тест по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест по английскому языку.
1. Составьте рассказ по теме «Моя визитная карточка» (о себе).
Составленный рассказ должен быть связным и состоять из не менее 10-13 предложений
2. Переведите текст:
При переводе соблюдайте точность и эквивалентность, обращая внимание на структурно-грамматические категории при передаче информации.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America with a population of about 600,000 people. The city is situated in the District of Columbia on the north bank of the Potomac River. The city has little industry but there are lots of parks, squares, impressive building and open areas there. Among the most interesting attractions for tourists are the White House, which is the official residence of the President and the Capitol, the seat of American Congress. It is situated on the Capitol Hill, which is the highest point in the city. There is a law in Washington – not to build any buildings higher than the Capitol.
The White House, built in 1799, consists of more than a hundred rooms. The most known and largest of them is the East Room. It is the place where state receptions and balls are held. Among other places to visit in Washington, D.C. we can point out the Library of Congress with 5 million books in it, the National Gallery of Art and memorials built in honour of the three Presidents of the country: the Washington Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial.
3. Лексико-грамматический тест
Выберите только один правильный ответ из предложенных:
1.Kate … good in History.
a) am b) is c) are
2.Tom and his wife … from Montana.
a) are b) is c) am
3. I … sleepy, because it is too late.
a) is b) am c) are
4. It … very cold today.
a) am b) are c) is
5.The window in my room is … , than in your room.
a) the largest b) larger c) large
6.Jane is the … student in our group.
a) best b) better c) good
7. The weather in London is as … as in Paris.
a) worse b) the worst c) bad
8. I prefer semolina porridge … breakfast.
a) on b) at c) for
9.This blouse is made … silk.
a) with b) of c) in
10. My friend is fond … music.
a) of b) on c) by
11. … Sundays we go to the cinema.
a) in b) on c) at
12. Выберите правильное написание числительного 2017
a) twenty seventeen b) two zero seventeen c) two thousand seventeen
13. Выберите правильное написание числительного 25598
a) twenty thousand five hundred ninety eight
b) twenty thousand and five hundred nine-eighty
c) twenty five thousand five hundred and ninety eight
14. Выберите правильное написание числительного 137
a) one hundred and thirty seven b) one hundred thirty seven c) thirteen seven
15. Выберите правильное написание даты 31.12.2005
a) The thirty one of December two thousand five
b) The thirty first of December two thousand five
c) The thirty first of December two hundred five
16. Выберите правильное написание числительного «триста девятый»
a) three hundred and nineth b) three hundred and nine c)three hundred nineth
17. Выберите правильный вариант перевода «Мне хочется фруктов»
a) I like some fruit b) I want some fruit c) I’d like some fruit
18. Выберите правильный вариант перевода «Мне требуется 10 минут чтобы добраться до школы»
a) It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. b) It takes to me 10 minutes to get to school
c) It takes from me 10 minutes to get to school
19. Выберите правильный вариант перевода «Он никогда не летает самолётом»
a) He never goes in the plane b) He never goes by plane c) He never goes to plane
20. Выберите правильный вариант перевода «Ей 17 лет»
a) She have sixteen old years b) She is in sixteen c) She is sixteen years old
21). I can see three … in the photo.
a). woman b). women c). womans
22. … are sitting on the pond
a) goose b) gooses c) geese
23.These … are very expensive
a) shoes b) shoeses c) shoe
24. What is the name of the British national flag?
a) the Union Jack b) the United Jack c) the Union John
25. London is located on the river ….
a) Avon b) Thames c) Serpentine
26. Great Britain is…
A) constitutional monarchy b) republic c) federal republic
27. Britain's national drink is
a) coffee b) coca-cola c) tea
28. The main sightseeing of London is Big Ben, it is a…
a) museum b) clock c) monument
29. The main political parties of Great Britain are…
a) Democratic and Socialist b) Conservative and Labour c)Conservative and Democratic
30.The British Parliament consist of____________.
A ) the House of Lords and the House of Commons
b) the Congress and the House of Representatives
c )the Senate and the House of Commons
d) the house of Lords and the Royal Court
31. Who is the head of state in the United Kingdom?
a) President b)the Qeen c) the Prime Minister d)Lord Chancellor
∙ The Clyde b)the Thames c) the Severn d) the Trent
32. The official residence of Qe n Elizabeth II is__________
a) Albert Hall b)Tower c) Buckingham Palace d)Royal Park
33.The wax models of famous people are exhibited at___________.
a) Big Ben b) Covent Garden c)the National Gallery d)Madame Tussaud”s
34. A world famous grammar school, founded in 1440 is___________.
a)Trinity College b)Eton c)Cambridge d) King”s College
35.The parts of the UK and their capitals
1) England a) Cardiff
2) Scotland b) London
3) Wales c) Belfast
4) Northern Ireland d) Edinburgh
36. The holiday and its symbol:
1) Christmas a) pancakes
2) Easter b) a pumpkin
3) Pancake Day c) stockings at the fireplace
4) Halloween d) a rabbit
37. The place and a kind of sports:
1) Wimbledon a) horse-racing
2) Wembley b) lawn tennis
3) Derby c) association football
38. The place and the sight of it:
1) Cambridge a) ravens
2) Ben Nevis b) Qeen’s residence
3) Buckingham Palace c) The highest mountain
4) Tower d) Colleges and universities
1. Wales a) It has a warm, wet climate, green brilliant grass. Much of the land is farming country. It is separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea.
2. Northern Ireland b) It is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. Most farmers keep sheep. Deer live in the forests here.
3. England c) It has pretty valleys. But it has plenty of industry too, with many factories and coal mines. The people of this part are very musical.
4. Scotland d) Some areas of it are very crowded, especially the southeast of it. Fishing is an important industry in the northeast of it. The most important river flows here.
40.The parts of the UK and their national symbols
1) England a) a thistle
2) Scotland b) a shamrock
3) Wales c) a red rose
4) Northern Ireland d) a daffodil
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