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Предварительный просмотр:
- Express the same in English:
- В пять я все еще гулял с собакой. Я не мог тебе позвонить.
- На днях я купила две новые книги. Они очень интересные.
- Я бы хотела сходить в театр снова. Вчера мы были на спектакле, он нам очень понравился.
- – Что ты обычно делаешь в два часа дня? – Я обычно отдыхаю после обеда.
- Мы видели Машу, когда стояли и разговаривали около школы. Она шла куда-то одна.
- Погода была ужасная. Шел дождь, и никого не было на улице.
- Ты мог зайти. Я сидел в комнате и просто смотрел телевизор.
- Он подошел к окну и закрыл его. В комнате было холодно.
- Make the right sentences:
- the, book, paper, of, made, is.
- made, bread, the, is, from, flour.
- what, spoken, is, language, Spain, in.
- eaten, for, what, usually, lunch, is.
- shown, TV, today, is, what, on.
- already, read, newspaper, the, is.
- now, already, is, the, bank, built.
- the, written, letter, already, is.
- Express the same in English:
- Много еды покупается каждый день в магазинах.
- Меня все поблагодарили. Я был очень рад помочь.
- В этой семье молоко не пьют. У них всех аллергия на него.
- Подарок спрятан в шкафу в маминой комнате.
- Эта информация обычно долго хранится. Ты тоже ее храни.
- Много красивых зданий строится каждый день в нашем городе.
- Из чего сделан этот стул? Мне кажется, он сделан из пластика.
- Приглашено более пятидесяти человек на эту вечеринку.
- Make sentences using neither … nor …:
- daisy, poppy
- theatres, cinemas
- skate, ski
- write, read letters
- tea, coffee
- play football, basketball
- do the shopping, washing up
- tall, small
- Open the brackets and make the story complete:
Last night somewhat at 8 o’clock I (walk)1 before going to bed. I (pass)2 by my neighbour’s garden where there (be)3 so many beautiful flowers. I (can)4 (see)5 white lilies, scarlet poppies and different roses. They all (give)6 a pleasant smell, some (be)7 in blossom at that moment. I always (walk)8 there as I (like)9 the place. My nieghbour (be)10 fond of gardening for a long time and he (plant)11 various flowers every year.
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- Make the sentences passive:
Example: We buy fruit in shops. – Fruit is bought in shops.
- They built a lot of beautiful shops nowadays.
- We wash dishes twice a day.
- We bake cookies every Sunday.
- They make cream from milk.
- In our office they report new information every morning.
- They speak different languages in this publishing house.
- You spell this word incorrectly.
- They always turn off the TV after 9 p.m.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Check the usage of the articles in the following sentences. If necessary make corrections.
- What a great flowers! ______________________________________
- What a fine weather!______________________________________
- What a interesting story!___________________________________
- What nice green ball!______________________________________
- What white snow!_________________________________________
- What an yellow daffodil!___________________________________
- What a beautiful primroses!_________________________________
- What a thick fog!_________________________________________
- Express the same in English.
- – Когда приносят молоко? – Обычно молоко приносят рано утром около семи часов.
- – Что делают в саду весной? – Обычно в мае сажают цветы и разные овощи.
- – Где продают лекарства? – Лекарства обычно продают в аптеках.
- – Кто обычно играет в футбол? – Обычно в футбол играют мужчины или мальчики, но иногда в футбол играют женщины.
- – Этот словарь часто используется в работе студентов? – Да, это очень хороший словарь, его часто покупают в нашем магазине.
- – Какие программы показывают вечером? – Вечером обычно показывают фильмы и развлекательные передачи.
- – В каких странах говорят на китайском языке? – Я думаю, что только в Китае говорят на китайском языке.
- – Кто обычно посещает этот музей? – Наш музей обычно посещают люди, которые интересуются разными растениями.
- Complete the dialogues using the example.
Example: – I would like strong black coffee.
– Here it is./Here you are.
- – Please pass me the sugar. – _____________________________________
- – Will you give me a napkin? – ____________________________________
- – I’d like my coffee with milk. – ___________________________________
- – May I have two more forks? – ___________________________________
- – Two ice-creams for me. – _______________________________________
- – Could you pass me the bread, please? – ____________________________
- – Two lumps of sugar, please. – ___________________________________
- – Three coca-colas, please. – ______________________________________
- Express the same in English.
