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На странице предложены дополнительные материалы для учителей, работающих по УМК Spotlight: карточки, тесты, подборки упражнений по модулям, тематическое планирование.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCZbrGTGVQs&t=1s - 10 years in Spotlight
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Повторим: Water Lemonad Pizza Ice-cream Burger Chocolate
Fruits Vegetables Chicken Eggs Milk Juice
Look, read and circle 14 words on the topic « Food »
22 th November Class work « Present Simple – простое настоящее время» обозначает обычные, регулярно повторяющиеся или постоянные действия, например, когда мы говорим о чьих-либо привычках, режиме дня, ( я живу в Тюмени, я люблю кофе и т.д.)
Present Simple Утвердительное предложение: I like chocolate . Я люблю шоколад I play chess . Я играю в шахматы He plays chess . Он играет в шахматы
Present Simple Вопросительное предложение: Do I like chocolate ? Yes, I do. Does he like chocolate? Yes he does. Do you like chocolate ? Yes, I do. D o they like chocolate? Yes, they do. No, he does n’t . No, I don’t .
Present Simple Отрицательное предложение: I do not like chocolate. She does not like chocolate. Я не люблю шоколад. Она не любит шоколад.
I Like He She It Likes we you they Like
Translate please Я играю в футбол Он играет в футбол Он играет в футбол? Да, он играет. Нет, он не играет в футбол. Page 44, ex. 2
Home work Page 44, ex. 3
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
25 th Oktober Class work « Singular and plural in English »
Единственное число обозначает один предмет Множественное число обозначает два и более предмета singular plural
Множественное число большинства существительных образуется с помощью прибавления окончания − s к существительному в единственном числе CUP – ЧАШКА GUN – ПУШКА BUBBLE – ПУЗЫРЁК THREE CUP S – ТРИ ЧАШКИ TWO GUN S – ДВЕ ПУШКИ THOUSANDS OF BUBBLE – ТЫСЯЧА ПУЗЫРЬКОВ
ОБРАЗУЙТЕ МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО ИЗ СЛОВ: teacher window burger girl cat boy book bed duck
НО! Если существительные оканчиваются на свистящий или шипящий звук, то есть на буквы s, ss, x, sh, ch , во множественном числе принимают окончание -еs, которое читается [ɪz] BASS – БАС MATCH – СПИЧКА LEASH – ПОВОДОК BOX – КОРОБКА BASS ES - БАСЫ MATCH ES - СПИЧКИ LEASH ES - ПОВОДКИ BOX ES - КОРОБКИ
ОБРАЗУЙТЕ МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО ИЗ СЛОВ: box bus peach crash tax kiss bed
Также существуют слова исключения: m ous e mice wom a n wom e n t ee th tooth child children ЖЕНЩИНА ЖЕНЩИНЫ МЫШЬ МЫШИ ЗУБ ЗУБЫ РЕБЁНОК ДЕТИ
Глагол to be в единственном и множественном числе Я ОН ОНА ОНО МЫ ВЫ ОНИ
Домашнее задание : page 3, ex. 1
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What do you know about the Constitution of RF? The first Constitution of Russia was adopted in 1918. 1.When was the first Constitution of Russia adopted ? 2. What about modern Constitution? When was it adopted? It was adopted on the 12 th of December 1993. 3. How many articles does it have? It has 137 articles. 4. What rights does the Constitution protect? The Constitution of Russian Federation protects the rights to life, work, housing, free thoughts and many other things.
