Пректная работа по теме "Extinct animals and plants of Bryansk region"
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Проблема экологии с недавнего времени является одной из главных проблем человечества в 21 веке. Проблемы экологии сегодня становятся не просто главными в осуществлении устойчивого развития общества, но и весьма острыми для самого выживания человека. И это не удивительно. Антропогенное воздействие на окружающую среду достигло угрожающего уровня. Вырубка лесов, уничтожение биосферы, ассимилирующей солнечную энергию, варварская эксплуатация природных ископаемых, охота на редких животных, вредные выбросы и сбросы, отходы производства и потребления нарушают экологический и энергетический баланс нашей планеты и ведут к глобальному изменению климата на Земле, которое с каждым годом становится все ощутимее. Человек, который сам себя назвал «Гомо сапиенс» (человек разумный), очень часто ведет себя далеко не как человек разумный. Зачастую жажда наживы, желание удовлетворить свои потребности любой ценой превалируют в поведении и поступках человека. Главная причина тому – несовершенство социально-экономического устройства нашего общества, где господствует идея получения максимальной прибыли.
В последнее время в Российской Федерации к экологическим проблемам оказывается повышенное внимание. Как известно, 2013-й год был объявлен в России Годом охраны окружающей среды. Уже принято решение, что и 2017 год будет годом охраны окружающей среды. Состоялся ряд важных мероприятий на уровне Президента страны, разработано и принято ряд важных документов, включая экологическую доктрину, основные направления государственной политики в области экологии, федеральные целевые программы по ликвидации накопленного вреда, по охране воздушной среды и водных объектов, включая уникальное озеро Байкал, содержащее 20% мировых запасов пресной воды.
Поэтому актуальность заявленной нами темы заключается в необходимости глубокого изучения данного вопроса. Более подробное изучение экологических проблем, в частности, такие как исчезающие виды растений и животных в Брянской области.
Цель нашей работы: сформировать представление о Красной Книге и познакомиться с растениями и животными, занесёнными в Красную Книгу Брянской области.
Для этого мы поставили следующие задачи:
Сохранение редких видов животных и растений является приоритетной задачей для решения экологической проблемы. Не так ли?
2. Теоретическая часть
The problem of environment protection is actual. Much attention is paid
to the problem of ecology. The present situation is too far complicated. Many
flowers have become rare and vanish. Our useful insects: bees, bumble-bees,
butterflies, dragonflies can’t live in the atmosphere of chemicals and
pesticides. Excessive radiation and transport are harmful to people and
animals. We know that a great number of people all over the world are taking
part in the policy of controlling the atmosphere, the water, the climatic
changes of man’s interference in nature. The problems of environment include a wide range of burning issues: nature destruction and pollution, extermination of wild life on global scale, endangering human health with industrial wastes. I think we may make the Earth a safer and better place. We mustn’t put waste into the seas and rivers and we must stop those who do it. We can’t be indifferent, we must protect animals in danger and increase their population creating favorable conditions. Governments
ought to make tough laws against litter. We must find ways of preventing oil
spills and we must ban cars which use leaded patrol. It is better not to use
products that damage the ozone layer. These problems become very pressing, the
subject of many scientific meetings. Let everybody remember: we live only once
and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who
do not.
By 1948 the world are increasingly began to receive information about reducing the number animals on the planet Earth. So when in 1948, in the French city of Fontainebleau (near Paris) scientists gathered at the international conference on the protection of nature, they decided to make lists of animals, whose numbers from year to year is declining. The work of scientists around the world was led by Englishman Peter Scott. This work had lasted for 14 years.
So, by 1963, scientists all over the world were prepared lists of animals requiring assistance. There were 523 animals. Each animal was devoted to one page. These pages are made up of two volumes. The first volume - from 211 pages, description in distress mammals; volume II - 312 pages, description of endangered birds. A feature of these lists was the fact that information about animals was published on the pages of different colors: red leaves was given to an animal, whose numbers declined to a critical level, which could disappear; for the yellow set of animals, whose numbers have declined due to human use of their habitats; for the whites have been described rare animals that occur naturally in small numbers; grey page talked about little-known animals.
So there was a two-volume book with colorful pages. Except that the pages were colorful, but the name of this book at first glance was unusual - the Red book of nature. But the strange this name seems only at first glance! Imagine that we have come to the crossroads and are going to go to the other side of the road. If we see a red light something we are warned about the danger. Wait! Crossing the road is dangerous! Here is the red color of the book - warning of danger. Wait! Stop it, man, in his conquest of nature! Another ill-conceived action and disappear polar bear, another mindless step - and the next generation will never see the beautiful Northern Orchid...
