Успех в современном мире во многом определяется способностью человека организовать свою жизнь как проект: определить дальнюю и ближайшую перспективу, найти и привлечь необходимые ресурсы, наметить план действий и, осуществив его, оценить, удалось ли достичь поставленных целей. Многочисленные исследования, проведенные как в нашей стране, так и за рубежом, показали, что большинство современных лидеров в политике, бизнесе, искусстве, спорте - люди, обладающие проектным типом мышления. Сегодня в школе есть все возможности для развития проектного мышления с помощью особого вида деятельности учащихся - проектной деятельности.
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Signs and superstitions in England and Russia .Слайд 2
Plan 1) Introduction. 2) Main part : a)Definitions of signs and superstitions. b)Origins history of signs and superstitions in England and in Russia. c)Similarities of English and Russian superstations. d)Differences between British and Russian superstitions. 3) Conclusion.
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The aim of the work analyze sings and superstitions in the UK and Russia.
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My task to define the concept of "signs" and "superstition"; find the history of the origins of superstitions and sings; point out the similarities and differences between English and Russian superstition and sings; classify English superstitions and omens.
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Reasons of choosing this theme Firstly, the people speak about signs and superstitions a long time. Historians, writers ,, philosophers . Secondly , I would like to know the interests of the culture and customs of other countries, particularly the UK. Knowledge of folklore, such as proverbs, signs, fairy tales, folk songs and legends give us understanding of the country, makes it clear in its history and customs of the people.
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. Signs and superstition play a main role in our lives. This fact has been proved in the survey of people of all ages, ranging from five years. Results of the survey showed that 15% of respondents strongly believe in sings, and always follow the rules related to the superstition (look in the mirror, if there is something left home, wearing talismans against the evil eye, and so on). 82% reporting showed that they believe in sings and selectively follow whatever rules, but always follow the traditions and customs that are associated with the holidays, which are also a manifestation of superstitions. Only 3% of respondents say that they do not believe in sings.
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The superstition is the belief in something supernatural, mysterious, in omens and signs. In ancient times, people have tried to explain the events occurring around them, taking in attention the level of their knowledge. They did not know much about the Sun, Moon, stars, comets, etc. So they judged them on the basic of its experience and tried to protect themselves from their influence. As a result of this astrology was a religion. But the development of science celestial bodies give us clearing and understanding. People still believe that, for example, seen a meteor brings good luck, and thus, these beliefs became superstitions. It is interesting to note that in the Orthodox religion any superstitions are considered a sings. Superstitions have existed since the dawn of civilization to nowadays. Millions of people around the world are still infected and superstitions are not going to give them up.
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Examples of superstition in England Black cats bring good luck and prosperity. If a black cat sneezes near the bride means young happiness. If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck . The numbers 7,3 and 8 are generally considered the most successful ones. Черные коты приносят удачу и достаток . Если черная кошка чихнет недалеко от невесты - молодым счастье. Если вы разобьёте зеркало, вы навлекаете на себя семь лет неудач. Цифры 7,3 и 8, как правило, считаются самыми удачными.
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Examples of superstitions in Russia Кто разорит гнездо ласточки, у того будут веснушки . После смерти родственников вы не должны употреблять алкоголь 40 дней. Вы не должны шить новую одежду ребёнку до года. Домовой стучит и возится по ночам, выживая хозяина. Мыло за пазухой спасает от порчи. Who destroys the nest of the swallow, that will have freckles. After the death of the parents you must not drink alcohol forty days . You must not sew the new clothes to a child before 1 year. Domovoy knocks and survives during the nights making the owner leave his house. Soap in the bosom saves from spoiling.
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Signs are events or phenomenon that are popularly considered a harbinger of something . Despite the fact that Russian culture is very different from English it there are a lot of the same sings and superstitions. First of all it marks - common throughout the world, lucky and unlucky numbers; superstitions about mirrors; ceremony on general holidays and some signs associated with animals. Its not surprising that people almost always follows the traditions associated with the conduct of the holidays. Traditions seem to us so commonplace that we do not identify with their superstitions. In the meantime, if you delve into the history and analysis many traditions,you can see that the traditions and superstitions and superstition, and all sorts of customs and rituals have common origins.
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Similarities of English and Russian superstitions . Despite the fact that Russian culture is very different from English, and our country took a different historical path, we have a lot of the same sings and superstitions. The first common sing between 2 cultures is the meaning of the number. There are common lucky and unlucky numbers, superstitions about mirrors and weather conditions . So, let's look why the number 13 is unlucky for all people. Many hotels do not have floors at number 13 - the account goes from the 12th to the right 14. Many hotels do not have room at number 13. Many people never invite to dinner 13 people. Oddly enough, but there is no single universally accepted explanation of the origin of the superstition associated with the number 13.
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Differences between British and Russian superstitions . Both the United Kingdom and Russia as well as many other countries are known of their richness of the culture, traditions and folklore. First of all, we must remember that the majority of people in our country is Orthodox And the majority of people living in the UK is Catholics. We can survive this fact on the example of a popular holiday in the UK, as Halloween that we do not celebrate. If we talk about the subject that is connected with the superstitions we can say about a mirror. You can already see the difference between Russia and the West. In Russia, the mirror was long considered taboo subject, the source of witchcraft and evil forces that can take away the soul of the beholder.
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Conclusion At the end of my research I would like to summarize the role of superstition in our lives. Signs and superstitions appeared many centuries ago even millennia ago. Ancient people have tried to explain the world so as they had imagined. This was the cause of many superstitions and sings. And, despite the fact that most of them are substantially free of truth, people continue to believe them, and so it should be. Man can not know everything, and then he will continue to speculate and hypothesize about how the world works. We are all a little superstitious. This is the nature. We explored some of the superstitions of Great Britain and Russia, we discovered something new.
Слайд 14
. During the work I had been given a comparative analysis of sings and superstitions in Russia and England, studied and developed classification of superstitions. I also got acquainted with the culture, history and spiritual life of the Russians and the English. Superstitions and omens, being a part of the culture of people, have always been and will remain relevant, despite the development of the economy and technology progress. Other time, superstitions and omens will be a feature of the people, the object of attention and study. Our life becomes easier when you know the truth.
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List of literature . 1. http:// nsportal.ru / ap /library/ nauchno-tekhnicheskoe-tvorchestvo /2013/08/31/ issledovatelskaya - rabota - na - temu - skhodstva -I 2. http:// school.org.ru /files/ Erudit / gidkich.doc
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