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Предварительный просмотр:
проведенного в группе 3ГС, (протокол № 3 от 19.10. 2018 г.)
Выполнили преподаватели
Вопросова Л. А.
Куликова Ю. Г.
Буракова В. И.
г. Ногинск 2018 г.
Урок английского профессионального в группе 3ГС на тему
«Отели мира».
Тема: Отели мира.
Цель урока: совершенствование навыка диалогической речи, работы за стойкой регистрации, а также коммуникативной компетентности, составление, и решение проблемных заданий по теме «Отели мира».
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные:
- совершенствование умения вести диалог по теме;
- совершенствование аудио- фонемических навыков обучающихся;
- развитие умений обучающихся оперировать профессиональными терминами,
составлять высказывания с помощью опор; - контроль усвоения изученной темы;
- умение систематизировать учебный материал;
- умение применять этот материал в учебной ситуации, работая в парах, группах и индивидуально.
- Развивающие:
- совершенствование способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;
- развитие различных видов памяти (вербальной, образной), внимания, коммуникативности, воображения;
- развитие мыслительной деятельности, умения переноса знаний в новую профессиональную ситуацию;
- развитие языковой догадки;
- развитие самостоятельности;
- умение составлять логичные и связные высказывания с достаточной скоростью выражая законченную мысль;
- совершенствование навыка работать в группе, парах и индивидуально;
- повышение интеллектуального и профессионального уровня обучающихся.
- Воспитательные:
- воспитание коммуникативной компетентности обучающихся;
- расширение кругозора, творческих способностей обучающихся;
- развитие умения решать коммуникативные задачи через диалог;
- привитие обучающимся любви к своей будущей профессии;
- формирование и совершенствование умения работать в коллективе, используя современные компьютерные и игровые технологии.
- Личностно – ориентированный аспект:
- решение широкого круга профессиональных проблем будущих специалистов, стремящихся к постоянному профессиональному росту, самосовершенствованию.
Используемые современные образовательные технологии:
1)компьютерные современные образовательные технологии;
2)технология проблемного обучения;
3)технология групповой работы;
4)игровая технология;
5)технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре;
6)личностно-ориентированный подход в обучении иностранному языку.
Средства обучения: презентации, компьютер, профессиональная документация.
Метод обучения: словесный; наглядный; объяснительно-иллюстративный.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: парная, индивидуальная, групповая.
Задачи урока:
- Совершенствовать у обучающихся навыки диалогической речи, работы за стойкой.
- Совершенствовать деловую и профессиональную лексику по темам «Моя будущая профессия», «Отели мира» с помощью устной речи.
- Развивать познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка.
Тип урока: урок – совершенствование диалогической речи.
I. Оргмомент (3 мин ~8 мин рассказ об отеле ~ 11-12 мин)
– Good morning, dear friends. I am glad to see you at our lesson of Professional English. We study at the Noginsk College. Our lesson is in Group 3GS. And we`ll talk about the Hotel Services in the World Hotels. Let me begin our lesson traditionally with the conversation between the Teacher and the Student. But imagine that your student will play the role of the teacher. You should answer the questions of this student. Let`s take Nastya as a teacher and Ksenia as a student. Let`s begin your dialogue.
T: Who is on duty today? – S: I am.
T: Who is absent today? – S: Vedenskaya Svatlana is absent today. She is ill.
T: What is your name? – S: My name is Ovsyannikova Ksenia.
T: Ksenya, how old are you? – S: I`m 17 years old.
T: What are you? – S: I`m a student.
T: What student are you? – S: I`m a full-time third-year student.
T: Where do you study? – S: I study at the Noginsk College.
T: What`s your future specialty? – S: My future specialty is a hotel service manager.
T: What day is it today? – S: Today is .
T: What date is it today? – S: .
T: What season of the year is it now? – S: It`s .
T: How many double periods do you usually have a day? – S: We usually have 3 double periods a day.
T: How many double periods do you have today? – S: Today we have three double periods.
T: What`s your first double period? – S: The first period is English.
T: What`s your second period? – S: The second period is Hotel Service.
T: What about your third period? – S: The third period is Informatics.
T: What is your favourite subject? – S: My favourite subjects are Hotel Service, English and Informatics.
