Учебно-методическая разработка: Методические рекомендации для выполнения внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы с использованием контрольно-оценочных средств (кос) для базовой и углубленной подготовки по английскому языку
методическая разработка
Методические рекомендации для выполнения внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы с использованием контрольно-оценочных средств (КОС) для базовой и углубленной подготовки по английскому языку включают в себя:
- контрольные работы;
- тексты и упражнения по устным темам с заданиями для самоконтроля;
- дополнительные тексты для чтения.
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Учебно-методическая разработка:
Методические рекомендации для выполнения внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы с использованием контрольно-оценочных средств (кос) для базовой и углубленной подготовки по английскому языку
преподаватель иностранного языка (английского)
ГБОУ СПО ПТ №13 им. П.А. Овчинникова
Кутенцина Татьяна Геннадьевна
тел.: 8(495)683 06 58, 8 985 472 04 95
Концепция учебно-методического пособия по изучению дисциплины
В наше время знание иностранного языка как важнейшего элемента общей и профессиональной культуры и средств коммуникаций специалиста приобрело особую актуальность. В федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах (ФГОС), дисциплина Иностранный язык включена в качестве обязательной, по которой обучающиеся сдают единый государственный экзамен (ЕГЭ).
Открытость современного российского общества, растущая потребность в специалистах, владеющих иностранным языком, требует качественно новой подготовки обучающихся. Доминирующая направленность обучения – коммуникативная, которая позволяет расширить возможности обучения.
Методические рекомендации предназначены для подготовки обучающихся к выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы с использованием контрольно-оценочных средств базовой и углубленной подготовки по английскому языку.
Все занятия по курсу Английский язык имеют практический характер. Освоение и совершенствование фонетики, грамматики, правил словообразования и сочетаемости слов, а также лексики и фразеологии происходит в процессе работы обучающихся с устными и письменными текстами, разного рода словарями и справочниками.
Знание иностранного языка даёт молодёжи возможность приобщиться к мировой культуре. В условиях глобализации умение слушать, говорить и читать по-английски является необходимым для общения. Сегодняшняя система обучения иностранному языку должна не только готовить к практике «читать и писать» но и формировать функциональную коммуникативную деятельность обучающихся.
Представленные материалы методических рекомендаций:
- отражают современные тенденции и требования к обучению и практическому владению иностранными языками в повседневном обучении и в будущей профессиональной деятельности;
- направлены на развитие интеллектуальных способностей обучающихся, логического мышления, памяти; повышение общей и коммуникативной культуры;
- расширяют кругозор обучающихся;
- дают знания о странах и народах изучаемого языка;
- формируют у обучающихся навыки и умения выполнения самостоятельной работы;
- повышают качество профессионального образования;
- обеспечивают интеллектуализацию и мобильность специалиста среднего звена.
Цели и задачи учебно-методического пособия
Целью методической разработки является формирование базовых и углубленных навыков устной речи по английскому языку для развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.
Кроме того, практические задачи, используемые в методических рекомендациях, способствуют развитию всех составляющих коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной и учебно-познавательной).
Описание содержания учебно-методического пособия
Методические рекомендации для выполнения внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы с использованием контрольно-оценочных средств (КОС) для базовой и углубленной подготовки по английскому языку включают в себя:
- контрольные работы;
- тексты и упражнения по устным темам с заданиями для самоконтроля;
- дополнительные тексты для чтения.
Предполагаемые конечные результаты, их социальная эффективность и значимость
Выполнение внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы носит практический характер и формирует у обучающихся умения самостоятельно и избирательно применять различные языковые компетенции, включая говорение, чтение, понимание и осмысливание содержания текстов, учитывая заинтересованность в дальнейшем профессиональном росте.
Особенно ценным является то, что в данные рекомендации включены тексты, дифференцированные по уровню сложности для чтения и перевода, предназначенные для обучающихся, как продолжающих, так и начинающих изучать язык.
Современная жизнь требует от работника не только хороших исполнительских навыков, но и сформированных у него на достаточно высоком уровне ключевых компетенций, лежащих в основе качественного владения любой профессией и специальностью. Основной целью образования в современных условиях становиться оказание помощи молодым гражданам в развитии у них ключевых компетенций и культуры будущих профессионалов определенной ступени квалификации. Эта единая цель вполне соотносится с тем направлением модернизации российского образования, которое предусматривает в настоящее время целостное развитие личности, т. е. развитие тех личностных качеств, которые станут основой социальной и профессиональной адаптацией людей, их мастерства и культуры.
