Открытый урок Урок: 9th form (Учащиеся обучаются по УМК Rising Star.) “What people make your country famous?” «Какие люди делают свою страну знаменитой?»

Астапова Ольга Александровна


Урок: 9th form  (Учащиеся обучаются по УМК RisingStar.)

“What people make your country famous?”

«Какие люди делают свою страну знаменитой?»


 1. Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции по проблеме: «Какие люди делают свою страну знаменитой?»  

2. Расширить кругозор учащихся, их знания о жизни, творчестве и достижениях известных людей Великобритании и России.


Развитие и автоматизация навыков общения.

Речевая компетенция:

 - Автоматизация навыка диалогической речи о знаменитых людях Великобритании.

 - Формирование навыка аудирования коротких рассказов .

 - Формирование навыка составления частей текста в логической последовательности. 

Языковая компетенция:

 - Автоматизация использования в речи устойчивых выражений, клише по проблеме «Какие люди  делают свою страну знаменитой?»  

- Развитие умения задавать вопросы о великих людях и отвечать на них по проблеме «Какие Британцы сделали свою страну знаменитой?»

Социокультурная компетенция:

 - Развитие познавательных интересов учащихся на основе страноведческого материала: знаменитые британцы и американцы.

 - Воспитание чувства гордости за достижения Великих людей и  чувства уважения к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.

Учебно-познавательная компетенция:

- Знать выдающихся людей Америки и Великобритании и их вклад в мировую культуру.

- Развитие умения построения текста в логической последовательности.

 - Использование ИКТ для развития коммуникативных навыков (соотнести предложения и имена- фото знаменитых британцев).

Задачи развития:

 - Развитие общего кругозора учащихся и интереса к иностранному языку.

 - Воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка и достижениям знаменитых людей России.

 - Развитие национального самосознания, стремления к взаимопониманию и толерантности.

ИКТ на данном уроке используется для того, чтобы

- сделать урок более ярким, зрелищным, запоминающимся. (Лучше один раз увидеть…);

-быстро предъявить всем учащимся дополнительный материал, которого нет в учебнике ;

- осуществить контроль знаний учащимися имен великих Британцев (Кто есть кто? Слайд 2); (Имена, названные на этом слайде – обобщение материала изучавшегося в течение учебного года)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок: 9th form  (Учащиеся обучаются по УМК Rising Star.)

“What people make your country famous?”

«Какие люди делают свою страну знаменитой?»


 1. Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции по проблеме: «Какие люди делают свою страну знаменитой?»  

2. Расширить кругозор учащихся, их знания о жизни, творчестве и достижениях известных людей Великобритании и России.


Развитие и автоматизация навыков общения.

Речевая компетенция:

 - Автоматизация навыка диалогической речи о знаменитых людях Великобритании.

 - Формирование навыка аудирования коротких рассказов .

 - Формирование навыка составления частей текста в логической последовательности.  

Языковая компетенция:

 - Автоматизация использования в речи устойчивых выражений, клише по проблеме «Какие люди  делают свою страну знаменитой?»  

- Развитие умения задавать вопросы о великих людях и отвечать на них по проблеме «Какие Британцы сделали свою страну знаменитой?»

Социокультурная компетенция:

 - Развитие познавательных интересов учащихся на основе страноведческого материала: знаменитые британцы и американцы.

 - Воспитание чувства гордости за достижения Великих людей и  чувства уважения к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.

Учебно-познавательная компетенция:

- Знать выдающихся людей Америки и Великобритании и их вклад в мировую культуру.

- Развитие умения построения текста в логической последовательности.

 - Использование ИКТ для развития коммуникативных навыков (соотнести предложения и имена- фото знаменитых британцев).

Задачи развития:

 - Развитие общего кругозора учащихся и интереса к иностранному языку.

 - Воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка и достижениям знаменитых людей России.

 - Развитие национального самосознания, стремления к взаимопониманию и толерантности.

