Для учащихся
В данном разделе можно найти полезную информацию для учащихся, которая поможет им преодолеть некоторые трудности, при изучении английского языка
Вложение | Размер |
Список слов к учебнику Rainbow English (часть 1, класс 2) | 17.59 КБ |
Игра по английскому языку "Верно\не верно" | 482.19 КБ |
Тема : «Фразовый глагол – make» | 15.46 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Rainbow English (1 часть, 2 класс)
bed | [bed] | (бэд) | кровать |
tent | [tent] | (тэнт) | палатка |
ten | [ten] | (тэн) | десять |
bell | [bel] | (бэл) | колокол, звонок |
net | [net] | (нэт) | сеть |
belt | [belt] | (бэлт) | пояс, ремень |
egg | [eg] | (эг) | яйцо |
nest | [nest] | (нэст) | гнездо |
pen | [pen] | (пэн) | ручка |
desk | [desk] | (дэск) | парта, письмен.стол |
milk | [milk] | (милк) | молоко |
hill | [hil] | (хил) | холм |
kid | [kid] | (кид) | козлёнок |
pig | [pig] | (пиг) | поросёнок |
six | [siks] | (сикс) | шесть |
wind | [wind] | (винд) | ветер |
dog | [dog] | (дог) | собака |
box | [boks] | (бокс) | коробка, ящик |
fox | [foks] | (фокс) | лиса |
doll | [dol] | (дол) | кукла |
frog | [frog] | (фрог) | лягушка |
pond | [pond] | (понд) | пруд |
troll | [trol] | (трол) | троль |
lorry | [lori] | (лори) | грузовик |
bus | [bɅs] | (бас) | автобус |
sun | [sɅn] | (сан) | солнце |
jug | [dʒɅg] | (джаг) | кувшин |
cup | [kɅp] | (кап) | чашка |
mug | [mɅg] | (маг) | кружка |
duck | [dɅk] | (дак) | утка |
tree | [tri:] | (три) | дерево |
street | [stri:t] | (стрит) | улица |
bee | [bi:] | (би) | пчела |
sweet | [swi:t] | (свит) | конфета |
shop | [ʃop] | (шоп) | магазин |
ship | [ʃip] | (шип) | корабль |
fish | [fiʃ] | (фиш) | рыба |
dish | [diʃ] | (диш) | блюдо |
shelf | [ʃelf] | (шелф) | полка |
sheep | [ʃi:p] | (шип) | овца |
cat | [kæt] | (кэт) | кот, кошка |
cap | [kæp] | (кэп) | кепка |
ant | [ænt] | (энт) | муравей |
bag | [bæg] | (бэг) | сумка |
lamp | [læmp] | (лэмп) | лампа |
van | [væn] | (вэн) | фургон |
map | [mæp] | (мэп) | карта |
hat | [hæt] | (хэт) | шляпа |
black | [blæk] | (блэк) | чёрный |
cock | [kok] | (кок) | петух |
clock | [klok] | (клок) | часы |
sock | [sok] | (сок) | носок |
big | [big] | (биг) | большой |
little | [litl] | (литл) | маленький |
bench | [bentʃ] | (бэнч) | скамейка, лавка |
chimp | [tʃimp] | (чимп) | шимпанзе |
chick | [tʃik] | (чик) | цыплёнок |
cherry | [tʃeri] | (чери) | вишня |
match | [mætʃ] | (мэтч) | спичка |
good | [gud] | (гуд) | хороший |
bad | [bæd] | (бэд) | плохой |
sad | [sæd] | (сэд) | грустный |
happy | [hæpi] | (хэпи) | счастливый |
funny | [fɅni] | (фани) | смешной |
car | [ka:] | (ка) | автомобиль |
star | [sta:] | (ста) | звезда |
park | [pa:k] | (пак) | парк |
door | [do:] | (до) | дверь |
farm | [fa:m] | (фам) | ферма |
port | [po:t] | (пот) | порт |
horse | [ho:s] | (хос) | лошадь |
floor | [flo:] | (фло) | пол |
queen | [kwi:n] | (квин) | королева |
quilt | [kwilt] | (квилт) | стёганное одеяло |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
CITY OF LONDON Actually there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is an area of one square mile running along the Thames Embankment from about Waterloo Bridge to Tower Bridge. It is the financial and business centre of Great Britain. About half a million people work there during the day. At night it is almost deserted .
RIGHT OR WRONG 2 . At night the City of London is almost deserted. Right Wrong
CITY OF LONDON Actually there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is an area of one square mile running along the Thames Embankment from about Waterloo Bridge to Tower Bridge. It is the financial and business centre of Great Britain. About half a million people work there during the day. At night it is almost deserted .
RIGHT OR WRONG 3 . London began when the Romans came. Right Wrong
HISTORY London began on two small patches of dry land in the middle of a marsh on the north bank of the Thames. That was before the Romans came. In Roman times it was named Londinium, and was already a centre of trade. Today London covers a vast area, with millions of inhabitants .
RIGHT OR WRONG 4 . London is the largest city in Britain and one of the smallest in the world. Right Wrong
London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river, the largest city in Britain and one of the largest cities in the world. LONDON
RIGHT OR WRONG 5 . The existence of London depended on its sightseeing. Right Wrong
THE WORLD LAGEST PORT The existence of London depended on its water-born trade which still makes London one of the world’s largest ports. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London into one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centre.
RIGHT OR WRONG 6 . The Houses of Parliament are built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster. Right Wrong
-There are Houses of Parliament built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster. -Common people reside in the East End. This is a vast area running eastward from the City.
The job is done! Congratulations!
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема : «Фразовый глагол – make»
- Фонетическая отработка глагола «make»
Match the expressions with their translations.
1. to make up one's mind - | делать доклад | |
2. to make progress - | зарабатывать деньги | |
3. to make friends - | принять решение | |
4. to make a report - | заставлять кого-то делать что-то | |
5. to make a noise - | сделать ошибку | |
6. to make a decision - | делать успехи | |
7. to make money - | готовить еду | |
8. to make a mistake - | подружиться | |
9. to make somebody do something – | принять решение | |
10. to make a meal - | шуметь |
- Отработка фразового глагола “make”
Match the sentences with the replies.
1. Why has he given up French?
2. Why did she get a very bad mark for her test?
3. Why is she learning English?
4. Why did you have a headache yesterday?
5. Why did Kate give up that job?
6. Where is Peter? Why is he not playing football today?
a) She wasn't making much money.
b) She has to make an important report in English.
c) He wasn't making any progress.
d) My neighbours' children were making a lot of noise.
e) His parents made him stay at home.
f) She has made a lot of mistakes in it.
Rephrase the sentences. Use the expressions with make.
1. He wants to become rich. - He wants to make money.
2. Have they decided where to go? - Have they made a decision where to go?
3. The children were crying loudly when I came. - The children were making a noise when I came.
4. She was cooking when I phoned. - She was making a meal when I phoned.
5. Kate's working hard and getting better. - Kate's working hard and making progress.
- Контроль монологической речи
Compose your remarks on the subject, what can I do best.
For example : I can make up on my face.
- Домашнее задание.
Ex. 32 p. 95 (ЛГП)