Участие учащихся в конкурсах по английскому языку.
- Областной конкурс исполнения песни на английском языке, проводимого Языковой школой МАСТЕР КЛАСС.
Конкурс перевода песни с русского языка на английский. «Моя любовь живёт на 5-м этаже»
- Международный сетевой конкурс социальных рекламных видеороликов "It's my native town". 20 января - 28 февраля 2014 года
Результаты конкурса: http://anglyaz.ru/sitescontests/itsmyntresults.html
2 место Участники: Мосян Анзор - http://anglyaz.ru/lichnayastranica/userprofile/%D0...
Кашина Алёна -http://anglyaz.ru/lichnayastranica/userprofile/Aly...
Очинникова Саша -
Ссылка на конкурсную работу - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRbTa33L42c
- МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ СЕТЕВОЙ КОНКУРС “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY ”http://anglyaz.ru/sitescontests/happyvaldaykonkurs...
20 января - 28 февраля 2013 года
Давыдов Денис, 10 Б - http://anglyaz.ru/lichnayastranica/userprofile/%D0...
Кашина Алёна, 10 Б - http://anglyaz.ru/lichnayastranica/userprofile/Aly...
Русов Никита, 5 А - http://anglyaz.ru/lichnayastranica/userprofile/*Ni...
Крючкова Юля, 4 А - http://anglyaz.ru/lichnayastranica/userprofile/%D0...
- Международный сетевой конкурс "Time to sing". 15 января - 15 мая 2013 года.http://anglyaz.ru/sitescontests/ktimetosing.html
- Лингвистические конкурсы, организованные представительством издательства Oxford University Press в Нижнем Новгороде
2010-2011гг. Григорьев Дима,10 кл - 2 место
2011-2012 гг. Сертификатом отмечена Чистякова Катя, 10 кл. Русов Никита, 4 кл. в номинации "Original Design"
2012-2013 гг. Сертификатами отмечены: Мосян Анзор, 10 кл, Охотников Руслан, 10 кл,
Красильникова Рита, Торозов Данил, Волкова Юля, Савчук Яна, Тихомирова Оля, 5 кл.
- Диплом за 3 место в 22 Международной дистанционной олимпиаде( "Эйдос") по английскому языку- Тихомирова Соня, 10 кл.
- Областной конкурс, организованный языковой школой МАSTER CLASS.
Дипломы победителей- Иваницкая Н, Тихомирова С, Серафимович Н, Григорьев Д,10 кл.
Предварительный просмотр:
Language Contest
“My Social Network. Family and Friends
We are having a good time
My name is Nikita. I study at school №1 in the 4-th form. I’ve got a lot of friends. My best friends are Dima, Vanya and Egor. We like school, sport, games and winter. We have much in common: live not far from each other, go to the musical school together and have pet –dogs. We love to run and jump. We enjoy walking and discussing news face to-face, reading, watching TV programmes about animals together. We are friendly and always help each other. Sometimes we play computer games, but we don’t communicate online. We have mobile phones and in the evening connect with each other. Usually we talk about our school work and projects. Our favourite subjects are Art, Music and English. Playing and singing in English are our hobbies. When we sing English songs our parents come to see our small concerts. We really have a good time together.
Русов Никита, ученик 4А класса МОУ Шахунской СОШ №1 им. Д. Комарова
Адрес школы:606910, г.Шахунья, ул. Советская, 15
Педагог: Санаткина Галина Павловна
Моб.телефон: 8 902 305 1113
Тема эссе: We are having a good time
Предварительный просмотр:
Language Contest
“My Social Network. Family and Friends”
Communicate or not to communicate
To begin with modern life is impossible without different ways of interpersonal communication. We communicate directly, by mail, online in order to exchange information. I guess, communication is considered to be one of the most important and basic needs of human beings.
There are different kinds of communication, such as Skype, text messaging, instant messaging, mobile phone and others. This way of communication is very popular among teenagers and adults. I’m sure it’s very useful and convenient when people are often busy and they have no time for face –to-face communication or they are too far from each other.
Frankly speaking, I have some kind of a balance when speaking about interpersonal communication. On the one hand, I can’t imagine my life without computer network. Computers, mobile phones, the Internet have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication system. I can’t help admiring these inventions, with the help of which I can communicate with my family, close friends or class mates wherever they are. Sometimes, it’s very important to connect with them as quickly as possible. Skype is here relevant. You can see the interlocutor through webcam even if you are far from him. On the other hand, I think it’s more pleasant to interact when you can see eyes of another person, feel his mood and emotions.
Man needs many things in his life. Friendship is the most important one. Mutual understanding, getting together, helping each other and doing things together in real life but not in network helps to keep friendship alive. I know some teens who’re too dependent on games or sitting in social net work for 24 hours every day. It’s a great disaster.
In conclusion, I absolutely agree with my parents and teachers when they say about the harm and offensive, negative side of the Internet and social network. I’m cute enough to listen to them and choose the golden middle.
