Тест: Schools in the United Kingdom

Дмитриева Ирина Анатольевна

Лексический тест по разделу "Профессиональная деятельность специалиста", тема: "Образование". Тест создан по материалу учебника "Английский язык: учебник для студентов СПО" под редакцией Голубева А. П.


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Test «Schools in the United Kingdom»

  1. Choose the correct answer
  1. Education is compulsory from the ape of…
  1. Five to eighteen;
  2. Six to sixteen;
  3. Five to sixteen;
  1. The main aim of pre-primary education institutions is…
  1. To teach children school regulation;
  2. To teach children foreign languages;
  3. To make children ready for primary school;
  1. At a primary education institution children usually…
  1. Eat, sleep and play;
  2. Play, draw, model things from day;
  3. Learn to read, to write, to count;
  1. Most of school in Britain are…
  1. State;
  2. Non-state (private);
  3. Boarding;
  1. At the age of eleven pupils in Britain go to…
  1. College;
  2. Higher school;
  3. Comprehensive school;
  1. At the end of their studies at this stape they take…
  1. GCSE (O-level);
  2. IT;
  3. GCSE (A-level);
  1. British pupils take their A-levels…
  1. At the age of 17 in 2 subjects;
  2. At the age of 18 in 5 subjects;
  3. At the age of 18 in 3 or 4 subjects;

  1. Match:

  1. State education
  1. Некоторые исключения
  1. Vacations
  1. Местные органы управления образованием
  1. PE
  1. Назначать директора
  1. To enter a university
  1. Проверочные работы
  1. Few exсeptions
  1. Школы совместного обучения
  1. Appoint the head teacher
  1. Обязательный
  1. Assessment tests
  1. Государственное образование
  1. Mixed schools
  1. Поступить в университет
  1. Local Educational Authorities
  1. Физкультура
  1. Compulsory
  1. Школьные каникулы

  1. Use five of the given above phrases in the sentences of your own.

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