3. Учебно-методические материалы
1. Обобщение и распространение педагогического опыта в рамках проведения открытых уроков.
2. Публикации
3. Методические разработки
4. Медиатека
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «England»
Подтема: «Royal London»
Тип урока: урок-обобщение.
УМК: О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева; 6класс.
Обобщение лингвострановедческого материала по теме «England».
Задачи урока:
- Использование проектной формы работы на уроке.
- Практическое применение результата проектной деятельности в одном из этапов урока (в фонетической разминке).
- Совершенствование произносительных навыков.
- Активизация и контроль лексики по теме.
- Совершенствование навыков монологической речи учащихся по теме «Монархи Великобритании».
- Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
- Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
- Расширение лексического запаса учащихся.
- Совершенствование навыков устной речи на основе прослушанного текста.
- Расширение общего и филологического кругозора учащихся.
- Создание положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.
- Воспитательные:
- Формирование навыков интеллектуального труда.
- Воспитание умения осуществлять самоконтроль и самокоррекцию.
- Воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
- Формирование языковой догадки.
- Развитие аналитического мышления.
- Развитие произвольного внимания.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, компьютерная презентация, мп-3 проигрыватель, диск.
Опережающее задание: творческое проектное задание – сочинение тематического стихотворения с использованием активной лексики.
Ход урока.
I. Подготовительный этап.
1. Организационный момент и сообщение цели урока.
Hello. How are you? I hope everything`s fine.We have been speaking about british kings and queens for more than a week and you `ve learned a lot of facts about them. Today we have a round-up lesson on the topic “Royal London”.
2. Фонетическая разминка.
Teacher :
Let`s start with the poem I`ve written to help you memorize the topical words better. Do you remember the poem? () So, look at the screen and listen to my reading first.
Who rules the country ? Not the Queen !
In fact , she only reigns …
Why does she own a crown then ?
It`s hard not to be main …
The undefeated Arthur King
Once lived in Kamelot .
The tales about his sword and knights
Remind of it a lot .
Last week there was a touching film
About Royal life .
The reason I failed in watching that –
I had no TV-set …
And now let`s do it altogether. Say it after mе to learn how to do it artistically.
Сначала учитель, затем за ним ученики выразительно прочитывают стихотворение.(По строчке хором.)
Who would like to recite the poem? Try your best because we`ll choose the best reciting of the poem. ( Ученики по желанию выразительно декламируют стихотворение). Very well done, thank you very much. So who is number one?
Ожидаемый результат: совершенствование произносительных навыков и навыков выразительного чтения.
3. Речевая разминка.
На третьем слайде на русском языке написаны словосочетания и выражения по пройденной теме, которые учащиеся должны быстро по цепочке перевести на английский язык.
1.Совершенствование лексических навыков.
Let us see if you remember the English equivalents of the topical words and word-combinations so that to use them in your speech.
Teacher | Pupil |
- править страной | - to reign in/over the country |
-управлять страной | - to rule the country |
-победить врага | - to defeat an enemy |
-непобедимая армия | - an undefeated army |
-напоминать кому-то что-то | - to remind smb of smth |
-напоминать кому-то о чем-то | - to remind smb about smth |
-напоминать сделать что-то | - remind smb to do smth |
-быть коронованным | - to be crowned |
-единственная причина | - the only reason |
-по простой причине | - for the simple reason |
-назови аргументы в пользу… | - give me the reasons for |
-душещипательный рассказ | - a touching story |
-постучать по дереву | - to touch wood |
Good for you! I see you know all the word- combinations quite all right.
2.Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
And now it`s high time you used them in your answers to my questions to brush up your grammar and vocabulary.
Учитель задаёт учащимся вопросы с использованием лексических единиц и выражений из 1 части речевой разминки.
Teacher | Pupil |
-Who reigns in Great Britain nowadays? | Queen Elizabeth II reigns in Great Britain. |
-When was she crowned? | She was crowned in 1953. |
-When was the Spanish Armada defeated? | The Spanish Armada was defeated during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. |
-What usually reminds you of school? | My homework usually reminds me of school. |
-Are you fond of watching touching films? | No, I am not. I am not fond of watching touching films. |
-Do you usually touch wood not to have bad luck? | Yes, I do I usually touch wood not to have bad luck. |
-What was the reason of your absence last week? | My illness was the reason of your absence last week. |
-Have you ever missed classes without a reasonable excuse? | No, I haven`t . I have never missed classes without a reasonable excuse. |
Very well done. It was smart of you. Thank you.
Ожидаемый результат: актуализация лексического материала, совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков устной речи.
II. Основной этап.
Well, you`ve learnt a lot about England, you`ve studied certain structures and vocabulary to speak about the most important historical events of Great Britain.
1. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: At home you were supposed to match Russian and English equivalents of some structures to practise your grammar skills. So let`s check if you`ve managed to do this task correctly.
На слайде написаны вопросы по теме на русском языке, которые учащиеся должны были дома письменно перевести на английский язык.
Teacher: Let`s improve your speaking abilities and check your knowledge of the material on the topic. Read the questions in chain and let your partner answer them.
Учитель зачитывает вопрос, а ученики по цепочке переводят вопрос и задают его соседу. По ходу корректируются ошибки в переводе и ответах.
Teacher | Pupil | Pupil |
Какое здание является самым важным в Лондоне? | Which building is the most important one in London? | Buckingham Palace is the most important building in London. |
Сколько официальных резиденций у королевы Елизаветы II в Великобритании? | How many official residences does Queen Elizabeth II have in Britain? | Queen Elizabeth II has 5 official residences in Britain. |
Когда Елизавета II взошла на престол? | When did Queen Elizabeth II come to the throne? | Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952. |
Где расположен Лондонский зоопарк? | Where is London Zoo situated? | London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park. |
Когда Британия обрела независимость от Римской Католической Церкви? | When did Britain become independent of the Roman Catholic Church? | Britain became independent of the Roman Catholic Church under King Henry VIII. |
Чем был особенно знаменит король Генрих VIII? | What was King Henry VIII famous for? | King Henry VIII was famous for his six wives. |
Чьё правление было самым долгим в истории Англии? | Whose reign was the longest in the history of England? | The reign of Queеn Victoria was the longest in the history of England. |
Какие места в Лондоне напоминают нам о любви королевы Виктории и принца Альберта? | What places in London remind us of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert`s love? | Royal Albert Hall and a monument to Prince Albert remind us of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert`s love. |
Какой памятник находится перед Букингемским Дворцом? | Whose monument is there in front of Buckingham Palace? | There is a monument to Queen Victoria in front of Buckingham Palace. |
Very well. You`ve done your best! (Отметки с комментариями)
Ожидаемый результат: Контроль усвоения лингвострановедческого материала и контроль грамматических навыков.
2. Закрепление и проверка пройденного материала (на основе прочитанного текста)
I see you remember a lot of facts from the history of Great Britain. Let us see now if you manage to recognize the monarchs of this country. Have a look at the screen, please. Whose portraits do you see there?
Pupils: Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria
Right. That`s correct. Right you are.
На слайде – портреты самых известных монархов Великобритании.
Учащиеся называют их.
Teacher :
And now let`s sum up the material working in groups. Try to recall all the information concerning these monarchs. You have some minutes to do it. Try your best to present these famous people to the class . Remember that your presentation should contain 5-6 sentences.
Учитель формирует группы по 2 человека. Каждой группе даётся задание - обобщить всю информацию о каком-то одном монархе и выступить с мини-докладом. На подготовку выделяется несколько минут.
Teacher :
-You, boys, speak about Henry VIII.
-You say everything you know about Elizabeth I.
-You, girls, speak about Elizabeth II.
-And your task is to speak about Queen Victoria.
Учащиеся группами выходят к интерактивной доске, находят соответствующий заданию слайд с портретом и выступают с защитой своих мини – проектoв.
Teacher: Excellent! You`ve coped with the task very well.(Отметки с комментариями)
Ожидаемый результат: Формирование умения работать в группах, совершенствование навыков монологической речи, контроль знания страноведческого материала по теме.
3. Развитие навыков аудирования.
As we have just discussed Britain has become a powerful country due to its outstanding kings and queens. Russia also had a number of famous and strong monarchs. Can you name any of them?
Pupils: Екатерина II, Иван Грозный, ПётрI, Николай II.
Teacher: Right you are!
Teacher: (На слайде – портрет Петра I).
Now have a look at the screen. Whose portrait is it? Absolutely right! It`s a portrait of a famous Russian monarch Peter the Great. Let`s listen to the text about him. To understand it better ,please pay attention to the following words. Let`s read them.
На следующем слайде – новые слова из текста для аудирования.
Учащиеся вслух самостоятельно читают слова по транскрипциям.
tsar [za:]
handsome [`hænsəm] привлекательный
strength [streŋΘ]
appetite [`æpitait]
cabbage soup [`kæbidз] щи
formal behaviour [bi`heivjə] поведение
military [`militəri]
calendar [`kælində]
alphabet [`ælfəbit]
soldier [`səuldзə]
Try to guess the meanings of the rest words to develop your linguistic imagination. Учащиеся угадывают значения слов, развивая языковую догадку.