To save the types of alarming and serious concerns for their fate, was created by the Red book of the Russian Federation. Also in the Russian Federation have passed laws on the establishment of regional Red books to more accurately take account of those with particular protection of animals and plants of the region, as well as deliberately carry out comprehensive measures for their preservation.
Edition and creation of the Red book of Bryansk region in 2 volumes, is made possible in 2004 thanks to the support of the regional Duma and the regional Administration, as well as joint work of scientists from the biosphere reserve "Bryansk forest", the universities of Bryansk, Moscow and Desnyansko-Starogutsky national nature Park of Ukraine.
In the first volume, "the Animals" contains information on the number, distribution, biology, protection measures for rare and threatened of extinction species of our region. It includes 113 species.
In the second volume of the red data book "Plants. Mushrooms" contains information on 133 species of rare and endangered species of plants and 5 species of fungi to be protected at the regional level. Both volumes of the red book contain drawings, maps, color photographs of rare animals.
The Red book of Bryansk region is the official document.
If we speak about the extinction of animals, then it should be noted that by the end of this century nearly a half of all types can disappear. This phenomenon occurs for many reasons. For example, global climatic changes, loss of the native habitat or its elimination, exploitation of animals, unknown diseases and etc.
What measures are taken to keep and defend a plant and animal life in our region and generally on the earth?
For animal protection and plants use reserves, wildlife areas, natural parks and botanical gardens. Experience showed that the best way of protection of rare species of animals and plants is the organization of reserves. The reserve is a site of the territory where on protection to be all natural complex. Business is in that, in naturally undisturbed communities of animals and plants exists favorable conditions for maintaining of population of this or that look. According to the modern representations the look has the complex structure. Only the complex of ecological races and intraspecific forms most fully reflects potential opportunities of a kind. That is why it is very important to keep not separate copies, but the whole populations. Such opportunity is given only by reserves.
Animals of the Red Book of Bryansk region: description
Since the release of the first edition passed more than ten years. During this time, scientists and experts in the field of environmental activities conducted serious research work. Today we have a great opportunity to learn valuable information about the plants and animals living in our region. The scientific information has not only helped to identify the rare flora and fauna of Bryansk region, but also to develop recommendations for their protection.
The region has carried out extensive work on the organization of a number of protected natural areas designed to ensure the territorial protection of endangered species. This helped to save some of the rarest species of flora and fauna in the region.
More than forty species of animals listed in this document. What animals of Bryansk region are in the Red book? There are fox, lynx and badger. Also this category includes such representatives of fauna as:
Power, size, a proud head and a terrible look made him famous in the centuries. The Golden eagles are the largest and cleverest representatives of this species, attaining a weight of over six kilograms, with a wingspan of up to two meters. Their vision is superior to human in eight times. Due to the active settlement of human habitats of Golden Eagles (plains), they almost did not have "living space".
Some animals of Bryansk region from the Red book have been discussed above. And who else from the fauna is recorded in this document? Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds and living creatures on earth that have won worldwide popularity. They called the most high-speed trains, motorcycles. Speed that can develop the peregrine Falcon is more than three hundred kilometers per hour. Previously, these birds are called falcons. The present name is taken from the Kalmyk language.
Is a bird of the grouse squad, changing a white color in winter, variegated in summer. Because of the valuable delicious meat it was hunted by fishers. Their actions have led to a sharp reduction of the subspecies.
Not only animals of Bryansk region, listed in the Red book, need to be protected. You need to tell about insects. For example, the steppe Bumble bee (the bee squad). In connection with the human exploration of the steppes, their plowing and use of pesticides, the habitats of bees were destroyed.
But they are the main pollinators of flowers and plants. Their use in the environment is invaluable.
What other plants and animals of the red book of Bryansk region need to be protected? We have already spoken about the fauna, now I would like to affect the flora. Plants of this region are various. In the majority it is the coniferous forests, meadow steppes, Land meadows. Water and marsh plants are very common. The region has two hundred and forty rare flora, one hundred of which have medical properties.
Shadow sedge - grassy perennial, which is under threat of extinction due to damage to the animals and the change of light forest of shadow. It has a wide medical properties. Its teas help with bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.
Adonis spring. Its other name is Adonis. It has been used successfully for a long time in folk medicine. In ancient times due to the poisonous root used in the baiting of wolves and foxes. Also used to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. Currently the plant is widely used in the manufacture of herbal medicines in cardiac arrhythmia, as it contains large amounts of cardiac glycosides.