- Что было сделано в прошлом году?
- Какие книги были куплены летом?
- Что было сказано, то было сказано.
- Посуду помыли два часа назад.
- В 1948 было построено два красивых дома в нашем районе.
- Где были написаны эти слова?
- Кого показали в передаче по телевизору?
- Сколько писем было отправлено на прошлой неделе?
- Transfer the following sentences using the passive voice.
1. They didn’t read the book last term.
2. We didn’t see the film yesterday.
3. I didn’t make the report last Friday.
4. The mother didn’t cook dinner yesterday.
5. The hunter didn’t kill the wolf.
6. The girl didn’t meet her friends at the station.
7. They sent several fresh newspapers to us.
8. They cut down forests all over the world.
9. Factories pollute air in big cities.
10. They protected wild animals in the north of the country.
Предварительный просмотр:
For the 6th form - Indirect Speech
Write the sentences in Indirect Speech
- She says:”I go to school every morning at 8.”
- She says:” We’ll be here in time.”
- She says:” I haven’t found a knife.”
- She says:” I was ready ten minutes ago.”
- She says:” They weren’t playing tennis when I saw them.”
- She says:” I went to the library yesterday.”
- She says:” John is sitting over there.”
- She says:” I ‘ll buy the tickets tomorrow.”
- She says:” Don’t be late, Ann!”
- She says:” Put the flowers into the vase, Jane!”
- She says:” Don’t talk when I’m listening to music, Tom.”
- She says:” Make tea for us, Ann.”
- She says:” Don’t come home late, Nick.”
- She says:” Turn back, children.”
- She says:” Get up at once, John.”
- She says:” Wash up the dishes, Mary.”
- She asks:” Was the film interesting?”
- She asks:” Does your grandma live with you?”
- She asks:” Can you come to our party?”
- She asks:” May I come in?”
- She asks:” Did you change your plans?”
- She asks:” How long have live in this flat?”
- She asks:” What was the result?”
- She asks:” What colour are these flowers?”
Предварительный просмотр:
Reported Speech 2
- Mary wants to know what Susan said to their friend Barbara about her trip to Edinburgh:
- The weather is very nice today.
Susan told Barbara that _______________________________________
- The sky is clear and there is no cloud in it.
- We have decided to make a trip to Edinburgh.
- My mother and I have wanted to go to Edinburgh for a long time.
- We are going to visit the famous castle there.
- They say it is a very beautiful place.
- Many people come to see Edinburgh every year and we also want to visit this ancient capital now.
- Two days ago we met an old friend of my mom’s who is staying in Edinburgh at the moment.
- We are happy that we have seen one of the most popular sights in the world.
- There is antique furniture, carpets and ancient vases in the castle.
- Make the necessary changes in the following sentences according to the rules of the reported speech:
- He didn’t remember he had told me about it yesterday.
- Everybody asked me if I passed the exam or not today.
- I told my uncle that last year we visited our grandmother.
- Bob admitted that he had broken mom’s vase today.
- I was writing a letter to a friend now and was going to send it tomorrow.
- She said they got married only a month ago.
- They all wondered why our boss had come here.
- When he asked me about this book I said I hadn’t seen this book today.
- Put in said or told.
- Kate … she had many pets at home.
- Sam … me that Robert didn’t like porridge.
- Mother … her son to go to the dentist.
- My cousin … he could ski well.
- She … us her knowledge of French was good.
- Check the usage of the articles in the following sentences. If necessary make corrections.
- What a great flowers! ______________________________________
- What a fine weather!______________________________________
- What a interesting story!___________________________________
- What nice green ball!______________________________________
- What white snow!_________________________________________
- What an yellow daffodil!___________________________________
- What a beautiful primroses!_________________________________
- What a thick fog!_________________________________________
- Write that you are going to do the same things.
- Sally is learning English.
- Bill can ride a bike.
- Mum is tired.
- Grandpa likes dancing.
- They like cold weather.
- She has been to India.
- Sue went to the cinema very often last year.
- They need a holiday.
- Write 5 kinds of questions to the sentences.
- My parents watched TV the other day.
- My parents are watching TV at the moment.
- My parents have already watched TV.
- My parents were watching TV at 7 pm yesterday.
- My parents often watch TV.
- My parents will watch TV next Sunday.