ИКТ на данном уроке используется для того, чтобы

- сделать урок более ярким, зрелищным, запоминающимся. (Лучше один раз увидеть…);

-быстро предъявить всем учащимся дополнительный материал, которого нет в учебнике ;

- осуществить контроль знаний учащимися имен великих Британцев (Кто есть кто? Слайд 2); (Имена, названные на этом слайде – обобщение материала изучавшегося в течение учебного года)

Ход урока.

1.     Оргмомент. Приветствие.

Каждая нация имеет своих героев. В каждой стране есть выдающиеся люди, известные во всем мире своими достижениями в науке, технике, литературе, спорте и других областях. Какие люди делают свою страну знаменитой?

Every nation has its Heroes. Every country has people who are known all over the world for their achievements in sport, literature, science and other spheres. What people make your country famous?

Today our aims are:

 -  to know famous people;

 -  to know real heroes;

 -  to respect their achievements;

 -  to be proud of them.

( Основные цели нашего урока: Знать действительно знаменитых людей, учиться уважать их достижения и гордиться ими)

2.     Речевая зарядка

Методическая задача: Расширение словарного запаса учащихся на основе грамматического способа образования слов (аффиксация).

 Для того чтобы понимать информацию об известных людях и рассказывать о них, нам необходимо повторить лексику по теме. (A.B. ex. 8 p.86)

Verbs                     Nouns

discover        Discovery

develop        Development

achieve                     Achievement

   Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children. Glad to meet you. How is your mood? How are you?

OK. Smile to each other. Say "Good morning "to our guests and let's begin our lesson.

П. Речевая зарядка.

(T-P1, P2, P3...)

At the beginning of our lesson let's speak about you.

- Do you like yourselves? - Yes, of course.

a) Describe yourself in 3 adjectives.

- Do you like everything in yourself? Do you like every trait of your character and your appearance?

b) If not? What would you like to change in yourselves? What would you like to improve?

-And in your opinion, can we change our world in future?

c) How do you see our planet in some years? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about our future?

- In your opinion, can we improve our life? Can people change our life on the planet?

And do you know people who did much for our life, for our planet.

Who improved our life? - (Rulers, presidents, prime ministers)

Who found cures for serious diseases? - (Doctors, scientists)

Who made progress in different fields (medicine, computer technologies, and space discoveries)? - (Scientists)

Who made our life more interesting and beautiful? - (Poets, Singers, Writers, and Dancers)

Name some of them.

III. Объявление темы и задач урока.

Презентация “Speaking about Famous people”

Слайд 1.

( Тема урока, фотографии известных людей мира)

-Yes, and the theme of our lesson is "Speaking about Famous people". Today we're going to speak about people famous all over the world. We’ll check up your homework, watch video and listen to your reports about famous people of our country.

IV. Контроль домашнего задания.

Слайд 4-8.

One of the famous people is - John F.Kennedy , a princess Diana, Johann Strauss, Elizaberth II,  Elvis Presley.

Remember what you know about him| her.

a) Look at the  slides and answer the questions . (P1, P2, P3 ...)

b) Read and answer the questions (P1, P2, P3 ...):

What is he famous for?

What did he realize?

What did he found?

V. Просмотр видео фрагмента. Работа с просмотренным видеофрагментом.

a) And now let's watch the video and learn some more information about two famous people of the world.

(Просмотр видеофрагмента).

Who is this film about?

- This film is about Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill.

Yes. This film is about two outstanding people of the world.

VI. And now it’s your turn to speak about a person which you admire but at first let’s repeat the vocabulary of the topic.

Слайд 9.

b) Look at this table and try find the words which can help you to speak about life of any famous person.

c) Try to make up the biography of M. Monroe and W. Churchill and tell me about them.

VI. Аудирование.


Here you can see photos of famous people.

Let's name who they are and say what they are famous for. (PI, P2, P3 ...)

