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Игнатова Виктория Юрьевна
Сайт учителя английского языка
Профессия: учитель английского языка
Профессиональные интересы: Sometimes I take part in ASEF Classnet on-line projects
Увлечения: I like reading,sport
Регион: Московская область
Место работы: МОУ Лицей 14
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
Since ancient times, a fairy tale teaches us to be kind and fair, teaches forgiveness, trust and love. Fairy tales help to transport us into a magical world, hundreds of years back or forward. In fairy tales everything is possible. Probably, that’s why it is a favorite genre both for adults and children. Fairy tales teach us to be good friends, because when you are not alone, you can overcome any trouble. But the most important is to have a kind heart, because good always triumphs over evil.
Poems and stories are needed for children to develop language and imagination. They help children to develop imaginative thinking. Nursery rhymes and fairy tales train the memory and expand horizons of thinking of the child. Rhyming text is easier for children to perceive, so they like to listen to nursery rhymes.
They come from the heart of a loving parent and depict original characters and stories, which you cannot hear anywhere else.
О себе
My name is VIKTORIA. I’m a teacher of English and work at school # 14 in Moscow Region. My native town is Zhukovsky. It’s the centre of aviation. Sometimes I take part in ASEF Classnet on-line projects.
Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
Great Gatsby
Мой взгляд на мир
Мои достижения
Моё портфолио
My name is VIKTORIA. I’m a teacher of English. My native town is Zhukovsky. It’s the centre of aviation. Sometimes I take part in ASEF Classnet on-line projects.
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