Открытый урок From Yuri Gagarin to Space Tourism

Астапова Ольга Александровна


“From Yuri Gagarin to Space Tourism”



       познавательный аспект-Расширить знания о первых изобретателях, ученных, конструкторах и космонавтах, которые внесли вклад в открытие мирового пространства, увеличение объёма знаний по страноведению.

       развивающий аспект -развитие познавательного интереса учащихся; развитие кругозора, развивать интерес к отечественной истории космонавтики, внимания, мышления, инициативности речи учащихся; мотивация к дальнейшему овладению английским языком;

       воспитательный аспект -воспитывать патриотизм, чувство гордости за достижения человеческого разума и за достижения  науки и народа нашей страны, самоотверженно создающего материальную основу "победы человека над космосом"; воспитывать волю к победе на исторических примерах;

       образовательный аспект - расширение эрудиции, лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора;

       практический аспект - формирование коммуникативной компетенции в английском языке.

Оборудование занятия:

 ТСО: компьютер, мультимедипроектор, магнитофон, CDдиск с аудиозаписью фрагмента дискуссии.

Подготовительная работа:

-  подготовка учащимися сообщений о космосе;

- составление презентации.  


Предварительный просмотр:

“From Yuri Gagarin to Space Tourism”

Цели урока:

       познавательный аспект- Расширить знания о первых изобретателях, ученных, конструкторах и космонавтах, которые внесли вклад в открытие мирового пространства, увеличение объёма знаний по страноведению.

       развивающий аспект - развитие познавательного интереса учащихся; развитие кругозора, развивать интерес к отечественной истории космонавтики, внимания, мышления, инициативности речи учащихся; мотивация к дальнейшему овладению английским языком;

       воспитательный аспект - воспитывать патриотизм, чувство гордости за достижения человеческого разума и за достижения  науки и народа нашей страны, самоотверженно создающего материальную основу "победы человека над космосом"; воспитывать волю к победе на исторических примерах;

       образовательный аспект - расширение эрудиции, лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора;

       практический аспект - формирование коммуникативной компетенции в английском языке.

Оборудование занятия:

 ТСО: компьютер, мультимедипроектор, магнитофон, CD диск с аудиозаписью фрагмента дискуссии.

Подготовительная работа:

-  подготовка учащимися сообщений о космосе;

- составление презентации.  

Ход урока

  1.  Организационный момент
  • Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down. Our today’s lesson is devoted to the 50th anniversary of the first man’s flight into space. The theme of our lesson is “From Yuri Gagarin to Space Tourism”. It’ll be in the form of discussion.
  • The aims of our lesson are to enrich your knowledge about outstanding people and events connecting with Space, develop your pronunciation skills on this topic and improve your abilities to demonstrate your point of view.
  • Are you ready to begin? Let’s start.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка (отработка новых слов и выражений по теме).

- The first stage of our lesson is to study the new words and expressions connecting with Space. I’ll give you the sheets of paper with these words, listen and repeat. (раздаются листочки с новыми словами, фонетическая отработка новых слов).

III. Речевая зарядка.

- First, let’s find out what do you know about Space. Answer on my questions:

1) Who was the first man in Space? What are his name and the date of his flight? (Yuri Gagarin, 12th April)

2) How many minutes did the first flight last? (108 min)

3) Who was the first woman in Space? (V. Tereshkova)

4) What is the constructor’s name of the first spaceship? (Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov)

5) Who was the first Space turist in the world? (Dennis Anthony Tito)

IV. Развитие монологического высказывания.

- Thank you. And now, it’s time to know more information about these people. So, let’s listen to some pupils with their presentations about them. (выходят ученики с презентациями о космосе и известных людях, связанных с космосом).

The 1st – “From Yuri Gagarin to Space Tourism”

The 2nd – “Space Exploration

The 3rd – “Astronauts”

The 4th  -  “Space tourism and animals in space”

V. Развитие навыков письма (умение выделять важную информацию на основе услышаного).

- Thanks to all boys and girls. And the next task for you is to write down the most important events in space exploration.

On October 4, 1957 - the first man-made sputnik of the Earth was launched into space.

On the 12th of April 1961 - the spaceship "Vostok" was launched into space with a man on board and after orbiting our planet successfully returned to the Earth.

On the 6-7th August, 1961— the first 24 hours-flight into space  ("Vostok-2", cos- monautG.S.Titov).
On the 16-19th June, 1963 — Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman-cosmonaut to make a space flight ("Vostok-6").
On the18th March, 1965  A. A. Leonov achieved the first "space walk" ("Vostok-2”).
On the 7th June, 1967 — the first colour photo of the Earth was taken from the space.
On the 22nd March, 1995 — the finishing of the longest flight into space

(438 days, spaceship "Mir", cosmonaut V.V. Polyakov).

VI. Релаксация. Relaxation.

  • It’s time to relax. Listen to serenity music and imagine that you are in space.

VII. Развитие навыков аудирования.

- So, let’s continue our discussion. What do think about the existence of life on other planets of the solar system?  Is it true or not?

- You should listen to discussion on this theme and do some tasks. Are you ready? Let’s start. (учащиеся прослушивают запись, с фрагментом дискуссии и выполняют задания).

VIII. Проверка домашнего задания.

  • And now, let’s discuss such a question as “Is it good to explore space?”
  • Your homework was to find some reasons for and against the exploration of space.
  • You should divide into two groups. The 1st will be “for” the space exploration, and the 2nd one – “against” it.

(учащиеся делятся своей информацией по этому вопросу)

     - Thank you. You’ve done a great job.

