методическая копилка

Рыжикова Евгения Николаевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Средняя школа № 1

г. Биробиджана Еврейской Автономной Области

Now I know

2 класс

УМК «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight") для начальной школы общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс)

Module 3 Lesson 43

Рыжикова Е.Н.

Учитель английского языка

2012 год

План-конспект урока по теме «Now I know»

Цели урока: 


Закрепить   во всех видах речевой деятельности языковой материал модуля 3


Развитие творческих способностей, воображения, памяти учащихся, наблюдательности;

Развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения


Привитие интереса к изучению английского языка.

Задачи урока:

  1. Отработка звуков   [kw],  [i], [w], [ŋ], [ə:], [∫], [t], [t∫]
  2. Повторение  изученных лексических единиц  по темам «Мои животные», «Я могу», «В цирке», глагола can
  3. Контроль умения писать короткие тексты описательного характера с использованием изученных лексических единиц и глагола can
  4. Повторение изученных песен

Методы обучения: коммуникативный, иллюстративный, игоровой

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа




pet, good, real

animal, fish, frog, horse, chimp, bird, run, fly, jump, dance, swim, swing, clown, magician, circus, rabbit, dog, cat, elephant

My name is ….

I am OK/great/fine.

I am .. years old.

My favourite food is…

I can….like a ….

Оснащение урока:

  1. учебник "Английский в фокусе" (Spotlight) Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс.
  2. языковой портфель  - 2 класс.
  3. аудиокурс  для занятий в классе,
  4. видеокурс на DVD к учебнику
  5. мягкая игрушка (шимпанзе),  
  6. презентация для физкультминутки,
  7. игра «Рыбалка».
  8. презентация «Now I know»


 компьютер, мультимедиа-проектор

Ход урока:

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащегося

Используемые электронные  образовательные ресурсы

I. Начальный этап урока:


1. Приветствие, организационный момент.

T.: Hello, children.

T.: Sit down, please.  

P.: Hello

2. Речевая разминка:

(2 мин)

T.: Сегодня к нам на урок пришел наш знакомый Chuckles. Он хочет посмотреть что нового вы узнали, о чем научились говорить, писать и читать. Поэтому тема нашего урока Now I know

Let’s get acquainted with Chuckles (игрушка-шимпанзе)

What is your name?

How are you?

How old are you?

What is your favourite food?

Дети отвечают на вопросы учителя

Слайд 1

3. Фонетическая зарядка

(3 мин)

Нам сегодня предстоит о многом рассказать Chuckles, поэтому давайте разомнем наши язычки. So, let’s do some exercises for our Mr. Tongue. Repeat after me.

[kw],  [i], [w], [ŋ], [ə:], [∫], [t], [t∫], [ϴ]

Name me the sounds (учитель показывает карточки со звуками)

Please, read the transcriptions of our words.

 [bə:d], [t∫imp], [hɒ:s], [dʒmp], [siŋ], [sə:kəs], [mədʒi∫ən],[swiŋ]

Дети повторяют звуки английского языка за учителем

ученики называют звуки

учащиеся читают слова модуля по транскрипции

Слайд 2    

Слайд 3

II. Основной этап урока:

1. Активизация лексики предыдущих уроков.

а) Отработка слов, обозначающих названия животных.

(1 мин)

(2 мин)

1 мин

2 мин

T.:  А теперь давайте расскажем нашему Chuckles каких животных мы с вами уже знаем. Look at the pictures and name animals.

P.: (Ученики смотрят на картинки с изображением разных животных и называют английские слова.) fish, horse, frog, bird, chimp

Слайды 4-8

T.:  Давайте проверим хорошо ли вы помните названия животных и глаголы движения  (глаголы, которые обозначают действия, которые делают животные и умеем часто делать и мы). Let’s check knowledge of the words. Let’s go fishing.

Игра «Рыбалка»


Презентация «Леопольд на рыбалке»

Chuckles is tired. Let’s have a rest and sing our song.

Дети поют песню “I can jump like a frog”.

Аудио Ex 3. P.65

Chuckles liked your song and he wants to learn it by heart. Кто может повторить эту песню, чтобы Чаклз мог ее запомнить?

Дети проговаривают слова песни, как стихотворение.

б) Отработка использования в речи глагола can

(2 мин)

So, Chuckles has questions. Try to answer his questions.

1.        Can you fly like a bird?

2.        Can you dance like a chimp?

3.        Can you sing like a bird?

4.        Can you run like a horse?

5.        Can you jump like a frog?

При ответе Yes, I can  учитель просит показать это действие. E.g. show us how you can run like a horse.

Проверка домашнего задания

(10 мин)

Давайте расскажем Чаклсу о своих любимых животных и что они умеют или не умеют делать. So, let’s tell Chuckles about our favourite animals and what they can do or they can’t.

Дети по приготовленным дома картинкам рассказывают о 2 своих любимых животных.

(e.g. – I have a pet. His/her name is….He/she can ….He/she can’t…I like her/him. He is a real friend.)

(3 мин)

Let’s sing the song “Can you fly”.

Let’s read the words of  this song once more.

Дети поют песню «Can you fly?»

Учащиеся проговаривают слова песни.

Аудио Ex 3. P.69


(1 мин)

I have an exercise for your eyes. You should only follow the things at the pictures. It’s very easy task but very useful.

Презентация «Гимнастика для глаз»

в) Отработка слов по теме «Цирк»

(6 мин)

(7 мин)

Ребята,  давайте, наконец, перенесемся вместе с Чаклзом в цирк.

Дети называют слова по теме «Цирк»  по картинкам

Слайды 9-11

Listen, listen! Surprise! We are at the circus. Let’s listen and watch.

Дети разыгрывают сценку на основе диалога из учебника «В цирке»

Аудио Ex 3. P.71

Let’s sing. «I am a horse»  

Видео к песне

Дети поют песню «I am a horse»

Видео к песне из видеокурса

Ребята, Чаклс мне шепнул на ушко, что ему понравилась наша работа, но он приготовил свое задание. Давайте попробуем его выполнить.

Let’s make Chuckles’ exercise

Учитель раздает упражнение

(кроссворд из My language portfolio 2)

Приложение 2

Дети заполняют кроссворд

Заключительный этап урока

(5 мин)

T.: Спасибо за вашу работу на уроке. Сегодня мы ещё раз повторили названия животных. Кто помнит, какие это животные? Name me the animals once more.

T.: Ребята, а что вам сегодня понравилось уроке? Что запомнилось? What did you like?

T.: Сегодня все хорошо поработали на уроке.


 Your homework is …

The lesson is over. Good bye!

Использованная литература:

  1. Учебник «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight") для начальной школы общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс)
  2. Книга для учителя к учебнику для 2 класса «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight") для начальной школы общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс)
  3. Языковой портфель для 2 класса
  4. www.spotlightonrussia.ru

Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка

занятия по английскому языку

по теме: «Страны изучаемого языка»


Социокультурный аспект контроль знаний учащихся географических и политических особенностей Великобритании, достопримечательностей Лондона, культуры, традиций и обычаев страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающий аспект – контроль уровня развития способностей к догадке, логическому изложению, к переключению внимания в упражнениях в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Воспитательный аспект – формирование адекватного восприятия и отношения к образу жизни и нормам поведения в стране изучаемого языка, воспитание самостоятельности.

Речевой материал:

Вопросы  с вариантами ответов по страноведению, «задания – пазлы» о достопримечательностях Лондона, лексико-грамматический тест, портреты знаменитых британцев, презентации о странах изучаемого языка (США, Великобритания), презентация о Москве, о России.


компьютер, видеопроектор, магнитофон, аудиозапись с песнями на английском языке.

Ход занятия.

1 .Организационный момент.

 - актуальность изучения английского языка

Languages (English, Russian, German) are very important for person. Foreign language is the most efficient mean of information exchange of the peoples of our planet. I can say you that the total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years.

Любой язык: русский, немецкий, английский очень важен для человека. Иностранный язык это самый эффективный способ обмена информацией между людьми всей планеты. И здесь можно привести интересные данные о том, что знания человечества удваиваются каждые 7 лет.

English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language for communication is such areas as  science, technology, business and mass entertainment.

Английский язык это не только официальный язык многих стран, каждая из которых обладает своей культурой, но это еще и международный язык в таких областях как наука, техника, бизнес и сфера развлечений.

English is not only the mean of communication, but it is literature, art. English – is “Abba”, “Beatles”, Madonna.

Английский язык прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, к нам в дом, после появления телевидения, Интернета. Английский язык это не только средство общения, но это художественная литература, живопись. Английский язык  - это «ABBA», «Beatles», Madonna. Английский язык это литература.

 - проведение недели английского языка в колледже

С 23 апреля в колледже проводится неделя иностранного языка. Каждый из вас принял в ней участие (викторина, конкурс газет, сочинений, подготовка слайдов). Сегодня наступило время подвести итоги и выявить лучших знатоков Великобритании, подвести итоги конкурсов газет и сочинений, показать презентации, приготовленные нашими студентами.

 - понятие «стран изучаемого языка»:

  1. There are many countries where million people speak it as a mother tongue.

Страны, где английский язык является официальным:

The USA, The UK, New Zealand, Australia.

США, Великобритания, Новая Зеландия, Австралия

  1. There are countries where English is one of the official language.

Страны, где английский язык является вторым официальным языком:

Canada, Irish Republic, the South African Republic.

Канада, Ирландия, Южная Африканская республика.

 Об одной из названных стран расскажут нам студентка группы……

(презентация «Великобритания»)

Итак, мы начинаем наш конкурс «We know about the UK everything….»

Наш конкурс будет оценивать наше уважаемое жюри:

  1. The teacher of English, the winner of competition “The best teacher of the year” Dimova S.S.

Преподаватель иностранного языка 1 категории, победитель конкурса «Преподаватель года» Димова Светлана Сергеевна

 2. Михолап Марина Владимировна – преподаватель английского языка

 3. Фазлаева Ольга Викторовна – председатель ПЦК иностранных языков

 4. Павленко Юлия Владимировна – преподаватель английского языка

 5. Попова Татьяна Ивановна – преподаватель английского языка,

зав. юридическим отделением

The 1st task is called  «I ask  - you answer».

Условия викторины:

You have some questions about the UK. I ask you a question –you answer it. If you answer immediately you will get 2 points, if you answer after my 3 possible variants, you will get only 1 point.

Перед вами несколько вопросов по теме «Великобритания». Вы называете номер вопроса, я его зачитываю и, при условии немедленного ответа вы получаете 2 балла. Если вариантов ответа нет, то я предлагаю вам 3 варианта. Правильно выбранный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.

(Презентация 2)

1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

  1. Great Britain
  2. England
  3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

  1. four
  2. three
  3. two

3. What is the capital of the UK?

  1. Cardiff
  2. Dublin
  3. London

4. English children start going to school at the age of?

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 5

5. There are 2 days a week when British pupils don’t go to school. They are:

  1. Sunday and Monday
  2. Friday and Saturday
  3. Saturday and Sunday

6. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

  1. the Tower of London
  2. Windsor Castle
  3. Buckingham Palace

7. Where is Nelson’s Column situated?

  1. in Parliament Square
  2. in Trafalgar Square
  3. in Piccadilly Circus

8. The environment organization is:

  1. Oxfam
  2. Save the children
  3. Greenpeace

9. Lewis Carol was

  1. teacher
  2. actor
  3. writer

10. The Beatles came from

  1. Liverpool
  2. Manchester
  3. Birmingham

11. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?

  1. Christmas Day
  2. Halloween
  3. Easter

12. The oldest part London is:

  1. the City
  2. Westminster
  3. East – End

2 конкурс: «Puzzle»

You should match 1 – 15 with a –o. Every question is 1 point.

Условия конкурса: 

Вам необходимо соединить названия достопримечательностей Великобритании (от 1 до 15) с его описанием, местом расположения (от a до Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.

1. The City of London

a. was built after the Great Fire of London

2. Buckingham Palace

b. is for  Queen Elizabeth’ home where she often stays at Christmas and Easter

3. Trafalgar Square

c. was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.

4. Royal Opera House

d. is  where the Queen lives

5. St. Paul’s Cathedral

e. Was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar

6. Oxford Street

f. is London’s biggest art museum

7. The National Gallery

g. is the lake in the middle of Hyde Park

8. Windsor Castle

h. is one of the most famous libraries in the  world

9. Westminster Abbey

i. is Britain’s main banking centre

10. The Speaker’s Corner

j. is London’s main shopping centre

11. The Tower of London

k. is in Covent Garden

12. Regent’s Park

l. is famous for its lake as well as for London Zoo

13. The serpentine

m. is the largest private collection in the world

14. The Queen Gallery

n. is in Hyde Park where anyone can make a speech

15. The British Museum

o. is famous for the Poet’s Corner


1 – i, 2 – d, 3 – e, 4 – k,  5 – a, 6 – j. 7 – f, 8 – b, 9 – o, 10 – n, 11 – c, 12 – l, 13 – g, 14  -m, 15 – h.  

Пока наши участники выполняют свое задания, мы посмотрим презентацию на тему «Осмотр достопримечательностей».

3 конкурс: «The Famous Britons”

I ask you a question about one of the famous Britons. You should call family of the person (you may use the portraits of these people).

Условия конкурса:

Как и в первом конкурсе, вы сами  выбираете номер вопроса, отвечаете на него, пользуясь при этом подсказкой (портреты известных британцев). Правильный ответ – это заработанный балл в копилку команды.