В современных условиях для обеспечения конкурентоспособности выпускнику любого образовательного учреждения необходимо овладеть знанием иностранного языка, что является составной частью важных личностных качеств представителя любой профессии и специальности. Особенно актуально это в век глобального интернационального общения, международных профессиональных конкурсов, творческих мастерских и выставок. Изучение языка происходит наиболее эффективно, когда студенты имеют возможность использовать язык в конкретных целях. Целенаправленная деятельность помогает преодолеть разрыв между «искусственными» условиями обучения и реальным миром.
I Семестр
• Особенности произнесения гласных и согласных звуков английского языка, основные правила чтения.
• Множественное число имен существительных. Притяжательный падеж существительных.
• Артикли.
• Спряжение глаголов: "to be", "to have". Оборот there is , there are .
• Группа Indefinite и Continuous в действительном залоге.
• Повелительное наклонение.
• Степени сравнения прилагательных.
• Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, указательные, относительные.
• Простое распространенное предложение. Порядок слов в предложении (прямой и обратный).
• Предлоги.
1. Образуйте множественное число существительных с помощью суффикса. Обратите внимание на орфографические изменения:
Example: a cup - cups, a knife - knives, a city - cities.
An atom, a group, a name, a play, a stay, a city, a party, a gypsy, a knife, a wife, a life, a leaf, a bag, a tap, a bench, a match, a man, a woman.
2. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже:
Example: the name of my friend - my friend's name.
A meeting of students, the flat of my friend, the rays of the sun, the house of his uncle, the children of my sister, the name of my daughter, the age of my parents.
3. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:
Example: a) pretty - prettier - the prettiest;
b) difficult - more difficult - the most difficult;
c) good - better - the best.
• cold, hot, warm, old, nice, young, easy, happy, far, big, late, small, interesting, beautiful, realistic, wonderful, bright, clear, clever, bad, many, little, good.
4. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite:
1. He … a good student. 2. They … old friends. 3. I … a teacher. 4. John … absent from class today. 5. The weather … good today. 6. We … both students. 7. The sky … clear. 8.I … a student. 9. She and I … cousins.
5. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have в Present Indefinite:
1. She … one sister. 2. We … a large flat. 3. They … a new car. 4. I … blue eyes. 5. Ann … many friends. 6. You … a large library. 7. He … a good dog.
6. Употребите оборот there is/are в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения.
• … three lamps in the room.
• … twelve months in a year.
• … several parks in the city.
• … a good theatre on the square.
• … an armchair at the wall.
• … a picture on the wall.
7. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Indefinite:
• We (read) newspapers in class every day.
• He always (do) his homework in the evening.
• The children (play) hockey in winter.
• They (take) a lot of books in the library.
• Helen (work) very hard.
• I often (go) to the cinema.
8. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past или Future Indefinite по смыслу:
• We (work) in our garden yesterday.
• I (listen) to music tonight.
• They (go) to the cinema last Sunday.
• She (take) many books in the library tomorrow.
• You (see) a new film yesterday.
• He (live) in Kiev two years ago.
• I (study) French next year.
• Ann (study) English at school.
9. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
Example: a) Nick studies English.
Does Nick study English?
Nick does not study English.
b) He finished his work on Monday.
Did he finish his work on Monday?
He did not finish his work on
c) They will return in October.
Will they return in October?
They won't return in October.
• 1. He knows English well. 2. She makes good reports. 3. They live in Kiev. 4. You go to the University on foot. 5. We read many books.
• 1. They sat in the first row. 2. He arrived yesterday. 3. The play lasted two hours. 4. We went to the cinema yesterday. 5. John came home at 5 o'clock.
• 1. These exercises will be easy for you. 2. The lesson will be over at 3. 3. We shall take children to the park. 4. You will see a new film tonight. 5. They will study English at the Institute.
10. Употребите соответствующие притяжательные местоимения:
1. (He) … composition is very good. 2. (I) … family lives in Barnaul. 3. (We) … son goes to school. 4. (They) … father is not old. 5. (She) … mother is young. 6. (You) … friends are students.
11. Переведите предложения:
- Close the book. 2. Don't open the window. 3. Come in! 4. Don't do this work. 5. Let her bring me the book. 6. Don't let her go there. 7. Let me think. 8. Let us go to the cinema. 9. Let them come to me tomorrow. 10. Don't let him take this book.
12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.
