Лексико-грамматический материал в помощь ученикам
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Family Conflicts
Family conflict is one of the most important problems nowadays. Kids and teenagers don`t want to act their ages and want to look and act like adults. They smoke, drink alcohol, and enter drug sub-cultures. They surf the internet and play computer games all day and night long. Many teenagers enter sub-cultures like goths and graffitimakers, wear strange clothes and haircuts, and come home late. Their parents don`t like these things and have arguments with their children. Sometimes teens run away from their homes because they think that nobody understands them. Sometimes teenagers have interests and values different from those of their parents. That sets a conflict between two generations, which leads to a gap in mutual understanding. Traditional disagreements are: the time to come home at night, doing work about the house and the friends to spend time with.
2. Family Responsibilities:
A mother: Shopping, Washing up, Sweeping the floor, Setting the table, Making money, Cleaning, Making dinner
A father : Watching TV, Lying on the sofa, Taking out rubbish
A child: Doing homework ,Making bed Walking the animals, Relaxing
Children ignore their parents; Parents don`t approve of their children`s friends; Parents want their children to obey them
Sometimes parents do not care about their children. It is exactly at that age when young people need a piece of advice or help. Different TV programmes and magazines for the young come to their rescue. In case of need you can also dial a special telephone number, the so-called 'telephone of trust'. But it's not the way out. Parents should help their children and find the way to talk to them so as to make everything clear. Being able to view the problems more rationally, they should try to do their best to resolve them. We need to learn to talk our problems over in our family. If we are able to do it, everything will be all right.
Conflict in politics
The second group of conflicts is political. Political conflicts can be a real threat (угроза)for people and for states, because they lead to wars. What does the word «war» mean? War always means economical and cultural death of the countries: damage of industry and agriculture, distraction of natural resources and cultural values. But the most serious consequences of wars are human victims. The World War 2 is one of most dramatic conflicts of the twentieth century. Just imagine over 26million people were died during war in Russia. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights appeared soon after World War 2. People in many countries suffered greatly in that war. They hoped that the declaration would help to prevent future wars. But since that time, there has not been a time on our planet without war.
- We should remember that we are different and everybody has the right to disagree with other people’s point of view.
- To use sense of humor, do not let your emotions to get out of your hands.
- We must respect each other’s opinion.
- Not to be afraid to say “Sorry” and ask for somebody’s advice.
- Do not use words that may hurt other people.
Every day you are in contact with people whose values are different from yours. And you have the right to disagree with their values. But you should understand that other people also have the right to be different from you. You must respect the right of other people to have ideas that differ from your ideas. People who respect each other’s ideas can resolve conflicts in a peaceful way. If people resolve conflicts peacefully, they will have better relations in the future.
Ways to resolve conflicts
- Present itself on a place of this person.
- Be just and tolerant people.
- Find a solution acceptable to the both parties to the conflict.
- To realize the right to exist another point of view.
- Learn to hear and listen to others.
- Remember that any conflict can be resolved peacefully.
We consider that is better to avoid the conflicts!
Conflicts at school
- I would like to speak about school conflicts today. I consider, that this problem is very important and can be interesting to any person of my age. Each of us has lots of conflicts at school. They can happen between students, between students and teachers and even among teachers, students and their parents. I have chosen the variant of the conflict where it can take place between teenagers at school.
Firstly conflict situations based on insults, envy and gossips (оскорбление). Unfortunately this happens very often among teenagers. Boys prefer insult each other and the result of it are fights during the breaks. Girls like to gossip very much, they discuss appearance, study, teachers, classmates and many many other things. The result of such behavior can lead to strong conflict situation.
Secondly conflict situations based on lack of understanding (непонимание сверстников ). Some students are less talkative, they have only one or two friends, their thoughts are not the same of the majority of the people. So the rest students try to ignore and to insult them sometimes.
The third cause is the fight for leadership. Every student wants to be a leader. All like to command and to be a center of any group. But not all pupils can hold the lider's duties. That mostly depends on the character of the person. If any has lots of attention, he starts to behave like a pop start or the president. The rest don't like it - and here you are - a conflict situation.
The fourth cause is a white crow (белая ворона). That annoys, when you are not like the others. When you have different style, points of view, interests. You become a stranger among the class. nobody communicate with you. That is really bad and a lot of conflicts happen on this ground.
My favorite fifth cause - love and relationship between boy and a girl. Fights, quarrels, love triangles, broken hearts, undivided love. I saw hundreds of love conflicts at school. The main reason, that love conflicts among teenagers can lead to sad consequences (последствия).
- Why do these conflicts happen?
- because of personal psychological features of the pupil;
- because of breaking the standards of the behavior;
- because of age features;
- because of life experience.
I think all of you will agree with me.
Предварительный просмотр:
Полезные фразы английского языка
1 Fillers, или фразы — заполнители пауз
1.1 Well,... Это "Ну", которое ближе к "Итак"
1.2 I think,... тоже можно замаскировать раздумье, но в более ограниченном числе случаев.
2 Уклончивые ответы
2.1 It depends Уникальное "Это зависит [от разных причин]"
2.2 This and that - То и се. — What sort of music do you like? — Well, this and that. / Well, it depends.
3 Согласие
3.1 Yes, please! В ответ на поступившее предложение - абсолютный чемпион. За исключением ситуации с предложением о браке: Will you marry me? - Здесь положено отвечать Yes, I will! Советуем также избегать ошибочного Yes, thank you! - поскольку вторая часть зарезервирована для стандартного отказа: No, thank you.
3.2 (Yes,) of course! 3.3 (Yes,) sure!
И 3.2 и 3.3 хороши в качестве абсолютного согласия. В совcем уж формальных ситуациях подойдет согласие дворецкого:
3.4 Certainly, (sir)!
3.5 You bet! — Неформальное
3.6 I agree. Универсальное согласие с утверждением собеседника. 3.7 Right you are! = Вы абсолютно правы!
4 Фразы для магазинов.
4.1 How much (is it)? = Сколько стоит (это)? Абсолютный чемпион. Можно купить, все, что угодно, с помощью этой фразы и ОК
4.2 Here you are.= Вот, возьмите.
4.3 Can I have a (sandwich, please)? = Могу я получить (сэндвич)?
4.4 I'll leave it.= я оставлю это (в смысле, не беру, не покупаю).
4.5 I'll have it. = Я возьму это. (В смысле, покупаю)
4.6 Cash, please. / Credit card, please. = Наличные, пожалуйста. / Кредитная карта, пожалуйста. Это - в ответ на вопрос "How would you like to pay?" = Как желаете оплатить?
5 Встреча и прощание
5.1 Hello!
5.2 Hi! менее формально, чем
5.1 5.3 How are you? = Как поживаете, как дела?
5.4 Bye! (Bye-bye!)
5.5 See you! = Увидимся
5.6 Have a nice time! = Хорошо провести время! универсальное пожелание, независимо от того, чем человек собирается заниматься - работать или развлекаться
6 Несогласие и сомнение
6.1 I don' think so. Решительное несогласие с собеседником.
6.2 Really? Это может быть сказано с разной интонацией, и соответственно, выражать полное несогласие - на одном полюсе, и поощрение собеседника.
7 Универсальные вопросы
7.1 What about TV? [cinema, swimming, walking, playing football….] Безусловный чемпион. Не забывайте только, используя после What about глагол, прицепить к нему ing
8 Фразы - зеркала
8.1 Same to you! = И вам того же!
8.2 The same [, please]! - В ресторане и в любой родственной ситуации выбора дает возможность использовать выбор, сделанный перед вами.
8.3 And you? = А вы?
8.4 What about you? = Как насчет вас?
9. Фразы типа "Я подумаю" Let me see./ Let me think. = Дайте подумать. Произносится задумчиво, можно поставить впереди Well,
10. Показываем, что есть проблема, или нет проблемы. No problem! No problems! It's a problem! = Это проблема! It's not a problem! = Это не проблема! It's difficult! = Это трудно! It's easy! = Это легко!
11. Выход из экстремальной ситуации
11.1 ...I mean... = ...то есть...; ...я имею в виду...
11.2 I'm sorry. = Я сожалею. ; Я вам сочувствую. ; Извините меня.; 11.3 I don't know what to say. = Не знаю, что сказать.
12. Фразы типа "Ничего страшного"
12.1 That's OK. = Все в порядке.
12.2 It doesn't matter. = Это не имеет значения.
13 Выражения времени
13.1 Right now! = Прямо сейчас!
13.2 Not now. = Не сейчас.
13.3 Later. = Позднее.
13.4 Some other time. = В другой раз.
13.5 Ages/for ages = долгое время/в течение долгого времени. Второе выражение применяется в ответ на вопросы с How long
14 Фразы типа "Успокойся!" и "Давай!" Take it easy! = Не бери в голову/Успокойся/Не волнуйся/Отнесись к этому легко/Не парься Come on! = Тоже фраза широко спектра действия. 1) Давай!/Пошли!/Пошел!/Вперед!/Взбодрись и пошел! 2) Эта фраза может также быть использована в значении Ну, пожалуйста.
15 Вносим разнообразие пословицами и поговорками.
15 Разное 15.1 Fair enough Буквальный перевод - Достаточно справедливо. То есть, эта фраза ближе всего к выражению согласия. Но это - не согласие с предложением, во всяком случае, не всегда, а, скорее, согласие с оценкой ситуации собеседником.
16.2 That's it! (That is it!) Наиболее точно ее можно перевести так: Это все!
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Советы по изучению английского.
Топ-10 ошибок, которые русские делают в английском
Teach/Learn Поскольку оба слова часто переводятся на русский как «учить» («учить английский» и «учить английскому»), то многие на первых порах их путают. Эта ошибка, конечно, присуща совсем начинающим, но, тем не менее, напомню: teach – отдавать знания, а learn – получать их.
Make/Do А эти два слова путают не только новички в английском. Во-первых, есть некоторое количество устойчивых выражений с этими словами, которые нужно просто запомнить. Во-вторых, если попытаться вкратце сформулировать различие между ними, do используется, когда мы чем-то занимаемся (do the housework, do exercises), а make – когда что-то создаем (make a cup of tea, make a mess).
Must/Have to Мои ученики стремятся во всех случаях использовать must. Ну сказали им в школе, что должен = must, и теперь они используют это слово и чтобы дать совет, и чтобы обозначить необходимость, и для всего остального. Между тем, must означает скорее вашу собственную уверенность в том, что что-то необходимо, а have to – необходимость, вызванную внешними обстоятельствами. Сравните: I have to be home by ten. (My parents told me so.) - Я должен (вынужден) быть дома к десяти. (Мне так велели родители). I must be home by ten. I have a very difficult day tomorrow. (It is my own decision.) - Я должен быть дома к десяти. У меня завтра очень тяжелый день. (Это мое собственное решение).
Last time/Recently Многие пользуются методом буквального перевода с русского на английский и решают, что последнее время по-английски будет last time. Логично, да? Но вы-то знаете, что last time – значит в прошлый раз, а в последнее время – recently. Place/Room И то, и другое часто означает «место». Но place – это место в смысле «занятое пространство», а room – это свободное место, пространство, которое можно занять.