The Shoe real - grassy perennial with brightly colored flowers, like shoes. It is of a particular value due to the high content in its composition of vitamins B1, B2, A and P, essential oils, resinous substances, tannin, microelements, tannins. Besides, the plant contains tar, calcium, silicon, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, cobalt in a large amount.
Wolf bark is a low bush, reaching one meter in height. Gives fruit. Because of the content of toxic substances it may cause redness and blistering on the skin. Has antiepileptic, analgesic, laxative and hypnotic medicinal effects. It should be used with great caution due to its toxicity.
Amazing plant is thyme. Used in many spheres of human activity: cooking, cosmetics, medicine and even magic. They fumigate the room to protect from evil spirits. In modern medicine, particularly it is especially valued for its pharmacological properties. Necessary to maintain the health of the human nature, prevents the development of cancer. It has antiseptic properties, eliminates fungus, bacteria, viruses, helminthes and other parasites. There are antioxidants in the plant in large quantities, which contributes to the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular problems. Its use in anemia is invaluable, and the contain of vitamins is amazing.
The people living in the region do not even think of what and how many plants and animals are there who are endangered. This fact is confirmed by results of the questioning which is carried out by us among children of the 2nd, 3rd, 9th and 11th forms of our school. 54 persons were interviewed. We made several questions of animals and plants:
1) Can plants live without animals?
2) Can animals live without plants?
3) What will occur if not to protect the nature?
4) What is the role of plants and animals in the nature and in human life?
5) How can we save the nature?
6) Do you know what is the Red Book?
7) What plants and animals are included in the Red Book of Bryansk region?
In the analysis of the questionnaire we received the following results:
Question No. 1 and No. 2. According to pupils, plants and animals cannot exist without each other. And it is evidently!
Question No. 3. On this question the following possible answers were given:
- "… alive organisms will disappear and there will come the end of the world";
- "… air pollution"
Question No. 4. Pupils of school consider that plants and animals play an important role in the nature and human life.
Question No. 5. Pupils gave similar answers and consider that people have to care for the nature, look after it, not pollute the environment, control the needs, create reserves, and some pupils wrote that it is necessary even to pass laws on preservation of the nature, for example, to limit deforestation, to plant trees. Primary school gave very interesting answers: it is necessary to water flowers, not to pick up them and not to trample down, not to litter, protect plants and to build purification constructions.
Question No. 6 and No. 7. This question was asked only to seniors. Pupils know what is it the Red Book and even gave 2-3 examples of plants and animals which are included in it: black stork, golden eagle, sapsan, bison.
From all this it is possible to understand that many people are interested in consequences of "anti-natural" activity of the person and we are on a right way to an approximation of the solution of one of the most important environmental problem – problem of extinction of rare animals and plants. And we are very glad of this fact! Our nature – is our life!
Working on the project we were convinced that the plant and animal life plays an important role in human life therefore it has to make every effort for its preservation. And as Valentin Borisov said: "Human life is good when there is a lot of unanimity with the nature".
For this purpose we:
1) learned what species of plants and animals are included in the Red Book of the Bryansk region;
2) learned in what places they live;
3) found out the reasons of extinction of animals and plants;
3) established what measures are taken by the person for their preservation.
And we came to a conclusion that the hypothesis is right because, keeping rare species of animals and plants, we can approach the solution of an environmental problem.
Список использованной литературы:
Слайд 1
“ Animals and Plants of the Red Book of the Bryansk region”Слайд 2
The aim of our work : to create the idea of the Red Book and to get acquaintance with the plants and animals included in the Red Book of the Bryansk region. The odjectives: 1) to acquaint with history of creation of the Red Book; 2) to study species of plants and animals which are included in the Red Book of the Bryansk region; 3) to learn the places they live ; 4) to establish what measures are taken by the person for their preservation ; 5) to carry out questioning .
Слайд 3
Hypothesis : preservation of rare species of animals and plants is a priority task for the solution of an environmental problem. Isn't it? Most of people think that animals and plants play an important role in our life but they can`t imagine as a little they remained on the Earth. That`s why our work can be really actual.
Слайд 5
The Red Book of the Bryansk region is the annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms of the Bryansk region. It was prepared by group of scientists edited by Y.P. Fedotov.
Слайд 6
The first edition of the Red Book of the Bryansk region was published in 2004 in 2 volumes. The Red Book of the Bryansk region is the official publication intended not only for experts but for wide range of readers.