(Презентация 3)

1. He discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head.

2. He tried to prove that our remote granddads and grannies were monkeys.

3. The author of The Lord of the Rings.

4. The most famous playwright in the world.

5. The author of Jungle Book.

6. A member of the Beatles who was murdered in the US.

7. The author of Oliver Twist.

8. The beautiful Princess of Wales and the mother of Prince William and Prince Harry, who died in a car crash in Paris.

9. This Queen ruled for the longest period in British history.

10. One of  Britain’s greatest leaders, who was the Prime Minister of the country during World War II.

11. The creator of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.

12.A comic actor with a small moustache, a bowler hat and a funny way of walking.

13.The author of Treasure Island.

14. A famous footballer.

15. The author of Robinson Crusoe.

16. The author of Alice in Wonderland.

4 конкурс «Grammar Test»:

1. Odd one out.

Choose the word that does nor belong to the group.

  1. The Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, New England.
  2. Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Madrid.
  3. Abbey, residence, church, cathedral.
  4. To crown, to rule, to touch, to reign. 
  5. speaker, queen, king, monarch.


Mary is good …sport

  1. in
  2. at
  3. on


The …the goods are, the…the price is.

a) worse, lowest

b) worst, lower

c) worse, lower


It’s very noisy in here, I can’t hear….

  1. me
  2. my
  3. myself


What …peaceful country it is.

  1. -
  2. a
  3. the

Пока наши участники выполняют грамматический тест, мы послушаем и посмотрим еще одно сообщение на английском языке. На этот раз это будет информация о нашей стране, ведь английский язык – это не только способ поближе познакомится со странами, чей язык мы учим, но это также источник информации, в том числе и информации о нашей стране, России.

  1. презентация «Россия»

Пока наше уважаемое жюри подводит итоги всего конкурса, мы посмотрим еще одну презентацию.

  1. презентация «Москва

Подведение итогов:

  1. Подведение итогов всего конкурса (слово предоставляется жюри).
  2. Объявление участников конкурса газет, объявление победителей.
  3. Объявление победителя конкурса сочинений на тему: «Роль  иностранного языка в современном мире».

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное   образовательное     учреждение

Средняя     общеобразовательная     школа    № 1

Методическое пособие

 по английскому языку

«Вопросительные предложения»

Составила:   Рыжикова Е.Н


Биробиджан, 2012

Пояснительная записка

Данная методическая разработка предназначена студентам для систематизации знаний по грамматической теме: “Вопросительные предложения”.

В первой части  данной методической разработки систематизирован и доступно изложен  теоретический грамматический материал,  а именно здесь представлены правила образования различных типов вопросов: общих, альтернативных, специальных, разделительных. Все правила подкреплены примерами.  Также в данном методическом пособии изложена информация о правилах произношения того или иного типа вопросов.

Во второй части методической разработки приводятся тренировочные упражнения для закрепления навыков правильно образовывать и употреблять все виды вопросов в английском языке.

Цель методической разработки – способствовать формированию прочных знаний по грамматике по теме “Вопросительные предложения”.

Структура и содержание пособия

Данное пособие включает 2 части: теоретическая (содержит правила образования и употребления вопросительных предложений) и практическая часть (содержит тренировочные упражнения по данной теме).


  1. Английский язык для начинающих / И.И. Панова, Е.Б.Карневская, Л.А.Тиханович, Л.П.Христорождественская; Под. общ. ред. И.И.Пановой. – 3-е изд., перераб и доп.- Мн.: Интерпрессервис, 2002. – 525с.
  2. Агабекян И. П. «Английский язык для ССУЗов»
  3. Английский язык: 2770 упражнений и тестов для школьников и поступающих в вузы / Н.Г.Брюсова, И.М.Васильева, И.Ю.Истомина и др. – М.: Дрофа, 1999.-432с.    


Вопросы, требующие ответа «да» или «нет», называются общими. Они не имеют вопросительных слов и задаются собеседнику с целью получить подтверждение или отрицание всей высказанной в вопросе мысли.

Для образования общих вопросов в английском языке служит порядок слов и интонация. В отличие от повествовательного предложения в общем вопросе (как и в других типах вопросов) глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

При образовании общего вопроса к предложению с глаголом to be личная форма глагола ставится перед подлежащим.

Утверждение                              Общий   вопрос

 It_is_a_flat.__                               Is it a flat?

It is a little flat.                               Is it a little flat?

The flat is nice.                               Is the flat nice?

This is a table                                 Is this Is that Ben's table?

He is a teacher.                               Is he a teacher?

She is busy.                                    Is she busy?

Общие вопросы с глаголом to be в отрицательной форме образуются аналогично общим вопросам без отрицания.

Is it a text?                     Isn't it a text? (Is it not a text?)

Is he clever?                    Isn't he clever? (Is he not clever?)

Ответ на общие вопросы может быть кратким, например: Is he busy? He is. Is his name Sam? - It isn't, или краткий ответ может быть ограничен словами Yes или No («Да» или «Нет»).


Вопросы, запрашивающие о выборе из двух или более возмож-юстей, называются альтернативными.

Is the cup on the table or on the shelf?                Чашка на столе или на полке?

Второй альтернативный член в вопросе может иметь как развернутую, так и сжатую форму.

Have you got some free time for me now or are you very busy?

У вас есть сейчас свободное время для меня, или вы очень заняты?

Is it Saturday or Sunday today?

Сегодня суббота или воскресенье?

По структуре альтернативные вопросы совпадают с общими, т, е. начинаются с глагола (смыслового to be или to have, или вспомогательного) и не имеют вопросительного слова. Отличительной чертой является наличие союза ог (или) между альтернативными членами.

При ответе на альтернативные вопросы говорящий выбирает ту или иную альтернативу. Ответ да или нет на альтернативный вопрос, как и в русском языке, логически исключается.

Is he a physicist or a mathematician? Он физик или математик?

Не is a physicist.                      Он физик.

Have you got a son or               У вас сын или дочь?

a daughter?

I have a daughter.                     У меня дочь.


Альтернативные   вопросы   состоят   из   двух   интонационных групп, граница между которыми проходит перед союзом ог: 'Is he a /physicist f or a 'chemist?

Между интонационными группами может быть пауза большей или меньшей длительности; в беглой речи пауза вообще может отсутствовать.

В первой интонационной группе употребляется восходящий ядерный тон, вторая интонационная группа произносится с нисходящим тоном, который показывает, что перечень возможного выбора закончен. Например:

'Is he 'French! or A'merican? - He is 'French.


Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова, называются специальными. На специальные вопросы нельзя дать ответ да или нет, они предполагают ответ, содержащий конкретную информацию (кто, где, когда, почему и т. д.).

Вопросительное слово ставится перед глаголом, за которым следует подлежащее, во всех видах специальных вопросов, кроме вопросов к подлежащему и определению к подлежащему. Например:

Where is his son now?             Где сейчас его сын?

What has he in his hand?         Что у него в руке?

Но: What is in the corner?       Что в углу?

Специальный вопрос всегда начинается со специального вопросительного слова:

who (кто) whom (кого) what (что) which (который) whose (чей) when (когда)

where (где) why (почему) how long (как долго) how many (сколько) how much (сколько) how (как)

В английском языке все вопросительные слова начинаются с буквосочетания wh, за исключением how - как. Буквосочетание wh в начале вопросительного слова произносится как (wj; исключениями являются who fhu:] - кто, whose [hu:zj - чей. Например: what - что, why - почему, when - когда, where - где, which -который, чей, how many, how much - сколько.

Вопросительное слово what может употребляться в вопросах:

а) к подлежащему

What is this?                     Что это?

б) к определению; в этом случае оно стоит перед определяемым существительным и приобретает значение какой.

What day is it today?         Какой сегодня день?

What book is this?             Какая это книга?

Что у тебя в руке?

в) к дополнению What have you got in

your hand?

г) к определению, относящемуся к дополнению What books have you got?     Какие у тебя есть книги?

Порядок слов в специальном вопросе

1)  вопросительное слово (what, where, who, when, how и т. д.),

2)  вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол.

3) подлежащее,

4) смысловой глагол, 5)дополнения,

6) обстоятельства (места, времени, образа действия ит. д.)

Вопросы к дополнению и определению к дополнению, а также к именной части сказуемого (предикативу) имеют обратный, или инвертированный, порядок слов.

В вопросах к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов, т. е. порядок слов утвердительного предложения.

Существительное после вопросительных слов what, whose, which употребляется без артикля.

Whose bag is this?              Чья это сумка?

What colour is his hat?        Какого цвета его шляпа?

Which boy is Sam?             Который из мальчиков Сэм?

Вопросительные слова how many употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными, how much - с неисчисляемыми существительными.

How many children have you got?                  Сколько у вас детей?

How much bread is there on the table?           Сколько хлеба на столе?


Наиболее употребительным в специальном вопросе является нисходящий ядерный тон, которым обычно выделяется последнее значимое слово во фразе: 'What is his ' name?

Первым ударным слогом в специальном вопросе чаще всего является вопросительное слово. Оно произносится, как правило, с высоким ровным тоном.

Перенос нисходящего ядерного тона на вопросительные слова изменяет их коммуникативное значение. Специальные вопросы с ядерным ударением на вопросительном слове являются вторичными, уточняющими вопросами. Собеседник задает подобные вопросы, если он не понял предыдущую информацию.

В специальных вопросах, в которых сказуемое выражено смысловым глаголом to be, а подлежащее - личным местоимением, ядерный тон падает на глагол to be. 'Where ' are they?


Разделительный вопрос состоит из двух частей. Первая часть — это повествовательное предложение (утвердительное или отрицательное), вторая, отделенная запятой от первой — краткий вопрос (tail — «хвост»), который на русский переводится не правда ли? не так ли?

You are a pupil, aren't you? — Вы ученик, не правда ли?

You aren't a pupil, are you? — Вы не ученик, не правда ли?

В кратком вопросе повторяется вспомогательный, модальный или связочный глагол предложения, содержащего заявление. Если сказуемое предложения выражено глаголами to be или to have, то повторяются эти глаголы.

Не is reading, isn't he? Он читает, не так ли? (Повторяется вспомогательный глагол.)

Не can read, can't he? Он умеет читать, не так ли? (Повторяется модальный глагол сап.)

Не is a good pupil, isn't he? Он хороший ученик, не так ли? (Повторяется связочный глагол to be.)

Не has a book, hasn't he? У него есть книга, не так ли? (Повторяется глагол to have, употребляемый как смысловой глагол.)

Если в повествовательной части разделительного вопроса содержится утверждение, то во второй — отрицание.

Если в повествовательной части — отрицание, то во второй части, как правило, — утверждение:

Не is there, isn't he? Он там, не так ли?

Не isn't there, is he? Он не там, не так ли?

Разделительные вопросы задаются в том случае, когда говорящий хочет получить подтверждение той информации, которую он сообщает в повествовательной части, или согласия с его мнением. При этом он может быть уверен в утвердительном ответе на свой вопрос, и тогда разделительные вопросы часто служат в большей степени для того, чтобы начать или поддержать разговор, чем получить информацию от собеседника.

It's a nice day, isn't it?                        Хороший день, не так ли?

They are engineers, aren't they?        Они инженеры, не так ли?

he plan isn't ready, is it?                     План не готов, не так ли?

There aren't any theatres in this         В этом городе нет театров, не так ли?

 city, are there?

Ответы на разделительные вопросы обычно бывают краткими. Они либо подтверждают утверждение, сделанное в первой части, либо отрицают его.

- Не is a nice man, isn't he? - Yes, he is.   Он хороший человек, не так ли? - Да

- It isn't a bad answer, is it?                        Это неплохой ответ, правда? -Нет.


Разделительный вопрос содержит в своей первой части предположение о чем-либо, а во второй-запрос о правильности сделанного предположения. Степень уверенности говорящего в нем, а значит, и в характере ожидаемого ответа, может быть различной. Когда говорящий не уверен в ответе, который он получит, разделительный вопрос выполняет функцию истинного запроса об информации. Во второй части таких вопросов употребляется восходящий тон. Например:

Mr 'Pavy is a "scientist, j ,isn't he? - He 'isn't. He is a 'teacher.

В случаях, когда говорящий уверен в правильности своего предположения, в обеих частях разделительного вопроса употребляется нисходящий тон. Такой вопрос не является по существу запросом об информации. Его основная цель - стимулировать продолжение разговора. Например:

Не is a 'teacher, j isn't he?  -  'Yes, he 'is.


Общий вопрос

1. Составьте письменно общие вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. Our teacher knows several foreign languages. 2. He has graduated from our University last year. 3. We shall go to Samara next week. 4. They are working in our garden. 5.1 have just read this book.^:i took this book from my friend. ,7 file likes reading books. S.She has many rel atives abroad. 9. They were in many countries. 10. Russia is the largest country in the world.

2. Задайте общие вопросы о нахождении предметов в следующих местах:

in the bag — Are there any pencils in the bag?

Is there a pen in the bag?

in the park, in the kitchen, on the table, on the shelf, in front of the theatre, in the centre of the city, in the magazine, at the table, by the TV set, in the city.

3. Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в общие вопросы. Прочтите их с восходящим ядерным тоном.

1.   It's a theatre. It's big and nice.

2.  He is a scientist. His name is Tim Gibson. He is talented. He is Jim's teacher.

3.  This is Mr Finn's sister. She is a painter.

4.  That is Mr Hint's picture there. The picture is nice.

5.This is Mr Hale's plan. It's a clever plan.  Mr Hale is an engineer. He is here.

4. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и переведите их. Поставьте к ним общие вопросы. Дайте краткие ответы.

1. The nature of life is to win some and to lose some.

2. We can enjoy our life continuously.

3, Hopkins was a great analyst.

4. We will change the situations.

5. It will disturb other people.

6. It is difficult to find the right person with whom to live one’s life.

7. The methods will enable me to free myself from such mistakes.

5. Дайте утвердительный или отрицательный ответ

1. Do you know the secret of happiness?

2. Do you try to help your friends in daily situations?

3. Can you answer all the questions?

4. Do you often create your own problems?

5. Are you able to free yourself from making mistakes?

Альтернативный вопрос

1. Произнесите следующие альтернативные вопросы. Соблюдайте членение фразы на две интонационные группы:

'Is he a 'chemist  or a 'physicist?