Except означает «за исключением». А besides – «помимо». По-русски это можно выразить одним словом – «кроме» – поэтому многие путаются. Но сравните: Candidates need to demonstrate other qualities besides intelligence; they need to be compassionate and restrained, too. (Кандидаты должны продемонстрировать и другие качества, помимо ума; они также должны быть отзывчивыми и сдержанными). Brazil borders on every country in South America except Chile and Ecuador. (Бразилия граничит со всеми странами Южной Америки, кроме Чили и Эквадора).
Decide/Solve Еще один случай, когда одно русское слово – «решать» – может по-разному переводиться в зависимости от контекста. Decide – принимать решения, а solve – решать задачи или проблемы.
I agree/I am agree Очень многие не хотят считать agree глаголом и ставят перед ним ту или иную форму глагола «to be». Но если вы хотите с чем-нибудь согласиться, то правильно будет сказать просто I agree – Я согласен.
If + will Необходимо запомнить, что эти два слова не употребляются вместе. То есть, та часть предложения, которая содержит условие, не должна содержать will (несмотря на то, что имеется в виду будущее время). Например: If it rains tomorrow (условная часть) I will stay at home (основная часть). (Если завтра будет дождь, я останусь дома).
Feel/Feel oneself Часто можно услышать фразу вроде «I feel myself bad» в смысле «Я плохо себя чувствую». НИКОГДА так не говорите, если не хотите вызвать как минимум недоумение, а то и смех. Чувствовать себя по-английски будет просто feel. А feel oneself означает совсем другое. Что именно – писать не буду, погуглите, если еще не знаете ;)
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу предлоги вместо пропусков.
1 There are very many German books … their library. – В их библиотеке очень много немецких книг.
2 Our friends have seen nobody … the beach. – Наши друзья никого не видели на пляже.
3 Your son dropped his ball … the river. – Твой сын уронил в реку свой мяч.
4 There are no tomatoes and no cucumbers … Jane`s plate. – На тарелке Джейн нет помидоров и огурцов.
5 John must put his pens … his pencil-box. – Джон должен сложить свои ручки в пенал.
6 What did your teacher write … the blackboard? – Что ваш учитель написал на доске?
7 Our children will see many interesting animals … the Zoo. – Наши дети увидят в зоопарке много интересных животных.
8 Do you have anything … your pockets? – У вас есть что-нибудь в карманах?
9 Mary doesn`t want to sit … this chair. – Мэри не хочет сидеть на этом стуле.
10 Our granny is not … the house. She is … the garden. – Наша бабушка не в доме. Она в саду.
11 Jane puts newspapers and magazines … the box. – Джейн кладет газеты и журналы в ящик.
12 My husband likes to sleep … this sofa. – Мой муж любит спать на этом диване.
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложенные словосочетания на английский язык, обращая особое внимание на то, на какой вопрос отвечают зависимые от глаголов слова – «где?» или «куда?».
Прыгнуть в холодное озеро, купаться в реке, играть на траве, играть в шахматы, положить в ящик для игрушек, хранить под креслом, ходить в музыкальную школу, учиться в техническом университете, поступить в университет, прийти к друзьям его брата, продавать в магазине, поехать в южные страны, поставить у кухонного окна, спать на полу, находиться в пенале, жарить на большой сковороде, варить (= кипятить) в кастрюле, смешивать в стакане, положить на полку, загорать на пляжах, нырять в море, уронить в суп, работать в городском парке, сидеть на новой скамейке, ложиться в постель, ехать на трамвае, сесть в машину, сидеть за круглым столом, прыгнуть на стол, путешествовать на автобусе, залезть на большой дуб, отдыхать на побережье.
Упражнение 3. Вставьте соответствующие предлоги времени вместо пропусков.
1 Jennifer is going to come here … the eighth of December. – Дженнифер собирается приехать сюда восьмого декабря.
2 Our pupils had the last test … Wednesday. – Последняя контрольная работа была у наших учеников в среду.
3 Jane`s elder brother was born … January, 1999. – Старший брат Джейн родился в январе 1999 года.
4 My relatives will fly to Tunisia … five days. – Мои родные полетят в Тунис через пять дней.
5 Our children stay in the swimming-pool … two hours. – Наши дети останутся в бассейна на два часа.
6 George got up … 04.40 a.m. a day before yesterday. – Позавчера Джордж встал в 04.40 утра.
7 Renate was going to the library … classes. – После уроков Рената собиралась пойти в библиотеку.
8 Their boss will be busy … 16.00 … 19.00. – Их босс будет занят делами с 16.00 до 19.00.
9 Your parents will stay there … the performance. – Во время представления твои родители будут находиться там.
10 Jack wants to go to Africa … the long cold winter. – Перед долгой холодной зимой Джек хочет съездить в Африку.
11 You will get your invitation … noon. – Ты получишь свое приглашение в районе полудня.
12 My cousin has been working in this famous company … 2005. – Мой двоюродный брат работает в этой знаменитой компании с 2005 года.
13 Sarah will not be able to read that report … such a short break. – Сара не будет в состоянии прочитать тот доклад в течения такого короткого перерыва.
14 They came back to their hotel … seven o`clock p.m. – В районе семи часов вечера они возвратились в свой отель.
15 Gloria helped them … 06.00 a.m. that morning. – В то утро Глория помогала им с шести часов (утра).
16 He has driven … five hours. – Он ездит на машине уже пять часов подряд.
17 That person went to Germany … seven weeks. – Тот человек ездил в Германию на семь недель.
Упр.4. Поставьте необходимые предлоги.about in at with to of for on
My sister will arrive … the station … 9 o’clock the morning. (Моя сестра прибудет на станцию в 9ч.утра.)
Look … that beautiful photo … my baby daughter. (Посмотри на эту красивую фотографию моей малышки дочки.)
I’m hungry. What’s … lunch today? (Я голоден. Что на обед сегодня?)
This is the highest mountain … the world. (Это самая высокая гора в мире.)
What do you usually do … weekends? (Чем ты обычно занят в выходные?)
