Главные вкладки
Шайдуллина Диана Рустамовна
сайт учителя английского языка
Профессия: учитель английского языка
Профессиональные интересы: изучение истории страны изучаемого языка
Увлечения: танцы,чтение,спорт
Регион: Республика Татарстан
Населенный пункт: г. Арск
Место работы: МБОУ "Арская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 им.В.Ф.Ежкова с УИОП"
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/shaydullina-diana-rustamovnaStrong reasons make strong actions.
Каждый день вхожу я в класс,
Каждый день вхожу я в класс,
И летит за часом час,
И в мелу моя ладонь,
Знаний как зажечь огонь?
Все за партами сидят,
У кого глаза горят,
В это время кто-то спит,
Что ни спросишь, он молчит!
Кто-то вновь глядит в окно,
Не покажут там кино,
У девчонки нет задач,
Скажет слово, сразу в плач!
Отвечают у доски,
Многие ученики,
Повторение опять,
Кому "три", а кому "пять"!
Каждый день вхожу я в класс,
Вижу взгляды многих глаз,
Но своих учеников,
Я всегда учить готов!
Марк Львовский

О себе
Меня зовут Шайдуллина Диана Рустамовна. Мне 28 лет. В 2004 году окончила АПК и начала работать учителем английского языка. В 2008 году окончила ТГГПУ. Очень люблю свой предмет и стараюсь чтобы мои уроки всегда были интересными и познавательными.
There is a saying that if you want something to be done well, do it yourself. So, I am following this wise saying and would like to introduce myself.
My first name is Diana, my family name is Shaydullina and my second name is Rustamovna.
But in the beginning, I would like to represent my family and parents. Actually my family isn't large. My family consists of my father, mother, sister and cat Boris.
My father's name is Rustam. He is 50 years, but he looks much younger. He is a businessman. My dad is a well-educated and well-read person; he has experiences in many fields. That is why it is always interesting to communicate with him, he usually tells many exciting stories, of course, if he has free time.
And my mother is 50. Her name is Rasima. She is a good-looking, blond woman. She has large green eyes. I admire her character. She is an optimist; she is full of energy and enthusiasm. I really adore her sense of humour. She is a housewife. It takes her much time and power to take care of our home. But I can assure, she copes with her job very well. Besides, both my farther and I help her with the housework. For example, I wash dishes, plates, sometimes go shopping and so on.
I enjoy spending time with my family very much. We often go for walks. I enjoy strolling along streets because my parents usually tell me a lot of interesting details of the history of our city. That is also the reason I'm fond of travelling with my parents. My mother spends much time in the kitchen — she is keen on cooking.
We always find out new recipes» try them. When I was a child, my father involved me in stamp collecting. Since that time, stamps and ancient coins have become my hobby. We have a huge collection of stamps and coins. We also are keen on music and everyone who comes to our place praises our numerous collections of CD and DVD disks. It is impossible to name all the things we can do together, so I think I can stop here.
I would like to see my father's parents. But they were gone before my birth. According to my parents' words, they were wonderful and outstanding people. But to my mind, my dad inherited their best features. My parents are remarkable people: kind-hearted, honest, they have moral values and don't break promises. They understand me completely. They allow me almost everything, they always give me good advice and, frankly speaking, I don't know what I will do without them. I am very lucky that I have got such wonderful parents and, of course, I love them very much.
Now, I think, it is time to speak about myself. My name is Diana, but my friends call me Di. I am 29.
I am tall and not bad built. I have an oval face and large green eyes. Speaking about my character, I can say that I'm friendly, kind, generous and honest. I do not like falsehood. I have my own likes and dislikes. I am modest and sometimes shy, but do not advice someone tricking or kidding me.
But in spite of all these characters, I can keep secrets; I never let my friends down. I usually say, what I think, that is why people around me often take offence. For me it is very difficult to cope with people who have such features of character as egoism and dishonesty.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир: "Война и мир", "А зори здесь тихие", "Мастер и Маргарита", "Три мушкетёра".
My Favourite Book
My favourite book is "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway. This story is one of the well-known works of the writer. The author depicts the characters of the old man and the boy and their relations very vividly and skillfully. Santiago, the old man, was one of the writer's beloved characters. The old man was a born fisherman, but he was not a butcher and fished only for a living. He was very lonely. He had a devoted friend - the boy, Manolin. The boy loved the old man for his kind heart, his devotion to the sea. Manolin was like a son to Santiago. He took care of the old man's food and his belongings. The old man was glad to pass his experience to the boy. He looked forward to going to the sea together with the boy. All Santiago's life had been in preparation for the battle with big fish. He knew that he had been born for this and it was time to prove it. A strong man at last had met a strong fish. The battle was a difficult one and full of danger. Though the sharks had eaten the fish and nothing had left but the backbone, the old man had morally won the battle. Santiago's words "man can be destroyed but not defeated" are the main idea of this story. "The Old Man and the Sea" is a masterpiece for its imaginative language and the description of nature.
Books… I think that we can`t without them.
I consider that books are with us during all our life/ when I was a child my parents read them to me. I was pleased to listen to the stories and tales. I learnt a lot of interesting things from books. I remember, I liked thick books.
Later I could read myself. I like to read books about animals, nature, children`s life and event.
Now I like to read books on science. You can learn many things from books. I am sure that books play a very important role in my life.
I like to read the novel «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defoe.
D. Defoe lived many years ago. He was born in 1660 and died in 1731. When he was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. He wrote the novel «Robinson Crusoe» in 1719 when he was 59. This novel is about one boy. He became a sailor as he liked sea very mush. He went to sea many times, but once the ship broke and all people were drowned. But Robinson could swim and saved himself. The sea carried him to the shore. But there were no people there.
Robinson Crusoe in Defoe`s novel lived on an island for 28 years. He worked a lot, he worked all the time and learnt to make many useful things. I think that this novel is a praise to human labour and the triumph of a man over nature. Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we can see a weak man, then he becomes a strong — willed one.
D. Defoe teaches people how to live, he tries to explain what`s good and what`s bad.
Books must be friends during all our life.
I am sure that this novel is serious on all generations.
We must read the books, because they are very interesting. and I love the bo

Мои достижения
My Future Profession
Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are opened before them: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school.
As for me, I made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I've read a lot of books by Ukrainian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self education and in solving different life problems.
I would like to teach my pupils to enjoy reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, which is the source of national culture. It is known that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. It shouldn't be taken easily. The teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life.
Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., but teacher's work is never done and evenings are usually spent in marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. It's a great responsibility and the teacher must be a model of competence himself.
It's not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I'll get at the University would be quite enough to succeed in my work.
I'm applying to the philological department and I am sure my dream will come true sooner or later.
Моя будущая профессия
Окончание школы — это начало самостоятельной жизни для миллионов выпускников. Перед ними открыто много дорог: профучилища и техникумы, институты и университеты. Но нелегко выбрать одну профессию из 2000, существующих в мире. Некоторые ученики следуют советам своих родителей, другие же не могут сделать выбор даже после окончания школы.
Что касается меня, я сделал(а) свой выбор давно. Я хочу стать учителем украинской литературы и языка. Мой выбор этой профессии не был неожиданностью. Все школьные годы моим любимым предметом была литература. Я читал(а) много книг украинских и зарубежных писателей. Я понимаю, что чтение книг помогает людям в самообразовании и в решении разных жизненных проблем.
Мне бы хотелось научить детей получать удовольствие от чтения, помочь им выучить родной язык и литературу, который является источником национальной культуры. Известно, что профессия учителя особенная и трудная. К ней нельзя относиться легкомысленно. Учитель — это человек, который учится сам и учит других всю жизнь.
Большинство работ выполняется в обычные рабочие часы с 9 утра до 5 вечера, но работа учителя никогда не заканчивается, и вечера обычно заняты проверкой тетрадей и подготовкой к следующему уроку.
Учителя не только обучают своему предмету. Они развивают способности учеников, формируют их взгляды и характер, их отношение к жизни и к людям. Это большая ответственность, и учитель сам должен быть образцом компетентности.
Это не так легко, как кажется на первый взгляд. Но я думаю, что любовь к детям, соединенная со знаниями, которые я получу в университете, поможет мне преуспеть в работе.
Я поступаю на филологический факультет и я уверен(а), что моя мечта рано или поздно осуществится.

Моё портфолио
There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays.
My future speciality is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.
To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. I'll try not only to help them to master it. I'll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.
Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I'll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.
Есть много интересных и полезных профессий. Я собираюсь становиться преподавателем. Я предполагаю, что моя будущая профессия будет одним из самых важных в настоящее время.
Моя будущая специальность является английской (Литература, русский язык, История, География). Я люблю детей очень, и становиться преподавателем была моя мечта начиная с моего раннего детства.
Преподавать и поднимать детей - самая важная и благородная вещь, к моему мнению. Я стремлюсь заставлять надлежащее образование быть в состоянии приложить все усилия, чтобы преподавать моим будущим ученикам мой любимый предмет. Я буду пробовать не только помочь им справляться с этим. Я буду пробовать помочь им становиться хорошими и умными людьми, честно говоря, добрый и благородный.
Дети - наше будущее, и я хочу, чтобы они были действительно хорошими и образованными людьми. Конечно, профессия преподавателя не легкий. Это требует большое знание, много нежности чувства и иногда большое терпение. Но я надеюсь, что я буду хорошим преподавателем и что мои ученики будут любить меня и мой предмет
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