Have you been the victim of a crime? burglary [ b ɜ: ɡləri ] – кража со взломом burgle – красть со взломом chase – преследовать convict - выносить приговор, осуждать culprit – преступник (виновный) distract – отвлекать, уводить в сторону fee – плата fraudster [ fr ɔ: dstə ] – мошенник, аферист grab – схватить, хватать guilty [ ɡilti ] – виновный gullible [ ɡ ʌ libl ] - доверчивый
NEW WORDS & PHRASES identify [ aid e ntifai ] – опознавать, идентифицировать means – средство, способ mug – нападать, грабить mugging – уличный грабеж offence – нарушение, проступок pickpocket – вор- карманник petty [ p e ti ] – незначительный scam – афера shaken up – взволнованный, потрясенный shoplift – воровать товары из магазина threaten [ Ѳ r e tn ] - угрожать witness – свидетель
NEW WORDS & PHRASES PHRASES break the law – нарушать закон catch smb . in the act – поймать на месте catch smb red handed – поймать с поличным confess to the crime – сознаваться в преступлении fall for smth – попасться на удочку , обмануться find smb . guilty – признать виновным give evidence in court – дать показания в суде investigate the crime - расследовать преступление out of the blue – ни с того, ни с сего (неожиданно) take sb for a ride – обманывать кого-л , подшутить trick gullible people – обмануть доверчивых людей
Translate жертва преступления отослать плату за обработку выигрыша «попасться на удочку» осознать, что это была афера ужасные аферисты обмануть доверчивых людей расследовать преступление найти виновных воры ворвались в дом вызвать полицию
Translate давать показания в суде поймать с поличным ограбить по дороге домой угрожать ножом выхватить мобильный и убежать опознать грабителей по фотографии сознаться в преступлении получить два года тюремного заключения профессиональные воры- карманники мой кошелек был украден
bank robbery bank robber rob (a bank ) Crime Criminal Verb burglary mugging shoplifting theft fraud pickpocketing murder burglar mugger shoplifter thief fraudster pickpocket murderer burgle mug sb . shoplift steal (a car) trick people steal ( sb’s purse) murder
A robber is someone who tries to trick gullible people A burglar is someone A mugger is someone A shoplifter is someone A thief is someone A vandal is someone A pickpocket is someone A kidnapper is someone A fraudster is someone A murderer is someone who takes things which do not belong to them who takes a person by force and demands a ransom who attacks people in the street in order to steal something who breaks into people’s houses to steal things who damages property on purpose who kills somebody on purpose who uses any means to steal things (purses, mobiles etc.) from pockets or bags who steals something from shops, banks, etc who steals something from shops
Someone should … for … littering writing graffiti stealing a car selling stolen property making noise late at night listening to music loudly late at night being on a bus/tram without a ticket toxic waste pollution drinking alcohol in public places smoking in public places be given a … prison sentence do community service get off with a warning be sent to prison pay a (heavy)fine be given a sentence be given a warning be taken to court There are some offences and punishments
Who helps people to investigate the crime? police officer lawyer investigator – следователь specialist in crime detection – криминалист walking officer - сотрудник патрульной полиции detective officer - сотрудник уголовной полиции district police officer – участковый
TRANSLATE the victim of a crime to trick gullible people fall for it investigate the crime to find fraudsters the victim of mugging indentify the attacker the mugger confess the crime the police found the culprits be the witness of the crime give evidence in court receive a three-year prison sentence
Статья … . Убийство Убийство, то есть умышленное причинение смерти другому человеку, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от шести до пятнадцати лет. Article … . Murder Murder is the intentional killing of another person. It shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years. Article … . Robbery with Violence Robbery committed using violence which threatens human life and health or with the threat of using such violence, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of three to eight years, with confiscation of property or without such confiscation. Article … . Theft Theft shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 700 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of two to seven months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years . Статья … Кража Кража, то есть тайное хищение чужого имущества, наказывается штрафом в размере до восьмидесяти тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до шести месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до ста восьмидесяти часов, либо лишением свободы на срок до двух лет. Статья … . Разбой Разбой, совершенный с применением насилия, опасного для жизни или здоровья, либо с угрозой применения такого насилия, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от трех до восьми лет со штрафом в размере до пятисот тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до трех лет либо без такового.
Статья 105. Убийство Убийство, то есть умышленное причинение смерти другому человеку, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от шести до пятнадцати лет. Article 105. Murder Murder is the intentional killing of another person. It shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years. Article 162. Robbery with Violence Robbery committed using violence which threatens human life and health or with the threat of using such violence, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of three to eight years, with confiscation of property or without such confiscation. Article 158. Theft Theft shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 700 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of two to seven months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years . Статья 158. Кража Кража, то есть тайное хищение чужого имущества, наказывается штрафом в размере до восьмидесяти тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до шести месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до ста восьмидесяти часов, либо лишением свободы на срок до двух лет. Статья 162. Разбой Разбой, совершенный с применением насилия, опасного для жизни или здоровья, либо с угрозой применения такого насилия, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от трех до восьми лет со штрафом в размере до пятисот тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до трех лет либо без такового.
1. Some days ago, somebody phoned me saying I’d won a high prize…. 2. … asked me to send a fee to process my winnings… 3. I fell for it and sent … 4. I realised it was a … 5. …trick gullible people 6. The police have been investigating this crime for a while now, but … 7. I have been the victim of … Last year I got mugged on the way home from school. The … threatened me with the … He … me phone and ran away. I was able to … the mugger from ... The police … The mugger … the crime. He was arrested and taken to … He received a … sentence. Burglars recently … our house. I heard a … and … My dad called the … By the time the police arrived, … Our neighbours reported burglars at their … The police caught … They were arrested and taken to … My dad got to … in court. They received a … sentence. 1. I was shopping in the town centre when suddenly a passer by came to me and … 2. When I wanted to pay for my purchase ( покупка) , I realized ... 3. I reported the crime to the … 4. I was told that … 5. These people are professional … 6. They use any means they can to … 7. I have been the victim of …
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Perfect Tense or Present Perfect Continuous
- Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Tense
- She a letter to me. (write)
- Their team the match. (win)
- He always in the class. (top)
- We finished our work. (finish)
- Why you not the bill ? (pay)
- the train ? (depart)
- He his mistake. (realize)
- I to this flat recently. (shift)
- I not my pen. (find)
- She her pen. (lose)
- Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- She a letter to me since her childhood. ( write )
- Their team the match since last four years. (win)
- We here since 1990. (live)
- How long you for the bus. (wait)
- I not anything since last four hours. (eat)
- He for half an hour. (sleep)
- Correct the mistakes.
- I have been though about a solution.
- They haven’t been finishing the exercise yet.
- My friend Lara have been giving me a lot of support.
- Look at them. They have dancing all night long.
- David and Ann have been knowing each other for years.
- I have been a teacher since eight years.
- Rewrite the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.
- They have done all the work.
- The baby has been crying for a long time.
- The doctor has prescribed me an antibiotic.
- She has been speaking on the phone for half an hour.
- I have been cleaning the house all day.
5.Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the present perfect simple or continuous.
- I __________ already __________ (answer) all the questions.
- She __________(not/ see) her mother for a long time.
- How long __________ she __________ (wait) for us?
- We __________(know) each other since we were children.
- __________you __________ (find) the type of coat you wanted?
- He is sunburnt. he __________(sit) in the sun too long.
- They __________(be) to India twice since they got married.
- Your clothes smell bad. __________ you __________(smoke)?
- Michael Phelps __________(swim) for three hours.
- Choose the most suitable verb tense to complete the sentences.
- It has snowed/ has been snowing since I arrived .
- I have never travelled/ have never been travelling by plane.
- Have you ever seen / have you ever been seeing this movie?
- We have toured / have been touring England. Now we are in Birmingham.
- I have had/ have been having this car for more than ten years.
- He has worked / has been working for hours.
Предварительный просмотр:
Little women. L. M. Alcott
1Who is the author of the book?
2 What stories did she write?
3 What is the plot of the book?
4 What are the main characters of the book?
5 What is it about?
6 Who was very attractive?
7 Were they happy?
8 What were their feelings?
9 What part of the text best describes the picture?
10 Do you like the book? Why?
Предварительный просмотр:
The Great Barrier Reef
- What can you say about the Great Barrier Reef before reading the text?
- Where is it?
- What do you think the Great Barrier Reef is?
- What advice is given to tourists?
- Do you agree with it?
- What problems has it got?
- What can we do to help?
- What animals live there?
- Can you fish there?
- Do you want to visit this Reef?
Предварительный просмотр:
The railway children. E. Nesbith
1Who is the author of the book?
2 What stories did she write?
3 What is the plot of the book?
4 What are the main characters of the book?
5 What is it about?
6 What did Peter wish to be?
7 Were they happy?
8 Why did the dreadful change come?
9 What part of the text best describes the picture?
10 Do you like the book? Why?
Предварительный просмотр:
Spotlight 6, Module test 4
Day after day
Variant 1
Task 1. Use the prompts to complete the sentences.
- out up to on about
- I worry … my grades.
- I find … your secret.
- Let’s listen … music.
- I meet … with Julie every time I go to school.
- He put … his best suit for the meeting.
Task 2. Do the crossword puzzle.
1 | i | t | r | t | |||||||
2 | a | a | s | i | |||||||
3 | b | r | |||||||||
4 | u | l | |||||||||
5 | d | s | u | t | |||||||
6 | a | f |
- Pop concerts are ……………. .
- I think diving is …………….. .
- Mary thinks football is ……. .
- Tom thinks reading is ……… .
- Tony doesn’t like fish. He finds it …………. .
- The weather is …… .
Task 3. Circle the odd one out.
- Piano, football, tennis, basketball
- Camping, swimming, skiing, gym
- Sometimes, always, thriller, never
- Sitcom, argue, talk show, drama
Task 4. Put the words in the correct order and
write full sentences.
- to school/ always/ I/ on/ go/ foot.
- play/ after/ classes/ often/ we/ football.
- usually/ Mark/ at school/ hard/ works.
- you/ mum/ your / how/ do/ often/ help/ the house/ around?
- in/ her/ never/ friends/ class/ shout.
Task 5. Form questions. Then, answer them.
- Yan / speak English / in the camp / every day?
- he / play / board games?
- Nick / eat / Polish food / in the camp?
- they / go hiking?
- children / go / camping / every day?
- Nick / have / English classes / every afternoon?
- they / sometimes / sit / by the fire?
Task 6. Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.
- Four times a week.
- I always watch film once a week.
- I always do my homework.
- I always have some milk.
- Yes, at seven o’clock.
- Do you take the bus to school?
- Do you often wake up early?
- What do you do in the evenings?
- How often do you go to the cinema?
- Do you have breakfast in the morning?
Spotlight 6, Module test 4
Day after day
Variant 2
Task 1. Use the prompts to complete the sentences.
- up for to off up
- He sets … for London.
- I wake … at 9 o’clock on Sundays.
- We always put … tents and make a campfire.
- When do you usually go … bed?
- Let’s leave … school at 7.30.
Task 2. Do the crossword puzzle.
1 | d | l | c | s | |||||
2 | r | t | |||||||
3 | e | c | t | n | |||||
4 | f | n | |||||||
5 | w | d | f | l | |||||
6 | o | i | e |
- This pizza is very ……………… .
- That’s idea is ………… .
- I love windsurfing. It’s ………… .
- The weather is ……… .
- You have ………. paintings on the wall!
- The food is …….. at this restaurant.
Task 3. Circle the odd word out.
- Pop concert, reality show, pocket money, thriller
- Boring, fantastic, disgusting, chicken
- Dull, always, usually, often
- Windsurfing, basketball, football, drama
Task 4. Put the words in the correct order and write full sentences.
- Sundays/ meet/ on/ I/ friends/ usually/ my.
- cook/ they/ the/ on/ dinner/ campfire.
- always/ a/ she/ has/ shower/ the/ in/ morning.
- frogs/ does/ Harry/ for/ eat/ lunch?
- do/ what/ you/ time/ up/ wake/ morning/ every?
Task 5. Form questions. Then, answer them.
- Mary/ take/ the dog/ for a walk/ in the evenings?
- Peter/ buy/a morning newspaper/ every day?
- you/come / to every lesson?
- they/ go/ to the seaside/ every summer?
- you/ go shopping/ on Saturday mornings?
- Peter/ play/ the piano/very well?
- dogs/ like/ cats?
Task 6. Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.
- That’s a great idea!
- Well, it’s not really my thing.
- I think so. Why?
- About 10 o’clock in the morning.
- Cool! Count me in!
- Do you want to watch sitcom with me?
- How about pizza for dinner?
- Hi David. Are you free tonight?
- What about football then?
- When would you like to meet?
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Perfect Tense
1. Choose the correct variant
Задание 1.
They …
has just arrived.
have just arrived.
have arrived just.
Задание 2.
She … .
has already gone
have already gone
has already go
Задание 3.
… the new book yet?
You have read
Have you read
Has you read
Задание 4.
I … here for 6 years.
have live
have liven
have lived
Задание 5.
He … a teacher of English since 2009.
has be
have been
has been
Задание 6.
I … this film eight times.
‘ve seen
‘ve saw
‘s seen
Задание 7.
… to Disneyland?
Has you been ever
Has you ever been
Have you ever been
Задание 8.
He … the bike.
has never fallen off
haven’t ever fallen off
have never fallen off
Задание 9.
He … to India, but he will go there soon.
not has been
haven’t been
hasn't been
Задание 10.
It is the first time he … a mountain.
has climbed
has climbt
has climbing
2. Correct the mistakes using Present Perfect where necessary.
Задание 1.
He just left the party.
Задание 2.
We has not seen each other ever since he got married.
Задание 3.
You will not come out until you finished tidying up.
Задание 4.
I will call as soon as I will arrive at the airport.
Задание 5.
I have not play tennis since I have broke my arm in 1996.
Предварительный просмотр:
Test Seasons. Months. Days of the Week
Choose only one correct answer.
1) The coldest season of the year is …
2) The hottest season of the year is …
3) Pupils have the longest holidays in …
4) September, October, November are the months of the …
5) Spring has three months: March, April and …
6) New Year starts in …
7) Winter months are: December, January and …
8) Pupils begin to go to school in …
9) We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and …
10) The last day of the week is …
11) Rest days are Saturday and …
12) After Monday goes …
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест «Вопросительные слова»
Упражнение 1. Match the question words to the answers.
1. Why? 2. When? 3. Where? 4. How? 5. How many? 6. What? 7. Whose? 8. How old? | a) Twelve years old b) Chocolates c) Because I like them. d) Twenty-seven e) Quickly f) Yesterday g) At home. h) Michael's |
Упражнение 2. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.
- _____ does Molly get up? – At 10 o'clock.
- _____ does Molly have lunch? – At school.
- _____ does Molly read in the morning? – A book.
- _____ do Molly’s parents get home? – At 6 o'clock.
- _____ does Molly’s family have dinner? – At home.
- _____ does Molly do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.
Упражнение 3. Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why
- _______ is your name?
- _______ do you spell your name?
- _______ are you from?
- _______ do you live?
- _______ old are you?
- _______ is your birthday?
- _______ tall are you?
- _______ kind of films do you like?
- _______ is your favorite singer?
- _______ is your favorite TV programme?
Предварительный просмотр:
- Match.
Extinct back
Giant movie
fantasy ape
well-known creature
humped sea monster
own squid
horrifying world
two-legged reflection
- Translate the phrases from Ex.1
- Write the verb in the brackets into the correct past tense.
- I …(use) my computer last Sunday.
- My sister was happy because she …(make) a pie.
- I …(cook) dinner while my brother …(clean) the room.
- My friend … (watch) a DVD for two hours before the guests came.
- Dad.. (fix) his car by the time it …(start) to rain.
- Write 3 forms of the verbs. Translate them.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
He says to Lena, “I see my friends every day.” He says to Lena that he sees his friends every day. Прямая речь –это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. Косвенная речь – это передача содержания прямой речи в форме пересказа.
He tells them, “ I can help you .” He tells them that he can help them . При переводе прямой речи в косвенную местоимения изменяются согласно требованиям логики.
Косвенная речь Прямая речь
Reported Statements Глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь : s ay (that) s ay to t ell (that) s ay to -infinitive s peak about t alk about never say about She said (that) she was very happy. She said to me (that) she was very happy . She told me (that) she was very happy. Ann said to wake her up at 7:00. He spoke about the meeting. talked
Direct speech Reported speech Present Simple Past Simple “ I want to learn Japanese”. She said (that) she wanted to learn Japanese. Present Progressive Past Progressive “ We are watching a film”. They said (that) they were watching a film Present Perfect Past Perfect “ I have brushed my teeth”. She said (that) she had brushed her teeth.
Direct speech Reported speech Past Simple Past Simple or Past Perfect “ I mowed the lawn”. She said (that) she mowed/had mowed the lawn. Past Progressive Past Progressive or Past Perfect Progressive “ He was playing the piano”. She said (that) he was playing/had been playing the piano. Future Simple Future in the Past “ I will meet you at 7:00”. She said (that) she would meet me at 7:00
Не всегда надо изменять время глагола, когда мы используем его в косвенной речи : Если глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, стоит в Present или Future Tenses . “I can’t speak French,” he says . He says (that) he can’t speak French. Если говорящий сообщает о какой-либо истине или состоянии. “The sun sets in the west,” Mr. Thom said . Mr. Thom said that the sun sets in the west.
Reported Questions Direct An old man asked , "What time is it ?” Reported An old man asked us what time it was . Direct The manager asked , ”Why did you apply for the job?” Reported The manager wanted to know why I had applied for the job. Direct Mary asked me, ” Do you like cats?” Reported Mary asked me if/whether I liked cats. asked … . Вопросит. слово i f/whether глагол
Reported Request/Suggestions “Please, don’t go,” he said to me. He begged me not to go . “Let’s watch a film,” he said. He suggested watching a film. ask to-infinitive + beg + - ing form suggest
Reported Orders/Commands “Be patient!” she said to me. She told me to be patient. “Don’t go!” he said to her. He ordered her not to go . advise + order + + (not) to-infinitive … . tell