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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Цель работы - собрать наиболее интересные факты из жизни представителей Королевской семьи нашего времени и обобщить полученную информацию в единую работу Задачи: Провести анкетирование среди учащихся школы с целью выявления уровня страноведческих знаний Ознакомиться с имеющийся информацией по этой теме в литературе (как на русском, так и на английском языке) и в Интернете Систематизировать полученные знания и оформить для использования учителем английского языка на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности Методы: Интервьюирование Информационный поиск сведений -2-
Анкета Знаете ли Вы государства в Европе, где до сих пор правит монарх? Ваше отношение к данному типу правления в наши дни. Назовите, если знаете, представителей Королевской семьи Англии любого времени. -3-
Королевская семья Великобритании -6-
Последовательность членов королевской семьи на наследование престола: Принц Чарльз Принц Уильям Принц Генри Принц Эндрю Принцесса Беатрис Принцесса Евгения Принц Эдвард Леди Луиза Виндзор Принцесса Анна Питер Филипс Зара Филипс -7-
Елизавета II -8-
Монограмма -9-
Диана, принцесса Уэльская -10-
Елизавета II и ее семья -11-
Филипп, герцог Эдинбургский Герб Филиппа Эдинбургского -12-
Принц Эндрю, герцог Йоркский и Сара, герцогиня Йоркская -13-
Библиография Келли К. Королевская семья Англии (книга первая). – Москва: издательство «Аст», 1999 Келли К. Королевская семья Англии (книга вторая). – Москва: издательство «Аст», 1999 Моррис М. Прекрасный принц. Speak Out , 2003, №4, стр. 16-17. Кидд Н. Счастливый принц. Speak Out , 2003, №6, стр. 16-18. Питер Данелли Жизнь и смерть принцессы – Москва: издательство «Внешсигма» Patrick W.Montague-Smith “The Royal Line of Succession” – Great Britain, 1986 Interactive disc “The Royal Family”, English in Action – Москва , ЗАО « Новый Диск », 2002 http://ru.wikipedia.org -14-
Игра «Счастливый случай» на тему «ROYAL FAMILY QUIZ» 1 гейм – Разминка 2 гейм – Узнай героя 3 гейм – Что любит и не любит королева 4 гейм – Кроссворд 5 гейм – Королевское генеалогическое дерево -15-
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с новым грамматическим материалом, активизировать использование нового грамматического времени в речи.
Remember! Простое будущее время ( Future Simple Tense ) обозначает действия, которые совершатся в неопределённом или отдалённом будущем.
Remember! Правильно говорить о действиях и событиях, которые будут происходить в будущем, тебе помогут вспомогательные глаголы SHALL или WILL
I We shall Skate
He/She/It You They will skate
Remember! В разговорной речи англичане употребляют WILL во всех случаях, хотя знают правило про WILL и SHALL! В разговорной речи часто используют сокращение ‘ll.
Слова-спутники будущего времени: tomorrow - завтра, next week – на следующей неделе next year- в следующем году in two years (...days,...months...) - через два года (...дня,...месяца..) …
Compare : He will skate. . He will not (won’t) skate. not . Will he skate ? ? Yes, he will. No, he will not (won’t).
Расскажи одноклассникам, что ты будешь делать завтра. Воспользуйся моделью:
Расспроси друга о том, что он будет делать завтра. Используй модель: ?
Thank you!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world.
London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its population is about 7 million people.
It consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End.
The West End The best places of the West End
Buckingham Palace
Kensington Gardens
St.James's Park
Here are the historical places as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker's Corner is also here.
The Queen's Residence The Queen's Residence was built in 1870 for Samuel Barnard, a vice president of the Paper Company.
The 1700’s the Queen's Residence was a gift from Henry Ford.
Big Ben He name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.
This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster, it was given to the Dean of St. Paul's by William III. Before returning to Westminster to hang in its present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858. The BBC first broadcast the chimes on the 31st December 1923 - there is a microphone in the turret connected to Broadcasting House.
The East End To the east the large area called the East End. This is London’s poorest part. The very large riverside in the East End make London one of the three largest parts in the world.
Founded nearly a millennium ago and expanded upon over the centuries since, the Tower of London has protected the city Tower of London
It has been the seat of British government and the living quarters of monarchs, the site of renown political intrigue, and the repository of the Crown Jewels.
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the finest bridges in the World.
The City of London The City extends over an area of about 2.6 square kilometres in the heart of London. It is the financial centre of the UK with many banks, offices and Stock Exchange. But the City is also a market for goods of almost every kind, from all parts of the world.
Museums and art galleries of London. Tate Gallery
London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery .
A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate founded it in 1897.
There are about 300 oils and 19000 watercolours and drawings.
The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. The present building was built in 1852.
By law a copy of every book, periodical and newspaper, published in Britain must be presented in the British museum.
This collection is so vast that only a very small percentage of it is on show to the public.
The famous places in the London
The original Globe Theatre was built in 1599 by the playing company to which Shakespeare belonged. Globe Theatre
Trafalgar Square
The Cathedral of Saint Paul
Piccadilly Statue on border the city of London
Cleopatra's Needle
Queen Victoria Memorial
THE END Project by Kate Shabalina. 10 - b
Предварительный просмотр:
Список учебных пособий по английскому языку ля 7 класса:
- Наговицына О.В-Английский язык. 7 класс. Рабочая программа к УМК Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули. ФГОС
- Апальков В.Г.-Английский язык. 5-9 классы. Рабочие программы. Предметная линия учебников "Английский в фокусе"
- Базаркина Е.Л-Английский язык. 5-11 классы. Нестандартные уроки по учебнику Т.Б. Клементьевой, В.П. Кузовлева
- Бурмакина Лариса Викторовна-Ролевые игры на уроках английского языка
Художественная литература по английскому языку для 7 класса:
- Конан Дойл Артур - Рассказы. Домашнее чтение
- Уайльд Оскар-Портрет Дориана Грея. Рассказы. Домашнее чтение
- Paola Traverso-Dorothy
- Jack London-The Call of the Wild
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест по английскому языку.
