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Щекин Тимофей, ученик 7 А класса МБОУ – ООШ № 25, г. Армавира, Краснодарского края Куратор: Варютина Ирина ИвановнаСлайд 2
Healthy way of life
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Introduction To be healthy is very important. You can work, learn, and have fun only when you are healthy. Health is man’s greatest wealth. The modern concept of health is defined as the general physical , mental , and emotional ability to function effectively and in harmony with one's environment . If you are ill, nothing seems nice.
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Many physicians believe that obesity is one of the greatest threats to good health. Overweight people often have shorter lives and are also more apt to contract such diseases as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, arthritis, and various disorders of the digestive system.
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Physical Fitness and Exercise There are two basic types of physical fitness: health-related physical fitness and motor-related physical fitness. Despite some overlap between these classifications, major differences exist between them. Health-related physical fitness is primarily influenced by an individual's exercise habits. Thus it is a dynamic state subject to change. Characteristics that determine health-related physical fitness are strength and endurance of skeletal muscles, joint flexibility, body composition, and cardio respiratory endurance.
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Exercise The physical training of the human body to improve the way it functions is known as exercise. Exercise can be categorized as either active or passive . Exercise involving voluntary physical effort such as walking, swimming, bicycling, and jogging is known as active exercise. Passive exercise involves a machine or the action of another person. It includes many physical therapy techniques .
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The vitamins needed by humans are divided into two categories: water-soluble vitamins (the B vitamins and vitamin C) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). The water-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the intestine and carried by the circulatory system to the specific tissues where they will be put into use. The vitamins
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Sleep and Rest Sleep is essential to good health. Without the proper amount a person becomes nervous, irritable, and physically fatigued.
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There are also some bad habits, which can ruin your healthy. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. I think these habits show your weak character. So if you want to be healthy you have to give up smoking or drinking.
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Health Statistics Russia USA Great Britain Men Women Teens Men Women Teens Men Women Teens Obesity, % 20 30 10 31,1 33,2 25 22,3 23 20 Alcohol consumption, litres/person a year 10,32 8,61 11,75 Smoking, % 70,1 26,5 26 26,3 21,5 - 36,7 34,7 - * * World Health Organization
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World Statistics
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