Good, correct, right you are, perfect!
After you listen to the text for the first time you should answer the question:
What role did Peter the Great play in the Russian history?
На слайде – вопрос, на который дети должны ответить после первого прослушивания текста.
Peter the Great
Peter the Great was one of the most famous tsars in Russian history. He changed his country`s future for ever.
Peter was great in many ways. He was very tall and handsome. He had a lot of energy and great physical strength. Tsar Peter loved to play games of war and liked ships and sailing. He enjoyed hard work and building things with his hands. He had a big appetite, but liked to eat simple food such as bread, cabbage soup, and cold meat. Peter hated formal behaviour.
Peter wanted Russia to be as great as all European countries. He decided to go Europe to learn everything he could. He didn`t go there as a leader, but as a soldier.
Peter wanted to change the government, the military and the religion. He built canals, schools, hospitals, museums. He changed the calendar and the alphabet. Peter the Great`s strength and energy made his country a modern powerful state.
I am sure you`ve been attentive while listening. So what role did Peter the Great play in the Russian history?
Учащиеся отвечают на заданный перед первым прослушиванием вопрос.
Good for you! I see you`ve got the main idea. Listen to the text for the second time to understand the details. Be ready to agree or to disagree with the statements.
Учащиеся прослушивают текст второй раз и выполняют задания.
Teacher | Pupil |
-Peter the Great was a famous political leader. | -I disagree. Peter the Great was a famous Russian tsar. |
-Peter was strong and full of energy. | -I agree. |
-Tsar Peter was interested in playing chess. | -I disagree. Tsar Peter was interested in ships and sailing. |
-Peter enjoyed hard work. | -I agree. |
-Tsar Peter especially disliked simple food. | -I disagree. Tsar Peter especially disliked formal behaviour. |
-Peter went to Europe as the Russia leader. | -I disagree. Peter went to Europe as a soldier. |
-Tsar Peter changed the religion . | -I disagree. Tsar Peter changed the calendar and the alphabet. |
-Peter turned Russia into a powerful state. | -I agree. |
I see you`ve understood the text in detail. And now prove that:
Tsar Peter was an unusual monarch. | Peter the Great was really great. |
- He enjoyed hard work and building things with his hands. | - He built canals, schools, hospitals, museums. |
- He liked to eat simple food. | - He changed the calendar and the alphabet. |
- Peter hated formal behaviour. | - He made his country a modern powerful state. |
- He went to Europe not as a leader but as a soldier. |
You`ve done your best. Thank you very much. (Отметки с комментариями)
Ожидаемый результат: Развитие языковой догадки, расширение лексического запаса, развитие навыков аудирования, совершенствование навыков устной речи.
III. Заключительный этап.
1. Домашнее задание.
Teacher :
Well, you`ve worked hard today: you`ve revised the material and you`ve learnt a lot of new iformation. At home you are to prepare a project work in which you`ll share the information with your classmates about one of the outstanding figures of Russia.
Домашнее задание написано на доске.
2. Подведение итогов (рефлексия).
Well, let`s sum it all up. Have you enjoyed the lesson? As for me, I have. I think D. and N.`s presentation was great. And what do you make of their project ? Thank you for your collaboration. The lesson is over and it`s high time for a break. See you tomorrow.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
to own to crown / a crown to reign / reign to defeat / defeat / undefeated to remind to touch / touching a reason
Who rules the country ? Not the Queen ! In fact , she only reigns … Why does she own a crown then ? It`s hard not to be main … The undefeated Arthur King Once lived in Kamelot . The tales about his sword and knights Remind of it a lot . Last week there was a touching film About Royal life . The reason I failed in watching that – I had no TV-set …
ROYAL LONDON 1. Какое здание является самым важным в Лондоне? 2. Сколько официальных резиденций у королевы Елизаветы II в Великобритании? 3. Когда Елизавета II взошла на престол? 4. Где расположен Лондонский зоопарк? 5. Когда Британия обрела независимость от Римской Католической Церкви? 6. Чем был особенно знаменит король Генрих VIII ? 7. Чье правление было самым долгим в истории Англии? 8. Какие места в Лондоне напоминают нам о любви королевы Виктории и принца Альберта? 9. Какой памятник находится перед Букингемским Дворцом?
LISTENING COMPREHENSION PETER the GREAT tsar [za:] handsome [`hænsəm] привлекательный strength [streŋΘ] appetite [`æpitait] cabbage soup [`kæbid з ] щи formal behaviour [bi`heivjə] поведение military [`militəri] calendar [`kælində] alphabet [`ælfəbit] soldier [`səuld з ə]
AGREE OR DISAGREE Peter the Great was a famous political leader. Peter was strong and full of energy. Tsar Peter was interested in playing chess. Peter enjoyed hard work. Tsar Peter especially disliked simple food. Peter went to Europe as the Russia leader. Tsar Peter changed the religion . Peter turned Russia into a powerful state.
PROVE THAT: Tsar Peter was an unusual monarch. Peter the Great was really great.
FILL IN THE WORDS 1. He is a rich man: he …….a factory and 3 houses. 2. It was a very……...moment. We all cried. 3. Such weather……..me of my holiday in France. 4. When was Queen Elizabeth II ………? 5. The team was totally…….. . 6. What is the ……..of your bad marks? 7. It`s no easy matter to ……. as many people think
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain. 2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st . 3. The full name of the festival is “All Hallows Eve”. 4. About 99% of pumpkins sold in Britain are used as lamps at Halloween. 4 IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT HALLOWEEN
November 1 st a church holiday of all saints “All Hallows Day”. October 31 st : “All Hallows Eve” THE HISTORY
The Celts celebrated a festival called “ Samhain” ['sɑ:wɪn] ['saueɪn] ['sauɪn] THE HISTORY
Samhain harvest - урожай kindling ['kɪndlɪŋ] - растопка Samhain bonfire
Bonfires ember ['embə] – тлеющие угольки hearth . [hɑ: θ] - домашний очаг turnip ['tɜ : nɪp] – репа gourd . [guəd] = pumpkin
to frighten away evil spirits revenge [rɪ'venʤ] - месть condemn [kən'dem] - приговаривать a hollowed turnip Jack-o-lantern
guise [gaɪz] - наряд ghosts skeletons witches devils
to bob - поймать a pail – ведро to suspend - подвешивать
a ghost a skeleton a witch a devil a demon a vampire = a ghoul [gu:l] a werewolf a bat a clown a monster black cat a rat a mummy
Jack-o-lantern 1. Cover the pumpkin with the cap 2. Take a huge yellow pumpkin, cut off the cap. 3. Put the candle inside the pumpkin. 4. Light the candle . 5. Hollow out the inside. 6. Cut a nose, eyes and a mouth.
Costumes – on Halloween people wore masks and costumes when they left homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for other evil spirits. The most popular costumes nowadays are ghosts, witches and skeletons. The colours of Halloween are orange ( the colour of harvest) and black ( the colour of death and darkness). TRADITIONS
A) a witch B) a bat C) a crescnet moon D) a rat E) a gnome F) a ghost G) a wolf H) an owl I) a black cat J) a demon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Trick-or-Treat – many years ago to keep ghosts and witches away from their houses on Halloween, people placed plates of food outside their homes to appease all evil spirits. And now British children put on their costumes and from door to door in the evening saying: “Trick or Treat”. And people give them chocolate and sweets. TRADITIONS
What treats would you like to get ? What tricks will you play on people ? We’ll pull down fences. put on spooky faces. dig up pumpkins. cut pumpkin faces. play loud music. jump and run round the house.
Have you ever gone through the labyrinth? Now you will have a chance to go through our labyrinth and to help the witch to. find her kitten
Who is who? Here 're four witches: Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra. Guess who is who. Use the clues below. 1. Dabra hasn't got a broom. 2. Wabra hasn't got a big hat. 3. Dabra and Abra haven't got long noses. 4. The fat witch isn't Cadabra . 5. Abra isn't standing next to Wabra. A B C D
Let`s play the memory game.
Black cat Black cat, black cat! What do you think of that? Scat! Slowly slinking in the night Eyes that glow with golden light. Black cat, black cat! What do you think of that? Scat! Purring softly, can’t be seen He’ll come out on Halloween. Black cat, black cat! What do you think of that? Scat!
Write a Halloween poem using the words in the box below. black cat, cauldron, Halloween, scary, magic, pumpkin, ghosts, costume, dark, night, house, trick, treat, fun, bats,, candy, silly, clowns, October
HALOWEEN QUIZ 1. When is Halloween celebrated? 2. Where did the name “Halloween” come from? 3. Do you know when and where did the tradition of Halloween begin? 4. What traditions of Halloween do you know? 5. Why do people dress up in costumes on Halloween?
6. What are the colours of Halloween? 7.What are the symbols of Halloween? 8. What do people traditionally “bob” for at Halloween parties? 9. Who can walk through walls? 10. What`s considered if a black cat crosses your path? 11. What do you need to keep vampires away? A-garlic B-onion C-pepper
12. In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o`-lantern? A-a watermelon B-a turnip C-a pumpkin 13. When are werewolves supposed to come out? A-after midnight B-during a full moon C-on a Halloween night 14. What does a witch use for transport? A-a hat B-a broomstick C-a plan e 15. What do children say when they knock at the door at Halloween?