T: What is your hobby? – S: My hobby is music.
T: That`s okay. And now look at the window. Describe our day. – S: It`s cloudy, windy, cold.
T: I see. Let`s talk about the topic of our lesson. What is it? – The topic of our lesson is World Hotels.
T: Do you like your future specialty? – S: Yes, I like it very much.
T: And have you ever been in any hotel? – S: Yes, I`ve been in the 4-star Hotel Korston which is situated in the centre of Serpukhov. (сообщение Ксении на ~ 8 мин).
II. Определение темы урока обучающимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока. (2 мин)
Thank you for your dialogue. Take your seats, please.
And now let`s define aims and tasks of our lesson.
You are to show your skills of describing world hotels and services in them; making dialogues concerning your check-in from the front desk and by phone, your checkout, usage of additional services, closing the shift. The main texts are “The Union Square” Hotel, “The Golden Ring” Hotel, “Hotel Rules”.
III. Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Hotels» (фонетическая зарядка, составление мини-ситуаций) (2,5-3 мин)
1)And now let`s repeat after me your key words and word combinations. Train our pronunciation.
luxury, masterpiece, view, downtown, entertainment, spectacular, suite, the Financial District, a nightclub, a movie channel, a hairdryer, an iron, an ironing board, air-conditioning, voice-mail, to offer, delivery service, a safety deposit box, concierge staff, a valet, unforgettable impression, remarkable, foreign embassies, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, interior design, pleasant, enjoyable, spacious, furnished apartments, luxurious, to choose, a single room, a double room, a room service, sophisticated, in-room, satellite TV, exquisite, Conference Hall, the Health Club, a service bureau, a currency exchange desk, a laundry, shoes repair, dry cleaning, to book in advance, to order.
IV. Речевая разминка. (развитие фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков говорения).
2)Let`s play an interesting game “Crosses & Spots” (Крестики – нолики). This game consists of 6 small games. Here they are.
Ist You can see words on the screen. You are to spell and translate them. Then make up word-combinations. (~ 8 мин)
I Team: marble, lobby, centre, historic, chandeliers, gilded, shopping, ceilings, staircase, entertainment. [m-a-r-b-l-e – мраморный; l-o-b-b-y – вестибюль; c-e-n-t-r-e – центр; h-i-s-t-o-r-i-c – исторический; c-h-a-n-d-e-l-i-e-r-s – люстры; g-i-l-d-e-d – позолоченный; s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g – торговый; c-e-i-l-i-n-g-s – потолки; s-t-a-i-r-c-a-s-e – лестница; e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-m-e-n-t – развлечения.] [Marble staircase; hotel lobby; shopping centre; historic museum; classic chandeliers; gilded ceilings; business and entertainment.]
II Team: financial, double, satellite, interior, district, security, television, design, room, system.
[f-i-n-a-n-c-i-a-l- - финансовый; d-o-u-b-l-e – двухместный; s-a-t-e-l-l-i-t-e –спутниковый; i-n-t-e-r-i-o-r – интерьер; d-i-s-t-r-i-c-t – район; s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y – безопасность; t-e-l-e-v-i-s-i-o-n – телевидение; d-e-s-i-g-n – дизайн; r-o-o-m – номер (в гостинице); s-y-s-t-e-m – система.] [Financial district – финансовый район; satellite television – спутниковое телевидение; interior design – внутренний дизайн; double room – двухместный номер; security system – система безопасности]
IInd You see 10 verbs. You are to give 4 forms of these verbs. Then make up phrases with them.
to offer, to make, to choose, to create, to go, to do, to have, to be, to stay, to book. (~ 4 мин)
[to offer-offered, offered, offering; to make-made, made, making; to choose-chose, chosen; choosing; to create-created, created, creating; to go-went, gone, going; to do-did, done, doing; to have-had, had, having; to be-was, were; been, being; to stay-stayed, stayed, staying; to book-booked, booked; booking] to offer additional services; to make unforgettable impression; to choose a luxury suite; to create pleasant atmosphere; to go downtown; to be in one of the famous hotels in the USA; to stay at the “Golden Ring” Hotel; to book avia tickets]
IIId There are word combinations. You are to answer 2 questions using these phrases. (~ 3 мин)
What is there in your room? / What is there in your hotel?
