without thinking about the surrounding. British can be engaged in a collecting of strange things, go with the put umbrella in the rain, extravagantly put on.
Rituality of behavior
How residents of England were excentric and original, mostly their behavior ritually.
British observe certain rituals at communication: even with strangers they will keep up the conversation on weather, work in a garden or insignificant news because it is so accepted. Process is important not the topic of conversation.
There are certain rituals in the organization of entertainments, meals, a choice of clothes, the organization of leisure on the weekend, communication with different categories of people. During the day the Englishman can make some actions, not because he wants it but because it is offered rituals.
Snobbery of British
One of negative features of British is their snobbery. This quality is frequent explain with a consequence of the imperial psychology which came since when England subordinated to itself nearly a half of the world. British feel superiority over other people, and this superiority consists not in to having anybody above itself, and in that someone was below them.
Earlier since the childhood the stereotype that it is necessary to show greatness of the British nation took root into consciousness it, to be an example of the whole world. And even when the empire fell, this idea so simply didn't leave subconsciousness of people.
British also often don't penetrate into life and features of other people, selfishly giving preference to the internal problems. Island position of England defined a special aversion of British for other people.
Tolerance of the nation
But it is necessary to pay tribute to British, they will never show to the hostility in a face, for what often consider them double-faced. It is defined by their politeness – they never aloud will show discontent or disagreement with foreign opinion, having said something from complacent phrases: "It is very interesting idea" or "Quite interesting reasoning". Actually it will mean disagreement.
The tolerance of British extends and on the relation to the nature. England is considered the green country with the unique nature. Not a rarity for Britain – the lonely lodge standing among trees which shows presence of the person even in the remote regions of the country, or parks and gardens in the large cities, more similar to the wild nature.
Isolation of British
Isolation of the nation is explained by a geographical position of the country. The island psychology separates not only England from the continental countries, but also each person from each other. This nation very much loves privacy. British meet with other people very difficult, but keep communications with the acquired friends for many years.
At a meeting with acquaintances of the man don't show pleasure, don't exchange smiles on duty, don't embrace, and are limited to classical handshake. Women don't exchange real kisses at a meeting but only imitate sounds and gestures somewhere around the acquaintance's ear.
Physical contact at communication with acquaintances is considered indecent and unnatural.
British live with this plan by the principle "don't touch me". Any person seeks to avoid contacts with unfamiliar. When such contacts can't be avoided, for example, in public transport, they don't look each other in the face, try to avoid visual contact.
English humour
It seems to all foreigners that excellent sense of humour of British – only the myth. Their jokes seem flat, ridiculous, uninteresting and silly. British are proud of the sense of humour and painfully react to such assessment from people around.
Their charge of lack of ability to joke restrains their vanity more, than condemnation of other qualities of character. Perhaps, absence of sense of humour to British is attributed because of their inability to laugh over themselves, the traditions and interests.
Most of all English humour is connected with the word, than with the situation comedy or disguise. Therefore it is traditionally shown in literature – in comic characters of W. Shakespeare, Ch. Dickens, D. Austen, L. Carrol and other authors.
All these qualities define original, unique and somewhat the paradoxical world – typical English character. It is simply impossible to confuse the representative of this country with someone another.
1.2 Psychological characteristic of the Russian people
All nations in the world perceive differently. Frequent it the opinions based on quite strange, but historically developed stereotypes as, for example, bears with balalaikas on the Russian streets. However the shred of the truth is in each such opinion on Russian or any other people.
Representatives of the different nations behave definitely, visiting other countries during business trips, holiday, study and for other reasons. Thanks to communication with people from other country or to hearings from those who had pleasure to communicate with them, at the local a certain opinion on foreigners is formed.
The Russian people are perceived clever, but lazy, talented, but careless. To the western measures, people in Russia could achieve much bigger if made more efforts and were more responsible.
But on the other hand, this sloppiness to a certain extent allows to resolve problems, unsoluble for other mentality. Purely Russian line perceives ability to solve problems, considering them under an unusual corner.
Ability to laugh at own problems isn't alien to British, in Russians they also mark out this quality. Also in their perception our people are made related by criticism of own country, ridicule of the habits and traits of character, however, if it is done by the foreigner, it is perceived by both British, and Russians in bayonets.