'Is 'Robert,twenty or 'twenty-'one?

Is it /Sunday  or ' Monday today?

'Is his name ,Charles  or 'William?

'Has he a ,son  or a 'daughter?

'Is the 'coffee ,hot or 'warm?

'Is there a /park or a 'garden in the picture?

2. Переведите предложения с альтернативными вопросами на русский язык.

1. Our family lives in a three-room flat.

— Does your family live in a three-room flat or in a house?

— It lives in a three-room flat.

2. They went to the same school.

  Did they go to the same school or to different schools?

— They went to the same school.

3. He will read this book tomorrow.

— Will he read this book tomorrow or next week?

— He will read it tomorrow.

4. They are playing football now.

— Are they playing football or tennis now?

— They are playing tennis.

5. Our teacher has told us to write.

— Has our teacher told us to write or to read? He has told us to write.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.  Вам нравится больше английский язык или французский?

2.  Он живет в Ростове или в Москве?

3.  Она его младшая или старшая сестра?

4.  Студенты уже сдали экзамены или нет?

5.  Петровы поедут летом на юг или на север?

6.  Ваш друг учится в колледже или в университете?

7.  Он знает ее лучше или вы?

4. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и переведите их. Поставьте к ним общие вопросы. Дайте краткие ответы.

1. The nature of life is to win some  (to lose some).

2. We can enjoy our life continuously (one moment)

3, Hopkins was a great analyst (politician)

4. We will change the situations (life)

5. It will disturb mother (father)

6. It is difficult to find the right person with whom to live one’s life (one month)

7. He will read this book tomorrow (today)

8. They are playing football now (next day)


5. Ответьте на вопросы. В ответах используйте одну из альтернатив, предложенных в вопросе:

MODEL:- Is their son eleven or twelve?

- He is twelve.

1.  Is  his  name  Tom  or Robert?  2.  Is  he  a physicist  or  an economist? 3. Has he an easy or a difficult job? 4. Is he forty or forty-four? 5. Has he a large or a small family? 6. Are there three or four people in his family? 7. Are his children big or small? 8. Is -he busy or free today? 9. Is it Friday or Saturday today? 10. Is Tom in the city or in the country today? 11. Is he your friend or your wife's friend?

6. Задайте уточняющие альтернативные вопросы, используя слова-подсказки:

MODEL: Where is Robert? Institute/library

Is he at the Institute or in the library?

1.  Where is your office?  Fleet/Oxford street

2.  What are they?  mathematicians/economists

3.  Where is Professor Jenkins?  lecture/meeting

4.  Where is Manchester?  East/North

5. "What is the weather like today?  warm/hot

6.  How old is this boy?  eleven/twelve

7.  What texts are there in the book?  French/Spanish

8.  Where are the cups?  cupboard/table

9.  What's there in the bottle?  water/wine

10.  What have you got in this box?  plates/cups

7. Задайте альтернативные вопросы, используя слова-подсказки: 

MODEL: He's got a nice flat, large/small

Is it large or small?

1. He has got two kids, sons /daughters

2 My friend's name is John Fox. doctor/economist

3.  The cups are in the kitchen, in /on the cupboard

4. He is away at present, office/lab

5. I have classes today, three/four

6.  This is nice wine, red/white

7.  I've got a problem? serious/small

8. His son is fifteen, tall/small

9. It's the end of the week. Friday/Saturday

10. London is the capital of Great Britain, the East/the West

Специальный вопрос

1. Произнесите следующие специальные вопросы. Следите за высоким уровнем голоса на первом ударном слоге (вопросительном слове) и крутизной падения голоса на ядерном слоге:

'What's 'this?                    'What is Tom's 'job?

'Where 'is he?                   'What's the 'time, please?

'Why is he 'late?                'What has he in this 'box?

'What's his 'name?            'What's there on the 'floor?

2. Поставьте к следующим предложениям вопросы:

1. общие

2. специальные

3. разделительные

1. There is a book on the table. 2. He must work hard today. 3. We are leaving for Moscow next week. 4. We were reading the whole evening. 5. They don't go to work on Sunday. 6. It is not cold today. 7. Ann has already begun to read a new book. 8. We learri English at school. 9. They will show you how to get there.

3. Задайте специальные вопросы к следующим текстам:

MODEL: I. Arthur Docker is in his club at the moment. He is businessman. He is a very rich man. He has a Rolls Royce and a big villa in  the country.  His  life great.


1.  What is Arthur Docker?

2.  Where is Arthur Docker at the moment?

3.  Why is he in the club at the moment?

4.  What car has he got?

5.  Where has he his big villa?

6.  Where is his office?

7.  What is his business?

2. John Dallas is a film director. At the moment he is in a plane over the Atlantic. He is on his way to Hollywood. There is a glass of champaigne in his hand, a smile on his face and a pretty actress opposite him.

3. Robert Socker is a designer. His designs are for paper clips factory. He is in his office at the moment. His office is very small. There are four walls around and a table in the middle of it. There are not many things in it. The weather is nice and Robert is sad.

4. Shimizu port is in the North of Japan. It has a lot of elec-tnyiic and ship building industries.  Its population is large.  But there are a lot of jobs for the people. It has clean streets and nice small shops. It is very attractive. But it has some problems as well. Families have very small flats.

4. Заполните пропуски вопросительными словами.

1. ... is the coat? — Mine.

2. ... is Robert? — Jane's brother.

3.... does the party start? — At 8.30.

4. ... is this coat? — $25.

5. ... is your book? — The red one.

6. ... was he late? — Because he overslept.

7....  did he give you? — A birthday card.

8. ... does he visit his parents? — Every Monday.

9. ... eggs do you need? — Ten.

0. ... is Susan's house? — Next to the bank.

1. ... will you be in London? — About a week.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. Sam met Jack.
  2.  Roger spoke to Jane.
  3.  Helen phoned Stuart.
  4.  Jenny will see Rosie.
  5. Steve has left a message for Jim. 
  6. Ted loves Mary.
  7.  Pam will visit Tom.
  8.  Joanne is marrying Richard. 
  9.  He is talking to her. 
  10.  They come from Italy.

11. Jim is waiting for Sam.

  1.  Rosa is waiting for her cousin.
  2.  He's  worried about the test.

 6. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и словосочетаниям

1.  A woman was murdered at the Park Hotel last night.

2.  A maid discovered her body.

3.  She found it in the laundry room.

4.  The police are looking for the woman's husband.

5.  They think he did it.

6.  He left the hotel at 1. 35 in the morning.

7.  He took all his wife's jewellery and $1,000 from their hotel safety-deposit box.

8.  The woman's name was Carol Webster.

7. Задайте вопросы к данным предложениям.

1.  Paul is a singer in a band.

a) How long ...?

b) How many records ...?

2.  Your friend is learning to drive.

 a) How long ...?

b)... bought a car yet?

3.  Jenny is a teacher now.

a) How long ...?

b) How many schools ...?

4.  You meet your friend in the shop.

a) How long ...?

5.  Joe is getting married to Ann next month.

a) How many ... invited?

b) How long ... Ann?

6.  You meet an old friend you haven't seen for the years.

a) What... doing all this time?

b) Where...?

7.  You know that Peter has been to the States several times.

a) How many times ...?

8. Ann and her family always go to France for their holidays.

a) How long ...?

9. Ann's mother is on holiday.


10. You want to know if it is still raining.

a) Has it... yet?

8. Составьте вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках.

1. Не hates pizza, (or pasta)

2. She goes to parties. (How often)

3. They went to London. (When)

4. She is crying. (Why)

5. Peter can gwim. (or dive)

6. John hasn't arrived yet. (Who)

7., She'll do the cleaning, (or washing up)

 8. Paula works in an office. (Where)

9. Составьте из данных слов вопросительные предложения.

  1. moment/what/you/at/are/the/wearing?
  2. living/you/were/where/you/started/when/school?
  3. go/you/where/holiday/were/did/child/when/you/on/a?
  4. play/any/the/at/sports/weekend/you/do?
  5. up/time/morning/what/did/get/this/you?
  6. pyramids/Egypt/ever/to/to/been/the/have/see/you?
  7. mother/look/your/you/like/do?
  8. work/for/you/do/company/which?

10. Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами do, be или have в правильной форме. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. ... the town of Timbuktu in Africa?

2. ... all birds lay eggs?

3. ... dinosaurs lay eggs?

4. ...John F. Kennedy the youngest Anierican President?

5. ... there ever been a female president of the USA?

6.  ... the Olympic Games ever been held in the same city more than once?

7. ... Switzerland have a president?

8. ... William Shakespeare ever live in London?

11. Вставьте вместо точек вопросительные слова. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. ... does the word alphabet come from?

2. ... kind of weather does the Beaufort Scale measure?

3. ... European countries does the Danube flow through?

4. ... was the first man in space?

5. ... does the abbreviation NASA mean?

6. ... did Adolph Hitler marry?

7. ... did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister of Britain?

8. ... Latin American country did Montezuma II rule in the 16th century?

12. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. I'm looking for the postman.

2. I'm waiting for my friend.

3. He works for Barclays Bank.

4. I'm thinking about what to cook for supper.

5.I  stayed with some friends.

6. The pen belongs to me.

7. The letter is from the Tax Office.

8. He died of heart attack.

9. I'm worried about the exams.

10. I'm staring at the dirty mark on the end of your nose.

11. I'm writing to my aunt in Australia.

13. Поставьте вопрос к подлежащему и дайте краткий ответ.

Образец: Who knows the answer to the question? We do. Кто знает ответ на этот вопрос? Мы (знаем).

Who came too late? He did. Кто пришел слишком поздно? Он.

1. Не tried to answer the question.

2. She won all hearts.

3. They will win the battle.

4. Their plan enabled us to arrange things properly.

5. Readers enjoyed his book.

6. I made him do it.

7. He loves people.

8. The outside world thrusts problems upon people.

9. It will disturb other people.

10. Continuous noise disturbed me.

11. The method will enable me to free myself from many troubles.

12. The answers to many questions are in this handbook.

13. The principle is true in all situations.

14. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Поставьте вопросы к обстоятельствам, выделенным курсивом.

Образец: We forget because we must, and not because we will (M. Arnold).— Мы забываем потому, что мы должны (забывать), а не потому, что хотим. Why do we forget?— Почему мы забываем?

1.At night I walk down the street with my wife and children.

2. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.

3. Since he had no time he could not come.

4. It is easy to be wise after the event.

5. We carry out scientific tests in the laboratory.

6. Our interview took place in the hotel.

7. He answered the question correctly.

 8. They wiH soon recognize the fact.

9. We can use the method in making all our decisions.

10. He is not able to do things properly because he does not give them enough thought.

11. They lost their followers because of their bad work.

12. Because the weather was fine w./e went for a walk.

15. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Поставьте вопрос к определениям, выделенным курсивом.

Образец: The book that is of great interest for students has some drawbacks — Эта книга, которая представляет большой интерес для студентов, имеет несколько недостатков. What book has some drawbacks?

1.Concealed talent brings no reputation.

2. Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold.

3. The science of success is defined as attaining one's purpose.

4. Two parts of this book give us «Six tools for thinking».

5. The third part of this book shows how one may use these tools.

6. False emotional alarms deprive us of our energy, our ability to love ourselves and others.

7. Clear thinking helps you (to) predict the future.

8. Adequate thinking will serve you in your everyday life situations.

9. Great achievements await those who have patience.

10. Our book contains only tested and workable tools.

11. The tools will help us live more successful and happier lives.

16. Составьте специальные вопросы с помощью вопросительных слов, данных в скобках.

1. Did you get to the airport by taxi or train? (How?)

2. Did you take your Italian or Portuguese exam yesterday? (Which?)

3. Did Jack learn to drive when he was eighteen? (How old?)

4. Did Emma stay in a hotel or a flat in Greece? (Where?)

5. Did you go to Spain on holiday or on business? (Why?)

17. Прочитайте и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.Do you help your friends?

2. What do you do when you are tired?

3. One must not disturb other people, must he (one)?

4. Are all situations predictable?

5. Doesn't the outside world influence your decisions?

6. Your decisions do not affect other people, do they?

7. When don't you answer a question?

8. Do you always follow advice?

9. Is it useful to refer to other people's experience?

10. Ethical norms affect our actions, don't they?

11. What do you prefer, to speak or to listen?

12. Do you prefer to learn or to teach?

13. What information may we rely on?

14. On what do you base your predictions?

15. Are your ideas always brilliant?

16. You enjoy most of your time, don't you?

17. Can we always enjoy our life?

18. What color do you like more, green, red, black, white or brown?

19. Doesn't clear thinking help you predict the future?

20. Business and personal affairs differ, don't they?

21. What does one do when one (he) does not know what to do?

Разделительный вопрос

1. Произнесите следующие разделительные вопросы как запрос.

It's a co'rrect "answer, j ,isn't it?

She is his 'aunt, f ,isn't she?

His 'brother is 'here, f ,isn't he?

The 'articles are "ready, f ,aren't they?

He 'isn't their 'son, f ,is he?

They are A'mericans, j ,aren't they?

2. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык.

Поставьте к каждому предложению разделительный вопрос.

1. She is a student.

— Is she a student?

— Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

2. He speaks English well.

— Does he speak English well?

— Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.

3. They have many books.

— Have they many books?

— Yes, they have. /No, they haven't.

4. The weather was fine yesterday.

— Was the weather fine yesterday?

— Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.

5. We saw a new film yesterday.

— Did we see a new film yesterday?

— Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.

6. You can read well.

— Can you read well?

— Yes, you can. / No, you can't.

