Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Две столицы".
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ZVENIGOROD работу выполнила Бекеша Анна 6а класс МБОУ СОШ № 76, п. Гигант 2016 годСлайд 2
Zvenigorod работу выполнила Бекеша Анна 6а класс МБОУ СОШ № 76, п. Гигант 2016 год
Слайд 3
Zvenigorod stand on the River Moskwa 65 km to the west of Moscow . It is one of the oldest cities situated near Moscow.
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People think that Prince Yury Dolgoruky founded Zvenigorod in 1152 just as he founded Moscow in 1147. As well as Moscow the city has its Kremlin with a beautiful 14 th century cathedral .
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There is also a big monastery in Zvenigorod which once was a residence of Tsar Alexei. The monastery has a long and interesting history.
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We don’t know why this city has the name of Zvenigorod . One of the days of old there were many churches in the city .
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The bells of the churches rang and people could hear their ringing far from the city. They said “ Gorod zvenit “ which gave the name to the city.
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