KID's ENGLISH CLUB - play, grow and learn together
Dear kid's parents! HERE WE ARE!
NOW you can find some different materials are connected with our English classes - songs, books, video, pictures
Study with us. Enjoy your study!
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Предварительный просмотр:
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? | Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? |
(Mother's Day Song) I love my mommy, I love my mommy I love my mommy, yes I do. Here's a kiss and a hug for you Thank you mommy for all you do Happy Mother's Day, Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day, I love you. | I love my mommy, I love my mommy I love my mommy, yes I do. Here's a kiss and a hug for you Thank you mommy for all you do Happy Mother's Day, Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day, I love you. Happy Mother's Day, I love you. |
( презентуем себя) Hello, hello! How are you? I’m fine! Thank you Hello, what’s your name? My name is …. And what is yours? My name is And what is yours? (Let’s be friends for years) | Hello, hello! How are you? I’m fine! Thank you Hello, what’s your name? My name is …. And what is yours? My name is And what is yours? (Let’s be friends for years) Hello, hello! How are you? I’m fine! Thank you Hello, what’s your name? |
1/One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your head. Head! 2/One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your nose. Nose! 3/One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your chin. Chin! 4/One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your arm. Arm! | 5/One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your leg. Leg! 6/One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your foot. Foot! Put it on your leg. Leg! Put it on your arm. Arm! Put it on your chin. Chin! Put it on your nose. Nose! Put it on your head. Head! Now let’s wave goodbye. Goodbye! |
(время суток, настроение) 1/Good morning! Good morning! How are you? I’m fine! Thank you! | 2/Good afternoon! Good afternoon! How are you? I’m not good ! O, no! 3/Good evening! Good evening! How are you? I’m great! Thank you! |
(тело, эмоции)
1/If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands. If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands. If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands, clap your hands. If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands. 2/If you’re angry angry angry, stomp your feet. If you’re angry angry angry, stomp your feet. If you’re angry angry angry, stomp your feet, stomp your feet. If you’re angry angry angry, stomp your feet. | 3/If you’re scared scared scared, say, “Oh no!” If you’re scared scared scared, say, “Oh no!” If you’re scared scared scared, say, “Oh no!” Say, “Oh no!” If you’re scared scared scared, say, “Oh no!” 4/If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy, take a nap. If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy, take a nap. If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy, take a nap, take a nap. If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy, take a nap. 5/If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands. If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands. If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands, clap your hands. If you’re happy happy happy, clap your hands. |
(новогодняя) 1/ I'm a little star, hanging on a tree. See the little children dance around me. CHORUS Tra-la-la, tra-la-la Tra-la-la, la-la-la Tra-la-la, tra-la-la Tra-la-la, la 2/ I'm a candy stick, hanging on a tree. See the little children dance around me. | CHORUS (припев) I'm a pretty angel, hanging on a tree. See the little children dance around me. CHORUS I'm a bright light, hanging on a tree. See the little children dance around me. CHORUS |
ABCDEFG HIJK LMNOP QRS TUV WX YZ Now I know my ABC Next time want you sing with me | ABCDEFG HIJK LMNOP QRS TUV WX YZ Now I know my ABC Thank you for singing with me |
A is for apple, aaa apple B is for ball, bbbb ball C is for cake, cccc cake D is for dance , dddd dance E is for egg, eee egg F is for fish, fff fish G is for glove, ggg glove H is for heart, hhh heart I is for igloo, iii igloo J is for jump, jjj jump K is for key, kkk key L is for lamp, lll lamp M is for monkey, mmm monkey | N is for nose, nnnn nose O is for old, ooo old P is for puppy, pppp puppy Q is for queen, qqq queen R is for rainbow, rrr rainbow S is for sun, sss sun T is for tail, ttt tail U is for umbrella, uu umbrella V is for vase, vvv vase W is for wheel, www wheel X is for box, xxx box Y is for yellow, yyy yellow Z is for zebra, zzzz zebra |