7. There will be five lessons tomorrow.

— Will there be five lessons tomorrow?

-  —Yes, there will. / No, there will not (won't).

3. Задайте разделительные вопросы, на которые следующие фразы являются ответами:

- It is. The text is rather easy.

- It's an easy text, isn't it?

1. He is. He is an engineer.

2. They say he is clever.

3. I think these days are lovely.

4. Yes, there is some tea in my cup.

5. Yes, they are. They are artists.

6. Yes, it is. His name is Charles.

 7. Yes, he is. He is Jack's father.

8. Yes, they are. They are my parents.

9. He is. Ted is Margaret's friend.

10. Yes, Elza is from Great Britain.

4. Преобразуйте следующие сообщения в разделительные вопросы:

1.Chicago is a large city.

2. It's in America.

3. There are a lot of cars there.

4. These are Charles' parents.

5. His father is a professor.

 His mother is his secretary.

7. They are nice people.

8. There's peace in their family.

9. Ted is Irene's friend.

10. He is a serious man.

5. Закончите предложения, содержащие разделительный вопрос.

1. You're allergic to cats, ...?

2. She lives near the bank, ...?

3. Peter works at the hospital, ...?

4. Tom hasn't got a new flat, ...?

5. They're journalists, ...?

6. She's in France at the moment, ...?

7. He didn't lose the keys, ...?

8. She won't help you, ...?

9. The boys weren't hurt, ...?

10. She used to eat a lot of vegetables, ...?

11. Let's play football, ...?

12. They've already painted the house, ...?

13.1 am tall, ...?

14. He has dinner at 6.00, ...?

6. Закончите предложения, содержащие разделительный вопрос.

1. Let me help you, ...?

2. Anna called Sam, ...?

3. She won't tell us the truth, ...?

4. Will we go out, ...?

5. Sally has a pet, ...?

6. They aren't going to Paris, ...?

7. She can sing well, ...?

8. Paul will do the shopping, ...?

9. He never speaks rudely, ...?

10. Let's clean the room, ...?

11. She has breakfast at 7.30, ...?

12. Mary didn't use to smoke so much, ...?

13. Let me buy you the shirt, ...?

14. John spoke to Nick, ...?

15. Helen wears contact lenses,

16. I am thin, ...? 

7. Закончите данные предложения уточняющим вопросом. После каждого предложения дайте краткий ответ.

1. He's got dark brown hair, ...?— No, ... .

2. He wears glasses, ...? — Yes, ....

3. Andrew's friend is Joe, ...? — Yes, ....

4. They talk a lot in class,... ? — Yes.....

5. You taught them last year,... ? Yes, unfortunately ... .

6. Christine's in the same class, ...? — Yes, that's right, ....

7. She never talks, ...? — No, ....

8. Her parents are British, ...? — No, ... . They are French.

9. She's the best student in the class, ..,? — Yes.....

8. Закончите данные предложения разделительным вопросом.

1.Saltzburg is in Austria,...?

2. You don't like beefburgers, ...?

3. You're going to France, ...?

4. We had a good time, ...?

5. It's hot today,...?

6. You can't use a word processor, ...?

7. You won't tell anyone, ...?

8. We don't have to go yet, ...?

9. I'm so stupid, ...?

10. You haven't met Jane, ...?

11. They didn't like the film, ...?

9. Закончите данные предложения разделительным вопросом.

1. You know what I mean, ...?

2. You don't need any help, ...?

3. You are Mr Brown, ...?

4. He is Mr Smith, ...?

5. You have met Mr Evans, ...?

6. This is Danish butter, ...?

7.They will be back soon, ...?

8. Jack didn't do his work, ...?

9. This is nearly the end, ...?

10. I am glad to know that, ...?

11. You can do it, ...?

10. Используя данную таблицу, составьте разделительные вопросы и дайте ответы на них.




1. It's chilly today,

1. haven't you?

1. No. How do you do?

2. You don't like this food,

2. is it?

2. Yes. They live next door to me.

3. You know the Browns,

3. have you?

3. Yes. A Renault.

4. This exercise isn't difficult,

4. do you?

4. Yes. There was a frost last night.

5. You've got a car,

5. isn't it?

5. Well, I find it a bit too salty.

6. You haven't met Henry,

6. don't you?

6. No. It's quite easy.

11. Закончите данные предложения разделительным вопросом.

l.Your name is Bob, ...?

2. Her sister's coming too, ...?

3. Your parents are phoning tonight, ...?

4. She's got a sleeping bag, ...?

5. You are Italian, ...?

6. You can't swim, ...?

7. They don't eat meat, ...?

8.Simon isn't here yet, ...?

9.1 am too late, ...?

10. Steve will go with us, ...?

12. Прочитайте следующие разделительные вопросы и выразите свое согласие или несогласие.

Образец: You did not enjoy the book, did you? Согласие: No, I did not. Несогласие: Yes, I did.

1. Clear thinking helps you to predict the future, doesn't it?

2. Great achievements do not await those who have no patience, do they?

3. Their book contains tested and workable methods, doesn't it?

4. Clear thinking will help us live more successful and happier lives, won't it?

5. This textbook gives you helpful information, doesn't it?

 6. Love is not a simple thing, is it?

7. Life is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

8. You prefer reliable friends, don't you?

9. You cannot love all people, can you?

10. You are not able to read and write simultaneously, are you?

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное   образовательное     учреждение

Средняя     общеобразовательная     школа    № 1

Методическое пособие

по английскому языку

«Группа совершенных времен »

Составила: Рыжикова Е.Н.


Биробиджан, 2012

Пояснительная записка

Данная методическая разработка предназначена студентам для систематизации знаний по грамматической теме: “Perfect Tenses ”.

В данной методической разработке систематизирован и доступно изложен грамматический материал. Здесь представлены правила образования настоящего, прошедшего и будущего совершенных времен, основные случаи их употребления. Все правила подкреплены примерами. Также предложена  сравнительная таблица прошедшего простого времени и настоящего совершенного времени.

Во второй части методической разработки приводятся тренировочные упражнения для закрепления навыков правильно образовывать и употреблять систему завершенных времен.

Цель методической разработки – способствовать формированию прочных знаний по грамматике по теме “Perfect Tenses”.

Структура и содержание пособия

Данное пособие включает 2 части: теоретическая (содержит правила образования и употребления настоящего, прошедшего и будущего совершенных времен, подкрепленные примерами) и практическая часть (содержит тренировочные упражнения по данной теме).


  1. Английский язык для начинающих / И.И. Панова, Е.Б.Карневская, Л.А.Тиханович, Л.П.Христорождественская; Под. общ. ред. И.И.Пановой. – 3-е изд., перераб и доп.- Мн.: Интерпрессервис, 2002. – 525с.
  2. Евсюкова Т.В., Устименко С.И. English. Практический курс. Серия “Учебники и учебные пособия”. Ростов н/ Д: “Феникс”, 2001.- 480с.
  3. Английский язык: 2770 упражнений и тестов для школьников и поступающих в вузы / Н.Г.Брюсова, И.М.Васильева, И.Ю.Истомина и др. – М.: Дрофа, 1999.-432с.    

The Present Perfect Tense

(Настоящее совершенное время)

Present Perfect Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме настоящего времени (have, has) и формы причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle), то есть 3 формы смыслового глагола.

Форма Past Participle правильных глаголов совпадает с формой Simple Past, то есть к инфинитиву смыслового глагола (без to) прибавляется окончание –(e)d: live – lived, stay – stayed, study – studied.

Форма Past Participle неправильных глаголов образуется путем изменения корневой гласной. (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов).

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма


You            have  left




She             has left



You        have not

We             left



She       has not   left




Have      We       left ? 



Has         She      left ?


Present Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия, совершившегося к настоящему моменту, результат которого имеется  налицо в настоящем времени. В случае употребления Present Perfect в центре внимания находится само свершившееся действие. При этом говорящего интересует не время или другие обстоятельства совершения действия, а результат этого действия, имеющийся в данный момент.

We have bought a new TV set.          Мы купили новый телевизор.

                                                           ( У нас новый телевизор.)

I have opened the window.                Я открыл окно. ( Окно открыто.)

She has gone home.                           Она ушла домой. (Она сейчас дома.)

На русский язык глагол в Present Perfect Tense переводится обычно глаголом в прошедшем времени совершенного вида: написал, закончил, купил и т.д.

Present Perfect Tense часто употребляется с такими обстоятельствами времени как ever когда-либо, never  никогда, just только что, already уже, yet (еще – в отрицательных предложениях, уже – в вопросительных предложениях).

I have just seen your brother.                       Я только что видел твоего брата.

I have already bought this dictionary.          Я уже купил этот словарь.

Have you translated the text yet?                 Ты уже перевел текст?

I haven’t done my homework yet.               Я еще не выполнил домашнее задание.

Present Pesfect употребляется также для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящий момент. В таком случае обычно бывает указан период действия с помощью предлога for ( в течение) или начало действия с помощью предлога since (с тех пор). Например:

I have lived here for 10 years.                                Я живу здесь 10 лет.

I haven’t seen him since February.                        Я не видел его с февраля.

В таких предложениях глагол в Present Perfect Tense может переводится на русский язык настоящим временем. При этом следует иметь в виду, что Present Perfect  в значении продолжающегося действия употребляется преимущественно с глаголами, которые не употребляются во временах группы Continuous.

He has been here since 3 o’clock.                           Он здесь с двух часов.

I have known him for three years.                           Я знаю его три года.

Present Perfect Tense может употребляться также с обстоятельственными словами, которые обозначают еще не истекший период времени, как например: today, this week, this month, this year и т.п. Эти обстоятельственные слова стоят, как правило, в конце предложения.

We have done a lot of work today.                     Мы много сделали сегодня.

They have not written to me this week.              На этой неделе они мне не писали.

С наречиями lately, recently ( в последнее время, за последнее время) всегда употребляется Present Perfect Tense.

I have not heard from him lately.  Я от него ничего не слышал в последнее время.

Сравнительная           таблица            употребления

Present          Perfect          и           Past          Indefinite

  1. говорящего интересует не время действия, а только факт свершения:

I have bought a car.

  1. время действия или известно, или подразумевается:

We didn’t meet at the station.

I was in Paris last year.

2. действие завершено, но имеет связь с настоящим:

  1. результативную:

I have never met her.

He has left his notesbook.

  1. временную:

We have always been good friends.

So far she has done half the work.

  1. действие целиком относится к прошлому и ничем не связано с настоящим:

When I was young, I was fond of dancing.

It happened when we lived in Rostov.

She returned the day before yedterday.

  1. употребляется с обстоятельствами времени, обозначающими неистекший промежуток времени: this year, this month, today…

I have been to the theatre twice this week. It has rained all the day.

  1. употребляется с обстоятельствами времени – сочетаниями с last и ago:

It was a long time ago.

Last year he graduated from the college.

Last time we spoke about the problems of big cities.

4. с обстоятельствами неопределенного (неточного) времени

  1. с обстоятельствами определенного (точного) времени : yesterday, three days ago, in 1980…

She was born in 1985.

When did you last go to the theatre?

  1. сочетания с just, ever, never,yet:

Have you had your lunch yet?

He has just come home.

Но: He came just now

I have never heard from her since                  we graduated from the institute

                                                                              (that time, 1970…)

В общих вопросах в Present Perfect     “yet” =    уже

The Past Perfect Tense

(Прошедшее совершенное время)

Past Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме Simple Past и Past Participle (причастия прошедшего времени) смыслового глагола.

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма



She               had done

You              the work    

We               by Saturday




She           had not     

You          done the

We           work by

They        Saturday




Had   You          done the

           We           work by

           They        Saturday

Past Perfect употребляется для выражения прошедшего действия, которое уже совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может быть указан:

1. Обстоятельствами времени с предлогом by к (by 5 o’clock к пяти часам, by Saturday к субботе,, by the end of the year к концу года, by that time к тому времени).

We had translated the article by                              К концу урока мы перевели  

the end of the lesson.                                                               статью.

She had typed the documents                                  Она напечатала документы

by 2 o’clock.                                                                          к 2 часам.

2. Другим (более поздним во времени) прошедшим действием, которое выражается глаголом в Simple Past.

My brother bought a new watch                      Мой брат купил вчера новые часы,

yesterday as he had lost his old one.                    так как потерял свои старые.

I knew that Jane had already                           Я знал, что Джейн уже заказала

booked the tickets.                                                 билеты.

The Future Perfect Tense

(Будущее совершенное время)

Future Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме будущего времени (will have) и формы причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола:

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма



You           will have

They           worked






You              will not 

They         have worked







Will       They       have 

               He        worked?




Future Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения будущего действия, которое совершится до определенного момента в будущем.

They will have shipped the goods, when your telegram arrives.

Они уже отгрузят товар, когда придет ваша телеграмма.


Present Perfect Tense

  1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect Tense:

1.John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

  1. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1.Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his car. 3. Mr Snowdon has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have painted their old house. 6. Liz has brought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs Gracy has gone to London. 10. I have never been to India. 11. She has just broken a vase. 12. We have cleaned the room. 13. Cris has phoned his friend. 14. The train has just arrived. 15. It has just started to rain. 16. Kelly has gone to America. 17. We have left our books at school. 18. The street has changed a lot. 19. You have worked here for a long time. 20. Mandy has been to Greece.

  1. Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями о том, что уже сделано и что еще не сделано.

Done                                                                    Not yet done  

  1. drink coffee                                                   6. take the dog for a wall    
  2. clean the floor                                                7. do the shopping
  3. wash the dishes                                              8. have breakfast
  4. water the plants                                              9. cook dinner
  5. do lessons                                                      10. paint the walls

  1. Say  that you have already done the things your partner is asking you to do:

Model: -Don’t forget to answer the letters, please.

           - I have already answered them.