Thanks to the orthodox religion widespread in our country, Russians are perceived sacrificial, strong, resistant, understanding and forgiving. In respect of moral values Russia left far forward.
Russians are considered witty though the humour of British and is far from ours, generous though this generosity and so-called readiness to give the last shirt borders more on rashness and naivety.
One more line which is noticed, is considered ability to defend the position, to express the opinion, opportunity to stand for itself. It is shown and in communication with acquaintances, and in the working atmosphere, even with chiefs.
Chapter II. Meanings of the face features
Historical data say that ability "to read faces" still residents of Ancient Egypt possessed. But the Ancient Egyptian civilization didn't leave about this art of direct written certificates, and now it is considered to be true ancestors of physiognomics the East people. Below concrete signs and their meanings of each part of the face separately are described.
• The round shape of a face is associated with good nature, softness, peacefulness. Frequent it is gourmets, the people loving comfort, the good company and not striving for glory.
• The full, ruddy face expresses liberalism, tolerance and squandering. The lean person testifies to mind, intuition, but these people are more inclined to cruelty, than to mercy.
• The extended, thin person points to courage in thoughts, words and actions.
• The square shape of a face usually belongs to severe, courageous, quite often heartless type. Such people, as a rule, slowcoaches, are often rough, persistent. The most striking trait of their character is determination. (Appendix 1)
By position of ears on the head it is possible to judge mental abilities:
Eyes considered as soul windows. Always determined internal experiences of people by eyes. It is considered that the person with beautiful and attractive eyes has health, will, mind.
It is considered that the ideal nose has a roundish tip and the issued wings. The person with an ideal nose has lion nature, i.e. differs in courage, passion, aggressiveness.
The form and the size of a mouth give the chance to determine force of internal energy of the person.
The shape of a chin is bright manifestation of identity.
Chapter III. Comparison of the face features and characters of the Russian and the English
Defining character of the person we, we look at lines of his face. (Аppendix 2)
Features of the average man in England:
• high direct forehead
• big, straight nose
• the sleepy, not deeply put eyes
• ears of the average size, at the level of eyes
• proportional lips, are a little squeezed
• chin of average size, slightly outstanding forward
• person of a square form
The average man in England has a square form that specifies that usually belongs to severe, courageous, quite often heartless type. Such people, as a rule, slowcoaches, are often rough, persistent. The most striking trait of their character is determination. In communication they are rectilinear and frank. Possess unquenchable thirst of success. People with a triangular face type have a small chin, cheeks often hollow, a forehead high. Owners of a triangular face are very susceptible and sensitive. Often people with such face type possess creative abilities. The triangular face can testify to some cunning in character and unsociability. A triangular face – character isn't inclined to attachment and devotion.
In psychology it is considered to be that the lower part of a forehead represents human "I", and top – society. If it is harmonious, the person easily finds a place among people. British possess a high, direct, quadrangular forehead that means that they are generous people. They possess high sincere qualities, are ready to endow disinterestedly the interests for others.
On a nose judge energy of the person and where it directs it. A nose of of the Englishman is big, direct that characterizes pride, and also creativity of British. They are capable to work, work actively wholeheartedly the forces. The long nose, as a rule, is a sign of pronounced identity. The nose with the lowered end means passion and enthusiasm.
Eyes the most beautiful part of a human face. The right eye at men is tied with the sun, left with the moon. It was always determined internal experiences of people by eyes. Eyes at the average man in England sleepy, as if swelled up in lipline, it can mean that nature soft, quite lazy. Not the convex and not deeply put eyes, say to us that British possess steadiness. They aren't quick-tempered and treat people kindly. Before to make something, they will surely carefully consider the decision.
In a form the ear reminds an embryo of the person, and physiognomists see a deep meaning in these features. By position of ears on the head it is possible to judge mental abilities of the person. The top part of an ear at British is at the level of eyes, is means that they have a lively wit and good intuition.