IX. Объяснение домашнего задания.

  • Your homework for the next lesson will be to find the information about the American researchers of space.

X. Подведение итогов.

- Well our lesson comes to the end. Let’s sum it up.

  Do you like our lesson? What do you like most of all?

  What arguments are the closest to your point of view?

  What have you known from our today’s lesson?

  • You’ve done a really good job. Your marks are…… today.
  • Thanks for the lesson. See you soon. Good bye.


Слова для урока

Exporation  [əksplərie∫ən] – исследование

An observatory [əbzə:vətri] – обсерватория

To discuss [disk s] smth – обсуждать что-либо

To search [sə:t∫] for smth – искать что-либо

To exist [igzist] – существовать

A living creature [kri:t∫ə] – живое существо

The universe [ju:nivə:s] – вселенная

A meteorite [mitiərait] – метеорит

The solar [səulə] system – Солнечная система

A chemical [kemikəl] – химическое вещество

A bacterium [bæktiəriəm] – бактерия

Earth [ə:Ө] – Земля (планета)

A condition [kəndi∫ən] – условие

To be similar [similə] to smth – быть похожим на что-либо

Oxygen [oksidзən] – кислород

An expedition [ekspidi∫ən] – экспедиция

An astronaut [æstrəno:t] – астронавт

An effort [efət] – усилие

Advancement [ədva:nsmənt] – развитие, продвижение

A possibility [posəbiləti] – возможность

A surface [sə:fis] – поверхность

Задания для аудирования

Ознакомьтесь с кратким обзором обсуждения и словами из рамки. Прослушайте запись еще раз и заполните пропуски, используя данные слова.



  1. Mars is a planet in our _________________________.
  2. Scientists found _____________ from the planet Mars. The name of it is _________.
  3. The chemical and structures in this meteorite look like ones we have on ____________.
  4. The conditions on Mars turn out to be similar to the conditions in __________ (except for the lack of oxygen).


  1. It is possible that __________ exist under the __________ of Mars.
  2. The sum of money need to send _______ to this planet is _______$ billion.
  3. This money can be spent on ecology __________.
  4. The idea has been very __________yet.

Possible consequences of space exploration mentioned:

  1. (+) New living _________ for the fast-growing ___________ of the Earth. ____________ advancement in science and learning the beginning of __________.
  2. (-) Unknown dangerous _______ and deadly __________.

  1. Mythical
  2. Surface
  3. 300
  4. The universe
  5. Diseases
  6. astronauts
  1. water
  2. a meteorite
  3. ALH 84001
  4. Conditions
  5. Population
  6. technological
  1. creatures
  2. Antarctica
  3. Improvement
  4. Solar system
  5. Earth

Внимательно прочитайте реплики, данные ниже. Определите, кому из выступающих они принадлежат. Впишите цифры: 1 – Dr. Smithson, 2 – Dr.Collins (если необходимо, прослушайте запись еще раз).

  • A. The idea about life on Mars sounds too optimistic.
  • B. It is very expensive to send astronauts to Mars.
  • C. That’s way there is not much support for Mars exploration.
  • D. But looking for this life there and finding it may prove to be very difficult.
  • E. A lot of scientists are busy searching for life forms that may exist on other planets.
  • F. Don’t we have anything else to spend money on?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Учитель: Астапова Ольга Александровна МОУ гимназия им. Подольских курсантов From Yuri Gagarin to Space Tourism

Слайд 2

The history of space exploration in Russia started with Konstantin Tsiolkovcky , a maths teacher from Kaluga. Tsiolkovcky never built or launched a rocket , but he was the first person to understand the main ideas behind rocket science – as early as 1903.

Слайд 3

He predicted and solved many of the problems in rocket engineering , and he made designs for several rockets. He dreamt of a space age.

Слайд 4

It was nearly 60 years before Tsiolkovsky's dream came true. On 12 th April , 1961 , at exactly 9.07 a.m. Vostok 1 lifted off for its 108- minute flight. There was one man inside – Yuri Gagarin , a Soviet pilot and the first person in the world to fly into outer space. During his one orbit around the earth , Gagarin had some food and water ; so he was also the first person.

Слайд 5

He didn't have a camera to take photos , but he observed different parts or the Earth.

Слайд 6

Born: 6 March 1937 Birthplace: Maslennikovo, Russia Best Known As: The first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova.

Слайд 7

Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova was launched into space aboard the Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963, becoming the first woman to visit outer space. She spent three days aloft before returning safely to earth. The flight made Tereshkova a national hero and she was awarded the high honor of the Order of Lenin. Her flight was considered a scientific coup for the Soviet Union, which also had the first man (Yuri Gagarin) and the first dog (Laika) in space. Before her flight Tereshkova had been an avid amateur skydiver, which led to her selection for the cosmonaut corps.

Слайд 8

Gagarin's flight started a new stage in the history of exploration. It made more space travel possible. Now , over 40 years later , many cosmonauts and engineers from different countries have made flight to outer space. Some of them have stayed in space for several moths. They have done a lot of research and experiments.

Слайд 9

In the 1990s Russian scientists started thinking about sending tourists into outer space. The world's first space tourist was American millionaire , Dennis Tito. He went on an eight-day holiday in May 2001 in a Russian spaceship.

Слайд 10

He visited the International Space Station and landed afterwards in Kazakhstan with the two other members of the flight team. 'I was worried that I might not feel well in space , ' he said , ‘but I felt the best I' ve felt in my whole life. It was a trip to paradise'.

Слайд 11

Space scientists are now discussing the next idea : two week space holidays with a trip around the moon , for $100 million…..anyone interested?

Предварительный просмотр:

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