для студентов 2 курса
план-конспект урока

Дрофа Ирина Васильевна

В помощь студентам при подготовке домашнего задания и самостоятельной работы.

Литература: И.Ю.Марковина, Г.Е. Громова "Английский язык для медицинских училищ и колледжей", Л.Г.Козырева, Т.В. Шадская "Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ", С.А.Тылкина, Н.А.Темчина "Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ".


Предварительный просмотр:

Profession of a paramedic


Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions one has to make. We spend at work a lot of hours in our life that is why it has to bring us happiness and satisfaction.

I want to be a paramedic. This profession is one of the oldest in the world. This is a very demanding job which requires a lot of skills and knowledge. In my opinion, only those ones who truly want to help other people can become good paramedics.

They do not just listen to the patient complaints. A paramedic has to diagnose a case and prescribe the right treatment. And this cannot be done without an appropriate training and high level of professionalism.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are both advantages and disadvantages in being a paramedic. First of all, profession of a paramedic is the one where you do not have weekends and holidays, where you have to work at nights and change your plans because of an emergency call. Another disadvantage is that sometimes you have to deal with fatal illnesses which can be very stressful.

However, advantages of this profession surpass its disadvantages. Everyone treats paramedics with great respect. There are no limits for improvement in this profession and where there is a will, there is a way. And the last, but not the least is joy and gratitude of a recovered patient.

Role of medicine in our life

The role of medicine has greatly increased, especially now when people are trying to look after their health. They undergo medical examinations on a regular basis and do not neglect any indisposition.

With the development of modern technologies new methods of treatment become available. And all that means that profession of a paramedic will remain in high demand for many years to come.


  1. What is one of the most important decisions one has to make in his life?
  2. Why do you want to be a paramedic?
  3. What does a paramedic have to do?
  4. What advantages are there in being a paramedic?
  5. What disadvantages of this profession can you name?

Предварительный просмотр:

Vacation at the seaside

Summer vacation is the best time for every student. It’s so great if you can spend it at the sea! Warm sun, salty water, hot sand and, of course, a lot of fun activities!

My parents and I are going to the seaside every year. Sometimes we go to Gelendzhik where our relatives live and we can stay at their place. Sometimes we travel abroad to Turkey, last year we went to Greece.

 But the sea is the same everywhere in every country, the sea is always good! If the water is warm you can spend the whole day swimming, sunbathing, playing with the ball at the beach or even riding an inflatable banana.

 I prefer sea water, as it is full of useful minerals and chemical elements. Doctors normally say that sea water is very good for health. Be sure they are right. Once I had a pinched nerve and swimming in the sea helped me to recover. It also helps to recover from backaches and headaches, from sore throat and running nose. Sea can make miracles when someone is ill.

 It feels so good to go to an excursion by boat early in the morning, listen to the guide, look at rocky coastline and enjoying the nature unknown to you. After that I can do diving.

A lot of cities have waterparks near the sea. On a sunny day you can have fun there sliding, swimming in the swimming pool and enjoying tasty ice cream while sunbathing.

 The sea is interesting during the day and at night too. When the sun goes down everybody leaves the beach and goes to restaurants and clubs to party. 

There are many entertaining things for children and adults over there so my parents and I are never bored. Loud clubs, crazy shows, games even morning exercise in the swimming pool, all that makes seaside vacation unforgettable. If you manage to make new friends you will be able to talk to online the whole next year planning your next vacation together, is there anything else to dream of ?


  1. What is the best time for every student?
  2. Do you like to spend your vacation at the sea?
  3. How can you spend the whole day if the water is warm?
  4. Why is the sea water very good for health?

