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THE DANGER OF DIETING SMIRNOV FEDOR 5 “b ” school 180 English teacher Lesakova E.n .Слайд 2
Who uses the diet ? Diet used to lose weight of athletes and dancers, stars show business, housewife and business lady. Anyway, everyone who wanted to lose weight, at least once in life have restricted themselves in food. But diets can be dangerous for health, especially in that case, if a person has health problems.
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What are main clams to diet ? Diets are the most effective method to reduce body weight in a short time and without much physical effort . Fast weight loss, unbalanced nutrition are the main claims to the diet by doctors.
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what can happen? The result of the hunger or restrictions of the food a re attack of pancreatitis , problems with the liver.
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what can happen? Another problem of diet is deficiency of minerals and vitamins: calcium , iron , sodium , vitamin D, C. I n this case develops anemia, which is manifested by weakness, problems with nails, hair and skin, nervous system, eyesight and sleeping.
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What is important… Competent process of losing weight must start with finding out why the extra weight came from.
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What is the main harm of diets ? People who are on a diet, are under stress. They are depressed, upset because they have to restrict your diet when all around are eating what they want. Sitting on prolonged diets can be d a ngerous.
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What is the main harm of diets ? Perhaps people will become skinny, but to become healthy again it is unlikely.
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conclusion Formula an ideal shape is simple: proper nutrition+lots of movement+great mood. The result is guaranteed.
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thank you for attention
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