Данная презентация может быть использована на уроках английского языка для введения темы "Молодежные организациии и их субкультуры" в старших классах. Стимпанк — это жанр научной фантастики, показывающий цивилизацию, в которой были в совершенстве освоены технология паровых машин и механика. Как правило, стимпанк подразумевает стилизацию под эпоху викторианской Англии (вторая половина XIX века) и эпоху раннего капитализма с характерным городским пейзажем и контрастным социальным расслоением.
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Steampunk The presentation is made by Filippova DariaСлайд 2
Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery, especially in a setting inspired by industrialized Western civilization during the 19th century.
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Therefore, steampunk works are often set in an alternate history of the 19th century's British Victorian era or American "Wild West", in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has regained mainstream use, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power . Steampunk may also, though not necessarily, incorporate additional elements from the genres of fantasy, horror, historical fiction, alternate history, or other branches of speculative fiction, making it often a hybrid genre.
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Because of the popularity of steampunk , there is a growing movement towards establishing steampunk as a culture and lifestyle . Some fans of the genre adopt a steampunk aesthetic through fashion , home decor, music, and film. This may be described as neo-Victorianism, which is the amalgamation of Victorian aesthetic principles with modern sensibilities and technologies .
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It was suggested that because steampunk was inclusive of and encorporated ideas from various other subcultures such as goth , neo-Victorian, and cyberpunk as well as a growing number of fandoms, it was fast becoming a super -culture rather than a mere subculture.
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The birth of the genre Though many works which are thought to be steampunk were published in 1960-s and 1970-s, this term was invented by writer Kevin Jeter in the end of 1980-s. He was trying to fing general term for such works as «The Anubis Gates» (Tim Powers, 1983), « Gomunculus » (James Blaylock, 1986), and his own works « Morlock Night» (1979) and «Infernal Devices» (1987). In all these works, the world is on the level of technology of XIX century, and storytelling style imitated Victorian fiction, such as HG Wells' novel "The Time Machine.“
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First steampunk books
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Some specific elements of the steampunk world can be considered:
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Technology, based on the principles of mechanics and steam engines which have reached high degrees of development: the locomotives , steam-driven civil and warships ( ocean liners and dreadnoughts), steam carriages, airships, primitive airplanes, robots and other mechanisms, made of riveted metal , copper pipes and wood.
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Gas and partly candle lighting of streets and houses. Urban entourage: chimneys of red brick, murky sky dirty-gray color, smog, cobbled streets, street gas lamps, stores, shops, theaters and urban slums. Accordingly, the total gloomy atmosphere.
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Weapons of the Industrial Revolution and its variations: revolvers, single-shot and magazine rifles, early examples of automatic rifles. The limited use of bladed weapons, such as swords, sabers and knives. Special accessory - a blade, placed inside a cane.
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Also it is common to have some kind of prosthetics - lost body parts or structures are replaced with mechanical additions
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Clothing and accessories Victorian England: Aristocrats wear cylinders and coats, pants and shirts with lace. Ladies are in corsets and crinolines with bonnet on their head and stockings with garters on the feet. S moking pipes is common, as well as a pocket watch on a chain, canes, etc.
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Как представляли себе будущее в далеком 1960-м году
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