

Олимпиады по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Задания школьного этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников

 по английскому языку для 4 класса

2014-2015 учебный год

1.Listening (10 min)

Вы услышите 3 диалога. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого диалога 1 – 3 и утверждениями, данными в списке A – E. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть два лишних утверждения. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

   A. Time to go to school.

   B. Shopping is good.

   C. A favorite season.

   D. A good day for a picnic.

   E. We like sport.






2. Reading(12 min)

Прочитайте текст и выполните следующее задание:


Ted and Fred

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Ted. Ted and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды)  they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Ted but he can't see his puppy. Ted wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Ted sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Ted wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Ted says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Ted says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Ted runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Ted says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

Выберите правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

  1. Fred has got

a) a dog   b) a puppy   c) a cat.

  1. Tеd is

a) black   b) grey    c) white.

  1. One day they play hide-and-seek

a) in the park   b) in the house   c) in the forest

  1. Fred wants to find

a) his house   b) Tad   c) the park

  1. "Where is …?" the puppy says.

a) my house   b) your house   c) Fred

  1. His house is

a) green   b) blue   c)red.

3. Use of English (12 min)

Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпишите его.

  1. ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty
  2. hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball
  3. cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake
  4. nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm
  5. Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.

Выберите нужное слово.

  1. Have you got  many/much friends.
  2. He eats many/much bread for breakfast.
  3. His friend live/lives in the forest.
  4. Cats like/likes milk and fish.
  5. They go/goes to the park every day.

4.Writing (11 min)

Напишите письмо, заполнив пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами:

  1. Dear____________,
  2. My name is______________.
  3. I am_________years old.
  4. I live in______________.
  5. My favourite pets are______.
  6. My favourite colour is_______________.
  7. My favourite season is_______________.
  8. Please write back soon.
  9. Your ______________

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания школьного этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников

 по английскому языку для 5-6 классов

2014-2015 учебный год



Part 1. Listening.

Послушай пять диалогов и ответь на вопросы.

1. What’s Ann’s hobby?

(sport): ________________________________________

2. When did Tom and his father want to go to the cinema?

(day): _________________________________________

3. How did John get to school yesterday?

(transport): _____________________________________

4. When did Nick come home yesterday?

(time): ________________________________________

5. What colour is Jane’s cap?

(colour): _______________________________________

Part 2. Reading.

Прочитай текст и выбери верное утверждение.

My name is Mary and I work in London. Two years ago I bought a nice house. Now I can spend my holidays in the country, near the sea. It’s great, isn’t it?

My house is rather far from London. It is small but clean and comfortable. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living-room with a lovely old fireplace there. There is a garden in front of my house. It goes down to the sea and in summer there are flowers everywhere. Behind my house there are some old apple trees. Every autumn I get a lot of nice red apples. I often give them to my friends as presents. They are really wonderful!

I have no family but I have got a dog, Rex. And we have a lot of visitors in my country house. Every year we celebrate Christmas there.

When my holidays are over I must go back to London. I’m never happy to be back in London. I think that someday I will leave my work and live in my country house for all my life.

1. Mary bought a new house near the sea.

2. Mary’s country house is not comfortable.

3. There is a fireplace in the house, it is in the kitchen.

4. Mary has got nice flowers and apple trees in her garden.

5. Mary is happy to see her friends in the country house at Christmas.

6. Mary has got a big family.

7. Mary would like to live in the country house for all her life.

Part 3. Use of English.

Задание 1. Закончи предложения, используя подходящее слово из рамки. Используй каждое слово только один раз. В рамке есть лишнее слово, которое не нужно использовать.


strong              glasses                         village                        fun                    old                   eyes          

            white                    proud                          past                          lady                 age

How old is Grandfather? I don't know. He never talks about his (1)_______. He’s about seventy, may be seventy-five. Years ago he was a (2)_______ man. He was a farmer, a soldier and a sportsman. His village was (3)________ of him.

Now he is getting old. He doesn’t see without his (4)________ , and he can’t hear well. His hair is thin and almost all (5)_______ . But he has a strong face.

Grandfather loves his store. It’s his only (6)_______. He has friends, but they are all (7)_______. Oh, yes, he has us, the family, and I guess he loves us, but he doesn’t show it.

He lives in the past. All of his friends are living in the (8)________. At least the past can’t change. It’s always there, and you can close your (9)________ and see it. Grandma was a kind lovely (10)________, and Grandfather’s world is not the same without her.

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. My dog ________ like jam.

       a) isn’t               b) doesn’t               с) don’t

2. Tom can________ tennis very well.

      a) to play               b) play               с) plays

3. _______ films are not interesting.

      a) This               b) These              с) That

4. The white shirt is ________ than the blue shirt.

      a) good               b) the best               с) better

5. Who ________from London?

      a) are               b) is                  с) lives

6. She likes________ a shower in the morning.

      a) to take               b) taking                с) take

Part 4. Writing.

Выбери нужную информацию и заполни карточку.