Halloween Song One little skeleton hopping up and down, Hopping up and down, hopping up and down. One little skeleton hopping up and down, For this is Halloween! Two little witches flying through the air, Flying through the air, flying through the air. Two little witches flying through the air, For this is Halloween! Three black cats are walking on a fence, Walking on a fence, walking on a fence. Three black cats are walking on a fence For this is Halloween! Four plump pumpkins bouncing down the road, Bouncing down the road, bouncing down the road, Four plump pumpkins bouncing down the road, For this is Halloween!
Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
на тему: «Halloween»
I. Орг. момент. Вступительное слово.
- We are going to learn some peculiarities of the dreary British holiday called Halloween, to delve into its history and to listen to the legend of Stingy Jack telling the history of the main Halloween symbol.
- It’s remarkable that:
1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain.
2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st.
3. The full name of the festival is “All Hallows Eve”.
4. About 99% of pumpkins sold in Britain are used as lamps at Halloween.
II. Pupils’ reports
- So, what is the history of a holiday?
- In the year 835 the Roman Catholic Church made November 1st a church holiday of all saints who do not have a special day in the year. This holiday was called “All Saints Day” or “All Hallows Day”.
People started to celebrate another holiday on October 31st: “All Hallows Eve” (the night before “All Hallows Day”). Now we call this festival “Halloween”.But actually everything started much ealier – in the 5th century, in the place where today is Great Britain and Northern France. At that time the Celts lived there and they celebrated New Year with a festival called “Samhain” on November 1st.
- It was a holiday of the end of the “Sun Season” and the start of the “Dark and Cold Season”. In celebration of the recently completed harvest, Celts would give offerings of food to the Gods. They often went from door to door to collect it. Also, young Celts would ask the townspeople for kindling and wood, and take it to top of the hill for the Samhain bonfire. These are two of the possible origins of present day "trick or treating."Samhain was a fire festival. Sacred bonfires were lit on the tops of hills in honor of the Gods.
- It's common to witness hundreds of traditional bonfires in Ireland every year on Halloween Night. The word "bonfire" is said to be derived from such "bone fires." Bonfires and sacrifices guaranteed that the sun would burn brightly after a long, dreary winter. The townspeople would take an ember from the bonfire to their home and re-light the fire in their family hearth. The ember would usually be carried in a holder - often a turnip or gourd. They felt nervous about walking home in the dark; they were afraid of evil spirits. So they dressed up in costumes and carved scary faces in their ember holders. They hoped that the spirits would be frightened and not bother them.
Jack –o-Lantern
- Halloween is often associated with orange and black, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o'-lantern . Jack-o-lanterns are carved pumpkins with lighted candles inside which were used to frighten away evil spirits. The name Jack-o'-lantern can be traced back to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack. He managed to trick the devil. In revenge, the devil placed a curse on Jack, condemning him to forever wander the earth at night with the only light he had: a candle inside of a hollowed turnip.
Many years ago people used turnips, too, or potatoes in making lanterns. Now all over the world pumpkins are used.
III. Video “The Tale of Stingy Jack”
- The original Irish legend has some more curious details of Jack’s tricks on the devil. Now we are going to listen to the Tale of Stingy Jack.
- Have a look at the words that might be unknown to you.
- In groups
The Tale of Stingy Jack
stingy – скупой
a crucifix ['kru:sɪfɪks] – распятие (крест)
to fool into – to make smb do smth by deception
a turnip ['tɜ:nɪp] – репа
a lantern ['læntən] – фонарь
Choose the right variant.
1. Stingy Jack invited the devil
a) to go for a walk with him b)to have a drink with him
c)to have dinner with him
2. Jack convinced the devil
a) to turn into a pumpkin b) to turn into a turnip c) to turn into a coin
3. What prevented the devil to turn into his original form?
a) Jack’s decision to keep the money to himself b) Jack’s small pocket
c) the crucifix
4. What was the devil determined to do the following year?
a) to claim Jack’s soul b) to trick Jack c) to punish him
5. Stingy Jack fooled the devil again into
a) picking a piece of cake b) climbing into a barrel c) climbing on a tree
6. Why couldn’t the devil climb down the tree?
a) because of the height of the tree b) because of the sign of the cross
7. Why was Jack allowed into neither Heaven nor hell?
a) as Jack deserved to be neither in Heaven nor in Hell
b)as the devil promised him not to take his soul
- Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. In some parts of Ireland and Scotland children still go guising. Halloween costumes are traditionally those of monsters such as ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. They are said to be used to scare off demons. In this custom the child performs some sort of show, i.e. sings a song or tells a ghost story, in order to earn their treats.
- There is also a tradition to tell fortune on Halloween. Unmarried people would attempt to take a bite out of an apple bobbing in a pail of water, or suspended on a string. The first person to do so was believed to be the next to marry.
Peeling an apple in front of a candle-lit mirror was believed to produce the image of one's future spouse.
Attempting to produce a long unbroken apple peel was said to estimate the number of years you had to live. The longer the peel, the longer your life expectancy.
IV. Video “This is Halloween”
- Costumes. What other Halloween characters can you name?
- What characters can be seen in this video?
V. Jack’s search
- The fastest will get the treat
VI. Song (if time permits!)
VII. Wabra
- In groups. The fastest will get the treat
VII. Fortune-telling
- Lat’s now try to tell fortune like the British do that on Halloween. Apples
Предварительный просмотр:
Приложение 2
Appendix 2
Here 're four witches: Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra. Guess who is who. Use the clues below.
1. Dabra hasn't got a broom. 2. Wabra hasn't got a big hat. 3. Dabra and Abra haven't got long noses. 4. The fat witch isn't Cadabra. 5. Abra isn't standing next to Wabra.

Предварительный просмотр:
Развитие автономии и повышение мотивации учащихся посредством приемов смешанного обучения.
Модернизация школьного образования ,которая проводится в нашей стране ,подразумевает обновление его содержания. В связи с этим особое внимание уделяется созданию условий для развития творческого потенциала личности обучающихся и расширению возможностей образования, в том числе и языкового.
Современное образование так же невозможно сегодня представить и без информационных технологий. Меняются устоявшиеся подходы и методики, а, главное, меняются потребности современных учеников. Современные дети – настоящие цифровые аборигены. Цифровые инструменты являются частью их повседневной жизни . Мы все понимаем важность степени вовлеченности и увлеченности учащихся. Очевиден факт, - чем больше увлеченность процессом , тем качественней происходит обучение. В условиях развития современного информационного общества введение инноваций в образование – это необходимый процесс.
Внедрение инновационных технологий в процесс обучения иностранному языку привело к появлению такой формы работы учителей и учащихся ,как смешанное обучение.(Blended Learning).
Blended Learning, или cмешанное обучение – это образовательная концепция и универсальное средство реализации ФГОС, тк оно представляет собой сочетание очного и электронного обучения на основе принципов дифференциации, индивидуализации и персонализации. Такой подход дает возможность контролировать время, место, темп и путь изучения материала. Смешанное образование позволяет совмещать традиционные методики и актуальные технологии.
Концепция смешанного обучения представляет собой сочетание трех состваляющих: дистанционного обучения (Distance Learning), обучения в классе (Face-To-Face Learning) и обучения через Интернет (Online Learning).
Основная задача преподавателя – грамотно составить курс и распределить учебный материал .Ученики посещают занятия в классе, получают домашние задания для работы в особой программе или на онлайн платформе, в медиатеке и тест-модулях. Дистанционная работа над темой может проводиться индивидуально и с группами учеников. При этом учитель частично контролирует и при необходимости консультирует их.
Дистанционный блок может содержать проекты для работы в группе, творческие, практические задания, справочные материалы и ссылки на дополнительные материалы в Сети, промежуточные и проверочные тесты, а также задания повышенной сложности для одаренных учеников. Занятия Face-To-Face могут проходить в форматах защиты проектов, презентации или дискуссии между учениками или с преподавателем.
Blended Learning особенно эффективно в обучении иностранным языкам, поскольку оно предполагает и потребность в живом общении, и необходимость в онлайн чтении, просмотре роликов, визуальном «заучивании» слов, привнесении игрового момента и интерактивности, способствующих запоминанию, что, безусловно, повышает мотивацию учащихся и интерес к изучению иностранного языка, и, как следствие, эффективность образовательного процесса в целом.
Blended Learning позволяет трансформировать стиль педагога : перейти от трансляций знаний к интерактивному взаимодействию, способствующему конструированию обучающимся собственных знаний и совершенствованию его автономии: учащийся самостоятельно определяет свои учебные цели, способы их достижения ,учитывая свои образовательные потребности, интересы и способности, учится самостоятельно планировать и эффективно организовывать свою деятельность, ориентируя ее на конечный результат ,принимать решения ,делать осознанный выбор и нести за него ответственность, работать в информационном пространстве,а также приобретает навык самостоятельной поисковой деятельности, аналитической деятельности – умения структурировать полученную информацию и использовать ее адекватно поставленной задаче, навык презентации результатов деятельности с использованием информационных технологий, навык рефлексии, способствующий дальнейшей успешной деятельности.