1.Don’t forget to book the tickets, please. 2. Remember to sign the papers. 3. Don’t forget to check them up. 4. Remember to pack your toothbrysh.5. don’t forget to post the card. 6. Don’t forget to leave your telephone number. 7. Don’t forget to photo0copy the documents. 8. Remember to send the telegram. 9. Leave him a message. 10. Don’t forget to write a reply to Mr Robinson’s letter. 11. Could you take a dictionary from the library?

  1. Refuse the offers politely. Use the prompts:

Model: - Would you like something to eat? (have dinner)

  1. No, thank you. I have just had dinner.

1.Would you like a cigarette? (smoke one). 2. Would you like another biscuit? (have two). 3. Would you like a bottle of red wine? (buy one). 4. Would you like a plum? (take one). 5. Would you like to visit the exhibition? (be there). 6. How about a game of chess? (play with Jack). 7. Would you like to see his new car? (see).


  1. Say that you can’t give your opinion on the subject. Follow the model:

Model:  - How do you like the new Ryasanov’s film? (see)

  1. I have not seen it yet.

1.Do you like the “Kosmos” hotel? (stay) 2. Do you gind his sister pretty? (see) 3. What do you think of the robots exhibition? (visit) 4. How do you find his type-writer? (use) 5. Does the suit fit you well? (try on) 6. Did you find the last Brain Ring interesting? (watch) 7. Do you find the 10.32 express to Moscow convenient? (travel)


  1. A group of businessman from Minsk is on a tour in England. Develop the idea of how long each of them has done this or that. Use the prompts:

Model: The group is in London now. (2 days)

            They have been there for 2 days.

1. Mr Pavlov is in the Impex main office now. (3 hours) 2. Nicolas is having talks with firms’ managers. (since morning) 3. Andrew is in the British Museum library. (for 2 days) 4. Nell is at a technical exhibition. (since 10 o’clock) 5. Mr Lavrov knows several business people in London. (for some years) 6. Helen is on a sightseeing tour about London. (for several hours) 7. Mr Smirnov is having a hot discussion on sales terms. (for an hour) 8. I am trying to get them all together or lunch (for an hour or so)    

  1. Answer the questions about Victor Petrov. Say since when each action has taken place. Use the prompts words:

Model: Do you know Victor? (since childhood)

            Yes, I do. I have known him since childhood.

1.Does he live in Minsk? (since 1970) 2. Are you friends with him? (since school years) 3. Is he interested in physics? (since he was at school) 4. Is he married? (since 1995) 5. Does he work at the factory? (since he left school) 6. Is he the chief engineer there? (since last year) 7. Is he in Spain now? (since December) 8. Haven’t you seen him lately? (since he changed his job)

Present Perfect  and Past Simple Tenses

  1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени

1.They (get) married a month ago. 2. He (call) us. 3. I (have) this car for a year. 4. He (leave) just now. 5. She (type) three letters. 6. She (cook) dinner. 7. …(you/be) in Rome? 8. Carol (be) to the cinema twice. 9. I (study) Maths since 1994. 10. Peter (be) here since 5 o’clock. 11. Paul (come) two hours ago. 12. They (move) to a new house last autumn.


  1. Употребите  глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect или Past Simple. 

1. Jill (buy) a new car two weeks ago. 2. His hair is very short. He (have) a biscuit. 3. Last night I (arrive) home at half past twelve. I (have) a bath and then I (go) to bed. 4. (you/visit) many museums when you were in Paris? 5. My bicycle isn’t here any more. Somebody (take) it. 6. When (you/give) up smoking? 7. I (not/eat) anything yesterday because I (not/feel) hungry. 8. Why (Jim/not/want) to play. 10. Brian: Hello, Susan. Is Alan here? Susan: No, I’m afraid he (go out). Brian: Oh, what a pity! When exactly (he/go out)? Susan: About ten minutes ago.    


  1. Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола.

1.(Have you ever seen / did you ever see) rock concerts? 2. (I saw / have seen) the Rolling Stones last year. 3. I love rock’n’roll. I (like / have liked) it all my life. 4. The Stones’ concert (has been / was) excellent. 5. I (have bought / bought) all their records after the concert. 6. How long (have you known / do you know) Peter? 7. I (know / have known) him since we were at school together. 8. When (did you get / have you got) married to him? 9. We (have been / are ) together for over ten years, and we (have got / got) married eight years ago.

  1. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1.Have you been to London? Yes, I have been. 2. He is gone to Canada. 3. I am sorry. I have not wrote before. 4. I has broken the window. 5. He has get three brothers. 6. He is got up early. 7. The children has just left. 8. I never have been to Kenya. 9. Have you been to New York last holidays? 10. Have they visited ever you? 11. How many times you been to Greece? 12. We have met two years ago in New York. 13. Did you ever been to Ireland? 14. I have wrote to her three times and she has not answered yet. 15. She has not never been to Madrid.

  1. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.
  1. I…here for six months now. (live)
  2. They…here in February. (move)
  3. He can go out, because she…his homework.(finish)
  4. She can’t write because she…her arm.(break)
  5. He …his leg last week. (break)
  6. I…to the disco last night. (go)
  7. We…here for ten minutes, and he still hasn’t come.(be)
  8. He...in America for two years. (live)
  9. I can’t do my homework, I …my book.
  10. We…our granny last Sunday.(visit)
  11. Mrs. Wells…her car to the garage.(take)
  12. Vicky…my sandwiches.(eat)

Past Perfect Tense

  1. Complete the utterances using the Past Perfect:

Model: I knew the actress very well. (to see her in many plays)

            I knew the actress very well. I had seen her in many plays.

1.Alice was late. (to miss the 5 o’clock bus) 2. I wasn’t hungry. (just, to have dinner) 3. I couldn’t write to her. (to lose her address) 4. Mary was upset. (to get bad news) 5. George didn’t come to the party. (to leave for Orenburg) 6. My father was angry with me. (to break his watch) 7. My brother was disappointed. (not to get a typing) 9. When I saw Mrs Smith she looked worried. (not to hear from her son for a long time)


  1. Join the sentences together. Say that one action took place before the other:

Model: We came to the cinema. The film began.

            When we came to the cinema the film had already begun.

1.I returned home. The guests left. 2. I looked out of the window. The rain stopped. We found her carriage. She got off the train. 4. We arrived at the station. Our train went out. 5. I returned home. The family had dinner.

Model: I booked a ticket. Then I phoned Lucy.

           After I had booked a ticket I phoned Lucy.

1.Mr Hawk signed the documents. Then he left the office. 2. She finished typing. Then she went to the pictures. 3. I packed my things. Then the telephone rang. 4. We made all the necessary preparations. Then we started. 5. He sent a telegram. Then he went for a walk.


Model: I had a bath. I went to bed. (after)

            After I had had a bath, I went to bed.

  1. I read the letter. I threw it away. (when)
  2. He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)
  3. I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it. (when)
  4. I didn’t go to bed. I did my homework. (until)
  5. I spent all my money. I went home. (when)
  6. I read the book. I saw the film. (before)
  7. Her children left home. She started writing.(after)

  1. Complete the utterances using the Past Perfect:

Model: Our guests (meet) before so we didn’t need to introduce them to one another. – Our guests had met before so we didn’t need to introduce them to one another.

1.The old man (be) a great traveller in his youth and could tell a tale about many strange places. 2. Mary (prepare) our meals on the previous day so she was able to visit her sister in the country. 3. John had nothing to smoke because he (forget) to buy tobacco. 4. We couldn’t play football that Saturday as it (rain) all the previous week. 5. The ground was under water because it (not /stop) raining for six days and nights. 6. They (not / eat) for twenty-four hours and were very hungry. 7. He lived quietly on a little money he (save) before his retirement.  

Future Perfect Tense

  1. Complete the utterances using the Future Perfect:

1.In a fortnight’s time we (take) our exams. 2. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening. 3. By the end of next year I (be) here twenty-five years. 4. I’ll still be here next summer but Tom (leave). 5. I (finish) this job in twenty minutes. 6. By next winter they (build) four houses in that field.7. by the end of my university course I (attend) 1, 200 lectures. 8. By the end of the term I (read) all the books on the list. 9 . I’m going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches.- you’ll be too late. By the tome you get there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home. 10. By the end of the month 5,000 people (see) this exhibition. 11. After this performance I (see) “Hamlet” twenty-two times. 12. Tourist: We have only got five hours in Rome, we are leaving at six; but I’m sure that we (see) everything of importance by then.

  1. Переведите, обращая внимание на Future Perfect Tense.

1.He will have  started on his way back by the time you return. 2. You will have returned the book to the library by this time tomorrow. 3. I suppose by then they will have settled all the problems. 4. They will have gone for a walk by the time I have finished the job. 6. “Don’t be late”, he said. “He won’t have gone when you come back”. 6. When my thoughts are written down I shall have finished with them and I shall have time to think of other things.

Perfect Tenses

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование Perfect Tenses.

1.Never ask for money you have not earned. 2. I have always believed that a man must be honest. 3. “But it is not your dog now – I have bought it”, - said the General. 4. At the house they said the boy had refused to let any one come into the room. 5. I went up to him and found him in exactly the same position I had left him. 6. She knew the road to the river as she had often gone with her mistress to visit some friends. 7. I couldn’t go with you as I hadn’t finished my work. 8. Had the train stopped by that time? 9. I have heard this song. 10. I had already heard that song it today. 11. He will have finished his work by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 12. I’m sure he’ll have passed his exam already. 13. “shall I find him in if I come at 6?” – “ I’m sure, he’ll have gone by that time”.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя времена группы Perfect.

1. Вы были когда-нибудь на Кавказе? Когда вы были там последний раз? 2. Мы только что продали последнюю книгу. 3. Я никогда прежде не видела этого фильма. 4. Когда я вернулась из театра, все уже ушли. 5. Сегодняшняя лекция профессора Иванова была очень интересной. Его лекции всегда привлекали внимание. 6. К тому времени, когда ты приедешь домой, ты забудешь все, что я тебе говорил. 7. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы приедем на станцию. 8. Я дам вам знать, как только закончу переводить эту статью. 9. Не знаю, напишет ли он статью к первому октября. Если она будет написана к этому времени, мы ее напечатаем. 10. Она недавно получила письмо от брата. Его давно нет в Москве.


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное   образовательное     учреждение

Средняя     общеобразовательная     школа    № 1

Методическое пособие

по английскому языку

 «Группа временных форм Indefinite (Simple)»

Составила:  Рыжикова Е.Н.


Биробиджан,  2013

Группа временных форм Indefinite (Simple)

Формы глагола в Present Indefinite

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма



You              ask



She             asks




You            do not  ask



She             does not ask




Do      You           ask?




Does   She         ask ?


Глаголы в формах Indefinite (Simple) описывают обычные, повторяющиеся действия как факт – безотносительно к их длительности или к результату действия:

I go to school every day  - Я хожу в школу каждый день.

В этом высказывании интересует не время, потраченное на дорогу, на процесс движения, не результат походов, а сам факт: я хожу в школу, а не на работу. То же самое относится к прошедшему и к будущему времени:

I went to school when I was a boy. – Я ходил в школу, когда был мальчиком.

I will go to school when I grow up. – Я буду ходить в школу, когда вырасту.

Для указания на повторный характер действия часто употребляются слова

Every day / week, month, year ( каждый день / каждую неделю, месяц. год),

Often (часто), seldom (редко), always (всегда), usually (обычно), never (никогда).

Наречия often, seldom, always, never, usually обычно ставится перед глаголом.

Past Indefinite Tense

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма




They        asked







They       did not ask






           You                    Did     They       ask?





По способу образования прошедшего времени все глаголы в английском языке можно разделить на две группы: правильные и неправильные. У правильных глаголов вторая  форма (Past Indefinite Tense) образуются путем прибавления к основе глагола окончания  -ed (-d):

to ask – asked

to receive – received

to change – changed

to work - worked

При этом существует ряд особенностей:

  1. Если глагол оканчивается на –y с предшествующей согласной, то буква y меняется на i и добавляется окончание –ed:

to supply – supplied

to apply – applied

2. Если глагол оканчивается на –y с предшествующей гласной, то буква y не меняется и добавляется окончание –ed:

to stay – stayed

to play – played

  1. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то согласная на конце удваивается:

to stop – stopped

неправильные глаголы образуют вторую форму различными способами, без четких правил. (список неправильных глаголов в словаре).

Future Indefinite Tense

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма




They     will   ask







They      will not ask






           You                    Will     They       ask?






Present Indefinite Tense

1. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы, данные в скобках в форме Present Indefinite по образцу

Образец: I…..in the main office. (work)

                I work in the main office.

                Mr Wilson….very hard. (work)

                Mr Wilson works very hard.

  1. Almost everyone…very hard.(work)
  2. We…from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.(work)
  3. Mr Wilson…a private office.
  4. Miss Peters…letters for me.(write)
  5. Mr Wilson… the reports.(study)
  6. Smith and Green….information (collect)

2. Заполните пропуски, используя do not или does not (don’t / doesn’t)

  1. We…listen to the radio every night.
  2.  Mr Wilson…have a private office.
  3.  The boys…study at the library every day.
  4. These exercises….seem very difficult.
  5. The men…always eat at that cafeteria.
  6. That tall man…work for this company.
  7. The people…speak English very well.

3. Заполните пропуски, используя do или does

  1. …you want cream and sugar in your coffee?
  2. …the children go to bed very early?
  3. …that girl come from South America?
  4. …you know that Italian student?
  5. …Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?
  6. …your English lessons seem very difficult?
  7. …those two women understand that lesson?

4. Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные. Используя конструкции don’t  или doesn’t

  1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings.
  2. Peter buys a morning newspaper every day.
  3. I come to every lesson.
  4. We go to the seaside every summer.
  5. You go shopping on Saturday mornings.
  6. Peter plays the piano very well.
  7. The sun rises in the west.
  8. My big brother knows everything.
  9. Dogs like cats.
  10. Some children like chocolate.
  11. It rains very often in summer.

5. Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные. Начинайте вопросы со слов в скобках.

  1. Ann watches television. (How often?)
  2. I write to my parents. (How often?)
  3. I have dinner in the evening. (What time / usually?)
  4. Tom works. (Where?)
  5. I go to the cinema. (How often?)
  6. People do stupid things.(Why?)
  7. The car breaks down.(How often?)

6. Составьте из данных слов вопросительные предложения

  1. buy / you / the / do / at / what /shops
  2. is / who / teacher / the
  3. parents / moment / where / your / the / at / are
  4. you / how / to / come / school / do
  5. that/ is / car / whose

7. Допишите окончания глаголов (-s или –es) там, где это нужно

  1. He go…to school by bus.
  2. She like…milk.
  3. My father watch…TV in the evening.
  4. I play…tennis on Saturdays.
  5. My brother play…football quite well.
  6. My sister sing…very well.
  7. She wash…her face and hands in the morning and in the evening.
  8. I usually drink…tea for breakfast.
  9. Jane do…her English exercises after school.
  10. Peter drive…a car.

8. Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола

  1. She (swim / swims) very well.
  2. Luc (live / lives) in London.
  3. Jack (come / comes) from the USA.
  4. Betty (dance / dances) a little.
  5. He (have / has) three brothers.
  6. Ted (like / likes) music.
  7. Chris (cook /cooks) cakes quite well.

9. Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начиная словами, указанными в скобках

  1. The engineer lives in Tomsk. (Who)
  2. She lives in Green Street (Where)
  3. Grace usually has supper at nine o’clock (When)
  4. Tim reads many books (Does)
  5. Sally speaks Spanish (Does)
  6. We have English lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays. (Do)
  7. They work on a farm (Where)
  8. I make my bed in the morning (Do)
  9. They do their homework after school (When)
  10. I have a glass of milk for supper (What)
  11. We like watching TV in the evening (Do)

10. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными

  1. Bess helps her mother.
  2. My friend plays the piano.
  3. We listen to music.
  4. You make a lot of mistakes.
  5. The farmer works in the field.
  6. The small boy rides a bike.
  7. He looks at the pictures in the book.
  8. The workman paints the house.
  9. Richard and Henry swim in the river in summer.
  10. John goes to school by tram.
  11. She gets up at 8 o’clock.
  12. He has tea for breakfast.
  13. She usually has dinner at 2 o’clock.
  14. Peter lives in London.

Past Simple

1. Образуйте от выделенных глаголов прошедшее время

  1. I play in the field.
  2. He wants to go home.
  3. The driver stops the car.
  4. He drinks tea every day.
  5. It begins to rain.
  6. They like our house.
  7. I dream every night.
  8. My sister cleans the room.
  9. The teacher gives us dictation.
  10. He sits at his desk and writes a letter.
  11. Mery comes early.
  12. The cat catches the fish in the river.
  13. The dog eats its dinner.
  14. The boys go for a holiday.
  15. Richard knows George.
  16. The plane flies very high.
  17. He teaches us English.
  18. I wash my hands day.
  19. He goes to school.
  20. Liz cuts her finger.

2. Составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения по образцу.

Образец:  I went to Chicago / I didn’t go to New York

  1. We…Jim, we…Max. (meet)
  2. He…last Tuesday, he…last Thursday. (leave)
  3. We…Jack, we…David (see)
  4. They…a Volvo, they…a Fiat (buy)
  5. You…the answer, Tom…the answer (know)
  6. I …my passport, I…my ticket (lose)
  7. We…the pizza, we…hot dogs (have)
  8. He…a letter, he … a postcard (write)
  9. The film…at 6.30p.m., at 7.30 p.m. (begin)
  10. My sister…at the theatre yesterday, she…at the disco(be)

3. Составьте вопросы из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов в предложении.

  1. Morning / you / time / get / up / what / in / the / did?
  2. Dinner / night / have / what / last / you / for / did?
  3. Did / train / last / you / by / when / travel?
  4. Do / what / Sunday / you / last / you?
  5. Visit / you / art gallery /an / last / did / when?
  6. Travel / on / you / how / work / did / to / Monday?

4. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени

1.Stratford – on –Avon (be) a small town in Central England where Shakespeare (be born). 2. Some two centuries ago, when there (not / be) trains, cars and trams, people (travel) in carriages. The mailcoach (take) both people and post from town to town.  3. Latin (be) a dead language now, but (be) the international language some four centuries ago. 4. Many thousands of years ago Cyprus (be) famous for its copper.     5. The metric system (be) a system of measures and weights which (be) first adopted in France. 6. In ancient Rome people (use) sticks of bone or metal tablets. They (call) these sticks “styles”. 7. Shishkin (not / create) his picture “Morning in the Pine – Wood” alone.The no-less famous painter Savitsky (paint) the bear with her three little cubs.    

5. Работайте по модели:

Образец: Tom usually gets at 7.30. Yesterday he got up at 7.30.

  1. Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning……………..
  2. Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday…………….
  3. Tom is usually late  for work. Yesterday………….
  4. Tom usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday……..
  5. Tom usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday…………
  6. Tom usually sleeps very well. Last night……………

6. Вставьте глаголы по смыслу:
hurt  teach  spend   sell    throw    fall    catch     buy    cost

  1. I was hungry, so I……….something to eat in the shop.
  2. Tim’s father……….him how to drive when he was 17.
  3. Don………down the stars this morning and…….his leg.
  4. We needed some money so we……..our car.
  5. Ann….a lot of money yesterday. She ……a dress which……..$ 50.
  6. Jim……the ball to Sue who…………it.

7. Поставьте инфинитив в скобках в Past Indefinite Tense.

  1. He (to lose) his balance and (to fall).
  2. My father (to found0 his business in 1999.
  3. Clearing out the room I (to find) these old stamps.
  4. The monkey (to jump) at her.
  5. I suddenly (to see) beautiful birds in the window.
  6. The police (to open) fire and 9to wound) two criminals.
  7. She (not to know) what to do and how to get out  there, when someone finally (to hear) her cries for help.
  8. We (to meet) last summer.
  9. We (not to have) holiday last summer.
  10. Bill (to go) home 10 minutes ago.

Future Indefinite Tense

1. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. Will you take your exams in June?
  2. Will you come to our party?
  3. Will you join for lunch?
  4. Will you help them with their English?
  5. Will they be happy to see us?
  6. When will he know the time of our arrival?
  7. What will you tell them?
  8. Where will she wait for you?
  9. Will we start the discussion?
  10. Will I help you?

2. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present или  Future Indefinite

  1. I (to hope) he (to be) at the office tomorrow.
  2. When you (to give) me back my textbook?
  3. I (to be) sure you (to like) the music.
  4. At this time tomorrow we (to be) far from here.
  5. Don’t wait for me, I probably (to be) late.
  6. I (to be) afraid they (to miss) you very much.
  7. Where we (to meet)?
  8. You (to find) a lot of interesting things in this journal.
  9. How long it (to take) us to get to the airport?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.

  1. I (to go) to bed at 10 o’clock every day.
  2. I (to go) to bed at 10 o’clock yesterday.
  3. I (to go) to bed at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
  4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day.
  5. I (not to go0 to the cinema yesterday.
  6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow.
  7. You (to watch) TV every day?
  8. You (to watch) TV yesterday?
  9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow?
  10. When you (to leave) home for school every day?



Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное   образовательное     учреждение

Средняя     общеобразовательная     школа    № 1


по английскому языку

по теме: «Прямая и косвенная речь»

составила: Рыжикова Е.Н.

Биробиджан, 2012

Пояснительная записка

Данная методическая разработка предназначена студентам для закрепления знаний по теме: «Прямая и косвенная речь» и  для отработки навыков трансформирования прямой речи в косвенную

В первой части  данной методической разработки систематизирован и доступно изложен  теоретический грамматический материал по плану:

  1. общее понятие о прямой и косвенной речи
  2. перевод повествовательных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную
  3. перевод вопросительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную
  4. перевод повелительного наклонения из прямой речи в косвенную
  5. правила согласования времен

Во второй части методической разработки приводятся тренировочные упражнения для закрепления навыков  образования косвенной  речи.

Цель методического пособия – способствовать формированию прочных знаний по грамматике по теме “Прямая и косвенная речь”.

Структура и содержание пособия

Данное пособие включает 2 части: теоретическая (содержит правила перевода предложений из прямой речи в косвенную и практическая часть (содержит тренировочные упражнения по данной теме).

Студенты должен знать: 

- способы, правила пунктуации и особенности грамматики в английском языке при переводе прямой речи в косвенную.

Студенты должны уметь:

 - грамотно трансформировать прямую речь в косвенную, придерживаясь правил английской грамматики и пунктуации.

В английском языке, так же как и в русском, есть два способа передачи чужой речи. Один из них вам уже хорошо знаком — это простое повторение чужого высказывания с сохранением его грамматических, лексических и интонационных особенностей  - так называемая прямая речь:

  1. The commentator says: "It's a new record."
  2. The old lady asked, "Is this my seat?"
  3. The doctor asked, "How do you feel today?"
  4. The lecturer said to the students: "Look at this map!"
  5. "I'm busy," he said.
  6. "Please make yourselves comfortable," she said to us.
  7. "Can you call back?" she asked.
  8. "Where is it?" he asked me.

Другой способ передачи чужой речи - пересказ чужой мысли в косвенной речи, при котором происходят грамматические изменения, по смыслу заменяются некоторые слова и соответствующим образом меняется интонация.

Повествовательное предложение в косвенной речи.

She says, “I am happy”

She says (that) she is happy.

He said, “I do not agree with you”

He said (that) he did not agree with me.

“I do not know anything about it”, he said to me.

He told me (that) he did not know anything about it.

“I have never been there”, he said to us.

He told us (that) he had never been there.

Как видно из примеров, утвердительное предложение в косвенной речи становится дополнительным придаточным, которое после главного предложения в прошедшем времени подчиняется правилу согласования времен.

Модальные глаголы must и should остаются в косвенной речи без изменения независимо от того, в каком времени стоит сказуемое главного предложения. Глагол сап после главного предложения в прошедшем времени превращается в could, a may в might:


He said, “I must go and make some calls”

He said he must go and make some calls.

She said to me: “You should spend more time out-of-doors”

She told me I should spend more time out- of- doors.

He said, “I can easily contact them myself”

He said he could easily contact them himself.

Сослагательное наклонение остается без изменений:


She said: “I would have come if I had known”

She said she would have come if she had known.

При переводе повествовательного предложения из прямой речи в косвенную производятся следующие изменения:

1. Повествовательное предложение вводится союзом that, который, однако, часто опускается.


He says, “They will achieve success”.

He says (that) they will achieve success.

2. Личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу:


He says, “I have just seen your elder brother”.

He says (that) he just seen my elder brother.

3. Если после глагола to say имеется предложное дополнение, указывающее на лицо, к которому обращена речь, то он заменяется глаголом to tell.


She has said to me, “I am awfully tired”

She has told that she is awfully tired.

4. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную заменяются следующие указательные местоимения, наречия времени и места:

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

this - these

that – those




that day


the day before


the next day

next week

the following week

last week

the previous week

Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи

1. При переводе прямого вопроса в косвенный он превращается в дополнительное придаточное предложение. Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения – глагол – сказуемое ставится после подлежащего. Личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу.

2. При переводе общих вопросов в косвенные, они присоединяются к главному предложению СС помощью союзов if  или whether, которые переводятся на русский язык частицей ли.


John asked the secretary whether Mr Brown had come back.

Джон спросил секретаря, вернулся ли господин Браун.

  1. Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи вводятся соответствующими вопросительными словами.


He asked Jane, “Who won the last swimming event?”

He asked Jane who had won the previous swimming event.

She asked Bill, “How old is John’s father?”

She asked Bill how old John’s father was.

  1. Если прямую речь вводит глагол to say, то в косвенной речи он заменяется глаголами to ask, to wonder, to want, to know.


She said, “John, when are you leaving?”

She asked John (she wondered, she wanted to know) when he was leaving.

Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи

  1. Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи вводятся глаголами to ask (просить), to tell (велеть, сказать), to order (приказать).


She said, “Don’t book tickets for the theatre for next Friday”.

She asked me not to book tickets for the theatre for the following Friday.

Глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом. Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется путем прибавления отрицания not (to go – not tot go).

Согласование времен

Согласование времен – явление, характерное для английского языка. Согласование времен означает зависимость времени глагольного сказуемого придаточного предложения от времени сказуемого главного предложения. Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то и сказуемое придаточного предложения тоже должно стоять в одном из прошедших времен.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Present Indefinite

Past  Indefinite

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Past Indefinite

Past Perfect

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Indefinite

Future in the Past


1. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи. Прочитайте их вслух, следя за интонацией.

  1. The expert said, "There's a similarity between the two projects."
  2. The manager said to his colleagues, "We must look for new
    outlets for our goods."
  3. He said, "The purpose of my visit is to exchange opinions with
  4. The air hostess says, "The plane is landing."
  5. He said to us, "The machine meets the highest requirements,
    without any doubt."
  6. Mr Bennett said to us, "The project will be financed by several
  7. The manager said to the interviewers, "The construction has
    been completed in record time."
  8. The finance manager said, "I can only give you preliminary
  9. He said, "The old equipment must be replaced even if it
    requires a lot of money."
  10. He said, "You should introduce these changes gradually, not all at once."

2. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи. Прочитайте их вслух, следя за интонацией.