Comfortable furniture, friendly staff, the finest restaurant, beauty salon, the service bureau, Conference Hall, individual air-conditioning, mini-bar, cable television, ironing board.
What is there in your room? There is comfortable furniture in my room. There is individual air-conditioning in my room. There is mini-bar in my room. There is cable television in my room. There is ironing board in my room.
What is there in your hotel? There is a friendly staff in our hotel. There is the finest restaurant in our hotel. There is a beauty salon in our hotel. There is the service bureau in our hotel. There is the Conference Hall in our hotel.
IVth You have two sentences one-to each. You are to make up general, special, alternative, disjunctive questions (~ 5 мин)
The Hotel Restaurant is located on the 23d floor.
The Hotel has a modern building in the historic centre.
[The Hotel Restaurant is located on the 23d floor. – Is the Hotel Restaurant located on the 23d floor?; What is located on the 23d floor?;Where is the Hotel restaurant located?; What floor is the Hotel Restaurant located on?; Is the Hotel Restaurant located on the 23d or on the 22nd floor?; The Hotel restaurant is located on the 23d floor, isn`t it?]
[The Hotel has a modern building in the historic centre. – Has the Hotel a modern building in the historic centre?; What has a modern building in the historic centre?;What building has the Hotel in the historic centre?; What centre has a modern building in?; Has the Hotel or the Restaurant a modern building in the historic centre?; The Hotel has a modern building in the historic centre, hasn`t it?
Vth Look at the screen! You`ll find 4 sentences for each group. You are to make up negative sentences. (~ 3 мин)
I group: There are 6 banquet halls. The health Club is the best way for relax. The guest have a relaxing massage. The customers used dry saunas and gym.
[There are not 6 banquet halls. The health Club is not the best way for relax. The guest have no relaxing massage. The customers didn`t use dry saunas and gym.]
II group: Business travelers go to the Financial District. Guests enter a large lobby. The hotel has the best nightclub. The hotel was built in San Francisco.
[Business travelers don`t go to the Financial District. Guests don`t enter a large lobby. The hotel hasn`t the best nightclub. The hotel wasn`t built in San Francisco.]
VIth And now your task is to make up more complicated (более усложненные) sentences and translate them into Russian. (~2-3 мин)
This Sentence – for Group # 1: I like our hotel, because… (1)it has a friendly staff; 2)it has an exquisite cuisine; 3)it has luxurious rooms.)
And that one – for Group # 2: I like our college, because… (1)it has modern equipment; 2)we receive good knowledge; 3)it`s interesting for us to study special subjects here.)
3)The next game I want you to play is “Who is the most attentive?” Is it right or wrong? (~ 5 мин)
1st Group Your Hotel is the “Union Square” Hotel. Your sentences:
1)The “Union Square” Hotel has 417 rooms. +
2)There is a gilded staircase in the Hotel. -
3)There are marble ceilings there. -
4)The Hotel has 16 meeting rooms. +
[There is a marble staircase in the Hotel. There are gilded ceilings there.]
2nd Group Your Hotel is the “Golden Ring” Hotel. Your sentences:
1)The Hotel is situated in the southern part of the city. –
2)The Hotel has 250 spacious comfortable furnished apartments. –
3)The Restaurant offers Mediterranean cuisine. +
4)The Conference Hall provides services for 10 to 250 persons. +
[The Hotel is situated in the very heart of the city. The Hotel has 247 spacious comfortable furnished apartments.]
4)The third game is “Group Decisions”. The students prepared 5 questions to another group at home. It was their hometask. Another group has to answer these questions. Pay attention to the words and word combinations from the text “Hotel Rules”. (~ 4 мин)
1st Group Questions:
1)What is the laundry for? (Answer: We can have our things washed and pressed.)
2)What is dry cleaner`s for? (Answer: There we can have clean our clothes.)
3)What is the shoes repair shop for? (Answer: We can have our shoes mended and polished.)
4)What is Room Service? (Answer: The Room Service is the service of food and beverages to guests` rooms.)
5)What Room Service do 5-star hotels provide? (Answer: They provide 18- and more often 24-hour service.)