Далее речь пойдет о таком способе реализации модели смешанного обучения как «Гамматика онлайн» - уникального сочетания традиционного формата книги и интернет – ресурса MyGrammarLab. Согласно современным образовательным стандартам овладение грамматическими средствами является одной из целей обучения в рамках развития языковой компетенции, следовательно без обучения грамматике решить задачу формирования коммуникативной компетенции невозможно. Курс рассчитан на 68 часов в течение 2 учебных годов из расчета 1 час в неделю. Он дает возможность работать с учениками с разным уровнем подготовки. Разнообразие и аутентичность материала, его доступность и нетрадиционная форма подачи позволяет дифференцировать и индивидуализировать обучение языку, а также способствует повышению мотивации ,самостоятельности, обучению рефлексии и самоанализу. Эта модель позволяет активизировать все типы восприятия информации учащимися .Грамматические явления совершенствуются во всех 4 видах речевой деятельности. Курс состоит из трех компонентов: печатная книга,версия ля мобильных устройств и онлайн компонент. Учебный материал разделен по темам, каждая из которых охватывает 4-5 занятий. Содержание организовано и по порядку грамматических явлений и тематически.
Книга включает в себя:
Четкие и доступные объяснения правил, аутентичные примеры, разнообразные типы заданий (для тренировки, закрепления и употребления грамматических форм в ситуациях общения), информацию о типичных ошибках в грамматике и произношении.
Онлайн компонент содержит:
Видео объяснения, комплект тестовых заданий к каждому уровню( Full Diagnostic Tests, Progress Tests, Exit Tests), дополнительные упражнения к каждому разделу с автоматической проверкой и анализом ошибок, возможность тренировки произношения, возможность прослушать и проверить свои ответы к упражнениям в книге.
На мобильном устройстве предусматривается :
Возможность загрузки дополнительных упражнений для изучения грамматики в любом месте и в любое время.
Каждый модуль начинается с диагностического теста, выявляющего степень знакомства учащегося с данным грамматическим явлением. Теоретический грамматический материал излагается доступными для понимания словами. Для закрепления материала используются разнообразные типы заданий, выполнение которых требует анализа и осмысления .Аудирование применяется как при знакомстве с грамматическим явлением(видео), так и для тренировки( Listen and complete, listen ad check). Работа на занятиях может быть организована индивидуально, парно и в группах. Дома учащиеся отрабатывают пройденный в классе материал, используя онлайн приложение.
Промежуточное тестирование проходит в онлайн режиме. На последнем занятии учащиеся проходят итоговое тестирование по теме – тест в книге или онлайн тест, результаты которого выявят уровень усвоения материала и покажут, требуется ли дополнительная самостоятельная работа по отработке данного грамматического явления. Проверка знаний проводится не только онлайн , но и в классе.
Итак, Blended Learning бесспорно имеет ряд преимуществ перед другими образовательными моделями. Это - система обучения и преподавания, которая совмещает в себе лучшие аспекты и преимущества преподавания в аудитории и интерактивного или дистанционного обучения. Использование смешанного подхода обучения позволяет нам, учителям, быть более информированными об успехах и неудачах учеников а, возможно, и наших собственных.
При условии, если это взаимодействие методически грамотно организовано, его результатом являются высокая мотивация, высокий уровень знаний и умений , а также высокая степень автономии обучающихся.
Таким образом, модель смешанного обучения – это не просто использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий в самостоятельной работе учащихся, а - это единый, целостный учебный процесс, предполагающий, что часть познавательной деятельности студентов происходит на занятии под непосредственным руководством преподавателя, а часть деятельности выносится на дистанционную форму.
Обучение при помощи цифровых технологий позволяет нам сделать процесс обучения более гибким как в классе,так и за его пределами.
Тем не менее, ни один цифровой гаджет никогда не заменит учителя ,те непосредственного общения в классе.
"Любой преподаватель, который может быть заменен на компьютер, вероятно, должен быть им заменен)
(Arthur C Clarke)
Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока открытия нового знания в соответствии с требованиями стандартов второго поколения.
Учитель английского языка I квалификационной категории Любивая Виктория Дмитриевна,
МБОУ СОШ № 126 г. Нижнего Новгорода
Предмет | Английский язык | Класс | 5 | |||||
Тема урока | Изучение английской грамматики (The Past Continuous Tense) | |||||||
Цель урока Образовательная : введение и первичное закрепление времени Past Continuous Практическая : развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи, развитие фонематического слуха Воспитательная : воспитание толерантного отношения к народу и стране изучаемого языка; формирование потребности пользоваться ИЯ как средством общения и способом получения информации. Развивающая цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся; развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, готовности участвовать в диалоге культур, развитие универсальных учебных действий в рамках обозначенной темы : личностные: самоопределение (внутренняя позиция школьника, самоуважение, самооценка); регулятивные: управление своей деятельностью, инициативность и самостоятельность; познавательные: работа с информацией, выполнение логических операций: сравнения, анализа; коммуникативные: речевая деятельность, навыки сотрудничества Планируемые образовательные результаты | ||||||||
Предметные | Метапредметные | Личностные | ||||||
освоение понятия прошедшего длительного времени (the Past Continuous Tense) и развитие умения использовать его в устной речи | Регулятивные: самостоятельно анализировать условия достижения цели на основе учёта выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале; адекватно самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия и вносить необходимые коррективы в исполнение как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации; Познавательные: создавать и преобразовывать модели и схемы для решения задач; давать определение понятиям; осуществлять сравнение самостоятельно выбирая основания и критерии для указанных логических операций. Коммуникативные: учитывать разные мнения и стремиться к координации различных позиций в сотрудничестве; работать в группе — устанавливать рабочие отношения, эффективно сотрудничать и способствовать продуктивной кооперации; интегрироваться в группу сверстников и строить продуктивное взаимодействие со сверстниками и взрослыми. | личностная саморефлексия, способность к саморазвитию, мотивация к познанию, учёбе, уважение к личности, доброжелательное отношение к окружающим. | ||||||
Условия реализации урока | ||||||||
Информационные ресурсы( в том числе Интернет) | Учебная литература | Методические ресурсы (методическая литература, стратегическая технология и тактические технологии) | Оборудование | |||||
Мультимедийная презентация, грамматическое видеоприложение online, практические упражнения online (My Grammar Lab) | Учебник «Английский язык для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка», 5 класс,Верещагина И.Н.,Афанасьева О.В., грамматическое online пособие My Grammar Lab ,elementary level | Примерное тематическое планирование по курсу “English–5”, поурочное распределение материала, книга для учителя | Компьютер, проектор, карточки-опоры | |||||
Основные понятия | Past Continuous Tense. | |||||||
Форма проведения урока | Урок открытия новых знаний |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Устная часть: Структура 4 задания (20 баллов)со свободно конструируемым ответом базовый уровень: С3-1 балл, С4-5 баллов, С5-7 баллов высокий уровень: С6-7 баллов.
Содержание устной части: 1) задание С3 – чтение вслух фрагмента информационного или научно-популярного, стилистически нейтрального текста
Критерии оценивания: Баллы 1 0 Фонетическая сторона речи Речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры, произношение слов без нарушений нормы: допускается не более 5 фонетических ошибок, в т.ч. 1-2 ошибки, искажающие смысл. Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за большого количества неестественных пауз, запинок, неверной расстановки ударений и ошибок в произношении слов, ИЛИ сделано более 5 фонетических ошибок ИЛИ сделано 3 и более фонетических ошибок, искажающих смысл.
Типичные ошибки 1 вариант Bushes, berries, bears, cave, dried grass, through 2 вариант Swaps, drained, considered, grew, floods, droughts, firebreaks Логическое ударение, интонация перечисления, паузирование.
Содержание устной части 2) задание С4 – условный диалог-расспрос с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию (картинку).
Критерии оценивания С4: Баллы 1 0 Вопросы 1-5 Вопрос задан, возможные погрешности не затрудняют восприятия Вопрос не задан или задан с ошибками, искажающими его содержание
С 4 Текст задания: запрос информации You decided to visit the place and now you are calling to make some clarifications. In a minute you are to ask five questions to find out the following: 1) departure dates 2) travel time 3) return ticket price 4) discounts for students 5) buying the ticket online 1)location of the swimming pool 2)opening hours 3)sauna availability 4)price for 3 months 5)discounts for students
Типичные ошибки When do we departure? Where do we go to Japan? How much does returning ticket cost? May I buy the ticket on line? Where is the swimming pool located? What about….. What can you tell me about…… I would like to know ……
Содержание устной части: 3) задание С5 - создание монологического тематического высказывания с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию (картинку )
С5 С6, критерии : Баллы Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание) Организация высказывания Языковое оформление высказывания 3 Коммуникативная задача выполнена полностью: содержание полно и развернуто отражает все аспекты . 2 Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: 1 аспект не раскрыт (остальные раскрыты полно) ИЛИ 1-2 раскрыты неполно. Высказывание логично и носит завершенный характер; имеется вступление и заключение, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи используются правильно. Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 2-х негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок или (и) не более 2-х негрубых фонетических ошибок. 1 Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: 2 аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно) ИЛИ все аспекты раскрыты неполно. Высказывание в основном логично и носит достаточно завершенный характер, НО отсутствует вступление ИЛИ заключение, ИЛИ средства логической связи используются недостаточно. Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 4-х лексико-грамматических ошибок (из них не более 1-й грубой) или (и) не более 4-х негрубых фонетических ошибок (из них не более 1-й грубой). 0 Коммуникативная задача выполнена менее, чем на 50%: 3 и более аспектов содержания не раскрыты. Высказывание нелогично И/ИЛИ не носит завершенного характера; вступление и заключение отсутствуют; средства логической связи практически не используются. Понимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных лексико-грамматических и фонетических ошибок (5 и более лексико-грамматических ошибок или (и) 5 и более фонетических ошибок) ИЛИ более двух грубых ошибок.
