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Student of the 9-th form A:
Chistyakova Kate
2009-2010 year.
The aim of the research work is
- to find out the main factors which
influence on our health and underline serious problems connected with wrong lifestyle.
The purpose of the work is
- to find out the ways of avoiding bad factors which
influence on our health
(on the example
of the 9-th form A)
1. Introduction “What is health ”
2. The situation in our school:
-Interview with the medical worker
-Interview with teachers
-Interview with the students of the 9-th form A
3. Bad habits
4. Wrong eating
5. Physical inactivity
6. Environmental influence
7. Ways of solving the problems. Recommendations
Bad habits in our form which we
should avoid:
The problem of smoking is very actual in our school…
Many people smoke without thinking about themselves and about people near them, especially children. Smoking damages your health: such organs as lungs, bronchial, tubes, heart and others. Stop smoking today or it will be late.
Smoking is a very bad habit which
shorten our life dramatically.
Smoking kills about 3 mln. рeople every year.
These chemical elements show us how harmful smoking is!
What is tasty is not always healthy
We stuff ourselves with fast food – chips and pizzas, hamburgers and hot dogs.
We are always in a hurry.
We have no time to enjoy a home-cooked dinner. We want to eat now and we want to eat fast.
Ways of solving the problems:
Avoid bad habits!
Stop smoking!
Plan your daily routine!
Be active and positive!
Go in for sport!
Keep a day regime
Makes your life more regular. It helps you to organize yourself. You have more time for rest and leisure activities. It makes you healthier because you have more time for sleeping . Especially you need it during your exams.
Use these mottos:
An apple a day keeps a doctor away
Early to bed, early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Healthy sleep
It’s the best way of rest. You should sleep not less than 8 hours a day. Go to bed and wake up at the same time even at weekends. There are a lot of ways which can help you to sleep, one of them is to drink a cup of hot milk and honey.
Positive emotions, hobbies, favorite activities play a great role in our life
Listen to right music!
Watch right films! …and you’ll have no time to be ill!
Choose right hobbies!
Enjoy life! Draw and dance! Go hiking! Sing and play games… and you’ll have no time to be ill!
Предварительный просмотр:
Language Contest
Smoking ruins the environment
To heavy smokers - classmates of the 10-th “B” devoted:
You look silly, weak and pale-
Twenty cigaretts a day!
You are sure that is cool
Smoking during break at school?!
You’re sixteen or seventeen,
But your skin is brown – green.
Smoking causes heart deseas,
Unsound lungs and yellow teeth.
You are making life a hell
With such harmful, dreadfull smell!
How to help you in this disaster?
Try to use anti –nicotine plaster!
Ease of body and ease of mind.
Give up smoking, don’t ask why…
To begin with, we need certain things to stay alive and healthy. First of all, our life is impossible without clean air to breathe. Polluted air is a community problem. Air becomes polluted in many ways. Cars, trucks, buses are among the worst polluters. They send partly burned gases into the air. Air is also polluted by smoke and gases from factories. Some of the harmful gases that pour into the air are invisible. Dirt, smoke, fires and gases in the air are carried away by wind or settle over as a blanket of smog.
Indisputably, air pollution causes different diseases. They affect not only older people but those who have health problems from their early age. I mean those, who suffer from bronchial or cardiac asthma. They feel uncomfortable and suffer from lack of energy when air isn't clean. By damaging their health, the smokers seriously affect those who are side by side. Those who do not smoke at all have to unwillingly share in the experience through passive smoking.
It’s high time to draw your attention to harmful influence of smoking to the environment. Cigarettes are said to contain over 4 000 chemicals, all of which are exhaled and released into the atmosphere. Just like car exhaust fumes, smoking produces carbon monoxide into the air, a poisonous gas that adversely affects the environment. Ammonia is one of the chemicals found in cigarettes and it has a highly negative effect on water-dwelling organisms.
Besides poisoning our water sources, cigarette stubs have been known to start forest fires.
In fact, smoking has proved to be the major cause of forest and house fires.
The rest of the cigarette stubs are normally left on the ground to decompose, something that takes an average of 25 years as they are not biodegradable. And while they lie around leaching toxins into the soil, animals and birds would sometimes eat the stubs, mistaking them for food and would die from it.
In conclusion, it becomes very clear that we cannot afford to ignore this problem because it is everyone’s concern. It is not so much about the smokers harming their own bodies as it is about the damage that smoking causes to the environment and therefore to all of us.
