Эта работа была представлена на Всероссийский конкурс "Мир, в котором я живу".
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Работу выполнила Юдкина Софья ученица 4 класса МОУ Уметская сош р.п. Умет Тамбовская область Руководитель: Абдурахманова Галина Расуловна, учитель английского языкаСлайд 2
Hello! My name is Sonya. My surname is Yudkina. I am 9 . I live in Umyot. I want to tell you about my family.
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I have a father. I have a mother. I have a sister. I have no brother. This is my father He takes me to school He is demanding Clever and cool This is my mother Kind and brainy Attractive and pretty And not very angry This is my sister I get along with her We always play together And don’t swear anymore And now about myself. I am a pupil of the 4 th form. I am good at all subjects. But my favourite is English. At the English lessons we read texts, dialogues. We learn by heart poems , draw pictures, play interesting games . I take part in different competitions. I am the winner of the phonetic competition, laureate of the regional festival “Famous people of our district” I want to be an English teacher and hope my dream will come true. I love Mother, she loves me, We love Daddy, yes, sire. He loves us and so you see, We are a happy family.
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The letters in the words are mixed. Make the words. T he orbr T he af r mother brother T he om r Ts e is r Fmy a il Tsp a e r n father sister family parents
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фото из семейного архива Юдкиной Софьи размещены с разрешения родителей; http://miranimashek.com/index/0-89 - анимация букв; http://dashaanimashka.beon.ru/16879-676-animashki-na-temu-smaily.zhtml - смайлы; стишки, представленные в работе, собственного сочинения; http://www.solnet.ee/parents/pp_en01.html - стихотворение « A Happy Family »
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