VII. Now I’ll read you some information about two persons. Listen to me attentively and try to guess who they are.

He was born in Italy in1452. He is one of the greatest representatives of Italian art. He was a painter, a sculptor, a musician, a poet, an architector and scientist.

(Leonardo Da Vinchy)

Who is this person? What is he famous for? Where did he live?

She was born in1917 in India. She was the daughter of the greatest politician of India. She got higher education in India and GB. She became the prime- minister of India in 1966. Under her ruling India won the victory in the war between Pakistan and India in 1971. She did much to improve relations between Russia and India.

(Indira Gandi)

Who is this person? What is she famous for? Where did she get her education? Who was her father? What did she do for Russia?

VII. Игра “ Угадай кто это? ”

And now let's have a rest time -let's play a game - "Guess who this person is?"

One of you chose one of these persons and you must guess who this person is asking questions. (P1, P2, P3 ...-P)

( Водящий загадывает имя одной персоны, представленной на слайде №1. Учащиеся в классе должны отгадать кто это, задавая наводящие вопросы.)

Is this person a man or a woman?

Did he live in the 19th or 20th century?

Was he (she) a politician or an actress?

Did she (he) work for the government?

Did he (she) live in Russia or in the UK?

T: Well done. I see you know many different persons known all over the world. And do you know any famous persons of our country? (P1, P2, P3...)

Учащиеся представляют свои презентации и проекты на тему «Famous Russian people».

VIII. Выполнение теста

Now I want to see how well you know famous people of our country. I'll give you 1-2 minutes to do this test and then we’ll discuss your answers together.

(Учащиеся получают листки с таблицами для заполнения теста.)

(Учащиеся читают и переводят ответы теста)

IX.Творческое задание.

Your homework is  to make a short report about one of the famous persons, to find pictures and photos and tell us about a person you are proud of and why.

Who are you proud of?        -I am proud of...

Who would you like to tell us about?        -I would like to tell you about...

Do you want to be like this person and why?

Is it very important for you to be famous? Isn’t it more important to be just a good person, to love parents and our country?

 X. Подведение итогов урока.

Today we’ve talked about famous people of the world and our country.

Can people do their life better, more interesting, healthier?

Did famous people do much to improve our life, to find cures for diseases, to make us happier?

Can you become famous in the world?

What must we do to become famous?

Must you learn well? - We must learn well, do our homework regularly.

Must you improve your knowledge in different fields? -We must be good at studying different subjects

Thank you for the lesson. Your marks...

Stand up. Say good by to each other, to our guests and you may be free.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

А famous Russian Queen Catherine the Great Catherine II The presentation was made by Maricheva Veronika . Teacher: Astapova Olga Alexandrovna .

Слайд 2

Catherine the Great Catherine II Catherine II also known as Catherine the Great was born in Stettin, Pomerania, Germany on 2 May 1729. She reigned as Empress of Russia from 9 July 1762 after the assassination of her husband, Peter III , just after the end of the Seven Year’s War until her death on 17 November 1795. Under her direct auspices the Russian Empire expanded, improved it’s administration, and continued to modemize along Western European lines. Catherine’s rule re-vitalized Russia, which grew stronger than ever and became recognized as one of the great powers of Europe.

Слайд 3

Early life Catherine's father Christian August , Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst belonged to the ruling family of Anhalt , but held the rank of a Prussian general in his capacity as Governor of the city of Stettin. Born as Sophia Augusta Frederica in Stettin, Pomerania, Catherine did have some (very remote) Russian ancestry. Catherine's mother Johanna Elisabeth of Holctein-Gottorp had been brought up at the court of Brunswick, by her godmother and aunt by marriage, Elisabeth Sophie Marie, the Duchess of Brunswick- Luneberg , to whom the duke of Holstein- Gottorp was glad to relinquish one of his several daughters. Joanna Elisabeth grew up on the same footing as her cousin, the duchess's daughter and it was the duchess who arranged her marriage at 15 and provided her dowry. Joanna Elisabeth was married in 1727 to Prince Christian August of Anhalt-Zerbst , who coincidently had the same Christian name as her father, who had died the previous year. Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst Johanna Elisabeth of Holctein - Gottorp

Слайд 4

After the death of the Empress Elizabeth on 5 January 1762 Peter, the Grand Duke of Holstein- Gottorp , succeeded to the throne as Peter III of Russia, and his wife, Grand Duchess Catherine became Empress Consort of Russia.

