составить разделительные вопросы, 5 кл., 2018г.

Лапина Татьяна Ивановна

составить разделительные вопросы, 5 кл., 2018г.


Microsoft Office document icon make_up_the_tag.doc21.5 КБ
Файл prepare_for_a_test.docx13.8 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon vstav_glagol_v_nuzhnoy_forme.doc25.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

             Make up the tag-questions

It is an interesting programme, …?

She is responsible for a duty, …?

He will stay at school, …?

He can’t bring the invitation,…?

They arrange parties, …?

You went to London,…?

Предварительный просмотр:

               Prepare for a test

  1. Cross out the odd word

Going, helping, sit, playing

Wash, clean, reading, like

Taking, running, getting, knitting

Went, did, corrected, saw

  1.  To complete the sentences with the words on the topic « Jobs»

  • My mother is a…
  • His uncle is a…
  • Was she a…?
  • His father is a…
  • I want to be a…
  • Is her friend a…?

  1.  Вставь глагол в нужной форме

- My brother…to be a lawyer.

a) goes      b) are going      c) is going

  • John …with Ann last month.
  1. makes friends b) made friends c) will make friend

  • He …a new film on TV
  1. is watching     b) are watching     c) watch

  • Vets treat animals, … they?
  1. don’t       b) do       c) aren’t

Предварительный просмотр:

     Вставь глагол в нужной форме

  1. My brother…to be a lawyer.

a) goes      b) are going      c) is going

  1. John …with Ann last month.
  1. makes friends b) made friends c) will make friend

  1. He …a new film on TV
  1. is watching     b) are watching     c) watch

  1. Vets treat animals, … they?
  1. don’t       b) do       c) aren’t