Project « Eco-problems in my country and in Buryatia»
Данный проект является первой самостоятельной работой нескольких групп студентов:
0511 группа: команда под названием «Teens» выбрала тему «Save Baikal», 2 команда – «Ecofriends», тема- «Sort Waste»; 0311 группа: Команда «Modern land», тема «Air pollution»; 411 группа: Команда «Ecosquard», тема «Water pollution»; 0111 группа: команда под названием «Fireblooms» выбрала тему «Baikal ecology», 2 команда – «Hotshots», тема- «Forest Pollution».
В процессе работы над проектом студенты должны были не только познакомиться с экологическими проблемами, но и определить свою роль в их решении.
В результате работы, над проектом студенты усовершенствовали языковые, коммуникативные, межкультурные навыки, а также навыки работы с Интернет- ресурсами, приобрели навыки работы в PowerPoint программе. Защита проекта способствовала формированию коммуникативной и информационной компетенции. Развитию интереса к английскому языку.
В ходе проекта рассмотрены педагогические возможности формирования эколого-ориентированной личности средствами иностранного языка. Представлены результаты первого этапа опытно-экспериментальной работы по организации экологической проектной деятельности студентов в рамках предмета «Английский язык», как наиболее эффективного предметного курса для интеграции зарубежного опыта в отечественное экологическое образование.
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Made by a group “Modern Land”
Urgency: The relevance of the topic of atmospheric pollution is due to the fact that the problem of atmospheric air pollution is one of the most serious global problems faced by mankind. Object: The main sources of atmospheric pollution: Natural, anthropogenic: Purpose: To find out the problem of atmospheric pollution Tasks: To show the human influence on the atmosphere To get acquainted with global problems Try to find ways to solve them The hypothesis: The hypothesis of the study: Human health depends on the purity of the atmospheric air.
Atmosphereic pollution
Atmospheric pollution Natural Artificial Natural air pollution is caused by natural processes (volcanic eruptions, forest fires, dust storms, weathering processes, decomposition of organic substances) Artificial pollution of the atmosphere occurs as a result of human practical activities (industrial and thermal power companies, transport, heating systems for homes, agriculture, household waste
Large forest fires significantly pollute the atmosphere. More often, as a result, they come out in dry years. In Russia, the most dangerous forest fires are in Siberia, the Far East, the Urals, and the Komi Republic. On average, the area covered by fires is about 700 thousand hectares per year. Forest fires
Dust storms Dust storms appear in connection with the transfer of the smallest soil particles lifted from the earth's surface by a powerful wind. Powerful winds - tornadoes and hurricanes - also lift large fragments of rocks into the air, although they do not stay in the air for long. During powerful storms, up to 50 million tons of dust rises into the atmospheric air. The causes of dust storms are drought, dry winds; they are provoked by intensive plowing, grazing, reduction of forests and shrubs. Dust storms are most common in steppe, semi-desert and desert areas
Artificial pollution of the atmosphere According to the aggregate state, all pollutants of anthropogenic origin are divided into solid liquid and gaseous, while the latter make up about 90%. For more than two centuries, air pollution in the large industrial centers of most European countries has been a serious concern. However, for a long time these pollutants were local in nature. The rapid growth of industry and transport in the twentieth century led to the fact that such a volume of substances released into the air can no longer be dispersed. Their concentration is increasing, which entails dangerous consequences for the biosphere.
Chemical industry The chemical industry holds a special title among the sources of atmospheric pollution. It supplies sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2), hydrocarbons (CNG) halogens (F2, Cl2), etc. The chemical industry is characterized by a high concentration of enterprises, which creates increased environmental pollution. Substances released into the atmosphere can react chemically with each other, forming highly toxic compounds.
Road transport Of all the artificial sources of atmospheric pollution, motor transport is the most dangerous. In 1900, there were 11 thousand cars in the world, in 1950 - 48 million, in 1970 - 181 million, in 1982 - 330 million, currently - about 500 million cars. They burn hundreds of millions of tons of non-renewable oil reserves. The exhaust gases of cars contain about 280 harmful components. Road transport is becoming one of the main sources of environmental pollution. In a number of foreign countries (France, USA, Germany), road transport accounts for more than 50-60% of atmospheric pollution in the final analysis. .
Air pollution with chlorofluoromethanes or freons has serious consequences. The widespread use of freons in refrigeration units and in the production of aerosol cans is associated with their appearance at great altitudes, in the stratosphere and mesosphere. Concerns have been raised about the potential interaction of ozone with halogens that are released from. Gases released by turbojet aircraft, rocket flights, and various experiments conducted in the atmosphere contribute to the reduction of the ozone shield layer . Chlorofluoromethanes , or freons
Radioactive substances are particularly dangerous for humans, animals and plants. These are experimental explosions of atomic, hydrogen and neutron bombs, all kinds of industries related to the manufacture of thermonuclear weapons, nuclear reactors and power plants; enterprises where radioactive substances are used . Radioactive pollution of the atmosphere
Nuclear weapons tests, accidents and leaks at enterprises where nuclear fuel is used pose a huge danger to people, plants and animals. The greatest pollution of the atmosphere occurs during explosions of thermonuclear devices. The isotopes formed during this process become a source of radioactive decay for a long time .
ozone holes the greenhouse effect acid rain deterioration of health gas contamination of the surface layer The consequences
CONCLUSION Atmospheric pollution is any change in its properties or composition that has a harmful effect on plants, ecosystems, animal and human health. The main causes of atmospheric pollution: an increasing number of factories and plants that emit harmful chemical elements into the atmosphere without cleaning filters; the increase in the number of cars with internal combustion engines; irrational fuels; deterioration of the biological situation; the development of the chemical and nuclear industries. Consequences of a polluted atmosphere: could; the greenhouse effect; ozone layer disturbance; the increase in morbidity; decrease in land fertility; acid rain.
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Проектная группа – 0111 54.02.02 Декоративно-прикладное искусство и народные промыслы (по видам)"
Unique Baikal The Western Necklace of Lake Baikal
Urgency : Baikal is the cleanest lake in the world, but it is also at risk of pollution. Based on this problem, I decided to build a research paper. Aim: To study, give a general description of Lake Baikal and identify how human activity affects the ecology of the lake. Hypothesis: Is it possible to preserve the natural purity of the water of Lake Baikal, its unusual flora and fauna? Object: Ecology of Lake Baikal.
About Baikal Lake Lake Baikal is the world's oldest and deepest lake. The amazing purity of its waters, huge territory and deep make it the most famous and exiting lake in the world. It lies in southern Siberia, almost in the center of Asia. Its watershed extends over the Mongolian border for 636 km. Its area is about 31,500 square kilometers and equal to the area of such countries as Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands or Denmark. The coastline of Baikal is almost 2000 km long, which is equal to the distance from Arkhangelsk to Rostov. Lake Baikal contains one-fifth of the world's surface water resources, and four-fifth of fresh waters of Russia. Its basin could hold waters of all five American Great Lakes, which are 8 times bigger.
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