9 класс

Павлова Елена Леонидовна

Test # 1 - Unit 1, English IX, О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева. Лексико-грамматическая работа для учащихся 9х классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. 


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                                  USE OF ENGLISH.(Test # 1 – Unit 1)

                                   /   for the 9th form /

  1. Choose the right tense form to complete the sentences.

  1. Harry ( always forgets / is always forgetting ) his things at home!
  2. We can’t go to the sea. We ( have / are having ) our exams in the first week of June.
  3. It’s difficult to say when they ( finish / will finish ).
  4. Do you know that Margo ( will leave / is leaving ) on Friday?
  5. If the situation (won’t change / doesn’t change ), we will be in trouble.
  6. The boys ( are playing / play ) in the garden now.
  7. I’m sure this yoghurt has gone off; it ( isn’t tasting / doesn’t taste ) good.
  8. Why (do you taste / are you tasting ) the soup?  - To see if it needs more salt.
  9. Bill ( is looking / looks ) very tired these days.
  10. The air ( becomes / is becoming ) more and more polluted.


  1. Use the articles where necessary to complete the sentences.


  1. Mary, … girl of five, has just learned her first letter.
  2. Professor Piotrovskyi, … director of the Hermitage, lives in St. Petersburg.
  3. Elizabeth II is … Queen of the UK.
  4. Speak to Mr Baker, … head of our delegation.
  5. … film director Nikita Mikhalkov is working at his new film.

  1. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had        


               2.  My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last                    


               3.  I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.

               4.  Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been  

                     late in her whole life.      

               5.  Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?

               6.  They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.

               7.   I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.

               8.   What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?

                9.   It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.

                10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).

  1. Complete the sentences, use at, on, out, up.

  1. Older children often pick … younger children.
  2. The parents picked … the name for their newborn baby.
  3. My cousin picked … some Italian after his three months’ stay in Italy.
  4. I sat picking … my dinner wishing I was somewhere else.
  5. Have you picked … a dress for the party?

  1. Complete the sentences using the new words.

  1. Pour the water into the bowl and g__________ add the flour.
  2. Their relationship was mutually b_____________ .
  3. This educational e______________  is well-known in Europe.
  4. I’m going to Great Britain in October. That will be a wonderful o_______________ to practise my English.
  5. My grandfather has a___________ a lot in this life.
  6. I have r___________ the whole concert. You can listen to it.
  7. Have you c___________ any money to them?
  8. Alice is a very e___________ secretary, she is skilful and capable of doing many things.
  9. The novel is about several g____________ of a French family.
  10. His story c__________ the interest of the world’s media.            

  1. Choose the correct word.

  1. She was precise and ( fast / quick / rapid ) in her movements.
  2. Let’s have a ( fast / quick / rapid ) look at those papers.
  3. She made a ( fast / quick / rapid ) recovery after her operation.
  4. Have you seen any ( historic / historical ) films?
  5. There are a lot of ( historic / historical ) monuments in St.Petersburg.         

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. troops                                   a)countries that make an agreement with another
  2. hostilities                                 country that they will help each other, especially
  3. casualties                                 in a war
  4. headquarters                         b)the place from which military action is controlled  
  5. allies                                     c) big group of soldiers

                                                d) people who are injured or killed

                                                                  e) fighting between enemies in a war