Тест по теме "Страноведение "
Предварительный просмотр:
Test for the 2nd course.
- Russia ….. Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and other countries.
- washed by b) borders on c) is bordered on d) borders with
- Large part of Russia is covered …. forests.
- with b) by c) on d) from
- Russia is rich in mineral deposits, such as:_____________________
- The Baikal Lake is _____ in the world
- largest b) the deepest c) deepest d) the largest
- The highest …….body of the Russian Federation is the Russian Parliament.
- executive b) judicial c) legislative
- How many climatic zones are in Russia?
- two b) four c) five d)three
- The island of Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and ……
- Wales b) Northern Ireland c) Gulf Stream
- The Irish Republic is a part of:
- The UK b) the USA c) Northern Ireland d) Great Britain
- Great Britain ____ the Atlantic Ocean.
- washed with b) washed by c) is washed by d) are washed by
- The Strait of Dover is ___ part of the English Channel.
- The deepest b) the largest c) the smallest d) the narrowest
- Everybody who lives in the United Kingdom are called:
- English b) Britain c) England d) British
- The highest mountain is ……in the Highlands of Scotland.
- Severn b) Ben Nevis c) Thames d) Channel
- Who rules Britain?
- The USA covers the central part of ___ America.
- West b) East c) South d) North
- The climate in Alaska is ___.
- arctic b) temperate c) mild d) cold
- When present-day American history began?
- 1772 b) 1990 c) 1607 d) 1900
- In 1775 the British colonies began their struggle ___ independence.
- for b) in c) from d) by
- In 1861 the Civil War broke___.
- from b) out c) in d) through
- The USA is a ____ federal republic.
- democratic b) constitutional c) state d) absolute
- Canada is ____ largest country in the world.
- the third b) the second c) the first d) the ninth
- The capital of Canada is ___.
- Montreal b) Quebec c) Toronto d) Ottowa
- Australia is situated ___ the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
- with b) between c) from d) out
- Australia is a very __ country.
- largest b) deep c) young d) great
- The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of ___ states.
- five b) six c) seven d) four
- What is the capital of New Zealand?
- Auckland b) Wellington c) Dunedin
- Who or what are the ‘Maoris’?
a) people b) wild animal c) a range of mountain
- What is the official Language in Australia?
a) English b) Maori c) Spain
- London is situated ___ river Thames.
- by the b) on a c) on the d) by a
- Name the 3 parts of London.
- In ___ was Great Fire of London.
- 1606 b) 1600 c) 1500 d) 1666
- _____ has always been considered a place where aristocrats lived.
- the West End b) the East End c) the North End
- What part of London is known as the financial centre of the whole country?
- ____ is the official residence of the President of the USA.
- The Capitol b) The White House c) The Congress
- ____ is the capital of the USA.
- London b) Ottawa c) Washington
- ______was founded in 1147 by Prince Yury Dolgoruky.
- Moscow b) Kremlin c) Red Square
- The ____ people are probably the greatest newspaper readers in the world.
- British b) Scottish c) Welsh d) American
- “Quality” newspapers publish analytical articles on ___ topics.
- Light b) sensational c) serious d) different
- “Popular” newspapers are considered as ____.
- Informative b) serious c) entertaining d) unshakeable
- In Russia compulsory education begins:
- at 4 years old and lasts till the 12th grade b) at 5 years old and lasts till the 10th grade c) at 6 (7) years old and lasts till the 9th grade d) at 8 years old and lasts till the 11th grade.
- At the age of ten children pass to the ___ in Russia.
- secondary school b) primary school c) ordinary school
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