Youth - future of our country
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Y outh Problems Выполнила ученица 10Б класса МБОУСОШ 54 Чепелова Валерия Г. ТулаСлайд 2
All people have problems. We can solve some problems but some problems are very hard to solve. There are a lot of teenagers in our country. A teenager is a person from thirteen to nineteen years of age. And young people here face as many difficulties as grown-up people do. For example, the most popular problems of youth How to find the good friend? First love Problems in a family Difficulties at school Alcohol D rugs C igarets
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The first problem is to choose a good friend. Presently it is very difficult to find the loyal friend. Each of us can betray. It is necessary to choose friends correctly. Only one can become the best friend. It always will help with a difficult situation. Good friend
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Problems in a family One of the most important problems is “a generation gap” - the problem of fathers and sons. Teens usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don’t understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. They often treat us like small children. Some teens even begin drinking alcohol or smoking just to show that they are grown-ups.
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First love Another problem of the youth is the problem of love. Young people fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. It is regrettable, but the young are not always ready to have stable relations. For a happy family life two people must understand and respect each other.
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The school ages are also very difficult. We do a lot of homework and even have no time to go for a walk or do whatever we want. Another problem in school – marks. And we try to do our best to have good marks. It is a problem to get a good education. It is necessary to pay for a good education. I think it is difficult to learn English, for example, without additional classes. I can't enter the Institute without good knowledge. To get it, it is necessary to pay for it and have heavy expenses. Many good teachers leave schools because they haven't got enough money. Persons without special experience can't teach the pupils well. School
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Unemployment One more problem should be stressed. It’s the problem of the youth unemployment. The number of young people looking for job is constantly increasing. They are looking for job not only for the sake of earning money, but because they want to be independent from their parents. Job gives the young people a chance to adjust themselves to the real life of adults and stir their ambitions. School-leavers can be part-time workers, seasonal workers and so on. In general, their job is not welcomed. Very often preference is given to adult people. will save the world there is no work there is no work photographer
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Alcohol Drugs The most great problem among youth is using alcohol, drugs, tobacco smoking. The man, who use alcohol or drugs lose his strength for the will, he brings suffering to his members of the family. Do you know that every year three million people die of smoking? Do you know that your life is 25% shorter if you smoke? But in Russia more than 76% smoke. If you want to be healthy and strong you should give up your bad habits. Tobacco smoking
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Youth - future of our country
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