2nd Group Questions:
1)How are most orders to Room Service given? (Answer: Most orders to Room Service are given by telephone.)
2)How do the waiters bring the dishes? (Answer: They knock on the door 3 times and say loudly, “Room Service”.)
3)What is “All Day Dining”? (Answer: All day dining is from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.)
4)What is “a la carte dishes”? (Answer: A la carte dishes are ordered from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
5)What is “Night Owl Menu”? (Answer: It is from 11:00 p. m. to 6:00 a.m.)
5)And the last game is “Do you know?..”
You are offered the definitions of the words in the left column. And the words – in the right column. Your task is to define the words concerning their definitions. (~3 мин)
Вам предлагаются определения слов в левой колонке и сами слова в правой колонке. Ваша задача – определить какие слова соответствуют данным определениям.
1)The amount of money you give the service worker once they
have completed a job for you. 1) the cutlery
2)The amount of time it takes for something to arrive. 2) a delivery time
3)It refers to how busy a kitchen is and the number of orders
the kitchen is trying to fill. 3) a cart
4)The knives, forks and spoons that a person uses to eat food. 4) a tray
5)A flat piece of wood, plastic or metal with raised edges that a
person holds in order to carry things like plates or drinks. 5) fee
6)A big container on wheels, that a person pushes. It`s used for 6) a tip
carrying items.
7)A sum of money that you pay for a service or in order to do smth. 7) a kitchen load
[Keys: 1-6; 2-2; 3-7; 4-1; 5-4; 6-3; 7-5]
V. Основная часть урока.
It`s high time to represent our participants (представление участников). Kirina Kristina, Polyakiva Alina, Maximova Julia, Pomazkova Marina, Yerkhan Valeria, Privalova Arina, Kiryanova Ekaterina, Matveyeva Viktoriya are at the Front Desk. Guseva Anastasiya, Savkina Darya are the guests of the hotel. It`s our Hotel Team.
They`ll act the dialogues at the desk.
Dialogue # 1.
Телефонные переговоры, бронирование по телефону, заселение. Разговор по телефону – гость пытается определиться с выбором отеля в городе.
Telephone Conversation, reservation on the phone, check-in. Telephone Conversation, a guest is trying to choose a hotel in the town.
A: Good morning! Hotel “Korston”. Administrator Kristina. How can I help you?
G: Good morning. I don`t know which hotel to choose. Can you help me to decide?
A: Oh, yes, I can, certainly. What’s your name?
G: Darya
A: Darya, our four-star hotel is the best in our town. It has 79 comfortable rooms of 5 categories: Ambassador Suite, studio Suite, Apartments, Suite, and Deluxe. The cost of living includes: 1) breakfast (the Swedish Board) from 7:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.; 2) WI-FI; 3) long-distance and international calls. There are 3 Conference-Halls: Lermontov, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. There are also many restaurants and bars. There you can see Pre-Party Hall, Family Branch, Bowling and Billiard, the Trade Mall.
A: Would you like to book a room now?
G: No. I`ll do it later. Thanks a lot!
A:Anything else ?
G:No, thanks!
A:Thank you for the call, Darya. I wish you good day!
Dialogue # 2.
Разговор по телефону – гость пытается определиться с выбором отеля в городе. Выбирает между отелем, в котором работает администратор и другим отелем аналогичного класса. Просит администратора помочь в выборе, аргументированно убедить его забронировать отель, в котором работает администратор.
Telephone Conversation – a guest is trying to choose a hotel in the town. The guest chooses between the hotel in which the front desk clerk works and the hotel of the same category. The guest asks the administrator help in choice. The front desk clerk reasoned the guest to reserve the room in this hotel.
A:Good afternoon, Hotel Korston. Administrator Victoriya. Can I help you?
G:. Good afternoon, I would like to reserve a room in your hotel, but I can’t choose between your hotel and Val`s hotel.
A:Well, I help you with the choice. How can I address you?
G: Anastasia.
- Anastasia, our hotel is located in the downtown, all necessary is nearby. Anna, you can use our services Spa, fitness, sauna and bath. In our hotel, there are all necessary conveniences and conditions for comfortable rest.