There were 10 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 9 There were 9 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 8 There were 8 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 7 There were 7 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 6 There were 6 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 5 | There were 5 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 4 There were 4 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 3 There were 3in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 2 There were 2 in the bed And little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And One felt out 1 There were 1 in the bed And little one said “Good night, good night!” |
Open, Shut them / Open , shut them Open, open, shut shut shut! Open, Shut them / Open , shut them Open, open, shut shut shut! Forward and back / Forward and back, Forward, Forward , Forward Forward back, back, back Forward and back / Forward and back, Forward, Forward , Forward Forward back, back, back! Happy and sad / Happy and sad Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Sad, Sad, Sad! Happy and sad / Happy and sad Happy? Happy, Happy, Happy Sad, Sad, Sad! | Hot and cold / Hot and cold Hot , Hot , Hot , Hot Cold, cold, cold! Hot and cold / Hot and cold Hot , Hot , Hot , Hot Cold, cold, cold Yes and no / Yes and no Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes No, no, no. Yes and no / Yes and no Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes No, no, no. Good morning, good night Good morning, good night Good morning, Good morning good night! Good morning, good night Good morning, good night Good morning, Good morning good night! |
Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O the fields we go Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight | CHORUS Oh, Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun It is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun It is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh |
Предварительный просмотр:
The 28 of April, 2018
# | The title | Participants |
OPENING Ceremony | ||
1 | The song “ Good morning , afternoon and night” | Groups #3 and #11 |
2 | The poem “ Names” | Denis Ostapchuk |
3 | Dance and sing “Rain, rain go away!” | Varya Petina Yulia Grishaeva Sonya Kharlukova Alice Telicina Zlata Petrushenko Lera Pneyva Milana Naguslaeva Yanzhima Badmaeva Alina Maltseva |
4 | The song “Finger song- UP and Down” | Group #5 |
5 | Dance and sing “Opposite song” | Roma Chebaevsky Yaroslav Panteleev Vadim Ivanov Patin Tolya Slava Sergeev Egor Vlasov Dima Plusnin Elisey Stupakov Grisha Grydin Zakhar Kaporsky |
6 | The song “ABC ” | Groups #9-10 |
7 | The poem “We see” | Slava Sergeev |
8 | The scene “ The turnip” | Lenya Tkachev – the grandfather Yanzhima Badmaeva - the grandmother Zhenya Razumova– the grandaughter Alina Maltseva – the dog Varya Petina – the cat Alice Maltseva – the mouse |
9 | The Closing ceremony. Certificates Picture | Liza Butko The Teachers |
Предварительный просмотр:
Dave and Ava - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs - YouTube
Chu-Chu TV YouTube rain rain go away
Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs - YouTube
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Целевая аудитория 5-6 лет Срок реализации 1 год 2 раза в неделю по 30 мин Основана на программе “ Изучаем Английский язык – от 5 лет ” Александрова О.В. Носит модифицированный характер
Цель программы: Формирование умения и навыка общения на английском языке на основе различных видов детской предметно-практической деятельности
Новизна и актуальность: Навыки фразового общения на английском языке; Накопление начального объема знаний, для освоения программы обучения английскому языку в начальной школе.
Формы организации занятий при реализации программы Игры Практические занятия Аудирование В изуализация Организация творческой работы
Формы подведения итогов по реализации программы Участие в праздниках Открытые занятия Инсценировка сказки
Ожидаемый результат К концу года дети должны знать: Л ексический материал по темам занятий Наизусть стихи и песни. К концу года дети должны уметь: Понимать на слух элементарную английскую речь в нормальном темпе в предъявлении преподавателя; Уметь здороваться, представлять себя, прощаться, благодарить, извиняться., поздравлять.Представлять членов своей семьи Рассказывать о животных Понимать инструкцию учителя по выполнению заданий .