Слайд 7
First volume. Animals. In the first volume, "the Animals" contains information on the number, distribution, biology, protection measures for rare and endangered species of our region. It includes 113 species. .
Слайд 8
Second volume. Plants. Mushrooms. In the second volume of the Red Book "Plants. Mushrooms" contains information on 133 species of rare and endangered species of plants and 5 species of fungi to be protected at the regional level. Both volumes of the red book contain drawings, maps, color photographs of rare animals.
Слайд 9
41 species of the animals inhabit in the territory of the Bryansk region. Among them live: steppe bumblebee, golden eagle, sapsan, white partridge, russian muskrat , european bison. Let`s speak about some of them.
Слайд 10
Golden eagle (беркут) Power, size, a proud head and a terrible look made him famous in the centuries. The Golden eagles are the largest and cleverest representatives of this species, attaining a weight of over six kilograms, with a wingspan of up to two meters. Their vision is superior to human in eight times. Due to the active settlement of human habitats of Golden Eagles (plains), they almost did not have "living space".
Слайд 11
Peregrine Falcon ( сапсан ) Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds and living creatures on earth that have won worldwide popularity. They called the most high-speed trains, motorcycles. Speed that can develop the peregrine Falcon is more than three hundred kilometers per hour. Previously, these birds are called falcons. The present name is taken from the Kalmyk language.
Слайд 12
Russian desman (русская выхухоль) Russian desman - insect-eater mammal of the family of moles, striking in their unusual appearance. Prefer to inhabit in those animals of the red book of the Bryansk region in reservoirs of water with little dry land. In the old days, the muskrat actively hunted, which led to a sharp decrease in the number.
Слайд 13
European bison Bison - the last European representative of wild bulls. This the largest and heavy land mammals on the European continent. Its length makes more than three meters and weight reaches to one ton. This is a herbivore animal.
Слайд 14
Steppe bumblebee (степной шмель) Not only animals of Bryansk region, listed in the Red book, need to be protected. You need to tell about insects. For example, the steppe Bumble bee (the bee squad). In connection with the human exploration of the steppes, their plowing and use of pesticides, the habitats of bees were destroyed.
Слайд 15
The region has two hundred and forty rare flora, one hundred of which have medical properties. Shadow sedge (Теневая осока) - grassy perennial, which is under threat of extinction due to damage to the animals and the change of light forest of shadow. It has a wide medical properties. Its teas help with bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.
Слайд 16
Adonis Spring (Адонис весенний) Rare species.The Russian name of this flower "adonis" is probably given it for bright yellow flowers, as it is burning in the sun. Still it call starodubky. The plant is poisonous, livestock is not eaten. In medicine it is used at heart troubles.
Слайд 17
Wolf bark ( Волчье лыко ) is a low bush, reaching one meter in height. Gives fruit. Because of the content of toxic substances it may cause redness and blistering on the skin. Has antiepileptic, analgesic, laxative and hypnotic medicinal effects. It should be used with great caution due to its toxicity.
Слайд 18
The people living in the region do not even think of what and how many plants and animals are there who are endangered. This fact is confirmed by results of the questioning which is carried out by us among children of the 2nd, 3rd, 9th and 11th forms of our school. 54 persons were interviewed. We made several questions of animals and plants:
Слайд 19
1) Can plants live without animals? 2) Can animals live without plants? 3) What will occur if not to protect the nature? 4) What is the role of plants and animals in the nature and in human life? 5) How can we save the nature? 6) Do you know what is the Red Book? 7) What plants and animals are included in the Red Book of the Bryansk region?
Слайд 20
In the analysis of the questionnaire we understood that many people are interested in consequences of "anti-natural" activity of the person and we are on a right way to an approximation of the solution of one of the most important environmental problem – problem of extinction of rare animals and plants. And we are very glad of this fact! Our nature – is our life!
Слайд 21
Conclusion Working on the project we were convinced that the plant and animal life plays an important role in human life therefore it has to make every effort for its preservation. And as Valentin Borisov said: "Human life is good when there is a lot of unanimity with the nature". And we came to a conclusion that the hypothesis is right because, keeping rare species of animals and plants, we can approach the solution of an environmental problem.
Слайд 22
A few plants are included in the Red Book. If we do nothing on their protection, they can disappear absolutely, and people who will live after us, will not see them. It is impossible to be indifferent to a problem of preservation of disappearing plants, they are decoration of the modern reality!
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Астрономический календарь. Октябрь, 2018
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