Малков Артемий , ученик 10 А класса МОУ Шахунской СОШ №1 им. Д. Комарова
Адрес школы:606910, г.Шахунья, ул. Советская, 15
Педагог: Санаткина Галина Павловна
Тема эссе: Communicate or not to communicate
Предварительный просмотр:
Конкурс эссе на английском языке
Oxford University Press Resource Centre in Nizhny Novgorod
Trends in Education. Perspectives, Problems, Solutions.
Участник конкурса: Ученик 10 А класса Д Мосян Анзор Рудольфович
Адрес образовательного учреждения:
606 910, г. Шахунья Нижегородской области, ул. Советская, д.15
Учитель английского языка: Санаткина Галина Павловна, sanatkina@mail.ru
Education has been becoming more and more actual in our life. Knowledge plays a great, vast role in the society. The system of obtaining knowledge has always been changing in history of mankind, due to the progress in science, technology, economical and political development. That is why one should permanently promote; correct the system of the education. I would like to share my views on modern trends in education.
Nowadays education in most countries begins with schools. What does the school give us? Firstly, the school gives us the fundamental knowledge on different subjects. Secondly, we learn to live in the community, we acquire here best friends. Finally, the school years is unforgettable period of fun and cure time. I am sure that learning in schools should be free, because every child must have the right of free education. I think that such subjects as Math, History, Literature, Russian, Physics, Foreign languages and Social Studies must be compulsory in Russian schools because they provide students with the most essential basics of science, nature, interaction in the community and so on.
Personally, I agree with the State Exams. Firstly, they give pupils the right to choose subjects which are needed for them most of all. Secondly, students can enter the University or a college with the results of the State Exams. It is a great chance, is not it? Teachers help pupils in choosing of suitable profession, desirable further education. Our teachers are responsible for bringing up future generation that is why they understand that students are very different and needed individual directions. I am sure that every teacher can give students useful advices, helping them to find a right way in their life. For instance, pedagogues in our school always take care of students, teach and support us. In most cases, school teachers are good helpers and I think that understanding and cooperation between them and pupils is the most important thing.
Thus, there are many different trends in modern education and I am satisfied with Russian system of obtaining knowledge. Doubtless, education is one of the main aspects for achievement of success in the world. But one must admit that a lot of people do not put much energy in the development of perfect levels of education. In conclusion I want to say that we can get good education only by hard working and making efforts.
Предварительный просмотр:
Конкурс эссе на английском языке
Trends in Education. Perspectives, Problems, Solutions.
Участник конкурса: Охотников Руслан Сергеевич, ученик 10 А класса
МБОУ СОШ №1 им. Д. Комарова г. Шахуньи Нижегородской области
Адрес образовательного учреждения:
606 910, г. Шахунья Нижегородской области, ул. Советская, д.15
Учитель английского языка: Санаткина Галина Павловна, 89023051113, sanatkina@mail.ru
Trends in Education. Perspectives, Problems, Solutions
The educated differ from the uneducated
as much as the living from dead.
To start with school years play a great role in the life of people. School is the place where all students are given a lot of opportunities to express themselves. I have been happy at my school. It is well-equipped and has modern educational facilities. More over, students and teachers have good rapport . I enjoyEnglsh “FUN club” which I attend twice a week and it’s the most useful and important after- school activity. All these things are free of charge. Secondary education should be free of charge.
When thinking about trends of education I made up my mind to draw a plan –claster. Suddenly I understand that school life is like a picturesque masterpiece where we can see mountains with ups and downs – victory and defeat in different contests, olimpiadas, valleys with bright and dull flowers (favourite, creative, activities and wasting time), different underwater streams and stones (difficulties, problems, misundestanding, experience) which we are daily to overcome. Then “ the artist” tried to do his best painting fertile farmland (well-equipped school with the best teachers in the world) and a good climate for growing a variety of fruits and vegetables - studens of different skills, personalities and abilities. They are watered, cultivated with great responsibility by cute, tolerant, experienced professionals - teachers every day. Sun rising means our future. Hardly felt wind of changes brings some thoughts, emotions, imagination… Though I’m in the 10th form I think of my further education after school leaving. I’ve made my choice. My future life will be connected with English. It is my favourite subject. I’m going to pass State Exam on it next year. I think to cope well with the exams students need to have both language and exam skills.
Russian system of education is currently undergoing important alteration because of rapid social, economical and political changes. These changes bring up many questions connected with the system of young people’s preparation for their development and deserved life in the society. There have been a lot of changes at our school last years too. Since 2009, EGE is the only form of graduation examinations in schools and the main form of preliminary examinations in universities. It is the exam that every student must pass after graduation from school to enter a university or a professional college. A student can take EGE in Russian languageRussian language, mathematics, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish), physics, chemistry, biology, geography,literature, history, basics EGE in Russian language and mathematics are obligatory; that means that every student needs to get the necessary results in these subjects to enter any Russian university.

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