Hello! My name is Christine Martel. I’m French. I was born on the 18th of March 2003 in Paris. Now I’m seven. I and my family live in Paris at flat 8, Sun Street. My phone number is 34-48-20-11. I started school two years ago. Every summer I go to the country and stay with my grandparents. My grandmother grows nice flowers and I enjoy doing it too. I always help my grandfather to look after our animals. We often go for a walk in the forest and in the mountains. It is wonderful! I don’t like watching TV and reading newspapers. I think it’s boring.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Surname: ____________________________________________________________________

Age: _________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth: _________________________________________________________________

Place of birth: _________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ___________________________________________________________________

Occupation: __________________________________________________________________

Likes: _______________________________________________________________________

Dislikes: ______________________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания школьного этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников

 по английскому языку для 7-8 класса

2014-2015 учебный год

1.Listening (8 min)

Послушайте текст и выберите правильный ответ a)True, b) False, c) No information.

  1. On Sundays Jack gets up lately.
  1. True       b) False          c) No information
  1. He helps his mother cook breakfast.

a) True       b) False          c) No information

  1. After breakfast he plays computer games.

a) True       b) False          c) No information

  1. Jack never says yes to his mother.

a) True       b) False          c) No information

  1. He doesn’t watch TV.

a) True       b) False          c) No information


Выберите правильное окончание предложения, согласно прослушанному тексту a), b) или c).

  1. Jack gets up…
  1. lately    b) early    c) as usual
  1. He helps his mother cook…

a) lunch     b) dinner     c) breakfast

  1. He walks...

a) his friends    b) the dog     c) the cat

  1. Granny can’t see very well…

a) any more    b) at all     c) some more

  1. In the afternoon Jack plays with his little…

a) pet    b) hamster     c) sister

2. Reading(15 min)

Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:


A company in Japan is selling a new drink. Their new drink is a powerful mixture of powered ginseng root, a fungus from the skin of caterpillars and reptile’s blood. This strange drink, people say, is helping Chinese women athletes to win gold medals at international athletics meetings. The Japanese firm says that this mixture can do wonderful things for ordinary people too.

  Mr. Ma Junwen is the trainer of the Chinese women’s athletics team. He created the recipe for this peculiar cocktail of roots and fungus and blood especially for the team. His runners train in the mountains of central China. They run 30 or 40 kilometres every day. So they are all very strong runners. But they all drink Ma’s cocktail every day too… and they are winning more medals

 nowadays than they did before. And Mr. Ma is trying to market his odd mixture through the company in Japan. People in Japan know about Ma’s runners and they are rushing to buy a bottle of his amazing drink.

  So Mr. Ma is winning, too, not only runners. Before he invented his drink, he was not a rich man, but now he is making a lot of money from the drink, and people in Japan love it!

Укажите правильный ответ True, False, No information.

  1. Mr. Ma is the trainer of the Japanese women’s athletics team.
  2. This drink is a mixture consisting of different ingredients.
  3. Mr. Ma was a rich man earlier.
  4. A company in Japan is selling a new car.
  5. This mixture was created for sale.
  6. Mr. Ma created the recipe of cocktail especially for the team in Japan.
  7. Mr. Ma is helping Japanese sportswomen.
  8. His runners train in the eastern part of China.
  9. Mr. Ma is a doctor.
  10. This strange drink is made of chemical ingredients.

Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос a), b) или c).

  1. Who is drinking Ma’s mixture nowadays in Japan?

а) Only the sportsmen.          b) Ordinary people.             c) People who has a lot of money.    

  1.    Why is   Mr. Ma winning?

a) He is making a lot of money.    b) He is getting gold medals.   c) He is drinking his new drink.

      23. How many medals are Chinese women runners winning nowadays, with the help of Mr.  

            Ma’s drink?

             а) More medals than they did before. b) From 30 to 40 medals every year. c) Less

             medals than they did before.

3. Use of English (12 min)

Выберите правильный ответ: a), b), c), d)

Once upon a time 24______ philosopher was travelling down a river 25______ a small boat. While he was crossing the river he 26________ the boatman, “have you heard about Philosophy?” “No,” 27________ the boatman. “I 28_________ sorry 29______ you,” replied the learned man. “You have lost  a quarter of your life because it is a very interesting science!” Several minutes later the philosopher asked 30______ boatman another question: “Have you heard about Astronomy, when you 31________ at school?” “No, I 32_________ school many years ago and I 33_________ all about it,” was the answer. To this the philosopher answered that he 34________ really sorry 35_________ the man, and he thought that the boatman had lost  a second quarter of 36______ life.

  1. a) an  b) the  c) a  d)-
  2.  a) in  b) at     c) on   d) with  
  3. a) asks  b) asked  c)will ask  d) ask
  4.  a) says   b)said  c)will say  d) is saying
  5.  a) am   b) was   c) are   d) were
  6.  a) of  b) with  c) for  d) on
  7.  a) the  b)  a   c)  -   d) an
  8.  a) was  b)are  c) were  d) been
  9.  a) left  b) will leave  c) leave  d) am leaving
  10. a) forget  b) forgot  c)am forgetting  d) have forget
  11.  a) was  b) is  c) were  d) had been
  12.  a) with b) of c) on  d) for
  13.  a) his  b) her  c) your  d) their


4.Writing (20 min)

Напишите письмо:

Your friend invites you to Great Britain for the first time. Write him/her a letter (50 words). Describe what you are going to see and do together.

