Множественное число

Султанова Алия Назиловна
Множественное число


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Предварительный просмотр:

I.       Образуйте форму множественного числа следующих существительных:

















II.      Отметьте существительные, которые употребляются только в единственном числе: 1. cat          2.sugar          3. puppy        4. love

5. friend      6. advice        7. horse         8. progress

9. hair         10. money


III.    Отметьте существительные, которые употребляются только во множественном числе:

1. mathematics     2. apples       3. scissors      4. fruits 5. trousers

6. cities         7. goods         8. tongs

9. clothes             10. puppies


IV.    Какую форму множественного числа вы выберете для следующих существительных ?

1. desk

2. class

3. potato

a) desks

a) classis

a) potatoes

b) deskes

b) classes

b) potatos

4. leaf

5. man

6. city

a) leaves

a) mans

a) citys

b) leafs

b) men

b) cities

7. mouse

8. play


a) mouses

a) plays


b) mice

b) playes


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

+s an apple-apples

Слайд 3

+ES (if nouns ending in –s,- ss , - ch ,-x,-o) a tomato-tomatoes

Слайд 4

BUT: radio-radios piano-pianos photo-photos rhino-rhinos hippo-hippos video-videos

Слайд 5

in the plural Nouns ending in a vowel+Y take –s a toy-to ys

Слайд 6

Nouns ending in consonant+y , drop the –y and take – ies in the plural a strawberry-strawberr ies y - i+es

Слайд 7

Nouns ending in –f or – fe , drop the f or fe and take – ves in the plural a leaf-leaves -f/- fe -v+es

Слайд 8

BUT : chiefs roofs safes cliffs beliefs scarf( ves ) wharfs( ves ) dwarfs( ves ) hoofs( ves )

Слайд 9

IRREGULAR PLURALS: a man-men a woman-women a child-children a foot-feet a tooth-teeth a goose-geese a mouse-mice a louse-lice an ox-oxen

Слайд 10

SOME NOUNS HAVE THE SAME singular and plural forms: a fish-fish a deer-deer a sheep-sheep a trout-trout a swine-swine an aircraft-aircraft a means-means

Слайд 11

Some words which come from foreign languages have special plurals: Analysis-analyses Appendix-appendices/appendixes Bacterium-bacteria Basis-bases Cactus-cacti/cactuses Crisis-crises Criterion-criteria Diagnosis-diagnoses Formula-formulae/formulas Fungus-fungi/funguses Hypothesis-hypotheses Medium-media/mediums Phenomenon-phenomena

Слайд 12

Noun+preposition+noun , we add –s to the first noun a mother-in-law- mother s -in-law

Слайд 13

If the first word is man or woman a woman-doctor- women-doctors

Слайд 14

Noun+adverb , we add –s to the first wo rd passer-by-passer s -by

Слайд 15

If there is no noun-stem in the compound –s is added to the last element Forget-me-not-forget-me-not s

Слайд 16

Uncountable nouns(are used in singular): Mass nouns: Beer, blood, bread, butter,air , oxygen,corn,flour Subjects: History,mathematics,physics Languages: Spanish,French,Japanese,Italian Games: Baseball,billiards,football,golf , darts,cricket,rugby Diseases: Flu,pneumonia,measles,mumps , tuberculosis Natural phenomena: Darkness,fog,gravity,show Collective nouns: Baggage,crockery,cutlery , furniture,jewellery,luggage , machinery,money,rubbish . Others: Advice,anger,applause,assistance,behavior,business,chaos,countryside,courage,education,evidence,homework,information,knowledge,luck,music,news,peace,progress,seaside,traffic,trouble,truth,wealth,work,summons, crossroads,rubbish .

Слайд 17

Always plura l: people arms cattle ashes trousers barracks jeans clothes shorts congratulations shoes outskirts gloves police pajamas riches tights stairs earrings surroundings scissors wages pliers goods

Слайд 18

A group of english nouns that can be used as countable or uncountable with a difference in meaning: Glass( стекло) a glass (стакан) Hair (волосы) a hair (волос) Iron (железо) an iron (утюг) Experience (опыт) an experience (событие) Work (работа) a work (произведение) Paper (бумага) a paper (газета)

Слайд 19

Collective nouns that can be both singular and plural : Army Audience Class Committee Company Crew Crowd Government Group Faculty Family

Слайд 20

TEam Is singular when it is regarded as one unit: Our team is winning . Is plural when we mean each member of this unit individually: The team are going back to their homes.

Слайд 21

Russian nouns that are always plural in russian but are singular and plural in English . ворота a gate-gates сани a sledge-sledges каникулы a vacation-vacations часы a watch/clock-watches/clocks