Главные вкладки
Chebakova Irina
Профессия: Classroom Teacher
Профессиональные интересы: Mathematics, Physics, 日本
Увлечения: culture and cuisine of different countries, needlework, educational psychology in practice
Населенный пункт: Moscow
Место работы: Kolmogorov Research Centre
Звание, ученая степень: Master of Education in Mathematics
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
Hello. My name is Irina. Welcome to my online teaching portfolio.
Here you will find my teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, lesson plans, letters of recommendation and much more!

О себе
I’m a curious and adventurous soul, who has found her way to Moscow Pedagogical State University. I began my teaching career at 22 years old with high school mathematics and moved on to early childhood teaching and then into japanese language courses for children.
I love teaching because I can:
inspire a passion for learning in children and young people,
feel a real sense of achievement,
be creative and have the opportunity to express yourself,
enjoy a job where every day is different.
I am currently teaching physics, mathematics & japanese language in Moscow.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
1. Richard Phillips Feynman. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character
2. Ian Stewart. Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry
3. Codex Seraphinianus

Мой взгляд на мир
I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.
John D. Rockefeller
A teacher is someone who has chosen to engage in a life long learning process. The children we educate today will be in charge of educating future generations tomorrow. As a teacher we learn and grow with our students so that we can continue to offer the best education possible. I have decided to take this journey for several reasons. First, I believe that teachers accept responsibility for societal progress. I felt from very early on that my place in making change was to help others accomplish greatness. A teacher who is determined to change the world and benefit society has the power to do so by encouraging their students to further develop their love of learning. Once a child enters Kindergarten they have already learned so many things about their world and themselves. It is amazing what a small child growing up can accomplish in so little time. It is evident that children come into the world with the motivation and expectation to learn. As a teacher, I want to nurture the desire to learn and help my students realize it as a life long goal.
Education is the foundation of society. Teachers, therefore, have a responsibility to guide their students into becoming productive members of this society. This is accomplished by teaching our students of today - our leaders of tomorrow - how to think critically and act responsible. By holding true to one`s own values, a teacher can have a great impact on the values of their students. As a teacher, I will be the best role model to my ability and I will create an atmosphere that allows my students to take risks and question the world around them. By teaching children to think critically, they will be well prepared to evaluate any situation they may find themselves in and they will be able to cope and deal with what life throws at them. Although we are a career-oriented society, I believe education is much more than learning subject matter that is applicable to a future job. Students who have this ability to think for themselves and are motivated to do great things will find a career that coincides with their goals. When a teacher believes in their students, they gain the confidence needed to make their world a better place - whether in their home, community, country on a global scale.

Мои достижения
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test

Моё портфолио
This website is designed to help you with your physics, mathematics & japanese language. If you are studying this subjects at school whether it be at Standard Grade, Intermediate or Higher then I hope it helps you get the best grades possible.