Предварительный просмотр:

Political system of Russia

Russia is a democratic federative state based on rule of law and a republican form of government. State power in Russia is exercised by the President, the Federal Assembly, the Government and the courts.
One of the basic principles of constitutional government is the division of powers. In accordance with this principle, power must not be concentrated in the hands of one person or one institution, but must be divided among the legislative, executive and judicial branches of power. The division of powers requires that there be a clear delineation of responsibilities and a system of checks and balances so that each branch of power can offset the others.
The President is at the summit of the system of state power. He ensures that all the state institutions are able to carry out their responsibilities and keeps watching over them to ensure that no institution can encroach on another's prerogatives, attempt to usurp power in the country or take over another's powers.
The president of Russia is the governments chief executive, head of state, and most powerful official. The president is elected by the people to serve a four-year term. The president, with the approval of the lower house of parliament, appoints a prime minister to serve as head of government. The prime minister is the top-ranking official of a Council of Ministers (cabinet). The council carries out the operations of the government.
Each institution of state power is only partially responsible for enforcing the Constitution. Only the President has the responsibility of safeguarding the state system, the state's sovereignty and integrity overall. This is the guarantee that the other state institutions and officials can exercise their powers in a normal constitutional fashion.

The President's place in the state power system is tied to his constitutional prerogatives regarding, above all, the executive branch of power. Legally, the President is distanced from all the branches of power, but he nonetheless remains closer to the executive branch. This closeness is reflected in the specific constitutional powers the President exercises as head of state.
The origins of this constitutional situation lie in the particularities of the way the government is formed in Russia. The Constitution does not link the process of

forming a government to the distribution of seats in parliament among the different political parties and fractions. In other words» the party with the majority in parliament could form the government, but the government does not have to be formed according to this principle. Both approaches would be in keeping with the Constitution.

 But a situation where the governments make up does not reflect the parliamentary majority can be a source of problems for many aspects of the executive branch's work, especially law-making. Such problems could reduce the effectiveness of the executive branch's work and make it unable to resolve pressing tasks.
In order to overcome such a situation, the Constitution gives the President a number of powers that he can use on, an ongoing basis to influence the government's work. These powers include approving the structure of the federal executive bodies of power, appointing deputy prime ministers and ministers, the right to preside government meetings, exercise control over the lawfulness of the government's action, and direct subordination of the security ministries to the President. The President has the right to dismiss the government or to accept the Prime Minister’s resignation, which automatically entails the resignation of the government as a whole.
The President works with two consultative bodies — the Security Council and the State Council. The President chairs these two councils. The system of Presidential power includes the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys in the Federal Districts.

Предварительный просмотр:

At the Theatre


 There are not many theatres in my town, but they are very popular with the public, I am a theatre lover, too. As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I also like opera and musical comedy.

   I'll never forget my first visit to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. My friend and I wanted to see the famous ballet “Swan Lake” by Tchaikovsky. We bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour before the show. At 7 sharp the performance began. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The costumes were fine. The dancing and music were thrilling. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. I had never seen anything more wonderful. My friend also enjoyed every minute of it. When the curtain fell at the end of the performance, there came a storm of applause. It seemed that it would never end. The dancers received call after call. They were presented with large bouquets of flowers. We also applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a great success.

  1. performance – спектакль, представление
  2. to buy tickets in advance – купить билеты заранее
  3. to be deeply impressed by – быть глубоко впечатлённым чем-то
  4. a storm of applause – буря аплодисментов
  5. to applaud – аплодировать
  6. to be a great success – иметь огромный успех


  1. Are there many theatres in your town?
  2. Are you a theatre lover?
  3. Have you ever been to the theatre?
  4. When was your last visit there?
  5. Did you buy tickets in advance?
  6. When did the performance begin?
  7. Did you enjoy the performance?
  8. Was it a great success?


Предварительный просмотр:

Общий уход за больными

Предметы для ухода за больными

1) амбулаторное лечение – out-patient treatment

2) стационарное лечение – hospital treatment

3) терапевтическое лечение – medical treatment

4) хирургическое лечение – surgical treatment

5) назначить лечение – to prescribe treatment

6) неполное (полное) выздоровление – incomplete (complete) recovery

7) резиновое судно – rubber bedpan

8) грелка - heater

9) горчичники – mustard plasters

10) измерить кровяное давление – to take arterial pressure

11) клизма – enema

12) медицинские банки – cups

13) пузырь для льда – ice-bag

14) промывать желудок – to give somebody a stomach wash out

15) водяная грелка – hot water bottle/bag

      резиновая грелка – rubber heater

      электрическая грелка – electric pad

16) шприц - syringe

17) делать инъекцию – to give injection

18) внутривенная инъекция – intravenous injection

      внутрикожная инъекция – intradermal injection

      внутримышечная инъекция – intramuscular injection

19) горячий компресс – hot compress

      холодный компресс – cold compress

      сухой компресс – dry compress

20) температура – temperature

      показания термометра – thermometer readings

      температурный лист – temperature chart

      просматривать температурный листок – to review the temperature chart

      поставить термометр – to insert a thermometer

      измерить температуру – to take temperature

     «сбить» температуру – to bring the fever down


 Скажите по-английски:

  1. Какая у вас сегодня температура?

     What’s your temperature today?

  1. Вы выполняете все мои указания?

     Are you following all my instructions?

  1. Продолжайте внутривенное введение антибиотиков.

     Go on intravenous antibiotic therapy.

  1. Поставьте градусник больному.

     Insert a thermometer a patient.

  1. Врач должен назначить лечение.

     A doctor must prescribe treatment.

  1. Промойте желудок больному немедленно.

     Give the patient a stomach wash out as soon as possible.

  1. Сделайте внутривенную инъекцию этому больному.

     Give an intravenous injection to this patient.

  1. Просматривать температурный лист ежедневно – важно для медсестры.

           It is important for nurse to review the temperature chart daily.

  1. Горчичники помогают «сбить» температуру пациенту.

           Mustard plasters help to bring the patient’s fever down.

10) Вам следует измерить кровяное давление пациента и назначить ему терапевтическое лечение.

      You need to take arterial pressure of the patient and prescribe him medical       treatment.

11) Полное выздоровление пациента – результат хорошей работы врача и медсестры.

      Complete patient’s recovery is a result of a good work of a doctor and a    nurse.

Предварительный просмотр:

Duties and functions of a nurse

I am a nurse. I work at a therapeutic hospital. Many doctors and nurses

work at the hospital. Our hospital is very large. Work at the hospital begins at

6 o‘clock in the morning. The nurses begin to take the temperature of the

patients at 6 o‘clock . The write it down in temperature charts. Then the

nurses give the patients medicines and carry out other prescriptions of the

doctors. They open windows and air wards. The doctors come at 9 o’clock in

the morning and begin to examine the patients.

 Each ward nurse tells the doctor about the patients. As I am a ward nurse the doctor asks me about the condition of my patients. Usually I tell him that they are well. But sometimes I tell the doctor that the temperature of some of the patients is high and the doctor prescribes some new medicine or injections. I like my profession very much. I know that much of the nurse’s work can be learnt by practice. I am very attentive and try to observe any changes in patient's condition.

Duties of a nurse

Primary assessment of a condition of the patient and risk factors of development of complications.

Planning nursing management of the patient.

Monitoring of a condition of the patient and risk factors of development of complications.


primary – первичный, первоначальный, предварительный

assessment – оценка, анализ, экспертиза

management – управление, контроль, руководство

monitoring – контроль, наблюдение, отслеживание

Предварительный просмотр:

Some Good Rules for Nurses

  1. If you made a mistake in your work you must tell the doctor about it at once.
  2. Read the order of the doctor before you give medicine.
  3. Do not be rude when you speak with patients. Every nurse must remember that there are no two identical people and that every patient will react to illness in his own way.
  4. Learn to control your feelings. When you are angry – count to a hundred.

 Every patient when he sees your kind smile feels better.

  1. Be especially patient with old people.
  2. Don’t gossip about your patients.
  3. Never say the word «incurable».
  4. You must be healthy yourself, eat in time, get plenty of rest and exercises, use good personal hygiene.
  5. You must wear a uniform and keep it spotless. You must always look professional.
  6.  You must be a happy person and must like people.


  1. order – предписание
  2. rude – грубый
  3. mistake – ошибка
  4. angry – сердитый
  5. identical –одинаковый, идентичный
  6. feeling – чувство
  7. patient – терпеливый
  8. gossip – сплетничать
  9. incurable –неизлечимый

10. hygiene – гигиена

11. wear – носить (одежду), быть одетым (во что-либо)


Предварительный просмотр:

The List of Nursing Skills :

1. Evaluating hygienic and sanitary conditions of wards;

2. Changing underwear and bedclothes;

3. Cleansing patients;

4. Using bed-pans, urinals; disinfecting them;

5. Watching the appearance and general condition of a patient;

6. Feeling the pulse on the radial artery, determining its character;

7. Counting the number of respirations per minute. Giving aid in breathlessness;

8. Giving first aid to patients suffering from cough. Taking sputum for analysis;

9. Feeding severely ill patients;

10. Transporting severely ill patients;

11. The rules of keeping drugs. Giving drugs to patients;

12. Estimation of antibiotic dose, dilution of antibiotics;

13. Application of an ice pack on the patients;

14. Using different forms of oxygen therapy;

15. Introducing a soft catheter into the urinary bladder;

16. Administering cleansing, retention, flush and medical enemas. Introducing a flatus tube;

17. Measuring body temperature and registering the results. Nursing patients with fever;

18. Anthropometric measurement;

19. Taking blood pressure and feeling the pulse. Recording the received data;

20. Taking sputum for analysis;

21. Applying a tourniquet on the arm;

22. Cleansing the stomach using a thick elastic tube. Performing gastric intubation using a thin elastic tube. Making fractional analysis of gastric juice;

23. Performing duodenal intubation;

24. Giving first aid in nasal bleeding, blood spitting and pneumorrhagia;

25. Giving first aid in gastro-intestinal bleeding;

26. Giving first aid in cardiac pains;

27. Making artificial lung ventilation and closed-chest cardiac massage.


  1. evaluating – оценка
  2. cleansing – очищение
  3. bed-pan, urinal – судно, мочеприемник
  4. radial – лучевой
  5. breathlessness - одышка
  6. sputum – мокрота
  7. еstimation – оценка
  8. dilution – разжижение
  9. urinary bladder – мочевой пузырь
  10. administering cleansing, retention, flush and medical enemas – введение очищающих, удерживающих, промывающих и лечебных клизм
  11. introducing a flatus tube – введение газоотводной трубки
  12.  nursing – выхаживание
  13. applying a tourniquet – налажение жгута
  14. performing gastric intubation – проведение интубации желудка
  15.  making fractional analysis of gastric juice – проведение фракционного (дробного) анализа желудочного сока
  16. performing duodenal intubation – выполнение дуоденального зондирования
  17. nasal bleeding, blood spitting and pneumorrhagia – носовое кровотечение, кровохарканье и легочное кровотечение
  18. gastro-intestinal bleeding - желудочно-кишечное кровотечение
  19. making artificial lung ventilation and closed-chest cardiac massage – проведение искусственной вентиляции легких и закрытого (непрямого) массажа сердца

Предварительный просмотр:



There are many polyclinics in our country. Doctors of different specialties: therapeutist, neurologists, surgeons, dentists, oculists, psychiatrists, urologists and nurses wore there. There are many different laboratories, x-ray and procedure rooms, consulting and waiting rooms in our polyclinics.

When a patient comes to the polyclinics he goes to the registry first. A registering clerk on duty asks his name, address, age, occupation and writes it down in the patient’s card.

Doctors examine their patients in their consulting rooms. During the medical examination doctors question their patients thoroughly, listen to their heart and lungs, feel their pulse and take their blood pressure, palpate, auscultate and percuss them, make the diagnosis, fill in their cards and prescribe them a special treatment.

During the physical examination doctors use such methods as palpation, percussion, auscultation, questioning a patient, feeling his pulse, taking electrocardiograms, etc.

At the end of the physical examination doctors make a diagnosis, prescribe the necessary medicine and treatment if it is necessary.

Our doctors treat patients not only with the help of different mixtures, powders, injections, but they always use a good bedside manner and deal with patients very carefully.

The duty of the doctor is to treat a patient not only with different remedies but with a kind word and hearty attitude.


  1. specialty - специальность
  2. laboratory - лаборатория
  3. therapeutist - терапевт
  4. x-ray room - рентгеновский кабинет
  5. neurologist - невролог
  6. procedure room - процедурный кабинет
  7. surgeon - хирург
  8. waiting room - комната ожидания
  9. psychiatrist - психолог
  10. registry - регистратура
  11. urologist - уролог
  12. to auscultate - выслушивать(мед)
  13. nurse - м.сестра
  14. to percuss-выстукивать(мед.)

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

Врачи разных специальностей, процедурные кабинеты, медицинский осмотр, поставить диагноз, измерять кровяное давление, лечить пациента.

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

Сonsulting and waiting rooms, listen to heart and lungs, to auscultate and percuss, prescribe them a special treatment, to use a good bedside manner.

Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are our policlinics equipped with?

2. Where do doctors examine their patients?

3. What do doctors do during the medical examination?

4. What kind of methods do doctors use during the physical examination?

5. How must the doctor treat a patient ?

Предварительный просмотр:

At the hospital

Sick people stay at the hospital to treat. The doctors prescribe medicines for treatment and observe their condition. A nurse carries out the prescriptions of the doctor and takes care of the patients. The nurse begins to take the patients’ temperature at 6 o’clock. She writes it down in temperature charts. Then she gives the patients medicines and carries out other prescriptions of the doctor. She opens the windows and airs the wards. A nurse tells the doctor about her patients. She also gives them medicines and does injections.

    A nurse must be healthy herself, eat in time, do exercises and use good personal hygiene. She must be a happy person and must like people. A nurse wears a uniform and keeps it spotless, so she always looks professional. Everybody respects a good nurse. Patients must feel better when they see a nurse with her kind smile. Everything she does in the ward she does quickly and quietly.

     She is especially patient with old people. A nurse makes injections, puts mustard plasters and cups. She never hurts her patients with a rude word.

      The work of a nurse in a hospital is very important. So she must be very attentive and try to observe any changes in a patient’s condition.

Слова и выражения по теме:

  1. больные люди – здоровые люди
  2. лечить – лечение
  3. назначить лекарство
  4. выполнять назначения врача
  5. заботиться о пациентах
  6. измерять температуру
  7. давать лекарства
  8. проветривать палаты
  9. делать инъекции
  10. старый - новый – молодой
  11. соблюдать личную гигиену
  12. носить форму
  13. все уважают
  14. должны чувствовать себя лучше
  15. быстро и спокойно
  16. терпеливый
  17. ставить банки
  18. грубое слово
  19. важная работа
  20. быть внимательны
  21. состояние пациента
  22. добрая улыбка
  23. помогать врачу
  24. до – после
  25. хороший – плохой
  26. обследовать состояние больного

Предварительный просмотр:

Our college

My name is … I’m 17. I’m a student of the medical college. Our college is one of the educational establishments of the region with its own traditions. Its graduates are considered to be the most highly trained specialists in the region. There are 2 departments in our college. I would like to tell you about them.

«Nursing Affair» gives qualification of a nurse of general practice. A medical nurse is a chief assistant of a doctor. She provides uninterrupted medical health, including preventive and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work in the polyclinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and houses for aged people.

If you want to become a doctor assistant you should study at the «Curative Affair» department. A doctor assistant of general practice is a highly-trained specialist who works independently in the policlinics, emergency ambulances and hospitals. His main task includes prescription and performance of preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. The graduates of this department are waited for at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals.

I like to study at our college very much.

Words :

  1. educational establishment – учебное заведение
  2. graduates – выпускники
  3. department – отделение
  4. nursing affair – сестринское дело
  5. chief – главный
  6. provide – обеспечивать, снабжать
  7. uninterrupted – непрерывный
  8. including – включая
  9. preventive – профилактический

10.rehabilitation – реабилитация

11. measures – меры

12. aged – пожилой

13. a doctor assistant – фельдшер

14. curative affair – лечебное дело

15. emergency ambulance – скорая помощь

16. prescription – рецепт, назначение

17. emergency – непредвиденный случай, чрезвычайная ситуация

Предварительный просмотр:

Music in our life

 I adore music and I think people couldn’t live without it. We hear music everywhere: on TV, in the streets, over the radio, in the parks, in the shops, in the cars. To my mind, it doesn’t matter what type of music people prefer: classical, rock, pop, jazz.  Everyone is fond of music. People buy discs, listen to music on computer or in Internet, go to the concerts, and visit Concert Halls or Opera Theatres. Some people go to music schools, they learn to play different musical instruments, try to compose music and sing in the chorus.

Music is a harmonious combination of different sounds. I enjoy listening to music because it always reflects my emotions and mood. Sometimes I attend the concerts and music halls, where it’s possible to see popular singers and groups. I watch different music programs on TV because I`m interested to know more about talented singers and groups I like.

 I like listening to the songs by Russian popular singers. I attend their concerts with pleasure. My friends and I always buy tickets beforehand and take bouquets of flowers for our favourite pop singers.

Both modern and classical music are very popular. One of my friends is fond of classics. He often spends his leisure time listening to Wolfgang Mozart. The “Sixth symphony” and the “Fourth symphony” by Shostakovich strongly impress him.

If you’re in a bad temper, music always helps you to forget about problems. Listen to your favourite song or melody and your melancholy will disappear at once, and you’re in a good humor again. After a hardworking day I usually listen to slow, beautiful melody because it helps to forget about my tiredness and to relax.

As for me, music is an integral part of my life and I couldn’t live without it a day!


to adore – обожать

compose – составить

chorus – хор

harmonious – гармоничный

to reflect – отражать

mood – настроение

beforehand – заранее

bouquet - букет

to attend – посещать

leisure – досуг

to be in a bad temper – быть в плохом настроении

to disappear – исчезать

tiredness – усталость

to be in a good mood (temper)  – быть в хорошем настроении

Предварительный просмотр:

My work at a therapeutic hospital

I am a nurse. I work at a therapeutic hospital. Our hospital is very large. Work at the hospital begins at 6 o’clock in the morning. The nurses begin to take the patients’ temperature at 6 o’clock. They write it down in temperature charts. Then the nurses give the patients medicines and carry out other prescriptions of the doctors. They open the windows and air the wards. The doctors come at 9 o’clock in the morning and begin to examine the patients. Each ward nurse tells the doctor about her patients. As I am a ward nurse the doctor asks me about the condition of my patients. Sometimes I tell him that they are well. And sometimes I tell the doctor that the temperature of some of the patients is high and the doctor prescribes some new medicine or injections. I like my profession very much. I know that much of the nurse’s work can be learnt by practice. So I am very attentive and try to observe any changes in a patient’s condition.  


therapeutic - терапевтический

to take the temperature – измерять температуру

chart – карта; temperature chart – температурный лист

medicine – лекарство, медицина

to carry out – выполнять, осуществлять

prescription – предписание, рецепт

ward – палата

to examine – осматривать (больного)

ward nurse – палатная сестра

condition – состояние

to prescribe – прописывать, назначать

injection – инъекция

practice – практика

attentive – внимательный

to observe – наблюдать

change – изменение

Запомните следующие выражения со словом « patient»:

bed-patient – лежачий больной

sitting-patient – сидячий больной

up-patient – ходячий больной

in-patient – стационарный больной

out-patient – амбулаторный больной


Предварительный просмотр:

                               OUR BEST WARD NURSE

  Nina Ivanova is our best ward nurse. She works at our hospital and everybody respects her very much. In the morning she always comes into the ward with a smile on her face. And every patient when he sees her kind smile feels better. Everything she does in the ward she does quickly and quietly. If there is a bed-patient in the ward Nina comes up to him. She brushes his sheets or changes them if it is necessary. She shakes his pillow. Then Nina brings a basin and washes the patient’s face and hands. She is especially patient with old people. Nina makes injections, puts mustard plasters and cups. She never hurts her patient with a rude word.