-Thanks. Tell, please, about Val`s hotel.
- Anastasia, Val`s hotel doesn't provide many services, it is hotel of category 4*. You can find more information on the website of hotel. After comparison, you will see that our hotel offers more services and more comfortable placement.
-Thank you! I will stay in your hotel.
-Well, will you reserve a room now or on arrival?
-I want to reserve a room on arrival.
-Okay, Anna. We will be glad to see you in our hotel!
-Good bye!
Dialogue # 3.
Помощь гостям во время их пребывания.
Звонок из города. Звонящий интересуется услугами отеля, затем задает вопросы о вещах, не связанных с проживанием в отеле, отвлекая администратора от выполнения работы.
Help to the guest during the staying at the hotel.
A telephone call from the town. She is interested in the hotel services, then asks questions about points not connected with the staying at the hotel, turning away the administrator`s attention from the work.
-Good morning! I'm the administrator Julia. How can I help you?
-Good morning! I woud like to know your WEB- Site?
-What's you name?
-Yes, of course, Arina "www.korston.ru" .Anything else?
-What else does the cost of living include?
-The cost of living includes: breakfast (the Swedish board), WI-FI, long-distance and international call.
-Anythink else?
-Do you like pizza?
-Sorry.A have much work today. Call later? Please, how can I help you?
-No, thinks.
-I wish you good day.
Dialogue # 4.
Экстраординарные и неожиданные ситуации в отеле.
Гость звонит в отель и сообщает, что сотрудники ресепшн не вернули паспорт, ни сразу при заезда, ни при выезда. Сейчас он в аэропорту. Вылет через полтора часа.
Extraordinary and unexpected situations in the hotel.
A guest calls to the hotel and informs that the front desk clerks didn`t return the passport.
The guest is at the airport now. Time of departure is in an hour and a half.
-Good afternoon, administrator Valeria, How can I help you?
- Hello girl! I lived in your hotel and I had a problem.
- How can I address you?
-Victoria, tell us more about the problem.
-Your employees never gave me back my passport after the check in or after check out. Now I'm at the airport and an hour and a half from my departure. I need a passport right now. What am I to do?
-I apologize for this incident, Alex. Right now, our employee will go to you and return your passport. We're very sorry about that.
- Thank you for finding a way out of this situation Julia.
- Is there anything else I can do for you?
-No, thanks.
-Good, we look forward seeing again in our hotel!
Dialogue # 5.
Туристическая информация.
Гость планирует провести день в городе, просит посоветовать, какие достопримечательности можно посетить.
Touristic information.
A guest is planning to spend a day in the town, asks to recommend sightseeing to be visited.
-Good afternoon! Administrator Kate. How can I help you?
- Good afternoon! I came to rest and I want to spend a day in your city. Tell me what sights there are in your city.
- How can I address you?
- My name is Darya.
-Daryaa, I can advise you to visit the Trinity Cathedral on Cathedral Mountain. The temple is located in the center of the city on the territory of the former Serpukhov Kremlin. Also I advise you to pay attention to the historical and art museum. The Picture Gallery was founded in 1920 and it is considered the largest in the Moscow Region. The collection is located on the territory of the merchant mansion of the XIX century.
-Thank you for your help, this information was interesting for me.
-Julia, can I help you with anything else?
-No thanks. All the best.
-All the best, Darya. Nice rest.
Dialogue # 6.
Процедура выселения гостей.
Гость просит администратора на стойкой заплатить заранее за номер, так как он вынужден уехать рано утром завтра.
Checking out.
A guest asks the front desk clerk to pay for the room in advance, so that he has to go away tomorrow early morning.
-Good afternoon! Administrator Arina. How can I help you?
-I would like to pay for my accommodation in advance. Tomorrow morning I will leave.
- How can I address you?
- My name is Darya.
-Daryaa, unfortunately, I can only make an invoice when you leave the room, when it will be checked by the employees of the service of the housekeeping and what additional services you use.
-But I'm leaving early tomorrow morning and would not want to stay.
-Julia, your checkout will take you about 5 minutes.
-Well, thank you. Good-bye.
- All the best, Julia. Nice rest.
Dialogue # 7.1
Процедура выселения гостей.