Предварительный просмотр:

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку 2015/2016 учебный год

Школьный этап

Комплект заданий для учащихся 9 класса


Time: 15 min

Вы услышите текст. В заданиях обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1.         James came to the appointment because

1)         he was meeting with his friend.

2)         he was having an interview.

3)         he was taking part in a survey.

2.         James had got his first job after        

1)         graduating university.

2)         finishing school.

3)         doing some course.

3.         At first James came to Russia         

1)         to get some job.

2)         to have some practice.

3)         on holiday.

4.         When James came to Russia he could        

1)         speak Russian fluently

2)         speak Russian quite well.

3)         not speak Russian at all.

5.         In future James would like

  1. to get back to Russia.
  2.  to travel for a job.
  3.  to start his own business.

6.           In his new job it’s important to James        

  1.  to have a growth in his career.
  2.  to get better salary.
  3.  to have friendly colleagues.


Time: 20 min

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not Stated).


(after М. Gold)

When I was twelve I was one of the best pupils in my class at public school, and left it a year earlier than most boys.

My parents were proud of me, of course. They wanted me to go to high school. But even then I realized that education was for the rich. I refused to go to high school. I knew that most of the boys in my class were going to work. And I decided to be one of them.

I told my parents that I needed to spend four years at high school, then six years at college before I could become a doctor. Ten years of study! Where could I get thousands of dollars for books, tuition and everything else? There were four children in my family. My mother could not work. Could my father get the money for all of us, and besides pay for my education? Of course not. Miss Barry, an English teacher, tried to get me to go to high school, too. She said that she could hardly imagine that I would work in a factory. “I’ve never seen better compositions than yours, Michael,” she said. But I told her that my father was unable to support me, and that I would have to work. She asked me to promise her to study at night. I told her that I would, though I knew it was a lie. But I loved books, I was carried away by many books; I wanted very much to go to high school and college. Miss Barry presented me with a book. I thanked her for it and threw it under the bed when I returned home. I never read a page in it, or in any other book for the next five years. I told myself that I hated books, that they were lies and were different from life.

It was not easy to find my first job. I looked for it for months. Every morning I bought a newspaper and looked through the Want Ads. At last I found work. It was in a factory. The place was dark and hot; air was poisoned. The boys and girls working at the long table were wet, their faces were white and angry. There was no time for anything but work. I forgot my college hopes, I could not sleep at night. My mother saw that I was losing my health and she made me leave the job. Then a job in a shop, at a chemist’s. Jobs. Jobs. I went from one to another without plan, without hope. I was at a loss what to do.

One day I stopped to listen to a man who was speaking about the struggle for a better life. The words brought hope to me and made me think, struggle and live. It was the great beginning for me.

1.         The author dreamed to continue the education.

              l)True        2) False        3) Not Stated

2.         The author had to work because he was from a poor family.

              l)True        2) False        3) Not Stated

3.         His teacher wanted him to get a good job.

             l)True                    2) False        3) Not Stated

4.         The author refused to read the books because he didn’t like reading.

             l)True                    2)False        3) Not Stated

5.         The author worked in the miserable conditions.

            1) True        2) False        3) Not Stated

6.         The author gave up the job because of a terrible cold.

             l)True                    2) False        3) Not Stated

7.         The author wanted to gain experience in his jobs.

              l)True        2) False        3) Not Stated

8.         An unexpected meeting changed all his life.

              l)True        2) False        3) Not Stated


Time: 15 min

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1—9, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

A colleague of mine recommended Tiffany’s. Perhaps I should say that I 1._______ not to follow his recommendation for any more. As I walked in, the first thing I noticed were the large flat-screen TVs all over the restaurant, each one 2.________ a different football game, as if you just want to enjoy the football. My first reaction was to walk straight out, but there 3._______ quite a lot of people there and we were very hungry, so we stayed and saw what the food was like. First of all, we ordered drinks. When they arrived, the waitress 4.________ the water, none of the drinks had ice, and one of the glasses was so dirty that we sent it back. We didn’t see the waitress again for about another twenty minutes. When she finally reappeared, we tried to order some food. I 5.________, when        she        didn’t even write down our order. She thought she had such a good memory that she 6. _________ everything. I’m sorry, but a good waiter or waitress 7._____ always down what you want. The starters arrived, but they were very small. Although the main course were a little better, my fish 8.______, and not grilled as I had asked for. I ate it, but it was nothing special. Now if you 9._____ for somewhere nice to eat, then I wouldn’t choose Tiffany’s. Believe me!











Time: 30 minutes

При выполнении задания обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма.

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ann.

.... These days I think the Internet is the most reliable source of news and information. lean’t trust the information on TV. There are a lot of false reports about celebrities, foreign policy and economic problems. Do you watch news on TV? Are you interested in politics? If you need information, how do you get it?...

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100—120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.