7 класс.
1 вариант.
1.Choose the right verbs
How long … you…the book?
A) has, been
B) have, been
C) have, read
D) are, read
E) has, read
2. Answer the question
What is the capital of Great Britain?
A) Ottawa
B) Paris
C) Astana
D) Washington
E) London
3. Choose the right form of plural nouns:
A) Baby
B) Babys
C) Babies
E) Babyes
4. Find the right verbs:
It ……………for 3 hours already.
A) have been snowing
B) have snow
C) has snow
D) has been snowing
E) snow
5.Find the opposite word:
A) Interesting
B) Kind
C) Big
D) Patient
E) Rude
6. Answer the question:
What does the traditional British Sunday lunch consist of?
A) Yorkshire pudding
B) Apple cake
C) Milk and toast
D) Bread and butter
E) Bacon and eggs
7. Choose the right modal verb:
I…. get up early on Mondays.
- Is to
- may
- able to
- have to
- must
8. Find the right form of the verb:
My brother … at the theatre yesterday.
- Am
- Is
- Are
- Were
- Was
9. Choose the right word:
There … a lot of bread on the table.
B) were
C) are
D) weren’t
10. Choose the right word:
There was only……butter left.
A) A few
B) A little
C) Many
D) The
E) A
11. Choose the right verb:
My brother … a bread last year.
A) have grown
B) had grown
C)have grew
D) grew
12. Find the right word:
Cardiff is the capital of……
A) England
B) Wales
C) Northern Ireland
D) Scotland
E) Britain
13. Choose the verb in the right form:
He ………….back home. Here he is.
- has come
- came
- come
- have come
- came
14. Find the right article
She has got… lovely smile.
A) The
C) An
D) A
E) Any
15. Choose the right word :
There is…. milk in the bottle.
- few
- many
- little
- an
- are
16. Choose the right form
New hospital ………..by the Queen.
A) were opened
B) open
C) opening
D) opens
E) was opened
17. Choose the right word:
He did the work……
A) Herself
B) Myself
C) Itself
D) Himself
E) Themselves
18. Choose the right form of the verb:
Bread is … every day.
- eat
- eaten
- eating
- eats
- eated
19. Write the right word:
We …going to visit Picture Gallery. We are interested in Kazakh art.
B) were
C) been
D) are
E) was
20. Write the necessary pre"">I rely…my friend.
- at
- with
- on
- –
- after
Контрольный срез по английскому языку.
( 7 класс)
2 вариант.
- Choose the right variant
He ………… French since 2001.
- Has studied
- Have studied
- Have studying
- Is study
- Are studied
2.Answer the question
What is the capital of the USA?
A) London
B) Washington
C) New York
D) Astana
E) Berlin
3. Choose the right form of plural noun:
A) Tooth
B) Tooths
C) Teeth
D) Teeths
E) Toothes
4. Find the right verbs:
Why are you hot? I …...........all the way.
- Has been run
- Have been running
- Has run
- Has been running
- Is running
5. Find the opposite word: Kind
A) Patient
B) Big
C) Wicked
D) Polite
E) Beautiful
6. Answer the question:
What does the British Supper consist of?
- Yorkshire pudding
- Bread and butter
- Roast potatoes
- Cornflakes
E) Omelet, sausages
7. Find the right form of modal verb
The policeman told the woman she…….worry.
- Needn’t
- Couldn’t
- ought
- mustn’t
- couldn’t to
8. Choose the right word:
My sister … in Astana last month.
- is
- were
- am
- was
- are
9. Find the right word:
There … many books in the bag.
B) –
C) am
D) do
E) are
10. Write the right word:
It took her …….minutes to make coffee.
A) Much
B) A little
C) A few
D) The
E) A
11. Choose the right verb:
We…….. dictation now.
- write
- are writing
- wrote
- is writing
- writes
12. Find the right word:
Belfast is the capital of…..
- Northern Ireland
- England
- Scotland
- Paris
- The USA
13. Choose the right verb:
She …….the picture today.
- painted
- has painted
- paint
- have painted
- are painting
14. Find the right article:
Four times …day.
A) Any
B) An
C) The
D) A
E) -
15. Find the right word:
There are…. books on the shelf.
- Few
- Little
- An
- A
- Small
16. Choose the right form:
My book …….by my friend.
A) Taken
B) Takes
C) Was taken
D) Were taking
E) Was took
17. Choose the right word:
Sasha and Omar built the house…….
A) Myself
B) Herself
C) Himself
D) Ourselves
E) Themselves
18. Choose the right translation of the sentences:
This picture is always looked at.
А) Эту картину всегда можно увидеть.
В) На эту картину всегда смотрят.
С) Эту картину всегда видно.
D) Эта картина всегда смотрелась.
Е)Эта картина всегда смотрится.
19. Put the necessary word
He …..going to tell you an interesting story.
- Am
- Is
- Been
- Are
- Be
20. Put the necessary preposition:
I am afraid…dogs.
- in
- off
- at
- of
- on
Вариант 1:
1C 2E 3 С 4D 5E 6 A 7D 8E 9 E 10 B 11D 12 B 13A 14D 15C 16E 17D 18B 19D 20C
Вариант 2:
1A 2B 3C 4B 5 C 6E 7A 8D 9E 10C 11B 12A 13B 14D 15A 16C 17E 18B 19B 20D