The doctors always say: “When Nina is at work we don’t worry. We know that everything will be all right.”


to respect - уважать                                to worry - беспокоиться

quietly – спокойно, тихо                        order - предписание

sheet – простыня                                      mistake - ошибка

pillow – подушка                                     angry - сердитый, раздражённый

           patient – терпеливый                               scar - шрам

rude - грубый

  1. По заданной модели поставьте вопросы к каждому предложению:

(Who…hospital? Where does …? Does shе..?)

  1. Nina Ivanova works at our hospital.

(When…? What…do in the morning? Whose sheets and pillows…?)

  1. In the morning Nina brushes her patients’ sheets and pillows.

(Is…? How…injections? What…very well? With whom…?)

  1. She is patient with old people and makes injections very well.
  1. Исправьте неверные по смыслу предложения. Свое утверждение начинайте словами   No, that isn’t right or

That’s wrong.

Don’t wash your hands before dinner. That’s wrong. You must wash your hands after dinner.

          1. Don’t read the order of the doctor before you give medicines.

         2. Never tell the doctor about your mistake.

         3. You may be rude when you speak with patients.

         4. Gossip about your patients.

3. Выпишите из текста предложения о том, как Нина Иванова ухаживает за лежачими больными, перескажите это по-английски.




Предварительный просмотр:

My future profession is a nurse


The nurse is present at the time of birth and she is sometimes present when

life ends. Her whole life is devoted to people. She is responsible for what she         does. Se is responsible for what she advises others to do.

    Every nurse must remember that there are no identical people and that every

patient will react to illness in his own way.

    That's why the doctors and the nurses look for new methods and new

medicine every day.

    If a nurse gives a patient a new medicine this patient is under special care of the doctor and the nurse.

    The observations of a nurse are very important. Careful observation of the

nurse can give very important information. It will help the doctor to diagnose

and treat the patient.

     Every nurse must be a member of the clinical research team. She must read

medical journals. She must help her patients at any hour of the day or night.

She must take care of the patient even if the patient has a mortal infectious             disease.

     Remember that patients need your help, care, patience.

Предварительный просмотр:

Florence Nightingale

One hundred years ago the first professional School for nurses was founded at one of the hospitals in London by a young English woman Florence Nightingale. She  was born on May 12, 1820, in the Italian city of Florence after which she was named. She was one of the greatest women in the history of England.

In 1854 Miss Nightingale and 38 other nurses went to the Crimea to help in the care of the sick and wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War. Miss Nightingale never gave an injection, never took blood pressure or made an electrocardiogram. She dramatically improved conditions for soldiers in field hospitals, and educated people about the importance of hygiene. She saved thousands of lives and became very famous. She did her best establishing a more reasonable and hopeful way of handling all kinds of illness. This way of handling has been used up to now. She was the first to establish the nursing profession. She later started her own training college for nurses, and wrote many books on nursing.


  1. to take part – принимать участие, участвовать
  2. to award – награждать
  3. to be founded – быть основанным
  4. to name after – назвать в честь чего-либо
  5. reasonable – разумный, приемлемый
  6. hopeful – многообещающий, подающий надежды
  7. to handle – ухаживать, обращаться с кем-либо, обходиться
  8. prominent – выдающийся, известный
  9. wounded – раненый
  10.  to take blood pressure – измерять артериальное давление
  11.  to improve – улучшать(ся), совершенствовать(ся)
  12.  condition – состояние, условие
  13.  to educate – образовывать, воспитывать
  14.  importance – важность
  15.  hygiene – гигиена
  16.  to establish – учреждать, основывать, устанавливать
  17.  nursing – уход за больными, сестринское дело


Предварительный просмотр:


People on our planet can't live without travelling now. People travel from the very beginning of their civilization. Thousands years ago all people were nomads and collectors. They roamed all their lives looking for food and better life.

So, travelling and visiting other places are the part of our consciousness. Not so long years ago many people travelled overseas for their holidays. The majority of people stayed to have holidays in their country. Today the situation is different and the world seems much smaller. If you like travelling, you must have some money, because it is not a cheap hobby indeed.

Tourism has become a highly developed business. The economy of some countries is mainly based on tourism industry. It is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country, you can be on a tropical beach, breathing a super clean air and swimming in crystal warm water of tropical sea.

There are trains, cars and air jet liners, buses, ships that provide us with comfortable and secure travelling.

Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business. People have to go to other countries for taking part in different negotiations, for signing some very important documents, for participating in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of own firm or company. Travelling on business helps people to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will help making own business more successful.

There are a lot of means of travelling: travelling by ship, by plane, by car, walking. It depends on a person to decide which means of travelling one would prefer. Tourism has become a highly developed business.

That is why tourism and travelling are so popular.

Задание: перепишите и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания по теме:

overseas — заграница
majority — большинство
to seem — казаться
to book — заказывать
resort— курорт
a tropical beach — тропический пляж
to breathe — дышать
to hitchhiking — путешествовать автостопом
advantage — преимущество
to explore — исследовать
to climb — взбираться, карабкаться
restriction — ограничение
indeed — действительно
curious — любопытный
inquisitive — любознательный
leisure — досуг
jet-air liner — реактивный самолет
security — безопасность
variety — разнообразие
city-dweller — городской житель
to take pictures — фотографировать
castle — крепость, замок
waterfall — водопад
to remind — напоминать
picturesque — живописный
to broaden one's mind — расширить кругозор
take part in negotiations — принимать участие в переговорах
exhibition — выставка
in order to — для того чтобы
to push the goods — рекламировать товары
achievement — достижение
successful — успешный
advantages and disadvantages — преимущества и недостатки
according to — согласно

to roam – путешествовать, скитаться, перемещаться

to sign – подписывать

secure – безопасный

nomads – кочевники

collectors – коллекторы, сборщики

consciousness – сознание

Задание: ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

1. Did the majority of people leave their country to spend holidays twenty years ago?
2. Can we book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world today?
3. Is it possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world from home?
4. What means of travelling do you know?
5. What countries depend mainly on tourism?
6. Why does tourism prosper?
7. Where do people like going on vacation?
8. What is the most interesting means of travelling for you? Why?
9. Why do most travelers carry a camera with them?
10. What does travelling give us?
11. How does travelling on business help you?
12. What are the means of travelling?

Предварительный просмотр:

Hiking trip

I like hiking a lot. In my opinion, it’s a great source of pleasure and health benefit. Hiking is very similar to a walking tour or camping. It is a long walk in the countryside with occasional stops.

 Most people go hiking for pleasure or physical fitness. It is important from time to time to leave crowded cities and go out for a walking tour. The open air has a bracing effect on our minds. The sight of huge trees and green bushes, blooming wild flowers and running streams, the birds’ singing – it all carries us away from the depressing daily routine. I especially like hiking in mountainous areas. It is more thrilling that walking in the plains.

 Last time we went hiking was in summer. Together with our teacher and a group of schoolchildren we went to find some picturesque places on the bank of the River Don. We took all the necessary items, including sleeping bags, some food, first aid kit and mosquito spray. We wore sporty outfit and comfy boots. Our rucksacks were rather heavy, but it didn’t spoil our journey. Most importantly we chose the route of our journey and fully planned the trip. We set out early in morning. Luckily, the weather was perfect. Although, there were some clouds in the sky, the wind soon took them away. Our first meal in the open air felt fantastic. We baked some potatoes and frankfurters. It was rather hot, so we could sunbathe and swim in the river. We also played some outdoor games, such as volleyball and football. The next morning we went fishing.

 It was a great fun. While hiking, we saw lots of beautiful places. Time passed so quickly and soon we had to go back home. No one wanted to leave. We thought it was an unforgettable experience.

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