Пример задания C5 : Imagine that you are showing your photo album to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend. When presenting the picture remember to mention: when you took the photo who/what is in the photo what is happening why you took the photo why you decided to show the picture to your friend
С5 –три картинки, выбрать одну для описания
Содержание устной части: 4) задание С6- монолог - сравнение двух фотографий (картинок) .
Пример задания С6: Study the two photographs. In a minute be ready to compare and contrast the photographs : give a brief description (action, location) say what the pictures have in common say in what way the pictures are different say which kind of music you’d prefer explain why
С6-две картинки для сравнения
Предварительный просмотр:
Комплект олимпиадных заданий для учащихся 5-6-х классов
Time: 10 minutes
Task 1
For questions 1-5, listen to the dialogue in the pet shop and decide whether the information in the sentences is true (A) or false (B). Write the correct letter (A or B) in your answer sheet. You will hear the conversation twice.
- The woman wants to buy some exotic animal.
- The dog in the pet shop is expensive.
- The woman thinks that cats are unfriendly.
- Parrots are quiet birds.
- Goldfish is the best idea.
Task 2
Listen to a story about one of the days of Queen Elizabeth II. For each question, 6 – 10, choose the right answer (A, B, C or D). You will hear the text twice.
- The Queen wakes up at
- 8 o`clock
- half past eight
- 7 o`clock
- Half past seven
- At 8 o`clock the Queen
- does morning exercises
- listens to the news and has breakfast
- goes for a walk
- watches TV
- The Queen reads personal letters
- after breakfast
- at breakfast
- before breakfast
- with her personal Secretary
- At half past four the Queen receives
- a group of businessmen
- 70 people
- foreign visitors
- Prince Philip
- The Queen phones to some members of the royal family
- to say goodnight
- to tell some news
- to discuss some official papers
- to be sure everything goes all right
- At 11 o`clock the Queen
- takes a shower
- goes to bed
- has a cup of tea
- listens to music
Transfer your answers into the answer sheet!
Time: 20 minutes
Task 1
Make one text putting the paragraphs (A – E) into the correct order from 11 – 15 in your answer sheet.
Peter the Great
Peter wanted Russia to be as great as all European countries. He decided to go Europe to learn everything he could. He didn`t go there as a leader, but as a soldier.
Peter was great in many ways. He was very tall and handsome. He had a lot of energy and great physical strength. Tsar Peter loved to play games of war and liked ships and sailing. He enjoyed hard work and building things with his hands. He had a big appetite, but liked to eat simple food such as bread, cabbage soup, and cold meat. Peter hated formal behaviour.
Peter the Great`s strength and energy made his country a modern powerful state.
Peter the Great was one of the most famous tsars in Russian history. He changed his country`s future for ever.
Peter wanted to change the government, the military and the religion. He built canals, schools, hospitals, museums. He changed the calendar and the alphabet.
Task 2
Now read the text again. For items 16 – 20 find the statement which is true. Write the correct letter (A, B or C) in your answer sheet.
- Peter the Great was :
- an army general
- a political leader
- a Russian tsar
16. Tsar Peter often played the games of
A. chess
B. war
C. sailing ships
17. Tsar Peter especially disliked
A. formal behaviour
B. simple food
C. hard work
18. Peter went to Europe to study as
A. the Russian leader
B. a general
C. a soldier
19. Tsar Peter changed
A. the calendar
B. the army
C. the religion
20. Peter turned Russia into
A. Europe`s enemy
B. a poor country
C. a powerful state
Task 3
Read the online profiles. Match the information in the sentences (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one sentence that you do not need.
Send us your profile and make new friends from all over the world!
1 Sally
My name's Sally and I'm hoping to hear from other science geeks like me! Don’t get me wrong – I work hard at school and enjoy all the subjects, but I LOVE science! And maths! So if you think science rocks, please write to me. I’ll write back straight away, because I'm a brilliant correspondent, too!
2 Mike
Hi, I'm Mike and I'm a huge footie fan! I play every day after school, I'm in the school team and I support Manchester United. But I follow the European leagues, too, and I'd love to get in contact with anyone from Europe who shares my passion for the sport.
3 Lucia
I'm Lucia - I'm half-Italian, and although I was born in London, that doesn't stop me from loving Italian food and everything else to do with my mother's country. I really hope to live there one day. Meanwhile, I’d love to practice my Italian, and you can practice your English!
4 Steve
Hi, there! I'm Steve – a nice, funny, generous (and, of course, modest!) guy from London. I'm an OK student, but a bit lazy about writing and schoolwork in general. However, when it comes to computers I'm not lazy at all – I love everything to do with them. And I love socializing. Therefore, I'm fantastic at chatting online! Email me now!
5 Stacey
I'm Stacey and I want to email YOU and find out what you like! I'm currently keen on computers, films, horse-riding, cooking (and eating), but I also love trying out new things. I'm always busy, but will find the time to write. I'm sure we will have lots to chat about!
A This person has got foreign relatives.
B This person prefers certain subjects at school.
C This person is very keen on one activity.
D This person has many hobbies.
E This person isn't good at writing emails.
F This person has got good computer skills.
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
Time: 15 minutes
Task 1
For questions 26 – 30 read the text below and decide which word (A, B or C) fits the space best. There is an example (0) done for you.
Goats live on farms or in the mountains and countryside, away (0)from people. In some countries , people have goats on farms and get milk from them. Goats which live on mountains (26) ________ mind very cold weather , and are good at walking on difficult ground. Some kinds of goats look (27) ______ sheep. There are goats with short legs and goats with longer legs.
(28)_______ goats have beards. Some kinds of goats give us beautiful soft wool. People use it to make sweaters, scarves and other clothes. (29)________
clothes are very warm but are often expensive if you buy then from a shop. Goats ca be very dangerous. (30)______ they are unhappy, they sometimes use their heads to hit other goats and sometimes people.
0 A from B to C off
26 A haven`t B aren`t C don`t
27 A like B up C over
28 A every B all C each
29 A this B these C that
30 A when B then C and
Task 2
Read short notices and find out which of them refers to a bank, a post office, a shop, a museum, a restaurant using the hint sentences below. For each sentence 31 – 35 find a notice (A - F).There is an extra notice you do not need to use.
A. Opening Times Tuesday – Sunday From 10.00 – 20.00 Closed every Monday | B. Opening Hours Monday – Friday 9.00 – 12.30 and 14.00 -17.30 Saturday 9.00 -12.30 Sunday closed |
C. Opening Hours Monday – Saturday 8.00 – 20.00 Sunday 9.00 – 18.00 | D .Opening Hours 00.00 – 24.00 |
E. Working Hours Monday – Friday 10.00 – 22.00 Saturday 10.00 – 2.00 Sunday 10.00 – 24.00 | F. Hours of Business Monday – Friday Lunch time 12.00- 13.00 |
31. The bank opens for 5 days a week.
32. The shop opens before the museum.
33. The post office doesn`t open on Sundays.
34.The museum doesn`t close at lunchtime.
35.Restaurant has the longest opening hours on Saturday.
Task 3
For questions 36-40 choose the correct variant (A or B).
Ехample 0. B
- There was a beautiful ______ in the vase.
A. flour B. flower
36. Pupils usually start ______ English in the 2 form.
A. learning B. teaching
37. The Prince was in love with the Princess and wanted to _______
A. marry B. merry
38.The opposite of high is
A. law B. low
39.You should turn off the light before you _______ home.
A. leave B. live
40. He was terribly _______ after work and he needed some rest.
A. tidy B. tired
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
Time: 15 minutes
Yesterday you were planning to shopping with your friend but you had a problem and couldn`t go.
Write an e-mail to your friend. In your email you should:
- apologise and explain what happened
- ask about your friend`s shopping trip
- invite your friend to go to the cinema next weekend
You should write about 50-60 words
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5-6 класс
Критерии оценивания и подсчет баллов
Максимальное количество баллов: 10
Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "Содержание" выставляется общая оценка 0.
БАЛЛЫ за содержание | СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 5 баллов) | ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 5 баллов) | ||
Лексика (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматика (максимум 2 балла) | Орфография (максимум 1 балл) | ||
5 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена – написано приглашение другу по заданным параметрам. Участник соблюдает: 1. нормы вежливости; 2. неформальный стиль письма; Участник : 3. извиняется и указывает причину 4. спрашивает друга о его походе по магазинам 5. приглашает друга пойти в кино в следующие выходные Объем работы либо соответствует заданному, либо отклоняется от заданного не более чем на 20% (в сторону увеличения – не больше 70 слов) или на 10 % в сторону уменьшения.(не меньше 45 слов). | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует лексический запас, необходимый для написания письма- приглашения. Работа имеет 1 – 2 незначительные ошибки с точки зрения лексического оформления. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. Работа имеет 1 – 2 незначительные ошибки с точки зрения грамматического оформления | |
4 - 1 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично – составленный текст является письмом- приглашением с заданными параметрами. Однако в работе не соблюдены 1 или несколько из перечисленных выше параметров. За несоблюдение каждого параметра снимается по 1 баллу за содержание. Или: Объем превышает заданный более, чем на 20%. (больше 70 слов) или объем меньше заданного более, чем на 10% (от 25 до 45 слов) – за нарушение объема снимается 1 балл за содержание. | 1 балл Участник демонстрирует лексический запас, необходимый для написания письма- приглашения. В работе имеются 3 - 4 незначительные лексические ошибки. | 1 балл Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. В работе имеются 3 - 4 незначительные грамматические ошибки. | 1 балл В работе имеются 3 или менее незначительные орфографические ошибки. |
0 | Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание письма не отвечает заданным параметрам. Или: Объем менее 50% от заданного (менее 25 слов). | 0 баллов Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики (5 и более). | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют многочисленные грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание (5 и более). | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание (более 3). |
Процедура проверки работ в конкурсе письменной речи
Каждая работа проверяется в обязательном порядке двумя членами жюри независимо друг от друга (каждый член жюри получает чистую копию работы без каких-либо пометок). Члены жюри записывают замечания и выставляют баллы не в работе, а в своем бланке протокола. Итоговым баллом является средний балл между баллами, выставленными двумя членами жюри, проверяющими работу. В случае значительного расхождения выставленных оценок (расхождение оценок более 3-х баллов), назначается еще одна проверка, затем выставляется средняя оценка между двумя ближайшими баллами (третья оценка при этом не учитывается). Если после третьей проверки все три оценки значительно расходятся (расхождение оценок более 3-х баллов), работа считается «спорной». «Спорные» работы проверяются и обсуждаются коллективно.
При подсчете баллов за конкурс применяется коэффициент 2: полученные за конкурс баллы умножаются на 2.
Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за конкурс Writing - 20 (двадцать).
Эксперт № __________________________
ID участника | К1 содержание | К2 лексика | К3 грамматика | К4 орфография | Сумма баллов (мах 20 ) |
Транскрипция текстов для аудирования 5-6 класс
Task 1
- - Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you?
- - Yes. I am looking for a pet for my son. Can you show me anything?
- - What kind of pet does he like? A cat, a dog, or something exotic?
- - Well, he'd like a crocodile, but he's not going to get one.
- - We've got a nice big dog.
- - Oh, a dog … I think it's very big. Is it expensive?
- - Yes, rather. What about a cat? Cats don't eat much, and they are cheap.
- - Yes, but they are not friendly.
- - Perhaps your son will like a bird? A parrot, for example? The price is reasonable.
- - Well, I don't know … Parrots are very noisy.
- - Then take a goldfish. It isn't very noisy.
- - Oh, yes! That's a good idea! It suits me perfectly.
Task 2.
Another Day in the Life of the Queen.
Queen Elizabeth 2 wakes up at 7 o 'clock, has a cup of tea and reads the Times. Then she has a bath and gets dressed. At 8 o 'clock she listens to BBC news and has breakfast with Prince Philip. After breakfast she reads personal letters and has an important business consultation with Private Secretary and then works at government documents. At 1 o 'clock she has a quick lunch in her private apartment in Buckingham Palace and at 2 o 'clock leaves the Palace to open a new hospital. There she makes speeches, shakes hands and has a cup of tea. At 4.45 she is back at the Palace and works in her office. At 5.30 she receives foreign visitors and then has the final meeting with her Private Secretary. In the evening she goes to St. James Palace where she has a reception party and talks with 70 people. Then she goes back to the Palace and at 8.30 has dinner with Philip and a group of some businessmen. At 10 o 'clock she watches television news and then reads some official papers and telephones some members of the Royal Family – just to see if all is well. At about 11 o 'clock she goes to bed.
1 | B | |
2 | A | |
3 | A | |
4 | B | |
5 | A | |
6 | B | |
7 | A | |
8 | C | |
9 | D | |
10 | B |
26 | C |
27 | A |
28 | B |
29 | B |
30 | A |
31 | F |
32 | C |
33 | B |
34 | A |
35 | E |
36 | A |
37 | A |
38 | B |
39 | A |
40 | B |
11 | 3 |
12 | 2 |
13 | 5 |
14 | 1 |
15 | 4 |
16 | B |
17 | A |
18 | C |
19 | A |
20 | C |
21 | B |
22 | C |
23 | A |
24 | F |
25 | D |
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Подписи к слайдам:
Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, it will leave the burrow, signifying that winter-like weather will soon end. If it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.
Groundhog Day - a tradition and is not a public holiday in the United States. Not looking at it in cities such as Pankstouni , where the events of Groundhog Day are popular, some parks and streets may be crowded with people. The first Groundhog Day was held in Pankstouni in the 1800's. February 2, 1887 was made the first official trip to turkey mound. Since marmot winter becomes dormant, its way out of the hole is a natural sign of spring. In Europe, several centuries ago, people watched for other wintering animals, including badgers, bears, and hedgehogs to predict the weather. These observations were important to decide when to plant crops. Germans who immigrated to Pennsylvania in the mid 1800's, started the same way to monitor the groundhog. Widespread population of this rodent made it a convenient agent for this particular weather superstition.
The largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Groundhog Day, already a widely recognized and popular tradition, received worldwide attention as a result of the 1993 film of the same name, Groundhog Day, which was set in Punxsutawney and featured Punxsutawney Phil.
History The celebration, which began as a Pennsylvania German custom in southeastern and central Pennsylvania in the 18th and 19th centuries, has its origins in ancient European weather lore, wherein a badger or sacred bear is the prognosticator as opposed to a groundhog. It also bears similarities to the Pagan festival of Imbolc , the seasonal turning point of the Celtic calendar, which is celebrated on February 1 and also involves weather prognostication. and to St. Swithun's Day in July.
The most famous groundhogs, meteorologists Punxsutawney Phil Wiarton Willie Staten Island Chuck Shubenacadie Sam Balzac Billy Jimmy the Groundhog General Beauregard Lee
Punxsutawney Phil Wiarton Willie
Balzac Billy Jimmy the Groundhog
General Staten Island Beauregard Lee Chuck
The largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where crowds as large as 40,000 have gathered to celebrate the holiday since at least 1886. Other celebrations of note in Pennsylvania take place in Quarryville in Lancaster County, the Anthracite Region of Schuylkill County, the Sinnamahoning Valleyand Bucks County. Outside of Pennsylvania, notable celebrations occur in the Frederick and Hagerstown areas of Maryland,the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Woodstock, Illinois, Lilburn, Georgia, among the Amish populations of over twenty states and at Wiarton , Ontario, and Shubenacadie , Nova Scotia, in Canada. The University of Dallas in Irving, Texas, has taken Groundhog Day as its official university holiday and organizes a large-scale celebration every year in honor of the Groundhog.
Prediction accuracy Groundhog Day proponents state that the rodents' forecasts are accurate 75% to 90% of the time. A Canadian study for 13 cities in the past 30 to 40 years puts the success rate level at 37%. Also, the National Climatic Data Center reportedly has stated that the overall prediction accuracy rate is around 39%.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
About Canada MyGeography.ru Canada - a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Area - 9,984 sq. km. (Second place in the world). The Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. It shares borders with the U.S., Denmark and France. Population - 34 million people. Capital - Ottawa. Is a federation consisting of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Official languages: English and French. Economy: Diversified, based on rich natural resources and trade
Geography Canada occupies almost the entire northern half of the continent of North America and the adjacent islands are numerous. On the east coast of the country by the Atlantic to the west - the Pacific and to the north - the Arctic Ocean. The country's territory extends from 83 degrees north latitude in the north (Cape Columbia on Ellesmere Island) to 41 degrees north latitude in the south (Island Milde Island on the lake. Erie). The area of the country - 9,984 thousand sq km MyGeography.ru
Great lakes Great Lakes - a system of freshwater lakes in North America, the United States and Canada. Includes a number of large and medium-sized reservoirs, connected by rivers and straits. An area of about 245.2 thousand km ², the volume of water 22,7 thousand km ³. The range of the Great Lakes are the five biggest: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. Associated with them a few medium-sized lakes. The lakes belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin. Stock on the River St. Lawrence. MyGeography.ru =
Climate MyGeography.ru From the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Atlantic to the east stretches in the southern zone of temperate climate. Average temperatures in January and July vary for each area. Winter can be very severe in some regions of the country, average temperatures can reach 15 ˚ C below zero in the southern part of the country, and sometimes -45 ˚ C with strong icy winds. The minimum temperature ever observed in Canada, is -63 ˚ C (the Yukon). Each year the level of snow cover may reach several hundreds of centimeters (eg, in Quebec, on average 337 cm). Coast of British Columbia, particularly Vancouver Island, is an exception and enjoys a mild climate with mild and rainy winters. Summer temperatures can reach 35 ˚ C to 40 ˚ C, taking into account the index of humidity.
Public-political structure MyGeography.ru Canada - State of the British Commonwealth, and the formal head of state is Queen. Official representative of the Queen in Canada is the Governor-General. Canada - a parliamentary federal system with a democratic tradition. Legislative power is vested in Parliament. The executive power is vested in Her Majesty's Government - the Privy Council. Supreme executive power is the carrier of the queen. The judiciary in the country belongs to the Queen and the Royal courts.
Population MyGeography.ru Canada is relatively sparsely populated. Population density (about 3,5 people per 1 km ²) is one of the lowest in the world. Canada's population around 34 million. The most populated area of the country - is Quebec-Windsor Corridor along the flat shores of the St. Lawrence River and the south-east of the Great Lakes. The bulk of the population - the descendants of immigrants from Europe: Anglo-Saxons, frankokanadtsy, Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Dutch, etc. The indigenous population - Indians and Inuit - in the course of colonization was forced into the north
Administrative division MyGeography.ru At the moment, Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Most of the new administrative unit is the Canadian territory of Nunavut (created in 1999). Province and territory differ in their degree of autonomy. Provincial authority actually transferred to the Constitutional Act.
Major Cities Toronto - Canada's largest city, located at the intersection of water and land routes. Population - 2518 thousand people. City of Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, Markham and others form a conurbation Greater Toronto Area (GTA) with a population of 5,715 thousand in Toronto and surrounding area is home to around 1 / 3 of Canada's population. Montreal - the oldest city in the country and the largest city in the province of Quebec with a population of 1812800 people. In the town live mostly French Canadians, so the city called the "French Canadian" or "Paris of North America." Montreal is the industrial hub of the country, as well as its great transportation hub. Montreal is a major river port. Vancouver is located on the south-west of Canada, on the border with the United States. The population of the city - 600 000. (2006), but in Greater Vancouver, given the more than 20 suburbs, is home to over 2 million people. Vancouver - the largest port on the west coast of Canada, which is one of the largest business and industrial centers of the world. Calgary. Population - 1,230,248 people. According to the 2002 Calgary holds 31 seats in living standards among the 130 largest cities in the world, and in 2002 he was recognized as the cleanest city in the world. It is believed that this is the cleanest water, the fresh air and a very blue sky. In the city of more than 8.000 hectares of parks, alleys and 460 km of rivers MyGeography.ru
MyGeography.ru Ottawa Ottawa - the capital of Canada. Ottawa - the fourth largest city in the country holding the 6 th place in terms of life in the world. Ottawa is situated on the banks of the Ottawa River and Rideau Canal. The city was founded in 1820-ies. Until 1855 it was called Baytaun. Since 1867 the capital Kanady.Naselenie 875 thousand inhabitants. City Administration implements the Municipal Council headed by the mayor. The climate is temperate continental. The average January temperature is -11 ° C, July 20,3 ° C. Rainfall 873 mm per year. For the appearance of Ottawa is abundant water and greenery, the chess system of streets associated with a developed system of park roads. Residential housing in the mostly two-storey.
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Newly-married couple has departed, But promised to return. The place where a happy newly-married couple the duke and the duchess Cambridge will spend the honeymoon, remains to unknown persons till the wedding day. Said that prince Uiljam with the wife will go in hot them the favourite Africa, or will leave to Caribbean Islands, or will travel across Canada. The situation hasn't cleared up even after wedding. The very next day after wedding the shining duke and the duchess Cambridge have left the Buckingham palace by the helicopter.
William in a bouquet Royal ceremonies all is thought over to trifles. Many were admired with a graceful bouquet of the bride in which lilies of the valley prevailed. However, except lilies of the valley in a bouquet there were carnations – grades «Sweet William» (sweet William), a hyacinth, an ivy and a myrtle – symbols of happiness, eternal love and strong marriage. And let defenders of environment don't give tongue at all. It at us lilies of the valley are brought in the Red book, and in Great Britain flowers for wedding ceremony have been grown specially up. By the way, it is possible to name all ceremony "non-polluting": clouds over London didn't disperse, the wedding train consisted of carriages, and Aston Martin on which a newly-married couple has left the Buckingham palace, is filled by biofuel. Exclusive
The car to the young was borrowed by prince Charles. He has received it as a present on birthday from queen Elizabeth in 1969, but has decided to alter the engine only recently. But now the car goes by biofuel from... Fault.
The hat has fallen! Has fallen to a floor! Thousand fans with tears of emotion in the face of watched for Kate and William, and also their visitors. Hundreds cameras from all over the world watched and for Kate with William, both their visitors and for fans. Well, and we, have looked that has turned out at photographers and too have shed a few tears. Look …
If someone still believes that British cold snobs who are indifferent to the monarchs, be convinced of the return. Hundred thousand spectators have begun the watches in streets of London some days before wedding in desire to occupy a place better. Especially zealous admirers of the prince and Kate have pitched tents on all route from Vestiminstersky abbey to the Buckingham palace. Schoolboys, students, old women, the whole families with children spent the night in tents not to pass wedding of a century and to look though one eye at the girl who of the Cinderella has turned to the princess. Admirers Kate and William painted persons in colors of the British flag, sang songs of own composition and welcomed the groom and the bride with own hand made posters. Today pubs of London work till one o'clock in the morning that all could drink for health newly married. For one day British have forgotten about the stiffness – they make a declaration of love to the prince and Kate. And some – in the fulness of the heart – even dive into fountains, whence they are caught by police.
Before choosing a wedding pie, William and Kate have visited a little the best a country bakery. The pair has tried, apparently, all pies, biscuits and кейки which bake in England. As a result, the choice of a newly-married couple has fallen on product of Fiony Cairns which bakes pies already quarter of the century. The pie executed in the British traditions, became the present masterpiece, not without reason Fiona manages the state art bakery in Leicestershire. Kate Middlton personally took part in working out of design of a sweet miracle. At will of the princess восьмиярусный the pie is full of fruit and is watered by the white
Glaze, it is decorated by scattering from 900 "edible" colors and uncountable quantity of "sweet" leaflets, many of which have been made manually. That to a stuffing of a fantastic pie which consists of 17 separate cakes it is various: walnuts, oranges, and also the fruit sustained in a brandy. All this magnificence will fall a victim of visitors on reception at prince Charles. Other pie - шлоколадный, has been eaten in the afternoon during a lunch in the Buckingham palace who has taken place right after wedding. It was made by Pirozhnaja company Makvitis which has created a chocolate pie – a favourite children's delicacy of the prince. A pie have baked under the ancient recipe of royal family and it keeps in the strict secret.
Wedding ring for Kate Middlton have made of the present уельского gold which was presented young by the Queen how they declared engagement. In general all royal rings are cast from the Welsh gold which extract in Northern Wales. The history of royal rings is worthy separate книги.30 years back, in November 1981, the Royal British legion presented to Queen Elizabeth gold in weight in 36 gram and advantage in 21 carats, sacred David extracted in the Welsh mine. The ring of the Duchess is made of the same gold York, the column and countesses Uesseksky and prince Welsh Charles. Only it carries the ring under a signet with the arms. Probably, William doesn't have any business to these old traditions. He has refused to carry a wedding ring. And what it was possible to expect from this rebel? After all not without reason William the first of royal family who was born out of a palace, the first who studied at the usual school, the first who has gone to army the simple soldier, the first who married the simple girl, and now the first who not begins to carry a wedding ring.
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Some facts about Pablo Picasso Born in 1881 in Spain. Was a great Spanish painter, sculptor, graphic artist, ceramist and designer. The founder of the Cubism. Picasso for his life has created about 20,000 works Experts called Picasso the most "expensive" artist - in 2008 the only official sales of his works was $ 262 million
Works by Pablo Picasso in « blue » period. « Death of Casagemas » . 1901 « Gourmet » . 1901
Works by Pablo Picasso in « pink » period. "Actor". 1904 "The Girl on the ball." 1905
Cubism "Flowers in a Grey Jug and glass with a spoon." 1908 "Brick Factory in Tortosa ." 1909
Interesting facts about Pablo Picasso At the birth of Pablo he was considered dead, but when his Uncle blew smoke in the face of a baby, he responded to cry. When Picasso was baptized he get the name, consisting of 23 words. Completely it reads as: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. The first word that boy said, was the word « pencil » . W hen he was nine years old he pained his first picture. He had a lot of financial problems, and he burned a lot of his paintings to keep warm.
The end!
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Sculptor. David 1504 Pietà ( 1498–1499)
Painter. The Libyan Sibyl (1511)
Sistine Chapel ceiling: The Last Judgment 1536-1541
The Creation of Adam 1511 Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Architector . The dome of St Peter's Basilica, Rome Night and Day, the tomb of Giuliano de' Medici
Poet. Caro m'è 'l sonno , e più l'esser di sasso , mentre che 'l danno e la vergogna dura ; non veder , non sentir m'è gran ventura ; però non mi destar , deh , parla basso . Michelangelo Buonarroti (1546) Молчи , прошу, не смей меня будить. О, в этот век преступный и постыдный Не жить, не чувствовать – удел завидный... Отрадно спать, отрадней камнем быть. Fyodor Tyutchev (1855 ) «Caro m'è 'l sonno, e più l'esser di sasso...»
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1904 - 1989 Was a Spanish surrealist painter born in Spain In 1950, Dalí created a special "costume for the year 2045" with Dior He was a director of may films Dalí also worked with Walt Disney on the short film production Destino
On the 7th of December in 1959 in Paris, was presented the ovocypede: a device invented by Dali. Ovocypede is a transparent sphere with a fixed seat inside. This "transport" has become one of the devices, which Dali used successfully in order to shock the audience with his appearance.
Enrique Bernat asked Salvador Dali to draw a new wrapper for Chupa Chups. Genius artist didn't think long and sketched him a picture of daisy - the logo of "Chupa Chups". Dali was crazy about sweets - when the artist was offered to design a logo for "Chupa Chups" he demanded company a box of candy every day, and the money he didn't take, although generally loved to show his love for money. As artist could not eat so many candies, he came up with another performance - came to the playground, licked "Chupa Chups" and threw them into the sand
To the 105th anniversary of Salvador Dali Royal Mint of Spain issued a second collection of memorable coins dedicated to the great Spanish surrealist. The memorial consists of a set of three silver coins of 10 €, one silver of € 50 and one gold - 400 €.
Dali wanted to be buried the way, people could go over it. According to the will, he was immured in the floor of his house-museum in Figueres.
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The Bermuda Triangle , also known as the Devil's Triangle , is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and surface vessels allegedly disappeared mysteriously. Popular culture has attributed these disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings.
The Triangle area The boundaries of the triangle cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores. The more familiar triangular boundary in most written works has as its points somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Miami ; San Juan, Puerto Rico ; and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda , with most of the accidents concentrated along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits .
History. Origins The earliest allegation of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared in a September 16, 1950 Associated Press article by Edward Van Winkle Jones . Two years later, Fate magazine published "Sea Mystery At Our Back Door ", a short article by George X . In the late 60's and early 70-ies of XX century, numerous publications have appeared on the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle . In 1974, Charles Berlitz published the book "The Bermuda Triangle”, in which descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area were collected . The book became a bestseller, and it was after the publication of the theory of the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle has become particularly popular .
In 1975, Lawrence David Kusche published a book "The Bermuda Triangle: Myth and Reality", in which he tried to prove that anything supernatural and mysterious in this area is not happening. This book is based on years of research documents and interviews with eyewitnesses who identified numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of the supporters of the existence of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.
Theories Supporters of the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle launched dozens of different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena which, in their opinion, are taking place there. These theories include assumptions about the kidnapping of ships from outer space aliens or residents of Atlantis, moving through a hole in time, or faults in space and other paranormal causes. Other authors try to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.
Gulf Stream The Gulf Stream is an ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and then flows through the Straits of Florida into the North Atlantic. In essence, it is a river within an ocean, and, like a river, it can and does carry floating objects. It has a surface velocity of up to about 2.5 metres per second (5.6 mi/h ).A small plane making a water landing or a boat having engine trouble can be carried away from its reported position by the current. False-color image of the Gulf Stream flowing north through the western Atlantic Ocean.
Methane hydrates An explanation for some of the disappearances has focused on the presence of vast fields of methane hydrates (a form of natural gas) on the continental shelves . Laboratory experiments carried out in Australia have proven that bubbles can, indeed, sink a scale model ship by decreasing the density of the water; any wreckage consequently rising to the surface would be rapidly dispersed by the Gulf Stream . It has been hypothesized that periodic methane eruptions (sometimes called "mud volcanoes") may produce regions of frothy water that are no longer capable of providing adequate floatability for ships. If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could cause it to sink very rapidly and without warning.
Infrasound It is assumed that under certain conditions in the sea infrasound can be generated , which has an impact on the crew, causing panic, as a result of which they leave the ship.
The most famous case is mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle, is the disappearance of the managers of the five bombers, torpedo-type " Evendzher . These aircraft on Dec. 5, 1945 took off from the base of the naval forces of the USA in Fort Lauderdale back and never returned. These fragments were not found .
The loss of the ship and 306 crew and passengers without a trace sometime after 4 March 1918 remains the single largest loss of life in U.S. Naval history not directly involving combat. The cause of the ship's loss is unknown.
However, summing up the known theories and information about this natural phenomenon, we can conclude that the Bermuda triangle still remains the biggest mystery of mankind.
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The correct name of this construction is The Hanging gardens of Amitis. This is the name of the wife of Navuhodonosor , the tsar of Babylon. These gardens have been constructed for her.
The tsar of Babylon has concluded a military alliance with Kiaksar, the tsar of the Mussel. There was a war between Babylon and Assyria.
Together they have won the war. Their military alliance has been confirmed by a marriage of Navuhodonosora with the daughter of the tsar of Mussel - Amitis.
Dusty and noisy Babylon settled down on the sandy plain. It didn't please the tsarina, because she has grown in a mountainous and green Mussel.
Navuhodonosor ordered to build Hanging gardens to console her.
Gardens represented a pyramid. This pyramid consisted of 4 platforms. These platforms were supported by columns. There were pipes inside of the columns. Hundreds of slaves rotated an elevating wheel with buckets to give water to gardens.
The tsar ordered to people to bring all strange plants which will meet them on a way. And they brought plants from distant wanderings, military campaigns and trading trips .
The pyramid was similar to a blossoming green hill. Magnificent gardens with rare trees, fragrant flowers and a cool in hot Babylonia were really a wonder of the world.
From apart it seems that gardens of Semiramida are groundless
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Образование P assive voice Страдательный залог употребляется, когда исполнитель действия очевиден или несуществен, или когда действие или его результат более интересны, чем исполнитель. Страдательный залог образуется с помощью глагола to be в соответствующем времени и III формы глагола
Present Past Future Формула Simple is/am/are + Ved (V3) was/were + Ved (V3) will/shall + be + Ved(V3) Pictures are drawn by me every bay Pictures were drawn by me yesterday Pictures will be drawn tomorrow Формула Continuous is/am/are + being + Ved (V3) was/were + being + Ved (V3) Pictures are being drawn by my now Pictures were being drawn by me at 5 o’clock yesterday Формула Perfect has/have + been + Ved (V3) had + been + Ved (V3) will/shall + have/has+ been +Ved (V3) Pictures have been already drawn by me Pictures had been drawn by me before he phoned Pictures will have been sent by 6 tomorrow Фомула Perfect Continuous
Отрицательная форма образуется путем постановки отрицательной частицы not после первого вспомогательного глагола 1 . The books have not been sold yet . 2. I was not invited to the opera yesterday . 3. The trees are not being planted now.
Вопросительная форма образуется путём переноса первого вспомогательного глагола на место перед подлежащим 1. Has the house been built ? 2. When will the letter be sent ? 3. Are the flowers being planted now?
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive. 1. Fresh vegetables (to eat) every day . 2. A very interesting book (to take) by me at the library last Friday . 3. The dictionary (to use) by me every day. 4. English (to speak) all over the world. 5. St Petersburg (to found) in 1703. 6. Flowers (to sell) in shops. 7 . We (to invite) to the theatre last Saturday . 8. The trees (to cut down) tomorrow . 9. Tomorrow he (to take) them the exhibition.
Перефразируйте предложения в пассивный залог. 1 . I bought flowers yesterday . 2. They sell milk in this shop. 3. I save money in the bank. 4. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season . 5 . He explored Central Africa in the 19th century . 6. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention last Monday. 7. I will draw the picture tomorrow. 8 . We were looking at the man with great surprise . 9. We eat pancakes every day.
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These toys ( to make) in China . Эти игрушки делаются в Китае . 2 . Dinner (to serve) after seven . Обед подается после семи.
3. English (to speak) in many countries of the world . На английском языке говорят во многих странах мира . 4. English textbooks often (to sell) at the university bookstore . Учебники английского языка часто продаются в книжном магазине университета.
5. I (to give) juice every morning. Мне дают сок каждое утро . 6. She (to like) very much. Её любят очень сильно.
7. The letters (to send) by them every week. Письма посылаются ими каждую неделю. 8. The plants ( to water) in the evening. Растения поливают вечер o м .
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1. I (to play) computer games yesterday . 2. I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday . 3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday.
4. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 5. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening.
6. You (to do) your homework yesterday ? 7. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday?
8. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday . 9. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday . 10. Why she (to sleep) at seven o'clock yesterday?
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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb . Neither my friend nor I like / likes music . Neither my dog nor my cat have / has eaten the bread.
3. Neither his parents, nor he intend/intends to stay here for another week . 4. Neither the boys nor the girls know/ knows the rule.
5. Neither cats nor dogs eat/eats oranges. 6. Neither Mary nor Kate like/likes coffee.
7. Neither Frank nor Lilly live/lives in Europe. 8. Neither Axel nor my other friends care/cares about their future.
9.Neither Andrew nor Paul believe/believes you . 10. Neither the man nor the woman am/is/are a good surfer.