We should live in harmony with the environment in order to save the planet.
Предварительный просмотр:
Российская академия образования
Центр дистанционного образования "Эйдос"
22- я Международная дистанционная эвристическая олимпиада по английскому языку (стихи)
18 июня 2009 года
Локальный координатор:Санаткина Галина Павловна, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ №1 им. Д.Комарова,г. Шахунья,Нижегородская область
E-mail: sanatkina@mail.ru
Возрастная группа: 7-10 классы:
Тихомирова Софья
1. A Ballad For Descendans.
What are you doing my lazy bone?
Do you listen to rock again?
I can’t help admiring this girl, believe me,
Be ready to listen to, I’ll explain.
She may be a grand piano or a violin.
It depends on her mood.
She is very energetic and emotional.
Sometimes looks like a little Red – Riding Hood.
This girl is keen on music.
She loves to play instruments or to compose.
Lady Lack is her friend forever
She got the price in music festival. My red rose….
2. “A Grandma and the Internet”
- Hey, Petrovna, You look so serious and smart!
I can’t imagine You and computer apart.
You’re a real Internet Explorer professional!
Net has become your favourite pal!
- Hey, Ivanovna, stop making fun of me,
It’s never too late to learn and be free…
- Free? From what?
- Free from work in the garden, from traffic and speed,
Internet is considered to be the best thing indeed.
I help my grandson to write essays, reports.
We work as team members gathering thoughts.
This talk I heard some days ago,
And I made up my mind to follow.
I really cannot believe my eyes
How my grandma was giving an advice.
- Stay at home! Keep warm in your armchair!
It’s very comfortable and fair!
Pay all bills using web money.
Treat the flu with your favourite honey.
If you plan a bit to relax
Send me inviting message by fax.
In Power point let’s make a presentation
We’ll put there music and animation.
It’s high time to draw a conclusion
Internet for my granny is not illusion.
3. Scrambled Egg. (“Yesterday” by “ The Beatles”)
Scrambled egg,
How I love such kind of scrambled egg
With sausage, green peas and toast bread,
Oh, I believe in scrambled egg.
I don’t feel the smell I used to feel
There is a fried egg on the table prepared for me.
Oh, scrambled egg, my mouth is wet…
Why my wife changed her mind, she wouldn’t say.
I did something bad, now I long for scrambled egg.
What is wrong?
Cooking is the best pastime of my wife,
I can’t stand a fried egg in my life
Oh, I believe in scrambled egg.
Why my wife changed her mind, she wouldn’t say.
I did something bad, now I long for scrambled egg.
4. Lyrics Translator
A very, very tasty pie.
The party was organized by me.
I called all people who were free.
I’ve bought some curds and flour
The pie was ready in half an hour
On the table sparkle forks…
But where’re guests? At their work?
I couldn’t help waiting…What a pity!
I found myself that I was… eating.
The pie was really well done,
I ate it quickly, it was fun!
When guests were gathered in the hall
My empty table shocked them all.
Басикова Катя
1. A Ballad For Descendans.
Listen to me carefully, my dear friend
If you want a dream to come true
Try to hear me
This ballad is for you.
This girl is the best goal keeper,
Her father is a football player too,
She is good at all kinds of sport
She doesn’t know what is flu.
She is active and hard working
She loves to be healthy
She won a lot of matches
And now she is wealthy
2. “A Grandma and the Internet”
Last year my grandma needed a nurse,
She had so many various sores:
Allergy, arrhythmia, hysterics, arthritis,
High blood pressure and bronchitis.
Now she has no health problems at all.
She only suffers that… her fingers are small.
The key- board is nice, the Software is good.
She has all favouriable conditions to remain cute.
Internet-club is her favourite place,
She meets with NET fans face to face.
They “walk” in Yandex or Google,
In NIGMA, Rambler or Koogle.
She’s keen on learning English on- line.
Her memory now is really fine
3. Scrambled Egg.
Scrambled egg,
How I hate such kind of scrambled egg
Yellow – white or white – yellow colors I hate,
Oh, I believe in ham with bread.
I feel the smell of fish and meat
I’m happy - different tasty things’ re prepared for me.
Oh, scrambled egg, is in the past.
Why my wife changed her mind, she wouldn’t say.
I did something good, now I have ham with toast bread .
4. Lyrics Translator
A very, very tasty pie.