  1. "How much time is left?" he asked.
  2. She asked, "How far's the bus stop?"
  3. "How long will it take you to make preliminary arrangements?"
    we asked him.
  4. We asked her, “How well does your colleague speak Russian?"
  5. He asked: "Why can't a definite answer be given soon?"
  6. He asked us: "Which of you would like to join me?"
  7. He asked me, "How do you like it here?"
  8. She asked the secretary, "How soon will Mr Hill be back from
  9. "What are you looking for?" he asked the boy.


    3. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Он спрашивает, от кого зависит решение.
  2. Она спросила, почему отменили встречу.
  3. Я не знал, сколько времени уйдет на то, чтобы сравнить
  4. Он спросил, сколько машин нам потребуется.
  1. He могли бы вы объяснить мне, почему мы должны дать
    ответ так скоро.
  2. Корреспондент спрашивает, сколько народу собирается

принять участие в дискуссии.

  1. Я не понимаю, каким образом (как) что-либо может быть
    построено так скоро.
  2. Они спрашивают, когда была основана компания.
  3. Они хотели знать, как скоро мы сможем связаться с наши
    ми контрагентами.
  4. Они спросили, когда мы собираемся заняться этим вопросом.

4. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи. Прочитайте их вслух, следя за интонацией.

  1. Не asked, "Is it true?"
  2. He asked me, "Is it very frosty outside?"
  3. "Is it true that the match has been cancelled?" he asked her.
  4. She asked me, "Do you agree with me?"
  5. She asked me: "Are you hungry?"
  6. They asked us, "Is it absolutely necessary to change our
    preliminary arrangements?"
  7. She asked him, "Oh, how could you afford to buy such an
    expensive thing?"
  8. He asked, "Would you like to have another look at the text?"
  9. She asked the doctor, "Shall I follow a strict diet?"
  10. He asked us: "Must we really make serious changes in the programme?"

5. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Туристы спросили гида, был ли этот город построен по плану.

     2. Мы спросили продавца, надежна ли эта модель.

  1.  Я не знал, много ли времени займет предварительное обсуждение проблемы.
  2. Я спросил его, может ли он подвезти меня до дома.
  3. Управляющий спросил, все ли согласны с тем, что многое
    в работе компании требует серьезных изменений.
  4. Я спросил, находят ли мои коллеги предложение наших
    контрагентов достаточно привлекательным.

  1. Их спросили, могут ли они заплатить такую огромную сумму за эту картину.
  2. Их спросили, смогут ли они сами заменить дефектные части (defective parts).
  1. Я спросил моих коллег, можем ли мы приступить к делу.

6. Передайте просьбы в косвенной речи.

1. "Please switch it on," he said to me.

2. "Please explain it again," she said to him.

3. He asked the stand attendant, "Please show me how to operate it."

4. She said to the children, "Don't make so much noise!"

5. "Please be especially careful with this piece of equipment," he
said to me.

6. "Please don't forget to switch the set off," he said to his assistant.

7. "Please put this stand in the foreground of the picture," the
manager said to the reporter.

8. The manager said to his secretary, "Please cancel all the
appointments for tomorrow."

7. Прочитайте вслух и переведите. Восстановите то, что было сказано в прямой речи.

  1. Не advised me to give up smoking.
  2. She recommended that we should send our little daughter to a

ballet school.

  1. He advised me to give up teaching and go into business.
  2. The secretary reminded him to contact Mr Pierce as soon as


5.        The manager reminded the secretary to let everybody know
that the company meeting had been put off.

6.        She reminded her husband that they had been invited to their
friend's birthday party.

8. Ваш друг говорит вам то, что противоречит его прежним словам.

Ответьте ему, начиная свои высказывания со слов

I thought you said...............................

  1. “Ann is coming to the party.”I thought you said  she.......................................
  2. “Bill passed his examination.” I thought you said         ..............
  3. “Ann likes Bill.” I thought         ..............
  4. “I've got many friends.” I thought you said you        ..............
  5. “Jack and Jill are going to get married”        .............
  6. “Toni works very hard.”        .............
  7. “I want to be rich and famous.”        .............
  8. “I will be here next week.”        ..............
  9. “I can afford a holiday this year.”.....................................................................

9. Что бы вы сказали в подобной ситуации?

Пример:  Ann says 'I'm tired'. Five minutes later she says “Let's play tennis”. What do you say? You said you were tired.

  1. Your friend says “I'm hungry” so you go to a restaurant, When you get there he says “I don't want to eat”. What do you say? You said........
  2. Tom tells you “Ann has gone away”. Later that day you meet her. What do you say? Tom told        
  3. George said “I don't smoke”  A few days later you see him smoking a cigarette. What do you say to him? You said        .........        
  1. You arranged to meet Jack. He said “I won't be late”. At last lie arrives - 20 minutes late. What do you say? You         
  2. Sue said “I can't come to the party tonight”. That night you see her at the party. What do you say to her?        
  3. Ann says “I'm working tomorrow evening”. Later that day she says “Let's go out tomorrow evening”. What do you say?         

10.  Замените прямую речь косвенной.

1. “Eat more fruit and vegetables”, the doctor said.

The doctor said         .

2. “Read the instructions before you switch on the machine”, he said to me. He told         

3. “Shut the door but don't lock it”, she said to us.

She told                 

4. “Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand”, he said to me.

He asked         because         

5. “Don't come before 6 o'clock”, I said to him.
I told ...................

11. Вчера вы встретили своего друга, который рассказал вам много новостей.  Переведите его слова в косвенную речь.

12. Замените прямую речь косвенной.

1. John asked the passer-by, «Is it far?»

2. Peter asked Bill, «Should I take a bus?»

3. A young man asked him, «Could you tell me the way to the station?»

4. He asked Bill, «Will it take me long?»

5. Jane asked a passer-by, «Is there a bus from here to the National Gallery?»

6. Peter asked, «Does this bus go to the station?»

7. John asked an old man. «Can you tell me where to get off».

8. Ann asked one of the passengers, «Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?»

9.        Peter asked me, «What are your, plans for tomorrow morning?»

10.        He asked me, «What are you doing in the afternoon?»

11.He asked John, «What Art galleries have you been to?»

12.«Did you find the shortest way to the underground station yesterday? » Bill
asked him.

13. «What bus goes to Kazan Station?» an old man asked him.

14. «How long will it take me to get there?» he asked the taxi - driver.

15. The young man said to him, «Take the first turning on the left and go straight on».

16. The policeman said to him, «Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights».

17. The boy said to her.«Go straight on and take the second turning on the right». 18. She said to him, «Take a 12 and ask the conductor to put you down at
Trafalgar Square».

13. Замените прямую речь косвенной.

1. «Please show them round the city», Peter said to him.

2. «Please don't call me up before Wednesday», Mr Dobson said to him.

3. «Please phone Mr. Petrov», Mr. Dodd said to the secretary.

4. «Please ask Mr Mitchell to wait for a little while», Mr Smith said to the secretary.

5. «Don't send the papers yet», he said to the secretary.

6. «Please show me another pair of shoes», the customer said to the shopassistant.

7. «Don't buy any bread today», Mary said to her son.

8. «Please don't come back very late», Peter said to his daughter.

9. «Please try on these shoes», the shop-assistant said to the customer.

1. Roger said: «My uncle has been here more than once».

2. Alice asked me: «Did you spend much time there?»

3. Ben asked me: «When did you join our circle?»

4. She said: «Our group has worked in the lab today».

5. Bill said: «I remember she was good at singing».

6. The mother asked her son: «Why have you spent so much money on sweets?»

7. Fanny asked her friend: «Where did you go during your vacation?»

14. Замените прямую речь косвенной.

1. «We have a lift but very often it doesn't work», they said.

2. «We have moved into our new flat. We don't like it nearly so much as our last one», said my aunt.

3. «Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun», she said.

 4. «I've been in London for a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Tower», he said.

5. He said, «My'wife has just been made a judge».

6. «Who put salt in my coffee?» he asked.

7. «Why did Vou travel first class?» I asked him.

8. «What else did you see?» I asked the boy.

 9. «What is your new house like?» I asked them.

10. «Did they understand what you said to them?» he inquired.

11. «Haven't you got a television set?» he asked.

12. «When you don't like a film do you stay to the end or walk out in the middle?» she asked.

13. «Don't argue with your father», I said.

14. «Wait for me at the bridge», said the young man.

15. «Don't make a sound», he said in a whisper.

16. «Don't go near the water, children», she said.

17. «Don't forget your sandwiches», said his mother.

18. «Please don't say anything to make her angry», said my father.

19. «Please don't leave the gate open», the farmer said to visitors.

20. «Don't climb that tree in your new trousers, Richard», his father said.

15. Переведите на английский язык.

        помочь ему

                         остаться в городе на несколько дней
                        разбудить его в 7.30
                        не уходить из дома завтра
Он        купить овощи и фрукты

попросил        никому не говорить об этом

меня        договориться о встрече с г-ном Смитом

                          отвезти его завтра в Абрамцево

                         сказать ему, как это сделать

                                не прерывать его

16. Прочитайте текст и перепишите его, используя прямую речь.

The waiter recommended the fish. When it arrived, it was inedible. I summoned the waiter and complained that the fish was uncooked. He appologized and offered to replace it. I told him that I wasn't hungry, and requested the bill... .

17. Переделайте предложения с прямой речью в предложения с косвенной речью, используя следующие слова:

advise; remind; warn; invite; ask; encourage.

1. Ruth: Don’t forget to post the letter, Bruno.

  1. R i с h a r d: Carolina, I think you should see a doctor.
  2. К a t h y: Olivia, please do the dishes.
  1. R u t h: Patrice, would you and Manny like to come to dinner?

5. Maria: Roger, close the door, please.

  1. M о t h e r: Ben, don't touch the heater.
  2. M i k e: Vicki, why don't you run in the marathon?
  3. Be careful! Don't sit down, that paint is wet.

18. Замените косвенную речь на прямую.

1. Не invited me to go to dinner with him.

2. They warned me not to be home late.

3. She advised me to lie down and have an aspirin.

4. She asked me to bring the book back.

5. She tried to persuade me to go  to the party.

6. We reminded them to ask their parents about the trip.

7. She encouraged them to talk to each other more.

Тестовые задания

Выберите   правильный   вариант   преобразования прямой речи в косвенную.

1. "I have not done my homework," she says.

  1. She says she has not done her homework.
  2. She says she had not done her homework.

2. "I have not got any money," he will tell you.

  1. He'll tell you he had not got any money.
  2. He'll tell you he has not got any money.

3. "I have seen this film before," she says.
     a) She says she has seen the film before.

b) She says she had seen the film before.

4. "I want to go home," he has already told me.

          a) He has already told me he wants to go home.

 b) He has already told me he wanted to go home.

5. "I have not seen my friend for years," he says.
a) He says he had not seen his friend for ages.

       b) He says he has not seen his friend for ages.

6. "I do not know how much it costs," she says.

  1. She says she does not know how much it costs.
  2. She says she does not know how much it cost.

7. "I do not like going to parties," she's told me.

 a) She has told me she does not like going to parties,

b) Sh ha's told me she did not like going to parties

8. "We have never been to Berlin," they say.

  1. They say they had never been to Berlin.
  2. They say they have never been to Berlin.

9. "I need the money to visit my parents," he will say.

  1. Hewill say he needs the money to visit his parents.
  2. He will say he need the money to visit his parents.

10. "We can't come on Friday," they have told us.

  1. They have told us they couldn't come on Friday.
  2. They have told us they cant come on Friday.

11. "I'm going to visit Europe this year," the President will announce.

  1. The President will announce he's going to visit Europe year.
  2. The President will announce he going to visit Europe this year.

12. "I can't stand modern music," Mary tells me.

  1. Mary tells me she couldn't stand modern music.
  2. Mary tells me she can't stand modern music.

13. "The plane will land in half an hour," the pilot has just announced.

  1. The pilot has just announced that the plane would land in half an hour.
  2. The pilot has just announced that the plane will land in half an hour.

14. "There are no tickets left for tonight's performance”,  the  booking office says.

  1. The booking office says that there are no tickets  for tonight's performance.
  2. The booking office says that there were no tickets left night's performance.

15. "We haven't had anything to eat," the children say.

  1. The children say they hadn't had anything to eat.
  2. The children say they haven't had anything to eat.

16. "I've already seen the play," he has told me.

  1. He has told me he has already seen the play.
  2. He has told me he has already saw the play.

17. "I will come again next year," I have told them.
n) I have told them I have come again next year.
b) I have told them  Iwill come again next year.

18. "I'm not feeling very well," Sam says.

  a)Sam says he isn't feeling very well.

  b)Sam says he hasn't feeling very well.

19. "My name's Van," he said.

  1. He said his name was Van.
  2. He said his name is Van.

20. "I'm writing a letter," she said.

          a)She said she writes a letter.

 b) She said she was writing a letter.

21. "I'm waiting for John," she said.

  1. She said she was waiting for John.
  2. She said she has been waiting for John.

22. "I don't like the idea," he said.

  1. He said he doesn't like the idea.
  2. He said he didn't like the idea.

23. "The car isn't at my house," he said.

  1. He said that the car wasn't at his house.
  2. He said that the car wasn't at his house.

24. "The washing machine is broken," she said.

  1. She said that the washing machine has been broken.
  2. She said the washing machine was broken.

25. "I'm working," he said.

  1. He said he is working.
  2. He said he was working.

26. "We're worried about Peter," they said.

  1. They said they have been worried about Peter.
  2. They said they were worried about Peter.

27. "I don't smoke," John said.

  1. John said he doesn't smoke.
  2. John said he didn't smoke.

28. "I'm waiting for my exam results," Jane said.

  1. Jane said she was waiting for her exam results.
  2. Jane said she has been waiting for her exam results.

29. "I work for an American company," Mr Johnson said.

  1. Mr Johnson said he works for an American company.
  2. Mr Johnson said he worked for an American company.

30. "I'm watching the TV," she said.