Процедура выселения, оплата наличными, гость пользовался минибаром и дополнительными услугами. Гость спрашивает администратора, где он может провести остаток дня после выезда из отеля до того, как отправится в аэропорт.
Checking out.
Checking out, payment in cash, a guest used a minibar and additional services. The guest asks the front desk clerk where he can spend the rest of the day after checking out before going to the airport.
Administrator: Hello, Administrator Alina, how can I help you?
Guest: I need to leave the room
A: Can you tell me the number of your room?
G: 341
A: Anastasia, you used the room service and mini bar, didn't you?
G: Yes
A: Amount due to check out is $218. Will you pay in cash or with card?
G: In cash
A: Can I help you with anything else?
G: Yes. I would like to know where I could spend the rest of the day before leaving for the airport.
A: You can rest on the lobby bar in our hotel
G: Thanks, then I will go there
A: I wish you all the best. We’ll be waiting for you to visit us again.
Dialogue # 7.2
Проживание гостя оплачено компанией, гость выехал из номера, не предупредив администратора. Гость пользовался минибаром и сломал мебель в номере.
A guest`s staying at the hotel is paid by the company, the guest checked out, giving no notice the administrator. The guest used a minibar and broke the furniture in the room.
Administrator: Hello, Administrator Natalia, hotel Areal
Guest: Hello.
A: Are you Kiryanova Kate?
G: Yes. And what do you want?
A: You were checked out without paying for the broken furniture.
G: The Company has paid for me, I don't owe you anything
A: The Company pays only for accommodation.
G: I’m
A: You have to pay 43$ for a mini bar, and for furniture- 115$
G: Okay, I will pay using a card.
A: Well, we will be waiting for you at our hotel in the near future.
Dialogue # 7.3
Процедура выселения от туристического агентства, гость просит сказать, какую сумму составляет его тариф согласно специальному тарифу для туристического агентства.
Checking out from the touristic agency, a guest asks to say the sum of her rate according to the special rate for the touristic agency.
A: Good morning! Administrator Anastasia. How can I help you?
G: Good morning, I leave your hotel.
A: What’s your name?
G: Julia
A: Julia, what’s your room number?
G: My room number is 110.
A: Give me your key, please.
G: Please
A: Valeria, you came from a tour of agency, everything is right?
A: Julia, how did you like our hotel?
G: I like it very much.
A: Did you use mini-bar?
G: No
A: Wait a minutes, please! I’ll call to the Housekeeping Service.
Good morning! Administrator Julia. Check the room #110, please… Thank you. (по телефону).
A: Julia, do you need help with your luggage?
G: Yes
A: And what about taxi?
G: No, thanks
A: Anything else?
G: Tell me, how much will I pay for my room on the rate for travel agency, please.
A: Sorry, Valeria, but this is confidential information. Can I help you with anything else?
A: If you wish, I can make future reservation for you.
G: No, please!
A: I wish you good day.
G: Bye.
IV. Заключительная часть урока: Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия обучающихся.
T: Well, let`s reckon up. (оценка деятельности обучающихся).
T: Now let us discuss the homework, which you have to do for our next lesson: you have to prepare short composition essay. You are to express your thoughts about your future profession (домашнее задание).
And you, our friends, say some words about our lesson. How do you like it?
Рефлексия обучающихся:
Овсянникова Ксения: Данный урок, по моему мнению, развивает заинтересованность в нашей будущей профессии, развивает творчество, инновационный подход.
Максимова Юлия: Безусловно, урок был увлекательным, он показал нас и нашу будущую специальность; навел на размышления учиться и дальше по профессии.
Толкачева Анастасия: На меня произвело большое впечатление то, как работали наши девочки за стойкой.
Ерхан Валерия: И самое главное, что эти знания нам помогут в дальнейшем, в нашей профессиональной деятельности.
Итоги урока.
И в заключении я хочу выразить благодарность нашим детям, принявшим участие в нашем уроке. Все поработали упорно, кто-то при составлении диалогов на стойке, кто-то при составлении презентаций. И всем благодарность, что вы поработали над своим английским языком, отработали профессиональную и деловую лексику. А это самое главное!
Teacher: Thank you for your job. Good-bye!
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