We are going … the party … Saturday. (Мы идем на вечеринку в субботу.)
I bought a new pair … sunglasses … the chemist’s. (Я купила новую пару солнечных очков в аптеке.)
What do you know … Scotland? (Что ты знаешь о Шотландии?)
The postman came … a letter … my Dad. (Почтальон пришел с письмом для папы.)
Did you speak … the boss … your salary? (Ты поговорил с боссом по поводу твоей зарплаты?)
Sam lives … home … his mother. (Сэм живет дома с мамой.)
Can you help me … my drawing? - … course I can. (Ты можешь помочь мне с рисунком? – Конечно, могу.)
I met my future husband … a queue … the bus stop. (Я познакомилась со своим будущим мужем в очереди на автобусной остановке.)
Justin is … Kristy’s house. (Джастин находится у Кристи дома.)
The diagram is … page 76 … the left. (Схема – на странице 76, слева.)
2. Выберите из скобок подходящий предлог.
Does she come … (at/in/to) school … (on/by/in) bus? (Она приезжает в школу на автобусе?)
My office is … (near/near to/near with) the stadium. (Мой офис находится рядом со стадионом.)
Kevin often goes abroad … (in/on/for) business. (Кевин часто ездит заграницу в командировку.)
All the notices in the streets were … (on/by/in) French. (Все вывески на улицах были на французском.)
What’s interesting … (on/in/at) TV … (on/at/in) the moment? (Что интересного по ТВ в данный момент?)
Sorry. I took your bag … (on/for/by) mistake. (Извини. Я взяла по ошибке твою сумку.)
Shall we go … (for/on/to) a walk? (Мы пойдем на прогулку?)
Kira is happy, she is … (on/in/with) love. (Кира счастлива, она влюблена.)
We are waiting … (for/at/by) the rain to stop. (Мы ждем, когда остановится дождь.)
Is Sophie good … (in/on/at) roller-skating? (Софи хорошо катается на роликах?)
Is Tim interested … (at/in/by) marketing? (Тим интересуется маркетингом?)
I’m afraid … (by/with/of) big crowds of people. (Я боюсь больших скоплений народа.)
The forest was full … (with/of/by) mosquitoes. (Лес был полон комаров.)
The patients are listening … (of/to/at) Mozart. (Пациенты слушают Моцарта.)
Our plans depend … (on/from/in) the weather. (Наши планы зависят от погоды.)
We are … (out/of/out of) peaches. Could you go and buy some? (У нас закончились персики. Не мог бы ты сходить и купить немного?)
I guess he annoys me … (for/on/in) purpose. (Думаю, он раздражает меня специально.)
I’m tired of swimming … (on/at/in) the sea. Let’s go to the swimming pool … (for/in/by) a change. (Я устала плавать в море. Давай пойдем в бассейн для разнообразия.)
My wife spends hundreds of euros a month … (for/in/on) her nails … (in/on/for) average. (Моя жена тратит сотни евро ежемесячно на ногти, в среднем.)
Our teacher is … (in/on/at) a good mood today. (Наш учитель в хорошем настроении сегодня.)
3. Используйте верный предлог времени (in, on, at, for, since, during).
She has been in Africa … February. (Она находится в Африке с февраля.)
Dan has had his design studio … several years. (Дэн имеет свою дизайн-студию в течение нескольких лет.)
The fishing season is to start … a couple of weeks. (Рыболовный сезон начнется через пару недель.)
The kids worked on a farm … their summer holidays. (Дети работали на ферме во время летних каникул.)
My car will be ready … 3 days. (Моя машина будет готова через 3 дня.)
My sister’s birthday is … September. (День рождения моей сестры в сентябре.)
I am often very tired … Friday evenings. (Часто я очень уставший по вечерам в пятницу.)
It’s too cold here … winter. (Здесь слишком холодно зимой.)
I got my driving license … 2004 … the age of 23. (Я получил водительские права в 2004 году в возрасте 23 лет.)
We always visit our parents … Christmas. (Мы всегда навещаем родителей на Рождество.)
Задайте к следующим предложениям специальные вопросы, начиная со слов в скобках.
1. Robert’s sister likes black coffee in the morning. (What …? Whose …? What kind of …? Why …? When…?)
2. My dad went fishing to the lake with his brother twice a month. (Who …? Where …? Who … with? How often …?)
3. They will book a room at a hotel in Madrid during their honeymoon. (Who …? Where …? When …?)
4. I have just seen our neighbor in the supermarket. (Whom …? Whose …? Where …?)
5. There are five polar bears in the zoo. (Who …? How many …? What kind of …?)
6. Bob was a successful businessman because he owned 3 clothes stores in New York. (Who …? Why …? How many …? Where …?)
7. I can see hundreds of bright stars in the sky now. (Where …? When …? How many …?)
8. Julia is cooking Mexican food in the kitchen. (Who …? What kind of …? Where …?)
3. Выразите свое сомнение или удивление, образовав разделительные вопросы.
1. Ella misses her mother. (Элла скучает по своей маме.) 2. Our receptionist isn’t friendly. (Наш администратор недружелюбен.) 3. These skyscrapers were built before the war. (Эти небоскребы были построены до войны.) 4. He will run a private hospital. (Он будет руководить частной клиникой.) 5. You don’t respect your boss. (Ты не уважаешь своего босса.) 6. She has made a final decision. (Она приняла окончательное решение.) 7. Your dog can crawl under a chair. (Твоя собака умеет проползать под стулом.)
8. Sam and Kate are going to become vegetarians. (Сэм и Кейт собираются стать вегетарианцами.)
Задание 4. Поставьте вопрос к подлежащему.
- Tony has married.
- This city was occupied by fascists.
- Today we will attend a new museum.
- His car needs urgent repairing.
- Darla cooked a tasty cake yesterday.
Предварительный просмотр:
Итоговый тест для 8 класса и стартовый тест для 9класса
Лексико – грамматический тест по английскому языку за курс основной школы Вариант №1
- Употреби правильный глагол:
The police _______ for witnesses.
a) are looking
b) is looking
- Подберите нужное определительное местоимение.
Some people like football,_____ hate it.
- other
- others
- another
- Образуй наречие от прилагательного : slow
a) slow
b) slowness
c) slowly
- Вставьте необходимый предлог
I`m looking____ a tall man with fair hair and blue eyes.
- for
- at
- to
- Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.
Did you see ____ film yesterday? It`s very interesting.
a) the
b) a
c) -
6. Вставь подходящее наречие
It`s ___ cold for me to go out.
- too
- enough
7. Вставь подходящее слово
When Bob was 16, he was a fast runner, he _____ run 100 meters in 10 seconds.
- managed to
- could
- can
- Закончите предложение, вставив нужный модальный глагол .
Where`s Jane? I don`t know, she ________ in the cinema.
- must be
- could be
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
Nikita Mikhalkov ______ a lot of films.
- made
- have made
- has made
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
You look tired. – I ___________ computer games all night.
- have been playing
- played
- was playing
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
He became successful after he ______ his first novel.
- has written
- had written
- wrote
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
We saw you last night. You _______ for a bus at the bus stop.
- waited
- were waiting
c) have waited
13. Выберите подходящие глаголы для II типа условно- придаточного предложения, когда условие нереальное.
If I ____ a lot of money, I _____ travel a lot.
- have, will
- had, would
14. Переведите следующее предложение из прямой речи в косвенную.
The patient said “I`m feeling sick” .
Начни со слов:
The patient said ____________________________________________________________
15. Выберите верное правильное местоимение
Our teacher asked ______ to do the task.
- both of us
- neither of us
16. Напиши предложение, расставив слова в предложении в правильном порядке.
likes/Jane/for her granny/buying/some flowers.
17. Задайте разделительный вопрос к данному предложению.
You are going to pass examination in History, ……. ?
- don`t you
- aren`t you
- are you
18. Употребите глагол в правильной форме
I`d _____ to live in a skyscraper.
- to like
- liking
- like
1 вариант
1a,2b,3c,4a,5a,6a,7b,8b,9c,10a,11b,12b,13b,14 she was filling sick 15a,16 Jane likes buying some flowers for her granny. 17b,18c
Лексико – грамматический тест по английскому языку за курс основной школы Вариант №2
1. Употреби правильный глагол:
My family _______ to move to Liverpool.
a) have decided
b) has decided
- Подберите нужное определительное местоимение.
Have you got any ______ slippers?
- other
- others
- another
- Образуй наречие от прилагательного : cheap
a) cheap
b) cheaply
c) cheapness
- Вставьте необходимый предлог
I go _____ a walk almost every evening.
- for
- at
- to
- Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.
I like_____ detective stories.
a) the
b) a
c) –
6. Вставь подходящее наречие
Is it warm______ to swim?
- too
- enough
7. Вставь подходящее слово
In the last race Alex _________ beat everybody.
- managed to
- could
- can
- Закончите предложение, вставив нужный модальный глагол
She ______ a rock music fan.
- must be
- could be
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
Anna Netrebko ______ many soprano parties.
- sang
- have sung
- has sung
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
She __________ the piano for 10 years.
- has been playing
- played
- was playing
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
When we arrived at the cinema the film ____ already ____.
- has started
- had started
- have started
- Выберите глагол в правильной форме.
Kostya`s father ________ on a wet rock and broke his nose.
- slipped
- was slipping
c) has slipped
13. Выберите подходящие глаголы для II типа условно- придаточного предложения, когда условие нереальное.
If it _____ so hot, I _____ up the garden.
- wasn`t, would tidy
- isn`t, will
14. Переведите следующее предложение из прямой речи в косвенную.
She said “I`m happy”.
Начни так: She said _____________________________________________________
15. Выберите верное правильное местоимение
The last task is difficult for us, because _________ is good at Maths.
- both of us
- neither of us
16. Напишите предложение, расставив слова в предложении в правильном порядке.
are meeting/tomorrow /My friends and I/ at the tennis court.
17. Задайте разделительный вопрос к данному предложению.
My little sister is playing with her doll now, ….?
- doesn`t she
- isn`t she
- is she
18. Употребите глагол в правильной форме
I`d____ to listen to the birds.
- to like
- like
- liking
2 вариант
1a,2a,3b,4a,5c,6b,7a,8b,9c,10a,11b,12a,13a,14 she was happy 15b,16 My friends and I are meeting at the tennis court tomorrow. 17b,18b
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест по теме Образование множественного числа существительных (подготовка к ЕГЭ)
Choose the right answer
1.Our two … are crying all the time.
- babies
- babys
- babyes
2.No news … good news.
- is
- are
3.… usually fly not very high.
- flyes
- flys
- flies
4.These potatoes weigh five … .
- kiloes
- kilos
5.I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on … .
- foot
- feet
- foots
6.What do you need these … for?
- boxs
- boxes
7.My new Swiss watch … 3 minutes slow.
- is
- are
8.Those were the happiest days of our … .
- lifes
- lives
- lifees
9.Leaves usually … trees in autumn.
- leaf
- leave
- leafs
- leaves
10.Rock music of the 1970s is an extremely interesting cultural … .
- phenomen
- phenomena
- phenomenon
11.Big … don’t cry.
- boys
- boyes
12.I prefer natural … when I want to change my hair style.
- dies
- dyes
- dys
13.It is rather dangerous to walk on … after the rain.
- roofs
- roofes
- rooves
14.Dentists recommend using … twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
- tooth`s paste
- toothpaste
- teeth`s paste
- teethpaste
15.… are flowers of life.
- Childs
- Children
- Childrens
16.The naughty kid likes throwing rotten … at passers-by.
- tomatos
- tomatoes
17.50 … of oil leaked out of the tanker into the sea.
- Tones
- Tons
- Tonns
18.There is no piano in the … .
- bushes
- bushs
19.… in our house are so annoying. We definitely need a cat.
- Mouses
- Mices
- Mice
- Mousees
20.My little son is afraid of grey … (волчков) that come at night.
- wolfys
- wolvies
- wolves
- wolvys
Ответы: 1a, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10c, 11a, 12b, 13a, 14b, 15b, 16 b, 17b, 18a, 19c, 20c.
Предварительный просмотр:
Лексико-грамматический тест за 9 класс: ВАРИАНТ 1
1. ____ beef is a kind of ____ meat.
A. The, the
B. A, the
C. The, –
D. –, –
2. I’m really angry ____ you!
A. with
B. about
C. on
D. over
3. My father has lived in Japan ____ five years.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. for
4. I’ll be on vacation ____ next week.
A. on
B. –
C. at
D. in
5. Can you tell ____ not to be so rude?
A. he
B. him
C. himself
D. his
6. ____ wasn’t easy to find your house.
A. There
B. This
C. That
D. It
7. The news he told us ____ interesting.
A. was
B. were
C. be
D. are
8. What is the ____ important invention in the twentieth century?
A. much
B. more
C. most
D. much more
9. This bank of the river isn’t ____ that one.
A. more beautiful
B. beautiful
C. so beautiful
D. as beautiful as
10. You look much ____ today.
A. good
B. better
C. the best
D. best
11. No letters again! ____ has written to me for a month.
A. Anybody
B. Somebody
C. Some
D. Nobody
12. Aunts, uncles and cousins are ____.
A. relatives
B. parents
C. families
D. neighbours
13. I’ll call you as soon as he ____.
A. will come
B. came
C. has come
D. comes
14. If he ____ without her, she will never speak to him again.
A. go
B. is going
C. will go
D. goes
15. What are you laughing ____?
A. about
B. at
C. over
D. above
16. It ____ since early morning.
A. rained
B. rains
C. had rained
D. has been raining
17. I’m afraid he ____ five minutes ago.
A. leaves
B. left
C. is leaving
D. has left
18. ____ you do me a favour?
A. May
B. Should
C. Can
D. Need
19. My sister was translating the article when I ____ the room.
A. had come into
B. came into
C. am coming into
D. come
20. I’d like to ask you ____ questions.
A. few
B. a little
C. a few
D. little
21. Children ____ by special instructors how to swim.
A. have taught
B. had taught
C. are taught
D. teach
22. Bill wanted to know when Nick ____ come to us.
A. can
B. will
C. will be able
D. could
23. My friend wanted ____ him as soon as I came home.
A. that I call
B. that I called
C. me to call
D. I called
24. Mother didn’t let the child ____ TV.
A. to watch
B. watching
C. watched
D. watch
25. It was so late that I ____ take a taxi.
A. was able
B. can
C. must
D. had to
26. She liked the film, ____ she?
A. did
B. didn’t
C. doesn’t
D. does
27. ____ Steve ____ Ann the other day?
A. Has ____ seen
B. Does ____ see
C. Did ____ see
D. Will ____ see
28. I got two letters. One was from my father. ____ was from my girlfriend.
A. The other
B. Another
C. Others
D. The others
29. If the ice were thick enough, we ____ able to walk across the river.
A. will be
B. would be
C. are
D. were
30. I don’t know if I ____ here when you phone tomorrow morning.
A. am
B. be
C. will be
D. was
Тест на понимание содержания текста:
Mark Twain, who lived from 1835 to 1910, is one of America’s most famous authors. He wrote many books, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain’s own life was interesting enough to be a book.
Twain was born in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River. He came from a poor family. His father died when he was twelve, so he had to leave school. While he was still a boy he worked as a river boat pilot. He steered boats up and down the long Mississippi River. The Civil War, which started in 1861, made travelling on the Mississippi impossible. Twain then went west to Nevada. There he worked on a newspaper. In 1864 he went to California in search of gold. Twain did not have much luck as a gold miner. He left California to travel in Europe. Twain wrote a book about his trips around Europe.
But the most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River. When Twain finally settled down, he lived in a house with a porch that looked like the deck of a riverboat. Huckleberry Finn, Twain’s greatest book, is about the adventures of a boy on the Mississippi River. Another of Twain’s books is called Life on the Mississippi.
31. Choose the best title.
A. Mark Twain’s childhood;
B. Mark Twain’s Books;
C. Life in the USA;
D. The Adventures of Mark Twain.
32. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. to advertise Mark Twain’s books;
B. to give information on the Civil War;
C. to recommend a trip to California;
D. to tell a story about Mark Twain’s life.
33. Complete the phrase: The greatest influence on Mark Twain and his books was____
A. his poor family.
B. the Mississippi River.
C. the Civil War.
D. different jobs.
34. Choose the sentence, which is not true.
A. Mark Twain settled down in Europe.
B. Mark Twain worked as a river boat pilot.
C. Mark Twain worked on a newspaper.
D. Mark Twain was born in the state of Missouri.
35. What do we learn from the text about Mark Twain?
A. His father was a rich man.
B. He took part in the Civil War.
C. He didn’t have much luck.
D. He is one of America’s famous authors.
36. In the United States Julia Howe suggested the idea of Mother’s Day in 1872. Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother’s Day. But when she died in 1948, at the age of 84, Jarvis had become a woman of great ironies. Never a mother herself, her maternal fortune dissipated by her efforts to stop the commercialization of the holiday she had founded. Jarvis told a reporter shortly before her death that she was sorry she had ever started Mother’s Day. She spoke these words in a nursing home where every Mother’s Day her room had been filled with cards from all over the world.
Перед смертью Анна Джарвис говорила о том, что она:
A. счастлива, что праздник “День Матери” существует.
B. счастлива, что люди помнят о ней как об инициаторе празднования “Дня Матери”.
C. сожалеет, что подала идею празднования “Дня Матери”.
D. сожалеет, что ей самой не посчастливилось стать матерью.
Ответы к заданиям:
1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. B; 5. B; 6. D; 7. A; 8. C; 9. D; 10. B; 11. D; 12. A; 13. D; 14. D; 15. B; 16. D; 17. B; 18. C; 19. B; 20. C; 21. C; 22. D; 23. C; 24. D; 25. D; 26. B; 27. C; 28. A; 29. B; 30. C; 31. D; 32. D; 33. B; 34. A; 35. D; 36. C
Лексико-грамматический тест:
1. ____ President of ____ United States lives in ____ White House in ____ Washington D.C.
A. – , the, the, –
B. – , the, – , the
C. – , – , the, the
D. The, the, the, –
2. ____ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.
A. There is, it is
B. It is, there is
C. There are, it is
D. There was, there is
3. When the fog ____, we ____ to see where we are.
A. lifts, may
B. will lift, will be able
C. lifts, will be able
D. lifts, must
4. You looked very busy when I ____ you last night. What ____?
A. see, do you do
B. see were you doing
C. have seen, are you doing
D. saw, were you doing
5. Mary hasn’t been in London, ____ she?
A. hasn’t
B. did
C. has
D. didn’t
6. ____ breakfast yet? – Yes, I ____.
A. Did you have, have
B. Had you had, have
C. Have you had, have
D. Do you have, had
7. I ____ a new house last year, but I ____ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.
A. buy, don’t sell
B. bought, haven’t sold
C. have bought, sold
D. had bought, didn’t sell
8. After failing his driving test four times, he finally ____ trying to pass.
A. gave in
B. gave off
C. gave away
D. gave up
9. I ____ all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise.
A. am answering
B. answer
C. have answered
D. had answered
10. I have my English class ____ Monday morning.
A. in
B. at
C. for
D. on
11. I was late. The teacher ____ the test when I ____ to class.
A. has already given, got
B. had already given, got
C. has already given, get
D. was already giving, get
12. They can’t have ____ more strawberries. I want ____ to make jam.
A. some, any
B. no, some
C. any, any
D. any, some
13. We all ____ his story as a joke.
A. thought
B. intended
C. treated
D. found
14. They ____ to return next Monday.
A. are sure
B. was sure
C. will be sure
D. would sure
15. My hair ____ very long.
A. grow
B. has grown
C. have grown
D. are growing
16. Nothing was stolen, ____?
A. was it
B. wasn’t anything
C. wasn’t it
D. was anything
17. I enjoyed the film last night. ____.
A. Neither do I
B. Neither did I
C. So do I
D. So did I
18. You are always ____ excuses for not ____ your homework on time.
A. making, making
B. doing, doing
C. making, doing
D. doing, making
19. I can’t speak French. I wish I ____.
A. can
B. would
C. could
D. had been able
20. What time does your plane take ____?
A. off
B. out
C. to
D. from
21. When I ____ for my passport, I ____ this old photograph.
A. look, found
B. was looking, found
C. will look, will find
D. looked, found
22. I____ to the theatre for ages.
A. wasn’t
B. hadn’t been
C. won’t be
D. haven’t been
23. Did you notice Nick ____ another student’s paper during the exam?
A. looked at
B. to look at
C. has looked at
D. looking at
24. I ____ to live with my family, but now I live alone.
A. am used
B. used
C. am accustomed
D. was used
25. You ____ have a passport if you want to travel abroad.
A. have to
B. can
C. may
D. might
26. She said that she ____ her present flat and ____ to find another.
A. doesn’t like, tried
B. doesn’t like, was trying
C. didn’t like, was trying
D. doesn’t like, will try
27. If it ____ raining yesterday, we ____ the game.
A. hadn’t been, would have finished
B. wasn’t, will finish
C. weren’t, would have finished
D. weren’t, would finish
28. The new highway ____ sometime next month.
A. has been completed
B. completes
C. will complete
D. will be completed
29. I have always enjoyed travelling. My sister, ____, prefers to stay home.
A. although
B. though
C. however
D. but
Тест на понимание содержания текста:
THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT dates back to the 12th century, when it was built as a boarding house for the masons who constructed the church. It was named after a former Admiral who sailed with Lord Nelson. Lovingly restored by the present owners, it is a most extraordinary pub, filled with antiques and hidden away in the old part of the tiny, picturesque village of Engloshayle, in beautiful North Cornwall, England. North Cornwall is one of the last, unspoilt places in the British Isles to offer the visitor coastal scenery as magnificent and beautiful as anywhere in the world, together with the facilities and hospitality to ensure that one returns time and time again. The Earl of St. Vincent is to be found off the A389 Wadebridge to Bodmin Road. Close by there are the picturesque harbours of Padstow and Port Isaac, some superb golfing and a great many historic monuments and ancient sites.
30. Чем привлекает туристов описанный паб? Тем, что:
A. он расположен в доме, где в ХII веке находилась церковь.
B. в доме, где он расположен, жил соратник адмирала Нельсона.
C. до него удобно добираться путешествующим на автотранспорте.
D. в нем до сих пор сохранился дух старой Англии.
Ответы к заданиям:
1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C; 6. C; 7. B; 8. D; 9. C; 10. D; 11. B; 12. D; 13. C; 14. A; 15. B; 16. A; 17. D; 18. C; 19. C; 20. A; 21. B; 22. D; 23. D; 24. B; 25. A; 26. C; 27. A; 28. D; 29. C; 30. D
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Four sentences have been removed from the text. (4 marks) Choose from the sentences a–e the one which fits each gap (1–4). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
In 1887 a new language was invented by Dr. Zamenhof, who was born in Poland. (1)_________. This new language was called Esperanto. (2)_________. Dr. Zamenhof believed that lots of people would speak the new language as a second language. (3)___________.
But the language has not been very popular or successful. (4)__________. Today only a small number of people in the world can speak it.
a. It was a mixture of a number of European languages and it had a very simple grammar.
b. Russia is one of the countries where Esperanto is still alive.
c. He lived a great part of his life in Russia.
d. It was very easy to learn and rich enough to express thoughts and feelings.
e. There are other artificial languages invented by people.
II. Make Sentences by putting the words in order. (6 marks)
1. many, there, How, every, are, everyday, lectures, in, time-table, your?
2. Chinese, the, Many, people, is, world’s, language, think, difficult, that, most.
3. Walt, is, known, well, Disney, the, very, all, world, over.
4. neither, like, books, dull, nor, films, I, dull.
5. people, we, international, all, think, Some, should, speak, language, single, a.
6. this, What, in, there, monument, is, street?
III. Put questions to the words in bold. (5marks)
1. Her father was a teacher of science.
2. After many years of waiting she finally left her native city in 1891.
3. She lived in a bare attic in the poorest quarter of Paris.
4. Her meals were poor.
5. The University of Paris refused him a laboratory.
IV. Complete the text with a, an, the where necessary. (5marks)
There is plenty to see and do in and around Moscow, during (1)____ day and at (2)____ night. Visit (3)_____ Kremlin, (4)____ most famous site in Moscow; walk round (5)_____ busy streets and buy (6)_____ traditional Russian souvenirs. Go to (7)_____ Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts or (8)_____ Tretyakov Gallery. Enjoy your stay in Moscow, it’s (9)_____ great place for (10)____ holiday.
V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. (5marks) Use only one word in each space.
New Year’s day (1)________ celebrated all over the world, but not always at the (2)_________ time. Our New Year starts (3)_______ 1 January but the Chinese New Year (4)_________ place any time between 21 January and 19 February, depending (5)_______ the year.
VI. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (5marks)
1. I’ll phone you when I’ll get home from school. ___________________
2. We’ll go out when it’ll stop raining. ________________________
3. If I know his number, I would phone him. ______________________
4. If you were in my position, what will you do? ____________________
5. I’ll go to Hawaii if I will earn enough money. ____________________
VII. Put the verb into the correct form, active or passive. (12 marks)
Eights Week at Oxford
Eights Week at Oxford, usually the fourth week, in May is a fine spectacle and should not (1)__________ (to miss) by anyone interested in old customs. It is the time when the main bumping races of the year (2)__________ (to hold) and the college eights (3)__________ (to compete) on the River Isis. Races (4)________ (to run) on a league principle, with different divisions. The last race on the last day (5)_______ (to decide) which college is Head of the River. Boats (6)_________ (to space) at intervals, and the object is to catch and bump the one in front. A crew succeeding four days in succession, win their oars (the cox his rudder) – and by ancient custom throw their cox into the river.
Eights – гребные состязания между оксфордскими и кембриджскими студентами
the River is the Thames, but it is mysteriously called the Isis where it flows through Oxford
VIII. Translate the sentences by using appropriate verb tenses and modals. (8marks)
1. Полиция искала преступника два года, прежде чем они смогли поймать его.
2. Я думаю, что он не сможет сделать это вовремя.
3. Если у вас нет компьютера и вы не можете послать сообщение по электронной почте, вы можете написать нам.
4. Могу я поговорить с Келли? – Она не может подойти к телефону прямо сейчас. – Могу я оставить сообщение?
5. Почему ты не пришёл вчера вечером на вечеринку? – Я должен был заниматься. – Тебе следовало прийти. Мы хорошо провели время.
6. Джейн смотрит на свою контрольную работу, которую только что вернул преподаватель. Она улыбается. Должно быть, она сдала тест.
7. Кое-что я должен тебе сказать. – Давай. Я слушаю.
8. У меня проблемы с английским. – Я мог бы помочь тебе.
TOTAL 50 marks
- 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b
- 1. How many lectures are there in your time-table every day?
2. Many people think that Chinese is the world’s most difficult language.
3. Walt Disney is very well known all over the world.
4. I like neither dull books nor dull films.
5 Some people think we should all speak a single international language.
6 What monument is there in this street? - 1. Who was the teacher of science?
2. What did she finally do?
3. What kind of quarter of Paris did she live?
4. What was poor?
5. What did the University of Paris do?
IV. 1. the; 2. –; 3. the; 4. the; 5. the; 6. –; 7. the; 8. the; 9. a; 10. a
V. 1. is; 2. same; 3. on; 4. takes; 5. on
VI. 1. …when I get home…; 2. …it stops…; 3. If I knew…; 4. …what would you do; 5. …if I earn…
VII. 1. be missed; 2. are held; 3. compete; 4. are run; 5. decides; 6. are spaced
VIII. 1. The police had been searching for the criminal for two years before they could (were able to)
catch him.
2. I think he won’t be able to do it on time.
3. If you don’t have a computer, and you can’t send a message by e-mail, you may (can) write to us.
4. May/Could/Can I speak to Kelly? – She can’t come to the phone right now. – May/Could I leave a message?
5. Why didn’t you come to the party last night? – I had to study. – You should have come. We had a good time.
6. Jane is looking at her test paper the teacher (has) just returned. She’s smiling. She must have passed the test.
7. There’s something I have to tell you. – Go ahead. I’m listening.
8. I’m having problems in English. – I could try to help you.