  1. She said she has been watching the TV.
  2. She said she was watching the TV.

31. "I like the new house," Susan said.

  1. Susan said she liked the new house.
  2. Susan said she likes the new house.

32. "I'm washing the car," Jack said.

  1. Jack said he was washing the car.
  2. Jack said he washing the car.

33. "I'm very tired," she said.

  1. She said she is very tired.
  2. She said she was very tired.

34. "We'll see them soon," he said.

  1. He said they would see them soon.
  2. He said they would saw them soon.

35. "I'm going to the cinema," she said.

  1. She said she was going to the cinema.
  2. She said she has been going to the cinema.

36. "I see the children quite often," he said.

  1. He said he has seen the children quite often.
  2. He said he saw the children quite often.

37. "I'm having breakfast," she said.

  1. She said she has been having breakfast.
  2. She said she was having breakfast.

38. "I've already met her parents," he said.

  1. He said he had already met her parents.
  2. He said he has already met her parents.

39."We stayed in a hotel for two weeks," they said.

  1. They said they stayed in a hotel for two weeks.
  2. They said they had stayed in a hotel for two weeks.

40. "I must go home to make the dinner," she said.

  1. She said she had to go home to make the dinner.
  2. She said she must go home to make the dinner.

41. "I haven't been waiting long," he said.

  1. He said he hadn't been waiting long.
  2. He said he hasn't been waiting.

42. "What's the time?" she asked.

  1. She asked what time it was.
  2. She asked what was the time.

43. "How's your mother?" he asked.

  1. He asked how my mother was.
  2. He asked how my mother is.

44. "What's your name?" he asked.

  1. He wanted to know what my name was.
  2. He wanted to know what was my name.

45. "How old are you?" she said.

  1. She asked how old am I.
  2. She asked how old I was.

46. "When does the train leave?" I asked.

  1. I asked when the train left.
  2. I asked when the train had left.

47. "How are you?" he said.

  1. He asked how was I.
  2. He asked how I was.

48. "Who did you see at the lecture?" my mother said.

  1. My mother wanted to know who I had seen at the lecture.
  2. My mother wanted to know who I saw at the lecture.

49. "Why did you take my book?" he asked.

  1. He wanted to know why I took his book.
  2. He wanted to know why I had taken his book.

50. "How did you get to school?" she said.

  1. She asked how had I got to school.
  2. She asked how I had got to school.

51. "Where do you live?" the man asked.

  1. The man wanted to know where he lived.
  2. The man wanted to know where he lives.

52. "Why weren't at the party?" she asked.

  1. She asked why wasn't I at the party.
  2. She asked why I hadn't been at the party.

53 "Why didn't you telephone?" my mother asked.

  1. My mother wanted to know why I hadn't telephoned her.

b)My mother wanted to know why I haven't telephoned her

54 "Why are you so late?" my boss asked.

  1. My boss demanded to know why I'm late.
  2. My boss demanded to know why I was late.

55 "Why didn't the police report the crime?" the judge asked.

  1. The judge inquired why the police hadn't reported the crime
  2. The judge inquires why hadn't the police reported the crime

56 "Why won't you let me in?" he shouted.

  1. He demanded to know why wouldn't she let him in.
  2. He demanded to know why she wouldn't let him in.

57 "What time does the plane arrive?" we asked.

  1. We inquired what time does the plane arrive.
  2. We inquired what time the plane arrived.

58 "What do you want to talk about?" she said.

  1. She asked what we wanted to talk about.
  2. She asked what we wanted to talk.

59 "Who do you want to talk to?" he asked.

  1. He asked who did we want to talk to.
  2. He asked who we wanted to talk to.

60 "Do you like Benny Hill?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether I liked Benny Hill.
  2. She asked if/whether I like Benny Hill.

61"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked.

  1. He asked if/whether he is enjoying himself.
  2. He asked if/whether he was enjoying himself.

 62 "Does your brother work here?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether my brother worked there.
  2. She asked if/whether my brother works there.

63 "Do you live near your parents?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether we lived near our parents.
  2. She asked if/whether we live near our parents.

64 "Are you a foreigner?" he asked.

  1. He asked if/whether I'm a foreigner.
  2. He asked if/whether I was a foreigner.

65 "Have you seen this film before?" she usked.

a) She asked if/whether we had seen the film before,

b) She asked if  whether we have seen the film before

66 "Are you hungry?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether I was hungry.
  2. She asked if/whether was I hungry.

67 "Did you borrow my camera?" he asked.

  1. He asked if/whether I have borrowed his camera.
  2. He asked if/whether I had borrowed his camera.

68 "Have you finished the report?" he asked.

  1. He asked if/whether she had finished the report.
  2. He asked if/whether she has finished the report.

69 "Did you invite Dan and Sue?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether had we invited Dan and Svie.
  2. She asked if/whether we had invited Dan and Sue.

70 "Does your friend live in London?" he asked.

a.) He asked if/whether my friend lived in London,

b) He asked if/whether my friend lives in London.

71 "Do you know who broke the vase?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether I knew who had broken the vase.
  2. She asked if/whether I knew who has broken the vase.

72 "Did they tell you when they were arriving?" he asked.

  1. He asked if/whether they told me when they were arriving.
  2. He asked if/whether they had told me when they were arriving.

73 "Did you lend them our car?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether he had lent them our car.
  2. She asked if/whether he had lent them their car.

74 "Have you hurt your arm?" she asked.

  1. She asked if/whether I had hurt my arm.
  2. She asked if/whether I had hurted my arm.

75 "Don't stop!" he told the children.

  1. He told the children not to stop.
  2. He told the children don't stop.

76 "Go on!" he told the student.

  1. He told the student to go on.
  2. He told the student go on.

77 "Sit down, Mary," he told.

  1. He told Mary, sit down.
  2. He  told Mary to sit down.

78 "Don't go near the sea, children," mother warned.

  1. Mother warned the children not to go near the sea.
  2. Mother warned the children do not go near the sea.

79 "Don't be late, Dan," Dan's brother said.

  1. Dan's brother told Dan does not be late.
  2. Dan's brother told Dan not to be late.

80 "Be quiet, children!" the teacher said.

  1. The teacher told the children be quiet.
  2. The teacher told the children to be quiet.

81 "Don't shoot!" the officer ordered.

  1. The officer ordered the soldiers not to shoot.
  2. The officer ordered the soldiers do not shoot.

82 "Have your tickets ready," the inspector told us.

  1. The inspector told us have our tickets ready.
  2. The inspector told us to have our tickets ready.

83 "Don't use this machine after four hours' work," the shop assistant told us.

  1. The shop assistant told us not to use that machine after four hours' work.
  2. The shop assistant told us do not use that machine after four  hours' work.

84 "Leave your key on the desk, please," the receptionist asked us.

  1. The receptionist asked us leave the key on the desk.
  2. The receptionist asked us to leave the key on the desk.

85 "Have your passports  ready,  please,"  the customs officer told us.

  1. The customs officer told us have your passports ready.
  2. The customs officer told us to have our passports ready.

86 "Finish the report tonight, please," the boss told us.

  1. The boss told us to finish the report that night.
  2. The boss told us to finish the report tonight.

87 "Run!" the PT teacher told the pupils.

  1. The PT teacher told the pupils to run.
  2. The PT teacher told the pupils run.

88 "Answer the call, please," my husband told me.
a) My husband asked me answer the call.

I») My husband asked me to answer  the  call.

Рекомендуемая литература:

  1. Английский язык: 2770 упражнений и тестов для школьников и поступающих в вузы / Н.Г.Брюсова, И.М.Васильева, И.Ю.Истомина и др. – М.: Дрофа, 1999.-432с.    
  2. Евсюкова Т. В ., Устименко С. И .English. Практический курс. Серия «Учебники и учебные пособия». Ростов н/Д «Феникс», 2001 – 480с.
  3. Бонк Н. А .Английский язык шаг за шагом: Курс для начинающих. В 2т. Т2. – М.:РОСМЭН. – 1999. – 380с.
  4. Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use.  – Cambridge University Press. – 328p.  

I do not know what Fred is doing

You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London

I have been playing tennis recently

Margaret has had a baby

I have not seen Bill for a while

I hardly ever go out these days

I work 14 hours a day

My father is in hospital

Nora and Jim are getting married next month

I am thinking of going to live Canada

I saw Jack at party a few months ago and he seemed fine

Tom had an accident last week but he was not injured

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Monday T uesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I like…..

Слайд 2

My favourite day p erfect day morning afternoon evening

Слайд 3

p er fect spe c ial campi ng arr i ve t o t ie k nots climbing campf ire absolutely

Слайд 4

it starts p ut on s et off meet up go camping a rrive at the forest put up tents tie knots build fires p lay football go climbing cook dinner f inish dinner g o to our tents t ell stories go to sleep

Слайд 5

a nd - t hen - a fter that - w hen - b efore - и з атем, потом п осле этого когда прежде, раньше

Слайд 6

On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee. We go to the cinema. On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee and w e go to the cinema. On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee. Then w e go to the cinema.

Слайд 7

She has breakfast. She leaves for school. She has breakfast. After that , she leaves for school. She has breakfast. Then, she leaves for school. When she has breakfast, she leaves for school.

Слайд 8

On Sundays we have a family dinner. We watch a movie. On Sundays we have a family dinner. Then , we watch a movie. When on Sundays we have a family dinner, w e watch a movie.

Слайд 9

I get up. The alarm clock rings. She has a bath. She gets dressed.

Слайд 10

Which is a perfect day for you? What do you do in the morning? What do you do in the afternoon? What do you do in the evening?

Предварительный просмотр:

План урока английского языка по теме «Мой любимый день»


Содержание этапа

Режимы работы






0.5 мин.

- приветствие

- проверка готовности учащихся к уроку.

- Warming up (How are you? What day is it today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today?)

T – Cl

T – S1, S2...

опрос  уч.

3. Речевая разминка

2 мин.

- включение учащихся в речевую деятельность через микробеседу;

- актуализация имеющегося опыта

(daily routine).

What time do you get up?

What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Do you do your homework every day?

T – S1, S2, S3

опрос  учащихся


0.5  мин.

- определение темы и целей  урока.

T – Cl

Мультимедийная презентация (слайд 1-2) проектор, ПК

5. Проверка дом.


2 мин.

Ex 2 p 40:

  1. Which is Ann’s favourite day?
  2. Контроль навыков чтения, перевода

S1, S2, S3


опрос 6 учащихся

6. Актуализация материала предыдущих уроков.  

5 мин.

- фонетическая зарядка (отработка ЛЕ)

  1. упражнения по тексту (ответить на вопросы, выписать основные действия)

 - повторение Present Simple Tense (правила, переписать предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме)

T – Cl

S1, S2, S3

S1, S2, S3, S4


Мультимедийная презентация (слайд 3-4) проектор, ПК

опрос 4 уч.,

фронтальный опрос


7. Презентация языкового материала: 15 м.

7.1 Введение НЛЕ (предлоги)

 - наглядная презентация;

- коммуникативное упражнение (составить предложения) - Ex 3b p 40

Т – Cl,

T – S1, S2, S3

мультимед. презентация

(слайд 5-9), проектор, ПК, учебник

Фронтальный опрос


8. Практика использования НЛЕ в говорении

7 мин.

8.1 Практика монологической речи

- составление кратких монологических высказываний по образцу;

T – S1, S2, S3

Мультимедийная презентация (слайд 10) проектор, ПК

Фронтальный опрос


7. Итог урока:

3 мин.

- объявление д/з, объяснения д.з;

- подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок);

- мотивация дальнейшей учебной деятельности.

T – Cl

Д.з. Wb. ex.2 p. 25

Sb. ex. 5

 p. 40

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Judy is writing a report. A report is being written . Judy has written a report. Judy wrote a report. A report has been written . A report was written .

Слайд 2

Judy writes a report. A report is written . Judy will write a report. Judy must write a report. A report will be written . A report must be written .

Слайд 3

Mary’s mother is making the pie. The pie is being made . Mary’s mother has made the pie Mary’s mother made the pie. The pie has been made. The pie was made .

Слайд 4

Mary’s mother makes the pie. The pie is made . Mary’s mother will make the pie Mary’s mother can make the pie. The pie will be made. The pie can be made .

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Для продолжения выбери раздел!

Слайд 2

a cat a dog

Слайд 3

a horse a frog

Слайд 4

a chimp a bird

Слайд 5

a lion a fish

Слайд 6

a monkey a cat

Слайд 7

a chimp a horse

Слайд 8

an elephant a chimp

Слайд 9

to jump to run

Слайд 10

to swing to swim

Слайд 11

to sit to fly

Слайд 12

to jump to dance

Слайд 13

to swing to sing

Слайд 14

to fly to jump

Слайд 15

to fly to swing

Слайд 16

to fly to climb

Слайд 17

W e l l d o n e !

Слайд 18

В презентацию были добавлены картинки из следующих источников http://www.bestanimations.com/Animals/Birds/Bird-01-june.gif http :// 3yankujuss.webs.com/ada.gif http :// direction.cabpb.free.fr/gif/couple.gif http :// www.tucdaycare.com/swing_playground_timbo_no_fear_hg_wht.gif http://i045.radikal.ru/0905/50/1c529f97c665.gif http :// s17.rimg.info/b69ce6dd11404f153646a0bc1f3748c9.gif http :// www.proshkolu.ru/content/media/pic/std/1000000/891000/890492-a90386756eb8c532.gif http :// www.washingtonstables.com/images/hrunl.gif http :// stat16.privet.ru/lr/090ce340f1a4fc74a2236fbf4a4be4ee http :// userfiles.educatorpages.com/userfiles/mhagley/Mypics/racoon_tree_md_clr.gif

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр: