Театральная Мастерская на английском языке
Найти легкий и приятный способ обучения языку — мечта многих. Театральные студии на языках помогают воплотить ее в реальность. Здесь можно не только выучить иностранный в игровой форме, но и получить основы сценического мастерства, улучшить дикцию и справиться с коммуникационными проблемами.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
The Snow Queen
Pieces of Glass
One day a little imp made a mirror.
He looked into the mirror and laughed.
“Ha-ha-ha-ha” he cried.
“My mirror makes everything look ugly!”
The imp flew up, up, into the sky.
He flew as high as the stars.
The mirror began to shake.
The imp dropped the mirror.
It felt to the ground and smashed into a hundred pieces of glass.
Author 1: Kay lived next door to his best friend Gerda. The two children spent a lot of time together. They loved each other like brother and sister.
Gerda: “ Look out of the window, Kay! Look! It's snowing!
Grandmother: “The snowflakes look like white bees on my roses”
Author 2: Kay and Gerda went to play in the rose garden. Then they sat and looked at a book together. Suddenly, Kay cried out.
Kay: “There's something in my eye. Ow! It hurts!
Gerda: “Let me see.
Author 1: The imp in the sky looked down and laughed.
Imp: “Ha-ha! Kay has got a piece of glass in his eye! It will make Kay naughty and rude!
Author 2: Suddenly, Kay was like a different boy.
Kay: “You look ugly, Gerda! And the roses too! Ugly, ugly! (kicking roses)
Gerda: “Kay! What's wrong? Why are you so rude? (feeling sad)
Author 1: The next day, Kay took his sledge.
Kay: “I'm going to the town square. I will ride on my sledge with the other boys”
Author 2: Suddenly, Kay felt a cold wind on his face. Then a big white sledge raced into the square. A beautiful woman sat on the sledge. She wore a white fur coat and a big fur hat. It was the ice woman!
Author 1: Kay tied his little sledge to the back of the ice woman's big white sledge and jumped on it. Together, the woman and Kay raced out of the town square.
Snow Queen: “Sit next to me, Kay. I am the Snow Queen. I will look after you. Put this around your shoulders. It's very cold.” (wrapping him in her fer coat).
Author 2: Suddenly, Kay didn't feel cold at all. He thought only of the Snow Queen and he forgot his home, his grandmother and his friend Gerda.
Snow Queen: “We are going to my palace. It is made of snow.
Author 1: They began to move. They went faster and faster, higher and higher.
Author 2: Gerda sat by the window. She watched and waited for Kay all day but he did not return. So Gerda decided to go to find Kay.
Gerda: “Where is my friend Kay, please tell me the river?”
Author 1: Suddenly, Gerda saw a little green boat and stepped into it. The boat floated on down the river. The boat floated past a little white house with red and blue windows. There was and old woman in the garden.
The old woman: “Hello! Little girl! Let me help you!”
Author 2: Gerda told the old woman all about Kay.
The old woman: “Don't worry about Kay. Stay with me and I will look after you. Here are some eggs and fresh bread for you!”
Gerda: “Thank you! But I must go now and find Kay!
Author 1: It was winter outside the old woman's sunny garden. Gerda was not wearing her red shoes. Her feet were bare and very cold as she ran through the snow.
Gerda ran and ran.
Raven: (flying down from the tree). “What is your name? Why haven't you got any shoes?
Gerda: “I'm looking for my friend, Kay.
Raven: “Kay went to the palace.
Gerda: “Will you take me to the palace?
(the raven pulled a large piece of bread from under his wing and gave it to Gerda)
Gerda: “Thank you, I'm too hungry!”
Raven: “I will take you to a secret staircase. You are a good girl. And you love your friend very much. Don't worry. Everything will be all right.
(Gerda and the raven set off across the snow.)
Raven: “That's the princess's bedroom.”
Princess: “Who are you? Why are you in my bedroom? What do you want?”
Gerda: “I am looking for my friend Kay.”
Princess: “Kay came to the palace, we talked for a short time. He left with a woman on a big white sledge. Her name is the Snow Queen.”
“You can stay here with me if you like”.
Gerda: “Thank you very much, but I must find my friend Kay”
Princess: “I will give you two horses and a carriage, some new clothes.
(putting on a fur coat, a fur hat, fur gloves and fur boots)
Gerda: “Now I'm ready for the ice and snow. Goodbye!”
Princess: “Goodbye!”
Author 2: On her way she met the robber's child. She asked the reindeer to help Gerda, to take fer to Finland.
Author 1: All day and all night, the reindeer carried Gerda over the snow across the icy rivers. Big snowflakes fell from the sky. The snowflakes landed on Gerda's fur hat and on the reindeer's back. In the morning, they arrived in Finland.
Reindeer: “I must go now! Goodbye!
(Kay sitting on the floor, doing the puzzle)
(The Snow Queen sat on throne in the middle of the palace)
Snow Queen: “Come here, my little Ice Boy, I want to tell you something. I'm going to the south, I'm going to take winter to them. I will put snow on the mountains and ice in the rivers.
Kay: “But what about me?
Snow Queen: “You must stay here and wait for me?”
Gerda: “Kay! Kay! I have found you at last!
(Kay is sitting very still)
Gerda: “Kay! It's me. Your friend, Gerda! (crying)
Author 2: And suddenly, the piece of glass fell from Kay's eye.
Kay: “Oh, Gerda! Of course, I remember you! What I am doing here in this cold, empty place?”
Gerda: “You had a piece of glass in your eye. It made you forgot me and your grandmother. The Snow Queen wanted to keep you in her palace forever. But now we can go home.”
Author 1: “ Kay and Gerda ran out of the Snow Queen's palace, the snow stopped and the sun started to shine. The reindeer was waiting for them.
Reindeer: “Here is some milk. You have a long way to go”
Kay and Gerda: “Thank you!”
Reindeer: “I will take you home. You can both ride on my back”
Author 2: Gerda and Kay traveled all day and all night until they come to their
(sitting and hugging, kissing grandmother)
Author 1: They told her about their new friends: the raven, the reindeer, the princess and the old woman. Above their heads the sky was blue. The birds were making their nests, the roses were growing. It was spring.
Предварительный просмотр:
В О Л Ш Е Б Н И К И З У М Р У Д Н О Г О Г О Р О Д А .
СКАЗОЧНИК : Давным-давно в далеком Канзасе жила-была девочка. И звали ее Элли. Она была из бедной семьи. У них был только маленький домик, который стоял среди Канзасской степи. И вот, однажды, налетел страшный ураган, подхватил домик, в котором как раз находилась девочка Элли и ее любимый маленький песик Тотошка, и унес их в неизвестном направлении. Долго летели они и вот, наконец, домик опустился на землю.
ЭЛЛИ : Где мы ?
ТОТОШКА : Ав-Ав ! Попали в какое-то неизвестное место !
ЭЛЛИ : Тотошка ! Милая моя собачка ! Ты умеешь говорить ?
ТОТОШКА : Ав-Ав ! Почему-то я могу говорить на человеческом языке !
ЭЛЛИ : Ну тогда мы, наверное, попали в волшебную страну !
ГОЛОС : «Великий Волшебник Гудвин вернет домой маленькую девочку, занесенную в его страну ураганом, если она поможет трем существам добиться исполнения их самых заветных желаний…»
ЭЛЛИ : А кто такой Гудвин ?
ГОЛОС : Это самый великий и могущественный мудрец волшебной страны, и живет он в Изумрудном Городе.
ЭЛЛИ : А где находится Изумрудный город ?
ГОЛОС : Он находится в самом центре волшебной страны.
Дорога в Изумрудный город вымощена желтым кирпичом. Иди по ней, и ты не заблудишься... Помни девочка Бастинда боится воды... Бастинда боится воды...
ЭЛЛИ : Кто такая Бастинда?
ГОЛОС : Узнаешь, скоро узнаешь...
СКАЗОЧНИК : Итак, девочка Элли и Тотошка отправились в Изумрудный город. По дороге их ожидало много разных приключений…Сначала они встретили огородное пугало, которое стояло на шесте или попросту на палке.
СТРАШИЛА : Здравствуйте ! Помогите мне, пожалуйста, сойти с шеста !
( Элли и Тотошка помогают Огородному Пугалу сойти с шеста.)
СТРАШИЛА : Большое спасибо ! Меня зовут Страшила.
ЭЛЛИ : А я – Элли.
ТОТОШКА : Я – ав, ав – Тотошка !
СТРАШИЛА : А вы куда идете ?
ЭЛЛИ : Мы идем в Изумрудный город к Великому Гудвину, чтобы попросить его исполнить наше желание.
СТРАШИЛА : А какое у вас желание ?
ЭЛЛИ : Мы хотим попросить его отправить нас домой, в Канзас !
СТРАШИЛА : Здорово ! Вот если бы кто-нибудь мог исполнить мое желание !
ЭЛЛИ : А какое у Вас желание ?
СТРАШИЛА : Я хочу иметь мозги ! Ведь моя голова набита соломой и я часто говорю не то, что нужно, а были бы у меня мозги, я бы стал очень умным !
ЭЛЛИ : Пойдемте с нами. Великий Гудвин все может, и он даст Вам мозги.
СКАЗОЧНИК : И Страшила пошел вместе с девочкой Элли и Тотошкой по дороге, вымощенной желтым кирпичом…
(Друзья встретили Дровосека...)
ДРОВОСЕК : Помогите мне, пожалуйста ! Я попал под дождь и заржавел, и не могу сдвинуться с места. Смажьте меня, пожалуйста, маслом.
ЭЛЛИ : Конечно, мы сейчас Вам поможем.
( Элли мажет дровосека маслом, он начинает двигаться.)
ДРОВОСЕК : Вот, спасибо. Теперь я могу двигаться. А куда вы идете ?
ЭЛЛИ : Мы идем к Великому Гудвину, чтобы он исполнил наши заветные желания : меня с Тотошкой отправил домой, а Страшиле дал мозги. А у Вас есть заветное желание ?
ДРОВОСЕК : Да, я очень хочу иметь сердце, настоящее, не железное.
ЭЛЛИ : Тогда пойдемте с нами. Великий Гудвин все может, и он вам даст настоящее сердце.
ЛЕВ : Р-р-р-р-р !
( Тотошка выскочил вперед.)
ТОТОШКА : Ты трус, раз ты рычишь на тех, кто слабее тебя !
ЛЕВ : ( опустил голову.) Да, я трус… И рычу только потому, чтобы все подумали, что я храбрый. Это мое самое заветное желание – стать храбрым !
ЭЛЛИ : Пойдемте с ними ! Мы идем к Великому Гудвину, чтобы он выполнил наши самые заветные желания. И он Вам даст Храбрость !
( Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)
СКАЗОЧНИК : Теперь с Элли шли трое существ, которые имели заветные желания. А ведь, как мы помним, голос говорил, что если Элли поможет трем существам выполнить их самые заветные желания, то Великий Гудвин отправит ее домой. Итак, они шли к Великому Гудвину. Только бы им добраться до Изумрудного города !
(У главных ворот города друзья встретили солдата)
ЭЛЛИ : Здравствуйте, господин солдат !Мы бы хотели увидеть Великого Гудвина.
СОЛДАТ : Гудвина – Великого и Ужасного никто никогда не видел !
ЭЛЛИ : Почему его никто никогда не видел, и почему он ужасный ?
СОЛДАТ : Потому что никто не видел его лица ! Он все время бывает в разных обличьях, если вам повезет вы сможете увидеть его в виде обычного человека, хотя не известно, на самом деле, настоящий это его вид или нет.
ЭЛЛИ : Господин солдат, доложите, пожалуйста, великому Гудвину, что мы просим его принять нас.
СОЛДАТ : Хорошо, я доложу. Но если у вас не очень важные дела, то Великий Гудвин очень рассердится, и тогда вам не сдобровать !
ГУДВИН : Я – Гудвин, Великий и Ужасный ! Зачем вы пришли ? Чего вы хотите ?
СТРАШИЛА : Я хочу, чтобы Вы дали мне мозги, чтобы у меня появились умные мысли !
ДРОВОСЕК : Я хочу, чтобы Вы дали мне сердце, настоящее,
а не железное !
ЛЕВ : Я хочу, чтобы Вы дали мне храбрость, чтобы я мог стать настоящим царем зверей !
ЭЛЛИ : А я прошу Вас отправить нас с Тотошкой домой, в Канзас !
ГУДВИН : Я выполню все ваши желания... Если вы одолеете злую Бастинду...
БАСТИНДА : Так…Кто это там вошел в мои владения ? ( Смотрит.)
Маленькая девочка с собачкой, какое-то пугало огородное, железный человек и лев.. Явитесь Летучие Обезьяны, нападите на этих чужестранцев и принесите их сюда ! Я с ними здесь расправлюсь !
БАСТИНДА : Тебя, Лев, я впрягу в свою карету и ты будешь возить меня по городу !
ЛЕВ : ( рычит ) Р-р-р-р-р ! Я тебя съем !
БАСТИНДА : Ах ты, проклятый ! Тогда я заморю тебя голодом, и ты все равно согласишься возить меня в карете !
ЛЕВ : ( рычит ) Р-р-р-р-р ! Я тебя съем !
ТОТОШКА: Элли Бастинда боится воды !!!
( Элли вырвалась, схватила ведро с водой и вылила на Бастинду.)
БАСТИНДА : Что ты наделала ? Ведь вода – это смерть моя !
ВСЕ : Ура ! ! ! Злой волшебницы Бастинды больше нет !
ЭЛЛИ : А Вы не знаете, что это за шапка ?
ГУДВИН : Вы выполнили мое задание ! И теперь я могу выполнить ваши заветные желания ! Вот тебе, Страшила, мозги ! ( дает, например, мешочек.) Тебе Дровосек, настоящее, не железное сердце ! ( дает ) И тебе Лев Смелость, хотя ты все время очень смело защищал своих друзей ! (дает).
ЭЛЛИ : А меня с Тотошкой Вы теперь отправите домой, в Канзас ?
ГУДВИН : Да, девочка ! Это очень легко сделать !РАЗ-ДВА-ТРИ...
ВСЕ : До свидания ! ( машут им ).И мы вас не забудем !
СКАЗОЧНИК : Так девочка Элли побывала в волшебной стране, встретилась Великим Гудвином, помогла своим друзьям исполнить их самые заветные желания, и освободила страну сразу от двух злых волшебниц.
STORYTELLER : Long time ago in the far away Kansas there lived a girl. Her name was Elly. She was from a poor family. They only had a small house in the middle of Kansas prairie. One day a terrified cyclone sprang up, picked up the house together with Elly and her favourite doggie Totoshka and carried them away into the unknown direction. It was a long flight and finally the house landed.
ELLY : Where are we ?
TOTOSHKA : Bow-wow ! We’ve got into an unknown place!
ELLY : Totoshka ! My lovely dog! You can speak, can’t you ?
TOTOSHKA : Bow-wow! I can speak human language for some reason !
ELLY : It seems that we’ve got into a magic country!
VOICE : «The Great Wizard Goodwin will bring a small girl home, if she helps three creatures to make their dreams come true…»
ELLY : Who is Goodwin ?
VOICE : He is a the greatest and the most powerful wise man from a magical country and he lives in the City of Emeralds.
ELLY : Where is the City of Emeralds?
VOICE : It is in the very center of a magical country. The road to the City of Emeralds is paved with yellow bricks. Follow it and you won’t get lost… Remember that a girl Bastinda is afraid of water… Bastinda is afraid of water…
ELLY : Who is Bastinda?
VOICE : You will know it, very soon...
STORYTELLER : And so, Elly, the girl, and Totoshka have left for the City of Emeralds. They are going to face lots of different adventures… First, they met a scarecrow, which was standing on a pole or simply a stick.
SCARECROW : Hello ! Can you please help me to leave this pole!
( Elly and Totoshka helped the scarecrow to leave the pole)
SCARECROW : Thank you so much ! My name is Scarecrow.
ELLY : I am Elly.
TOTOSHKA : And my name is – bow-wow – Totoshka!
SCARECROW : Where are you going to ?
ELLY : We are going to the City of Emeralds to the Great Goodwin to ask him to make our wish come true.
SCARECROW : What kind of wish do you have?
ELLY : We want to ask him to send us back home, to Kansas!
SCARECROW : Great! If only somebody could make my wish come true!
ELLY : What wish do you have ?
SCARECROW : I want to have brain! My head is filled with straw and I often say something wrong, and if I had brain, I could be very clever!
ELLY : Let’s go with us. The Great Goodwin can do anything and he will give you brain.
STORYTELLER : And Scarecrow started his journey together with Elly, the girl, and Totoshka along the road paved with yellow bricks.
(Friends met Woodman...)
WOODMAN : Please, help me! I got under the rain and became rusty and cannot move. Please, grease me.
ELLY : Sure, we will help you now.
( Elly greases Woodman and he starts to move.)
WOODMAN : Thanks a lot! Now I can move. Where are you going to?
ELLY : We are going to the Great Goodwin to ask him to make our wishes come true: My wish is to return home with Totoshka and Scarecrow wants to have brain. Do you have a wish?
WOODMAN : Yes, I desperately want to have a heart, a real one, not iron.
ELLY : Then why don’t you come with us? The Great Goodwin can do anything and he will present you a real heart.
THE LION : R-r-r-r-r !
( Totoshka jumped forward.)
TOTOSHKA : You are a coward if you are growling at the ones who are weaker than you!
THE LION : ( lowered his head.) Yes, I am a coward… And I am growling only for everyone to think that I am brave. This is my precious wish – to become brave!
ELLY : Let’s go with us! We are going to the Great Goodwin to ask him to make our wishes come true. And he will present you Courage!
( Music. Curtain drops.)
STORYTELLER : And now three creatures with precious wishes were travelling with Elly. As we remember, Voice told that if Elly helps three creatures to make their wishes come true, the Great Goodwin will send her back home. So, they were on a way to the Great Goodwin. If only they could reach the City of Emeralds!
(A company of friends met a soldier at the main gates of the city)
ELLY : Hello, Mr. Soldier! We would like to meet the Great Goodwin.
SOLDIER : Nobody has ever seen Goodwin the Great and Terrible!
ELLY : Why has nobody ever seen him and why is he terrible?
SOLDIER : Because nobody has seen his face! He always changes his appearance. If you are lucky you will be able to see him looking like a typical person. Though it is not clear if it is his real appearance or not.
ELLY : Mr. Soldier, please, inform the Great Goodwin that we are asking him to accept us.
SOLDIER : Ok, I will. But if your business is not very important, the Great Goodwin will get furious it will turn out badly for you!
GOODWIN : I am Goodwin, the Great and Terrible! Why are you here? What do you want?
SCARECROW : I want you to give me brain so that I could have clever thoughts.
WOODMAN : I want you to give me heart, a real one, not iron!
THE LION : I want you to give me courage so that I could become a king of animals!
ELLY : And I want you to send Totoshka and I back home, to Kansas!
GOODWIN : I will make all your wishes come true if you defeat angry Bastinda.
: Well well… Who has entered my domain? ( Looking at them.)
A small girl with a dog, a scarecrow, a woodman and a lion… Come my Flying Monkeys, attack these strangers and bring them here! I am going to deal with them!
BASTINDA : You, Lion, are going to be harnessed into my carriage and I am going to ride you around the city!
THE LION : ( growing ) R-r-r-r-r ! I am going to eat you !
BASTINDA : Damn you ! Then I will make you starve and will ride you in a carriage anyway!
THE LION : ( growing ) R-r-r-r-r ! I am going to eat you !
TOTOSHKA: Elly, Bastinda is afraid of water!
( Elly has escaped, grabbed a bucket of water and poured on Bastinda.)
BASTINDA : What have you done? Water is my death!
ALL TOGETHER : Hurray ! ! ! We have angry Bastinda no more!
ELLY : Do you know what kind of hat it is?
GOODWIN : You have fulfilled my task! And now I can make you prescious wishes come true! Scarecrow, here is your brain! (gives a sack for example)! Woodman, here is you heart, a real one, not iron (hands over)! And here is Courage for you, Lion, though you have fought for your friends very bravely (hands over)!
ELLY : Will you send Totoshka and I back home, to Kansas, please?
GOODWIN : Yes, girl! It is very easy to do! ONE-TWO-THREE…
ALL TOGETHER : Good buy ! ( waving them ). And we won’t forget you!
STORYTELLER : Thus, Elly, the girl, has been to a magical country, met the Great Goodwin, helped her friends to fulfill their precious wishes and set the country free from 2 angry magicians at once.
Предварительный просмотр:
The Snow White
Сценарий театрализованного представления
на английском языке:
«The Snow White and Seven Dwarfs»
Snow, White Prince, Doc, Dopey, Sneezee, Happy, Grumpy, Bashfull, Sleepy, The Queen, Mirror, Raven, Cat, Hunter, Animals, Birds.
Snow White: I am so unhappy. My stepmother hates me. My father has forgotten me. Perhaps some day prince will came and take me away from the palace.
Scene I
Queen (in front of her magic mirror): How happy I am! I've married the King and I am the Queen now. How beautiful I am! Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of us all?
Mirror: You are very beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful.
Queen (angrily): Dirty glass. I'll break you into pieces. Oh, my black raven! Oh, my black cat! What must I do?
Cat: Send her to the forest.
Raven: Let the Hunter kill her, kill her, kill her.
Queen: That's a good idea. Hunter! Hunter!
Hunter (comes in): Yes, your Majesty?
Queen: Where is Snow White?
Hunter: She's in the garden.
Queen: Take this terrible girl away into the forest, kill her there, bring me her heart in a box and I'll give you a big bag of gold.
Hunter: Yes, your Majesty. (Goes away.)
Queen: He'll kill the girl and I'll be the most beautiful one forever, forever, forever.
Scene II
In the forest
Snow White: Birds are singing so sweetly in the forest. Flowers smell so nice. (She bends to pick a flower.)
(Hunter wants to kill her but his hand fails him. Snow White turns to him and gives a cry.)
Hunter: The Queen told me to kill you, but I can't do it. You are so kind and beautiful. I'll bring your stepmother a pig's heart. And you must run away and hide yourself in the forest.
(Snow White runs from him. Hunter goes away. Snow White runs into a clearing where little animals and birds are playing. They are frightened.)
Snow White: Oh, my! What shall I do? (Animals come up to her slowly.) I'm sorry, I didn't want to frighten you. But I'm so unhappy. What do you do when you are unhappy? (A sparrow starts whistling.) Oh, I see. You sing songs. I'm much better now. You are good friends but I can't live here. I can't sleep on the ground. Maybe you know where I can sleep. (The animals lead her to a little cottage.) How nice it is here! The little cottage is like a toy. I like it very much.
(Knocks.) May I come in? (Comes in, the animals follow her.) Oh, dust everywhere. The plates are dirty. People who live here don't know the proverb "The right thing in the right place. thing in the right place". Just look. The chairs are so small.
And the beds are small too. And what funny names! Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Doc, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy. I know. Seven little kids live here. And they have no mother. Poor things. Let's help them. We can clean every thing here in no time. (After some time) Bye-bye. (The animals go away.) But I'm so tired. I'll just lie down on this little bed.
Scene III
(The dwarfs enter their cottage.)
Doc: Hush. There's somebody in here.
Grumpy: It's a burglar.
Sneezy: But nothing is missing. (He sneezes.)
Doc: Hush. Do you want him to kill us?
Sneezy: No, I don't.
Dopey: It's a monster.
Happy: I am afraid of it.
Bashful: So am I.
Sleepy: But we must know who is there.
Doc: Let Bashful go and see.
Bashful: But I don't want to. I'm afraid. (The dwarfs push him forward.)
Doc: Take heart.
Grumpy: We are with you. Kill it.
(Bashful tip-toes to the bed and starts smiling, the other dwarfs come up to the bed slowly-)
Doc: Who can she be?
Happy: How beautiful she is!
Dopey: Her face is as white as snow.
Sleepy: Her hair is as dark as night.
Snow White (wakes up and gives a cry): Oh, my! (The dwarfs run away and hide, then they come up to her again.) So you are dwarfs. How are you? I'll guess your names. You are Doc, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy.
Dwarfs: And who are you?
Snow White: I'm Snow White. Don't send me away or my stepmother will kill me.
Dwarfs: Poor thing.
Snow White: May I stay here? I can keep house for you. I can do many things. I can cook tasty food, bake bread, clean the house and make dresses.
Dwarfs: Tasty food!
Doc: You are a very good girl. You can stay with us.
Snow White: Thank you, dear friends. I suppose you are hungry. Would you like meat soup, fish and potatoes, tea and cookies?
Dwarfs: Oh, meat soup, fish and potatoes, tea with cookies?
Snow White: I'll cook supper and you'll wash your hands and faces.
Dwarfs: But we don't like to wash.
Snow White: Come on. Come on. If you want your supper. (She is laying the table, the dwarfs make faces and don't wash their hands.) Show me your hands. Shame on you. Even worse than I thought. I insist on your washing your hands once more. Come on. Come on. You must do it properly.
(The dwarfs wash their hands and have their supper.)
Dwarfs: Thank you.
Scene IV
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of us all?
Mirror: With the seven dwarfs in the wood still alive, the fairest in the land, Snow White. You are holding a pig's heart in your hands.
Queen: Shut up. Shut up, dirty glass.
So I was tricked. My black raven, my black cat, what must I do?
Raven: Kill her. Kill her.
Cat: Poison her. Poison her.
Queen: Give me my magic robe
Raven: Here it is.
Queen: Give me my magic pot.
Cat: Here it is.
Queen: Give me a red apple.
Cat and Raven: Here it is.
(Queen practices witchcraft over the apple.)
Queen: How red it is! How juicy and delicious it looks! It is ready, (to Cat) Do you want it? (He runs away.) (to Raven) Do you want it? (He flies away.) Don't be afraid of it. It's not for you. 1 must hurry now. (Goes away.)
Scene V
( The seven dwarfs go off to their mine.)
Grumpy (to the girl): Be careful. Don't let anyone in.
Doc: Don't open the door to anybody.
Snow White: I promise, my good friends.
Dwarfs: Good-bye, Snow White.
Snow White: Good-bye, and good luck.
(They go away.)
(Queen comes in.)
Queen: Hello. Are you alone? And where are the little dwarfs? Are you making cookies? I think an apple pie would be much better. Look at this apple. It's delicious. Take it. Take a bite. But I'm so thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?
Snow White: Here you are.
Queen: Thank you, my pretty. You are so kind. Have the apple. It'll make your dreams come true. An old woman knows what a pretty young girl wants. Eat it or your wish will be lost.
(Snow White bites into the apple and falls on the floor.)
Queen: She's dead, I've done it. (She goes away.)
(The animals run to the mine and fetch the dwarfs.)
Doc: The wicked queen's done it.
Happy: Our dear Snow White is dead.
Sleepy: She is too beautiful to be buried in the cold earth.
Bashful: What shall we do?
(A handsome Prince comes to the cottage.)
Prince: Hello, my good men. Why are you crying?
Dwarfs: Our Snow White is dead.
Prince: Let me have a look at her. (He kneels beside Snow White and kisses her She awakes.)
Snow White: Where am I?
Prince: You are safe with me. I cannot live without you. I love you. Snow White: Oh, my Prince. I'm so hap-
Grumpy: Three cheers for Snow White and her Prince, hurrah.
Dwarfs: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
(Snow White and Prince start waltzing.)
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий на английском языке в 6 классе «Том Сойер и его приключения»
All the participants are on the stage.
Storyteller 1: Good afternoon, dear friends, teachers, boys and girls! We welcome you at our English party.
Storyteller 2: “Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. All of us know this name very well. We read the novel, saw films and performances about Tom Sawyer and his adventures. And we like the boy very much. Today we`ll show you our version of some scenes from the book about Tom Sawyer.
Storyteller 1: Tom and his friends live in America, state Missouri, in a little town on the west bank of the river Mississippi. He lives in the family of his Aunt Polly. He does not like to go to school and he often misses classes.
Scene 1
In the living room
Tom Sawyer and Aunt Polly are in the room. There is a table and some chairs in the room. There is a stick in the corner. Aunt Polly is sitting at the table. Tom is under the table. She can`t see him.
Aunt Polly: Tom! (Silence) Where is he? Tom! (Aunt Polly is looking for Tom everywhere: she is taking off her glasses, she is looking under the chairs, she is putting on her glasses. She is angry.) You – u – u - Tom!
Tom: Here I am. (There is some noise under the table.)
Aunt Polly: What were you doing there?
Tom: Nothing.
Aunt Polly: Nothing? Look at your hands (Tom is looking at his hands.) and look at your mouth! (Tom is wiping his mouth.) What is that?
Tom: I don`t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It`s jam. That`s what it is. I`ve told you forty times, if you steal this jam, I`ll punish you. Hand me this stick. (Tom gives his aunt the stick. Aunt Polly is angry. She is ready to strike him with the stick.)
Tom: Oh! Aunt Polly! Aunt Polly! Look behind you, Aunt! (Aunt Polly turns away from Tom . Tom runs away.)
Scene 2
Whitewashing the fence
Storyteller 3: Saturday morning comes. It is warm. The sun is bright. The summer is wonderful.
Tom comes with a bucket of whitewash. He is happy. He is singing “My Bonny Is Over the Ocean”. Then he looks at the fence. He stops singing and becomes serious. He takes a deep breath and begins painting the fence. Then he moves away from the fence, looks at it, takes a deep breath and sits under the tree. Jim runs out with a bucket (for water) singing and dancing.
Jim: Old McDonald has a farm, EI, EI, O
And on his farm he has some chicks, EI, EI, O.
With a chick, chick here and a chick, chick there.
Tom: Look here, Jim, I`ll bring the water, if you whitewash the fence.
Jim: (Shaking his head) I can`t, Master Tom. Old Mistress told me to go and bring the water. She said, “Master Tom will ask you to whitewash the fence but you do not listen to him and go for water.”
Tom: Oh, never mind what she said. Jimmy, give me the bucket. She won`t ever know. Jimmy, I`ll give you a white marble… And besides I`ll show you my sore toe. ( Tom shows his sore toe and begins removing the bandage. Jim puts the bucket down and stoops to look at Tom`s toe. Aunt Polly appears. She looks at the boys and strikes Jim with her slipper.)
Jim: Oh! Oh! (He runs away with a bucket.)
Aunt Polly: Tom, go on whitewashing the fence!
Tom: Oh, Auntie, I can`t do it… I`m tired. May I whitewash it tomorrow?
Aunt Polly: No, today. Whitewash the fence, I say! (She goes away. Tom begins painting. In a minute he stops and sits under the tree. He takes marbles, green glass and parts of toys out of his pocket.)
Tom: Nobody will work for these things. It`s hot and sunny. The river is blue and bright. Oh, the water is cool. (sadly)I am sure all children will be there. They will go swimming. (He jumps up.) Oh, I have an idea. (He takes the brush and begins whitewashing. Ben Rodgers appears. He is eating an apple and he is moving like a steamboat.)
Ben: Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong (He sees Tom, reduces the speed, stops at the fence. He speaks in different voices.)
Stop her, sir. (captain)
Ting-a-ling-ling. (bell)
Chow-chow-wow. (engine)
Ting-a-ling-ling. (bell)
Let her back on the labboard. Ship up to back. (captain)
Ting-a-ling-ling. (bell)
Stop the labboard. Stop labboard. Set her back. (captain)
Ting-a-ling-ling. (bell)
Chow-chow-chow-wow! (engine)
Stop her! Done with the engine, sir! (captain)
Ting-a-ling-ling. Sh`t, sh`t, sh`t. (bell, engine)
(But Tom doesn`t pay any attention.)
Hi, you, Tom! You must work today?
Tom: Oh, hello! It`s you, Ben, I didn`t notice you.
Ben: I am going swimming, but you must work.
Tom: (Tom stops painting and looks at Ben.) Work? What do you call work?
Ben: What are you doing, then?
Tom: I am whitewashing the fence.
Ben: Isn`t that work?
Tom: Well maybe it is, and maybe it isn`t. (He goes on painting.)
Ben: Don`t pretend you like it.
Tom: Well, of course, I like it. Does a boy have a chance to whitewash the fence every day?
Ben: (Ben stops eating his apple.) Say, Tom. Let me whitewash a little.
Tom: No, I won`t. Jim wanted to do it but Aunt Polly didn`t let him. You see, Aunt Polly is very careful about this fence.
Ben: Aunt Polly didn`t let him. Tom, let me. I`ll give you my apple. I`ll be very careful.
Tom: All right! (Tom takes the apple, sits under the tree, starts eating the apple. Ben starts painting the fence. Billy appears on the stage.)
Billy: Hello, what are you doing?
Ben: Tom and I are whitewashing the fence.
Billy: You don`t think it is interesting, do you?
Ben: We do. It is interesting. You see, Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn`t let him.
Billy: Tom, let me whitewash a little. I`ll give you an old knife.
Ben: No, I`ll whitewash the fence. (Ben and Billy begin fighting.)
Tom: Stop that! Now it`s your turn to whitewash, Billy. (Billy gives Tom his old knife and starts painting. Johnny Miller appears on the stage. He has a rat.)
Johnny Miller: Let me whitewash a little, too. (He gives his rat to Tom.)
Tom: Stop, Billy! Now it`s Johnny`s turn. (Several boys want to whitewash the fence. They give Tom something and Tom allows them to paint.)
Storyteller 1: Tom is very rich now. He has a lot of things.
Tom: (happily): Well, I am very rich. I have lots of marbles, a toothbrush, a piece of a bottle glass, a key, a piece of chalk, a kitten with one eye, a rat, a knife, four pieces of orange peel, a dog collar.
Aunt Polly: (Appears on the stage.) Oh, it`s all done! You are a good boy, Tom. You can work when you want to. Now you may go and play. (Goes away.)
Tom: Hurrah! Let`s run to the river.
The boys: Hurrah! Let`s.
Scene 3
Monday morning
It`s morning. There are two beds in the bedroom. Tom and Sid are in their beds. They are sleeping. The girls (Clock) come out of the screen one after another. They sing the song:
Dear boys, dear boys!
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing,
Dear Sid, dear Tom!
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing,
(The girls leave the stage.)
Sid is sleeping. Tom has already woken up. He is serious. He examines his head, then his stomach, his hands and legs. Suddenly he begins smiling – a tooth.
Storyteller 1: Monday morning came. Tom is sad. He is always sad on Monday morning because he must go to school. The weather is fine. It is warm, and sunny. The sky is blue. It is not cloudy. Tom thought he didn`t want to go to school. Suddenly he has discovered: one of his teeth was loose.
Tom: Sid, Sid! (Sid stirs.) Sid, Sid! (Tom cries louder. Sid sits in his bed and yawns.)
Sid: Tom! What`s the matter, Tom?
Tom: Sid, I am dying! (crying)
Sid: Oh, Tom! Oh, don`t, Tom! Oh, don`t! (Sid runs to Aunt Polly.)
Oh, Aunt Polly, come! Oh, Aunt Polly, come! Tom`s dying!
Aunt Polly: Dying? I don`t think so! (She comes into the room.) You, Tom! What`s the matter?
Tom: It`s my tooth, Auntie. I`m dying. (Aunt Polly sits on the chair and starts laughing.)
Aunt Polly: What`s the matter with your tooth?
Tom: One of them is loose, and I have a terrible toothache.
Aunt Polly: Open your mouth! Your tooth is loose, but you will not die. Sid, give me a long silk thread.
Tom: Oh, Auntie, don`t pull it out. It is better, it`s better! I don`t want to stay at home. I want to go to school.
Aunt Polly: Ah! Now I understand. You wanted to stay at home, and did not want to go to school, but you wanted to go fishing. Oh, Tom. I love you so much, and you break my old heart by your terrible tricks. (Sid brings a silk thread.)
Sid: Here you are.
Aunt Polly: Open your mouth, Tom. Open! I say. (The Old Lady ties the thread to Tom`s tooth, the other end – to… She tries to stretch the thread.)
Aunt Polly: Stand still, Tom. (Tom stands still. The tooth poppes out with the thread.)
Tom: Well, now I can spit in a new and wonderful way. (He spits several times.)
Storyteller 3: Our performance is over. Let us introduce our actors and actresses: Jim…
Jim (sings): Old McDonald has a farm, EI, EI, O…
Storyteller 2: …Ben…
Ben: Stop her, sir. Ting – a – ling – ling.
Storyteller 2: …Billy…
Billy: I`ll give you an old knife, Tom.
Storyteller 2: …John Miller…
John Miller: Let me whitewash a little.
Storyteller 2: …Clock…
Ding – ding – dong. Ding – ding – dong
Morning bells are ringing.
Morning bells are ringing.
Ding – ding – dong.
Storyteller 1: Sid…
Sid: Oh, Tom, don`t die!
Storyteller 1: …Aunt Polly…
Aunt Polly: Tom! Where is that boy? You Tom!
Storyteller 1: …Tom…
Tom: Here I am! Oh, I have an idea, how to whitewash the fence!
Storyteller 1: …and Storytellers.
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценка на английском языке в "В Стране невыученных уроков. "
The author: It’s always difficult to be a good pupil nowadays, but it is so hard to be a bad pupil. Let’s see what can happen with the person who hasn’t studies must do a lot of homework, write essays, learn poems by heart on Christmas Eve.
Alex ( talking on the phone): I can’t go out with you. I know, that I’ve promised. But I have to do my homework. …. Yes…. If I do, I’ll call you. Bye ( talking with his cat) : Oh, Lucik, you see… I don’t know how I can do it. It’s impossible. Why must we study so many subjects… I wish I were you… I must rest…
A sweet melody is played and Alex falls asleep.
The cat wakes Alex and says: My master, it’s so late, you must do your homework.
Alex (shocked) : You can speak, can’t you??? I can’t believe. Maybe I’m ill.
Lucik: Don’t be silly. Hurry up! Do your homework or you will get only poor marks tomorrow. Let’s try!
At this moment a teacher of History appears.
History: I am a teacher of History. You are in the World of Unlearned lessons. And if you want to go out, you must answer different questions. Do you understand the whole problem?
Alex: Yes, I try!
History: Well, It’s Christmas Eve. And I want you to answer : When do people celebrate Christmas and why&
Alex tries to remember something.
Lucik: You know , just remember!
Alex: Oh, I know! All English people celebrate Christmas on the 25 th of December. It is the early celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It falls on the 25 th of December by the Catholic Church and on the 7 th of January by the Orthodox Church. This holiday means the beginning of the new year and the new life.
History: Great! You can if you want. And take this key. You need it at the end of your adventure.
Alex: Thanks a lot. Take it( and gives it to the cat)
History goes away and at this moment a Teacher of Chemistry appears.
Chemistry: I’m a worshiped science. Without my help you can’t make different sweets for your holiday! And you don’t know chemical reactions at all/ But it’s a holiday today and I give you a chance to improve. What is the recipe of sugar candies?
Lucik: Mmm… I like candies. My master, why haven’t you cooked it for me?
Alex: If I only I know… Stop… I have read about it! Well, the recipe of sugar candies is very simple. You need sugar syrup and a great amount of sugar. Mix syrup with sugar and cook until quite thick and dense pulp. And then let it cool down, and put it in special forms.
Lycik: Sounds tasty
Chemistry: Wow! You know it. I hope you will study Chemistry and won’t get5 bad marks. Take this key, you will need it at the end of your adventure.
Alex: Thanks. ( when the teacher has gone) I don’t know what to do with this keys ( and gives it to the cat)
At this moment a teacher of Literature comes.
Literature: I’m a teacher of such a great subject! You must know different poems, different facts about authors.
Alex: Oh, it’s so difficult to set my mind on it. But I will try.
Literature: Ok. Let’s try. Tell me a poem, which we have recently learnt by heart.
Alex tries to remember.
Lucik: My master, you know it! I remember some words from this poem: Christmas, stockings, the best holiday…
Alex: Oh, well…
It’s Chrismas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas,
It’s time for handing stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs,
It’s time for jolly greeting,
Oh O love you merry Christmas,
You’re the best of holidays!
Literature: Great! I’m sure that you can learn everything in future! Good Luck! Take this key, it will help ypu at the end of your adventure!
Alex: Goodbye! Thanks a lot!
At this moment a teacher of PT appears.
PT teacher: Oh, Alex! You are so weak. You can’t do different exercises and you can’t even play football. You don’t go to the Kachalka. It’s unbelievable! I hope you will train yourself!
Alex: I have no time for it! But I promise to do morning exercises every morning and take part in different completions. ( shows how he will do morning exercises)
PT teacher: Oh, this is vashe good. See you at the kachalka. And Take this key. I hope ypu know what to do with it! Goodbye!
Alex: Goodbye! Wait…
At this moment a teacher of English appears.
English: Oh, Alex! I’m a teacher og English. As you know English is an international language. But unfortunately, you don’t care about it! You don’t learn words, don’t do grammar exercises ad don’t learn important information. It’s awful.
Alex: On, I’m so sorry! I try to be better.
English: Tell me how English people celebrate Christmas!
Lucik: I know! My master, you lernt it last week!
Alex: Mmm… Christmas is Britain’s most popular holiday. People decorate their houses with light during Christmas. Red and green are the common decoration colours. The traditional Christmas tree in England is the fir tree. People go carol singing from one house to another to collect money for charity. Family and friends place gifts under the Christmas tree. The gifts are opened in the afternoon, or after dinner feast.
English: Great! You can if you want! Take this key, it will help you! You must make up sentences if you wat to wake up. If you can’t, you will stay in our world forever!
Alex: Well, what do I have? New Year, and merry, A Happy, Christmas. Hmm…. Let’s try! Lucik, help me!
Lucik: Oh, it’s easy! It’s a congratulation!
Alex: I see!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Lucik: Master! You did it!
Alex: Yes, but I’m so exhausted! Let’s have a rest.
They fall asleep. The bell is ringing. Alex wakes up. He is in hurry!
Alex: Oh, I’m late! I must go to school. Lucik, I saw such an interesting dream. You spoke!!! I wish you could speak. See you late!
Lucik ( when Alex has gone) I can…But I don’t want!)
Предварительный просмотр:
Администрации города Когалыма
От |
| 17 | 03 | 20 | 15 | г. | № | 175 |
Об итогах проведения городского фестиваля
творчества школьников на иностранных языках
На основании приказа Управления образования от 09.02.2015 №98 «О проведении городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках» 14 марта 2015 года на базе МАОУ «СОШ № 10» проведен фестиваль творчества школьников на иностранных языках «Мир, в котором мы живем». В фестивале приняли участие творческие коллективы, обучающиеся 2-11 классов
МАОУ СОШ №1, МАОУ «Средняя школа № 3», МАОУ «Средняя школа № 5», МАОУ «Средняя школа № 6», МАОУ СОШ №7, МАОУ «Средняя школа № 8», МАОУ «СОШ № 10» г. Когалыма (всего 106 учащихся). В рамках фестиваля была представлена разножанровая программа: декламация стихов, сольное и коллективное исполнение песен, творческие проекты.
На основании протокола заседания городской комиссии по оцениванию творческих выступлений учащихся
1.Утвердить список победителей и призёров городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках, проведенного среди учащихся 2-11 классов общеобразовательных организаций города Когалыма в 2014-2015 учебном году, согласно приложению 1 к настоящему приказу.
2.Утвердить список педагогических работников, подготовивших победителей и призеров городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках проведенного среди учащихся 2-11 классов общеобразовательных организаций города Когалыма в 2014-2015 учебном году, согласно приложению 2 к настоящему приказу.
3. Наградить грамотами Управления образования победителей и призеров городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках согласно приложению 1 к настоящему приказу.
4.Объявить благодарность педагогическим работникам, подготовившим победителей и призеров городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках, согласно приложению 2 к настоящему приказу.
5.Объявить благодарность за создание организационных условий для проведения городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках
директору МАОУ «СОШ № 10» Новохатскому М.В.
6.Специалисту-эксперту отдела организационно-педагогической деятельности Бойчук Т.П.:
6.1. подготовить грамоты Управления образования согласно приложению1 и предоставить их в общеобразовательные организации в срок до 19.03. 2015;
6.2. довести настоящий приказ до сведения руководителей общеобразовательных организаций в срок до 19.03. 2015.
7. Контроль за исполнением настоящего приказа возложить на начальника отдела организационно-педагогической деятельности Е.А. Бутюгину.
Управления образования С.Г. Гришина
Т.П. Бойчук
Приложение 1
к приказу Управления образования
от 17.03. 2015 № 175
Список победителей и призёров
городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках, проведенного среди учащихся 2-11 классов общеобразовательных организаций города Когалыма в 2014-2015 учебном году
номинация «Декламация стихов»
I место: Порядина Екатерина, учащаяся 9 класса МАОУ «Средняя школа №8»;
III место: Хашин Валентин, учащийся 6 класса МАОУ СОШ № 7.
номинация «Вокальное творчество»
I место: хор «ALLEGRO» МАОУ «Средняя школа №8»;
II место: Калитина Юлиана, учащаяся 8 класса МАОУ «СОШ № 10»;
Соколовская Анна, учащаяся 5 класса МАОУ «Средняя школа № 5»;
III место: Устюжанина Анжелика, учащаяся 11 класса МАОУ СОШ № 7;
Горюнов Максим, учащийся 11 класса МАОУ «Средняя школа № 3».
номинация «Творческий проект»
I место: театр-студия «Magic Bells» МАОУ «Средняя школа №8»;
II место: группа учащихся МАОУ «Средняя школа №3»;
группа учащихся МАОУ «Средняя школа № 5»;
III место: группа учащихся МАОУ «СОШ № 10».
к приказу Управления образования
от 17.03. 2015 № 175
Список педагогических работников,
подготовивших победителей и призеров городского фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках, проведенного среди учащихся 2-11 классов общеобразовательных организаций города Когалыма в 2014-2015 учебном году
- Маркова Татьяна Георгиевна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 8»;
- Хамитова Альмира Алифовна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 8»;
- Эскаева Светлана Ивановна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 8»;
- Рябошапка Светлана Ильинична, педагог дополнительного образования
МАОУ «Средняя школа № 8»;
- Фольварочный Станислав Викторович, педагог дополнительного
образования МАОУ «Средняя школа № 8»;
- Бешкурова Светлана Юрьевна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 5»;
- Галеева Нафиса Надировна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 5»;
- Смирнова Светлана Петровна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 5»;
- Прилипко Виктория Александровна, учитель английского языка МАОУ
«Средняя школа № 3»;
- Валеева Суфия Ильясовна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя
школа № 3»;
- Батицкая Наталья Григорьевна, учитель английского языка МАОУ
«СОШ № 10»;
- Луткова Ирина Витальевна, учитель английского языка МАОУ
«СОШ № 10».
- Цепилова Наталья Михайловна, учитель английского языка МАОУ
СОШ №7;
- Синько Елена Александровна, учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ №7.
Предварительный просмотр:
Сводный протокол
результатов участников фестиваля творчества школьников на иностранных языках среди учащихся 2-11классов
общеобразовательных организаций г. Когалыма
14.03. 2015
№ п/п | Ф.И. конкурсанта | ОО, класс | Название произведения | Кол-во набранных баллов (max. 19 б.) | Место, номинация | Ф.И.О. учителя |
Номинация «Декламация стихов» | ||||||
1. | Порядина Екатерина | CОШ № 8 9 класс | «O,Captain! My Captain» | 16 | I | Хамитова Альмира Алифовна |
2. | Хашин Валентин | СОШ № 7 6 класс | «A strange dream» | 13 | III | Синько Елена Александровна |
Номинация «Вокальное творчество» | ||||||
1. | Хор «ALLEGRO» | СОШ № 8 7-11 классы | «Tell me why» | 16 | I | Эскаева Светлана Ивановна, Рябошапка Светлана Ильинична |
2. | Калитина Юлиана | СОШ № 10 8 класс | «Oh! Darling» | 15 | II | Батицкая Наталья Григорьевна |
3. | Соколовская Анна | СОШ № 5 5 класс | «Smile» | 15 | II | Бешкурова Светлана Юрьевна |
4. | Устюжанина Анжелика | СОШ № 7 11 класc | «Песня о любви» | 13 | III | Цепилова Наталья Михайловна |
5. | Горюнов Максим | СОШ № 3 11 класс | «Hold me» | 13 | III | Валеева Суфия Ильясовна |
Номинация «Творческий проект» | ||||||
1. | Театр-студия «Magic Bells» | СОШ № 8 | Творческий проект «Snow Queen» -modern version | 16 | I | Маркова Татьяна Георгиевна, Фольварочный Станислав Викторович |
2. | Группа учащихся | СОШ № 3 | Творческий проект «Alice’s adventure in Wonderland» | 15 | II | Прилипко Виктория Александровна |
3. | Группа учащихся | СОШ № 5 | Творческий проект «The world we live in» | 15 | II | Галеева Нафиса Надировна, Смирнова Светлана Петровна |
4. | Группа учащихся | СОШ № 10 | Творческий проект «What a wonderful world we live in» | 13 | III | Луткова Ирина Витальевна |
5. | Группа учащихся | СОШ № 1 | Творческий проект «The world begins with mum» | 11 | - | Гизатуллина Гульназ Фаязовна |
6. | Группа учащихся | СОШ № 6 | Творческий проект «Planet for kids» | 11 | - | Верхотурцева Галина Александровна Паршина Светлана Александровна |
победители (более 80%) 16- 19 баллов
призеры (II место) 14-15 баллов
призеры (III место) 12- 13 баллов
Председатель жюри: ___________ Н.Г. Батицкая
Предварительный просмотр: