Методическая разработка для студентов специальности "Гостиничный сервис" по дисциплине "Иностранный язык"
электронный образовательный ресурс

Колбусова Мария Ивановна

Данная методическая разработка является мини-словарем для повторения и закрепления материала по Разделу 1. Организация обслуживания гостей в индустрии гостеприимства (Тема 1.5 Организация деятельности сотрудников службы питания гостиничного комплекса) основной образовательной программы. В словаре собраны базовые слова и клише для успешного общения в ходе практики, а также дальнейшей работы в ресторане. Все слова и выражения разбиы на подтемы, что способствует лучшему усвоению материала.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Раздел 1. Организация обслуживания гостей в индустрии гостеприимства.

Тема 1.5 Организация деятельности сотрудников службы питания гостиничного комплекса.


Kitchen staff:

  1. chef, head chef, chef de cuisine

  1. cook

  1. sous chef

  1. commis chef

  1. chef de partie

  1. apprentice

  1. to manage the kitchen

  1. to plan staff tasks

  1. to buy raw materials

  1. to give directions

  1. to plan menu

  1. to prepare/ cook dishes

  1.  kitchen sector/ shop

Front-of-house staff:

  1.  maître d’hôtel

  1.  Host/ hostess

  1.  Captain/ chef de rang

  1.  F&B manager

  1. waiter/ waitress

  1.  busboy

  1. head waiter

  1. wine waiter, sommelier

  1. barman/ bartender/ barkeeper

  1.  to manage bookings

  1.  To deal with any customer complaints

  1.  To supervise service

  1.  To run an area

  1.  To allocate tasks

  1.  To take an order

  1.  To set the table

  1.  To clean the tables

  1.  To meet and greet customers


  1.  cold preparation section/ cold shop

  1.  cold storage room

  1.  storeroom

  1.  hot dish section/ hot shop

  1.  service area

  1.  dishwashing area

  1.  pastry shop

  1.  meat slicer

  1.  Food blender

  1. Food mixer

  1. Mincer

  1. Scales

  1. Gas/ electric/ induction cooker

  1. Deep fryer

  1. Oven

  1. Microwave oven

  1. Casserole

  1. Frying pan

  1. Stockpot

  1. sauteuse

  1. Pot/ pan

  1.  bowl

  1. Service plate

  1. Soup bowl

  1. Napkin

  1. Bread & butter plate

  1. Butter knife

  1. Water glass

  1. White wine glass

  1. Red wine glass

  1. Fish fork

  1. Dinner fork

  1. Salad fork

  1. Service knife

  1. Fish knife

  1. Soup spoon

  1. Dessert spoon

  1. Cake fork

  1. teaspoon


  1. Dairy products:

  1. butter

  1. mayonnaise

  1. Sour-cream

  1. Curd(s)

  1. Margarine

  1. milk

  1. cream

  1. cheese

  1. Kefir

  1. Cream cheese

  1. yogurt

  1. Grocery:

  1. oil

  1. Black pepper

  1. cereal

  1. Oatmeal

  1. Semolina

  1. sesame

  1. Buckwheat

  1. Millet

  1. Pearl barley

  1. flour

  1. Macaroni

  1. vermicelli

  1. noodle

  1. Cooking soda

  1. Spices

  1. Pea

  1. Potato flour

  1. Butcher’s/ meat

  1. Poultry

  1. Game

  1. Beef

  1. Chicken

  1. Duck

  1. Goose

  1. Hazel grouse

  1. Lamb

  1. Mutton

  1. Pork

  1. Partridge

  1. Pheasant

  1. Turkey

  1. veal

  1. liver

  1. Chicken wings

  1. Chicken breast

  1. Ham

  1. sausage

  1. Liver paste

  1. Vegetables & herbs

  1. Aubergine / egg plant

  1. beans

  1. bitter herbs

  1. Cabbage

  1. Carrot

  1. Cauliflower

  1. Cucumber

  1. Dill

  1. Garlic

  1. French bean

  1. Horse-radish

  1. Leaf-coriander

  1. Leek

  1. Lettuce

  1. Marrow

  1. mint

  1. Mushroom

  1. Onion

  1. Parsley

  1. Peas

  1. Potato

  1. Radish

  1. tomato

  1. New potatoes

  1. rocket

  1. basil

  1. squash

  1. ginger

  1. Pastry/ confectionary:

  1. pie

  1. Biscuit

  1. Puff

  1. Fancy cake

  1. wafer

  1. cake

  1. sweets

  1. Caramel

  1. Chocolates

  1. doughnut

  1. tarts

  1. marmalade

  1. Bakery:

  1. flatbread

  1. Rye/ wheat bread

  1. Rusk

  1. roll

  1. Bun

  1. French stick

  1. Fruit/ berries/ nuts:

  1. apple

  1. banana

  1. date

  1. fig

  1. Lemon

  1. Melon

  1. Orange

  1. Peach

  1. Pear

  1. Pineapple

  1. plum

  1. prune

  1. watermelon

  1. tangerine

  1. Blackberry

  1. Cherry

  1. Cranberry

  1. Currant

  1. Gooseberry

  1. Grapes

  1. Raspberry

  1. Almond

  1. Hazelnut

  1. walnut

  1. Fish & seafood:

  1. bream

  1. carp

  1. Caviar

  1. Cod

  1. Crab

  1. Crayfish

  1. cuttlefish

  1. Eel

  1. Halibut

  1. Herring

  1. Lobster

  1. Mussels

  1. octopus

  1. pike

  1. Pike-perch

  1. plaice

  1. Prawn/ shrimp

  1. Salmon

  1. Sheat-fish

  1. Sturgeon

  1. squid

  1. Trout

  1. tuna

  1. Sea bass


  1. To bake

  1. To barbecue

  1. To baste

  1. To boil

  1. To beat

  1. To blend

  1. To braise

  1. To  brown

  1. To brush

  1. To chop

  1. To cut into small chunks

  1. To deep-fry

  1. To defrost

  1. To dice

  1. To dip

  1. To drain

  1. To dredge

  1. To dress

  1. To fry

  1. To garnish

  1. To grill

  1. To grate

  1. To ground

  1. To mash

  1. To melt

  1. To mince

  1. To peel

  1. To poach

  1. To pour

  1. To reheat

  1. To remove

  1. To sauté

  1. To season

  1. To smoke

  1. To spread

  1. To sprinkle

  1. To steam

  1. To stew

  1. To stir

  1. To toss

  1. To dry

  1. To whip


  1. Consists of…

  1. Filled/ stuffed with…

  1. Looks like …

  1. Made of/ from …

  1. Served with …

  1. Dressed with

  1. Thinly sliced

  1. How would you like it cooked?

  1. It’s a kind of …

  1. assorted

  1. Rare/ medium/ well-done

  1. Soft/ hard-boiled egg

  1. Sunny side up/ turned over

  1. Black/ white coffee

  1. Strong/ weak tea

  1. Draught/ bottled beer

  1. Clear soup/ broth

  1. Beef tea

  1. Cream-soup of …

  1. Full-fat milk

  1. Pickled cucumbers

  1. skinless

  1. seedless

  1. boneless

  1. sauce

  1. Vinaigrette dressing

  1. cutlet

  1. fillet

  1. Lamb chops

  1. tinned

  1. Tasty

  1. spicy

  1. hot

  1. delicious

  1. salty

  1. unsalted

  1. Sweet

  1. Sour

  1. crispy

  1. perishable

  1. ripened

  1. Lean (meat)

  1. smooth

  1. tender

  1. juicy

  1. bitter

  1. bland

  1. burnt

  1. greasy

  1. rich

  1. savoury


  1. What time do you serve breakfast/ lunch?

  1. To reserve a table

  1. Do you have a reservation?

  1. In advance/ beforehand

  1. What date/ day/ time?

  1. When are you going to come?

  1. When for?

  1. How many for?

  1. Could I have your name, please?

  1. Do you mind where to be seated?

  1. Do you have any preferences?

  1. Will you follow me?
  2. Follow me, please.
  3. This way, please.

  1. Here is your table by the window.

  1. Shall I take your coat?

  1. I’ll show you to your table.

  1. I’m sorry, we are fully booked.

  1. I’m afraid we haven’t any … left.


  1. Children’s menu

  1. Italian/ Russian/ Chinese cuisine

  1. A la carte menu

  1. Table d’hote

  1. Here is the menu and the wine list.

  1. Are you ready to order?

  1. What would you like to begin with?

  1. What would you like as a starter?

  1. What would you like to follow?

  1. Will you have a salad?

  1. What main dish would you like?

  1. Would you like an aperitif while you are looking at the menu?

  1. Have you ever tried the house wine?

  1. Shall I put ice/ lemon into your…?

  1. What can I get you?

  1. I can recommend…

  1. What about… ?

  1. Could I have a glass/ a bottle/ a carafe of…, please?

  1. I’ll have some …

  1. What have you got?

  1. I’m afraid we haven’t any … but …

  1. Could I have another …?

  1. Certainly, I’ll bring it at once.

  1. So, that’s a …

  1. Would you like anything else?/ Anything else?

  1. Will that be all?

  1. Would you like a dessert?

  1. Enjoy your meal! / Have a nice meal!

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