The abstract of a lesson of English for students of secondary professional education on the topic: “My free time”
план-конспект урока на тему

Леонова Анна Сергеевна

Конспект открытого урока  по английскому языку по теме  “My free time”, для студентов НПО и СПО специальность ТО и ремонт автомобилей.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The abstract of a lesson of English for students of secondary professional education on the topic: “My free time”

  1. S. Leonova




name of the Hero of the Soviet Union M. F. Panov"

key words: communicative competences, development, specialty, skill, generalization, systematization, interest, way, free time,

type of lesson : the generalizing repetition.

type of lesson : the combined lesson.

Purpose: communicative and speech development of communicative skills through generalization of knowledge on the topic: “My free time”


The educational: to generalize lexical and grammatical material on a subject: "My free time" and "Article" to form professional communications for specialty the mechanic.

The educational: to cultivate interest and respect to culture of the learned language, the received profession of the mechanic, to cultivate love and interest in a foreign language.

The developing: to systematize regional geographic material about Great Britain; to promote development of creative activity in students; to develop communicative competences of the dialogical and monological speech..

On the blackboard:     The 22 th of November

Topic:    “My free time”

Intellectual warm up:

Organizational time. Greeting:Stand up please! Hello! Sit down!

To report the plan of a lesson:Today we will repeat some grammar material, do some exercise, speak about your free time, look and listen some video, and then will make dialogs about your free time.                          

  1. Intellectual warm up:

And now our traditional Intellectual warm up:

Choose the differ  


  1. Организовать процесс целеполагания. «Для чего лично Вы будите сидеть на уроке английского языка. Какая лично Ваша цель.»

«Я вот лично для себя определяю такую цель: поделиться знаниями, формировать профессиональные коммуникации, у себя в том числе»

А в конце урока мы посмотрим, смогли ли мы вместе достичь этой цели.        To organize process of a goal-setting.

" what purpose of presence at an English lesson. What personally your purpose."

"I here personally for myself define such purpose: to share knowledge, to form professional communications, at itself including"

And at the end of a lesson we will look, whether we could achieve together these objectives.                                  


  1. Repetition of an article

Let’s remember the rule of using the article. Please open your books on page 128 and look at the table

What kind of article do you know?

-  Definite article.

-   Indefinite article.                              

4. ExerciseEx. 6 p.128

Add article a / The where necessary.

  1. There is …big department store in South Street.
  2. I often go to … supermarket opposite …. college.
  3. Jack works as … shop assistant at… weekends.
  4. You can buy …flowers in … shop behind the cinema.
  5. There isn’t … sports shop nearby.
  6. There are …. good gifts shops in … centre of the city.

  1.  Discussion of a subject: “My free time”

Let’s discuss how you can spend your free time:

  1. Can you read magazines?
  2. What magazines do you like to read?
  • professional magazines like that … “za rulem”

  1. Can you visit the professional exhibition?
  2. Can you go to the concert?
  3. Can you go to the cinema?
  4. Can you go in for sport?
  5. Can you play football…?
  6. Can you play computer games?

            Ok good.                                              

  1. Let’s continue, and look this video.

Please be extremely attentive.

  1. Answer this questions after viewing of video
  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  2. What is the character of this city?
  3. What river is in London?
  4. Who operates of this country?

7. Summing up, scoring of estimates. Analysis of achievement of the purpose.

Help to the teacher of criteria for assessment: for each correct answer to give to the student a sticker or any other card, and at the end of the lesson to sum up the results.

criteria for assessment:

5-6 stickers - "3"

7-9 stickers - "4"

10 stickers - "5"

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