Слайд 5

Revolution on June, 28th, 1762 After the relations with the husband spoilt and after the emperor last his guards trust, Ekaterina participated in a revolution. Her fellow-fighters, among whom there were the Orlov brothers, Potyomkin and Hitrovo , were engaged in propaganda in household troops and inclined them to join them. Early in the morning on June, 28th, 1762, while Peter III was in Oranienbaum , Ekaterina accompanied by Alexey and Grigory Orlov arrived from Peterhof to St.-Petersburg where the household troops swore their fidelity to her. Peter III, seeing hopelessness of resistance, the next day abdicated, was detained and was lost under obscure circumstances.

Слайд 6

Coronation After renunciation of the husband Ekaterina Alekseevna come to the throne as the reigning empress with thename of Catherine II.

Слайд 7

Coronation 12 september 1762

Слайд 8

Foreign affairs The foreign policy of the Russian state at Ekaterina was directed on strengthening of a role of Russia in the world and expansion of its territory. The motto of its diplomacy consisted of the following: «it is necessary to be friends with all powers, always to keep possibility to take the side of weaker … to keep to itself free hands … for anybody a tail not to be dragged» During her reign Catherine extended the borders of the Russian Empire southward and westward to absorb New Russia, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, Right-Bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania at the expense, mainly, of two powers – the Ottoman Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. All told, she added some 200,000 miles² (518,000 km²) to Russian territory. Catherine agreed to a commercial treaty with Great Britain in 1766, but stopped short of a full military alliance. Although she could see the benefits of Britain's friendship, she was wary of Britain's increased power following their victory in the Seven Years War, which threatened the European Balance of Power

Слайд 10

Internal policy A lot of reforms were carried out by Catherine II in Russia. She was able to systematize authorities and to differentiate the territory of the Russian empire, as a result of provincial reform In Ekaterina’s time there was an autocracy strengthening, strengthening of officialdom, centralization of the country and control system unification. The criticism of a leaving feudal society was their basic idea.

Слайд 11

Personal life Catherine, throughout her long reign, took many lovers, often elevating them to high positions for as long as they held her interest, and then pensioning them off with large estates and gifts of serfs. After her affair with her lover and capable adviser Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin ended in 1776, he would allegedly select a candidate-lover for her who had both the physical beauty as well as the mental faculties to hold Catherine's interest (such as Alexander Dmitriev-Mamonov ). Some of these men loved her in return, and she always showed generosity towards her lovers, even after the end of an affair. One of her lovers, Zavadovsky , received 50,000 rubles, a pension of 5,000 rubles, and 4,000 peasants in the Ukraine after she dismissed him in 1777. The last of her lovers, Prince Zubov , was 40 years her junior.

Слайд 12

Catherine the Great and Grigori Potemkin

Слайд 13

Children Ekaterina The Great Ekaterina undoubtedly had three children, and the authenticity of the fourth one is not confirmed. Pavel The First Alexey Bobrinsky Anna Petrovna Elizabeth Grigorevna Temkina

Слайд 14

Catherine the Great ruled for 34 years and left a bright trace in the history of Russia. Her reign is famous for the eccentricity of the person of the empress and her outstanding qualities as a stateswoman. During these years the autocracy in the Russian empire become stronger and modernized, there were rudiments of a civil society; for the first time the issue of softening or even serfdom cancellation was considered and concepts of freedom and individual rights were raised.