The party was prepared by me.
I wanted my best friends to see .
I’ve bought some cheese and flour
I did my best the whole hour
On the table put forks and knives
But no my friends and their wifes
I was hungry! What a pity!
I was thirsty. I start eating.
The pie was really well done,
I ate as it was a racing run.
My guests were gathered in the hall
They thanked me. I said them “ Not at” all.
Центр дистанционного образования “Эйдос”
XXIII-я Всероссийская дистанционная эвристическая олимпиада по английскому языку (сочинения)
22 октября 2009 года
Возрастная группа: 10-11 классы
Тихомирова Софья, 11 “А” класс, МОУ СОШ №1 им. Д. Комарова, г.Шахунья, Нижегородская обл.
Once upon a time there was an old aborigine called Lington and his old wife Berra. They lived alone in a bungalow near Lake Mungo. The oldest musical instrument Yidadi, some rock paintings and the bungalow were the only heritage of this old couple. They had neither a son nor a daughter.
One day the old man looked at the bread tree growing not far from the bungalow and said,
“Old woman lets bake the Gingerbread boy.”
“Oh, good oil!”, answered Berra.
She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put it on the window sill to cool. Suddenly the Gingerbread boy jumped off the window sill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door and found himself in the courtyard.
He saw kookaburra singing on the tree. “G’day! Climb up to my nest. I’ll teach you singing with an extraordinary laughing call!”, says the bird. “Oh, thanks, the next time”. The Gingerbread boy was afraid of such singing and went hurriedly away.
He was near the forest when met a dingo running by. “G’day! Look at my wonderful teeth! Come with me, I’ll teach you to be wild, bark and bite”, says the dog. “Oh, thanks, the next time”. The Gingerbread boy was afraid of such “wonderful teeth” and went hurriedly away.
“G’day! Climb up to me!” The Gingerbread boy saw a koala on the tree. “I’ll teach you to sleep hanging on the branch!”. “Oh, thanks, the next time”. The Gingerbread boy was afraid of such sleeping and ran away.
He sat under a tree and ….suddenly felt something moving near him. It had a very big head, short legs, wild eyes. “G’day! I’m a wombat! Don’t be afraid of me. Let’s live together in my hole. I’ll teach you to eat and sleep and you’ll be as heavy as I’m.” “Oh, thanks, the next time.” The Gingerbread boy didn’t want to be so heavy and ran away.
It was getting dark. He was very tired and began to cry. “Why did I run away from the bungalow? Lington and Berra are so kind.” He was lost. He made up his mind to rest a bit. Suddenly a kangaroo appeared in front of him. “Don’t cry! I know the way to the bungalow. I know Lington and Berra. Jump into my bag. Oh, how warm and comfortable was there! It was unforgettable journey. Lington and Berra were very glad to see the Gingerbread boy again. They lived happily for a long time together.
I love this land of ghosts and mystery,
Cold lakes, bagpipers and Highland Games.
Scotland is famous for its unusual history.
The Scottish are those who achieve their aims.
They wear a tartan and dance a reel,
They are good at tossing of caber and log.
It is their way of life, their motto and will
To be strong, healthy, impressive and what not?
This small country gave the world so many great people:
Robert Bruce, Robert Burns, Walter Scott,
Maxwell, Cronin and Alexander Fleming,
Colin MacLaurin, the youngest professor…
This info I found in the Guinness Book of Record…
The boy from the 10-th form hurried into the Study of English. He went up the teacher of English and said to her eagerly, “Could you give me 2 volume English – Russian Dictionaries and a Russian - English Dictionary, please?”
The teacher is very glad to see him, she is really proud, because she tried to get some students to take out these books for “Eidos” Olimpiada’s preparing, and she hardly found one who was willing to accept her suggestions.
“Sure!”, the teacher answered. “May be anything else? This book is good to brush up grammar, that one is perfect for home reading.”
“Oh, thank You, that’s enough! There is no more place in the bag. They are heavy! Too heavy! Oh, wonderful for training my biceps. You see, I take part in boxing contest tomorrow”
4. Poetical Tournament
Becoming crazy from imagination,
When brains are burst from rhymes and words,
When you are full of thoughts and inspiration,
It doesn't matter: sheets or kea-boards...
Тихомирова Софья, 11 класс
МОУ СОШ 1 им. Д.Комарова, г.Шахунья, Нижегородская область