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Предварительный просмотр:

Grade 8. Rainbow English. Unit 1 “Sport and outdoor activities”, step 3.


Вы услышите рассказ. Заполните таблицу, используя информацию из прослушанного текста. Используйте не более двух слов для ответа на каждое задание. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Listen to the text. Fill in the table using not more than 2 words. You’ll listen to the text twice.

Favourite sport

His first skating rink

His father

In Florida

In Canada

На основе прослушанного текста напишите короткий рассказ о герое. Включите в свой рассказ всю информацию, представленную в заполненной Вами таблице. Объём рассказа 100–130 слов.

Write a short story about the hero using the information from the table. The number of words in the story should be 100-130.


I love many sports, but my favourite sport has always been skating. I first skated when I was eight. We lived in Norway then. I will always remember the skating rink not far from our house where my father used to take me to skate. He gave me my first lessons of skating and helped me and showed what I should do on ice and how to do it. He also taught me to hide my pain when I fell down onto the ice and it hurt to skate.

Three years later our family moved to Florida and then for many years I could not skate because we lived in a hot climate.

Now I’m thirty and I live in Canada. I have been skating since I came here. And now it is even better than it used to be. There is a modern stadium near my office and I regularly go there usually after work. I can’t say I’m one of the world’s greatest skaters but I skate very well.