The form and the size of a mouth give the chance to determine force of internal energy of the person. Lips of the Englishman are proportional and correct in a form that characterizes honest and strong character. They are quite sincere and truthful. Wiht the squeezed Englishman's lips, it is possible to assume that they are selfish, and also the teeth which are densely clenched lips and gritted speak about persistence of the person
The shape of a chin is bright manifestation of identity. The chin, slightly outstanding forward, speaks about nobility, force will, obstinacy, but also cruelty of British. They are ready to draw up to the end the point of view and only in certain cases make concessions. The chin round, average size, proves to us that British are balanced.
Features of the average man in Russia (appendix 3):
• oval shape of a face
• rather high convex forehead
• straight fleshy nose
• big mouth
• Outstanding forward part of a chin
• The eyebrows lying close to eyes and going horizontally from a nose to temples
• the top part of an ear is at the level of eyes, are a little pressed to the head
The Russian has an oval form. Such person still call aristocratic because it characterizes the owner as the intellectual, balanced and sensitive person. Very often similar people are allocated with the power, and it doesn't prevent to be at their thrift and foresight fair and wise governors. More often than at other people, talents of owners of a rectangular face type find application in political and military spheres. They set before themselves the purposes and consistently them achieve. In the absence of pronounced negative features of the purpose of such people justify only worthy means, the violence and falseness in the relations is alien to them.
The average man in Russia has rather high convex forehead, it testifies ability well to acquire and remember at low ability to abstraction. Susceptible, but noncritical mind. Hollow whisky testifies to high intellectual activity and good observation.
The Russian man has the straight fleshy nose, it is considered an ideal shape of a nose, testifies to warmth, geniality and deep feeling of empathy. These people put for themselves high standards. Ambitious people have usually large noses.
The man in Russia has a big mouth, it testifies that the person the talkative, generous, careful and sensitive person.
The average man in Russia has not the convex and not deeply put eyes, balanced intellectual and moral qualities, bright, kind, benevolent and sympathetic people with good concentration mean.
Eyebrows lie close to eyes and go horizontally from a nose to temples, indicate strong character and determination. Proportional development of eyebrows indicates balance of emotions, mind and character.
The chin shape of the Russian man is bright manifestation of identity. The outstanding forward part of a chin testifies to passionate desire to be darling and if this feature is developed strongly, on a chin, in its most lower part, there is a dimple dividing a chin.
By position of ears on the head it is possible to judge mental abilities. The person with the eyebrows which are at the level of eyes has average intelligence. The extended ears speak about sensitivity and an impressionability. The ears pressed to the head at conscientious people. Such people perform any work, striving for perfection.
Interrelation of the Russians and the British is impossible without ethnocultural features of these people. If the person considers features of cultures, the correct installations on perception of other culture will be at him.
Russia and England were always directly involved in life of Europe therefore the difficult centuries-old relations connect them with many European countries.
1. England is the rationalism homeland. Aggressive approach to transformation of world around before full submission isn't characteristic the British and the Russians.
2. It seems to British and Russians that excessive commitment to material values contradicts material and spiritual development.
3. Russians and British are proud of the past, centuries-old history of the country, but the future doesn't cause big enthusiasm.
4. The english restraint and the russian scepticism distinguish, but, and unite us with each other. We have no big optimistic spirit.
5. The Russians are inclined to informal communication only with friends. In a situation with strangers we test constraint like the British.
During our research the characteristic was given to the russian and the english national to characters, meanings of features of the person are considered, similarities and distinctions of features in the relation in the settled stereotypes of the Russian and the English are revealed.
Hypothesis that the face features tell about character of the person, we revealed it on the example of the average Russian and the English.
Thus, all tasks set by us were solved, the objectives are achieved.
List of references
1. Gonikman E. Art of diagnostics on the person. - Minsk.: Santana, 2003.
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4. Mar of T. Reading person or Chinese art of physiognomics. - Maryland.: Silver Spring, 1978.
5. Novoselova G. Fiziognomik. - SPB.:Bibliopolis,1999.
6. Repossi A. Physiognomics or art of determination of character of the person on lines of his face. M.: ARMADA, 2008.
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9. http://crimea-news.org/gallery/7593-kak_vigljadjat_srednestatisticheskie_zhiteli_raznih_stran.html
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