1. I (to play) chess tomorrow. 2.1 (not to play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (to play) chess tomorrow? 4. He (to play) chess every day. 5. He (not to play) chess every day. 6. He (to play) chess every day? 7. They (to play) chess now. 8. They (not to play) chess now. 9. They (to play) chess now? 10. Nick (to go) to the park now. 11. Nick (to go) to school every day. 12. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow. 13. You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 14. You (to read) this book next week? 15. You (to read) books every day? 16. You (to read) a book now? 17. 1 (not to see) him tomorrow.18.What you (to do) tomorrow? 19. What your friend (to do) tomorrow? 20. Where you (to go) next summer? 21. Where you (to go) every morning? 22. Where you (to go) now? 23. Look! Mary (to dance). 24. She (to dance) every day. 25. She (to dance) tomorrow?
13. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.
I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I do morning exercises, wash and dress. Then I sit down to have breakfast. At 8 o'clock I leave home and go to the University. As a rule I come to the Institute at about 8.30. Our classes begin at 9 o'clock. As a rule we have two lectures and two tutorials. We have seminars and practical English. At our English lessons we read, write and speak English. At about 1 o'clock I usually have lunch at the students' canteen. I come home at 6
o'clock. I have supper and do my homework. I always do my homework in the evening. Sometimes I go for a walk about the town or go to the cinema with my friends. At 11 or 12 o'clock I go to bed.
- What time do you get up?
- What do you do when you get up?
- When do you come to the University?
- How many classes do you have a day?
- What lessons do you usually have?
- Where do you have dinner as a rule?
- What do you do at home when you come from the University?
- What time do you go to bed?
• Модальные глаголы can , may , must и их эквиваленты.
• Временные формы Continuous и Perfect (Active).
• Неопределенные местоимения some , any , every и их производные.
• Неличные формы глагола Infinitive в функции подлежащего, дополнения и обстоятельства цели.
• Participle I and Gerund . Их функции в предложении и способы перевода.
• Страдательный залог.
• Придаточные предложения времени и условия, определительные и дополнительные.
1. Заполните пропуски глаголами can , may , must и переведите предложения.
1. All the students … go home because there will be no meeting after classes. 2. He …help you as he is not busy now. 3. My son …skate very well. 4. I am sorry, I … leave. 5. … I come in? Do please. 6. You … not go to the club today. You: stay at home because I shall phone to you at 8 o'clock. 7. … I open the window? Yes, you …. 9. You … not smoke in the children's room.
2. Глаголы - сказуемые употребите в форме Past / Future Indefinite, соответственно изменив модальные глаголы:
Example: can - to be able to
may - to be allowed to
must - to have to
1. I can do this work. 2. He may go home at five. 3. We must take a taxi. 4. I can help you. 5. You must do this work yourself. 6. The students may go home.
3. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в одной из форм Continuous по смыслу.
1. When the telephone rang, I (have) dinner. 2. Where is Peter? He (translate) the text now. 3. Mary (play) the piano when I arrived. 4. Nick (sleep) in that room now. 5. At 7 o'clock yesterday I (watch) television. 6. At 7 o'clock tomorrow I (watch) television. 7. They (work) in the garden the whole day tomorrow.
4. Переведите предложения и подчеркните сказуемое.
1. The teacher has just come. 2. You have already seen this film. 3. They had made dinner by the time we came. 4. The children will have returned home by 5 o'clock. 5. Nina has just translated the article. 6. We have got a new flat recently.7. They had done their home work by the time I phoned them.
5. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some , any , no , every и их производными. Переведите предложения.
1. He found … new words in this text. 2. I have … friends in this house. 3. She comes here … day. You can find her in… time between nine and six. 4. If you have … against me, speak out. 5. Have … more ice - cream. Thanks, … more for me. 6. … day he comes here and asks me the same questions. 7. … was ready. 8. I told you … I had to tell. There is hardly … to add.
6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива:
1. You must get up early to be in time for the lessons. 2. We sometimes stay at our Institute to discuss the news. 3. One must study hard to know English well. 4. To translate this text without a dictionary you must know all the new words. 5. It will take you much time to perform this work.
7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на " ing " формы глагола.
1. I enjoy studying English. 2. They have finished painting our room at last. 3. I know the man standing there. 4. Nick stopped smoking two months ago. 5. Swimming is useful. 6. Ann likes reading English books. 7. Going home I met a friend of mine. 8. On coming home I found a letter on the table. You can improve your English by reading much. 10. He likes reading books sitting in an armchair.
8. Подчеркните придаточные предложения и определите их тип:
1. If we get tickets we shall go to the concert. 2. The books you are speaking about can be found in any shop.3.Everybody knows that M. Lomonosov is a great scientist. 5. He will translate the article, if you give him a dictionary. 6. The information you sent us is of great importance. 7. There are many facts in his biography we still don't know. 8. It is very important to translate the text about new achievements in biology.
9. Переведите на английский язык, используя формы страдательного залога.
1. Письмо написано студентом.
2. Ремонт производится рабочими.
3. Нас встретили на станции.
4. Об этой книге будут много
5. Салат уже готов.
6. Вашингтон расположен на реке Потомак.
7. Деревья были посажены прошлой осенью.
8. Его доклад был выслушан с
10. Переведите текст на русский язык и ответьте на вопросы.
In my opinion, English is easier to learn than many other foreign languages because its grammar is not very complicated. There are more exceptions than rules and you have to look up words in the dictionary to check up their pronunciation because you can't rely on rules.
I can't say exactly which is most important in learning a language: grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation. Of course the main thing in a language is its vocabulary. If you don't know the words, you won't be able to express your idea even if you know lots of grammar Rules. Some students think that communicating is the most important thing in learning a language and they do not care that they make many mistakes in speaking.
As for me, I enjoy learning English because it is a very beautiful language. I like all activities but most of all I prefer reading. While reading you can learn a lot of new things, for example, you can learn some information about English-speaking countries. Besides, reading is easier for me than speaking or listening. If I don't know any word in the book, I can always look it up in the dictionary. What is more, when I read English books, I learn lots of new words and enlarge my vocabulary.
There are a lot of useful learning strategies that can help us improve our English such as reading English books, listening to English songs or watching English films. But in my opinion, the best way of learning a language is to practice a lot. Today we have an opportunity to go to an English-speaking country and talk to native speakers. That's why I'd like to go to Great Britain and take a course at an English school.
- Why is it easier to learn English than other languages?
- What is the main thing in a language?
- What do you think is the best way of learning a foreign language?
- What are useful learning strategies?
- What can you learn while reading?
- Where can you look up new English words?
- Where can you talk to native speakers?
- Would you like to learn any other foreign language in addition to English? Why?
• Неличные формы глагола.
• Косвенная речь.
• Страдательный залог всех групп.
• Сослагательное наклонение. Типы условных предложений.
• Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения и подлежащего (объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты).
1. Образуйте три основные формы от следующих глаголов:
to go, to be, to speak, to get, to have, to take, to make, to study, to work, to play, to stay.
2. Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на Participle I и II .
Example: the book given by my friend - книга, данная моим другом -.
giving him the book – давая ему книгу.
Reading the book, the book read by us, going home, the boy going home, the magazine bought yesterday, the girl buying the book, the book taken in the library, taking the books from the, library the work done by him, doing this work.
3. Подчеркните сказуемое и определите временную форму страдательного залога.
1. Many new houses are built in our town every year. 2. We were given much home- work yesterday. 3. Many books will be published next year. 4. A beautiful place was chosen for the picnic. 5. The delegation has been met by the members of our English club. 6. The new book of this writer is being widely discussed. 7. When we entered the room, he was being asked by the teacher. 8. The new houses were built in places of those which had been destroyed during World War II.
4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в страдательном залоге.
Active: They sent for the doctor. Они послали за доктором.
Passive: The doctor was sent for. За доктором послали.
1. They speak much about this film. This film is much spoken about. 2. They often laughed at Ann. Ann is often laughed at. 3. They will look for this book everywhere. This book will be looked for everywhere. 4. They always look at the picture. This picture is always looked at. 5. They will look through these letters tomorrow. These letters will be looked through tomorrow.
5. Переведите предложения. Подчеркните глаголы в сослагательном наклонении в придаточных предложениях:
1. If he were here, he would demonstrate the experiment to us. 2. If he could, he would certainly help you. 3. If it were possible to live on the Moon, people would be able to jump about six times as high as they can on the Earth. 4. If I had had time yesterday, I should have gone to the party. 5. If I had received your message, I should have come at once. 6. If you had told her the truth, she would not have been so angry. 7. If he had your address, he would have written to you.
6. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.
Example: He is considered to be a good sportsman. Считают, что он хороший спортсмен.
1. The delegation is said to have arrived. 2. He is sure to come. 3. He is expected to be working at this problem. 4. The delegation is known to arrive soon. 5. He proved to be a good man. 6. The concert is believed to take place next Sunday. 7. She seems to work much. 8. The weather is likely to change.
7. Подчеркните сложное дополнение и переведите предложения.
Example: I want you to come tomorrow.
Я хочу, чтобы вы пришли завтра.
1. I like people to tell the truth. 2. We saw him entering the room. 3. They expect us to come. 4. We believe him to be a good teacher. 5. I have never heard her sing. 6. We know M. Twain to be a famous American writer. 7. Nobody saw her leaving the room. 8. I find this book to be very interesting. 9. He asked the telegram to be sent immediately.
- Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, соблюдая правила согласования времен.
- He said: "I like watching soaps."
- My mother said: "We're going to visit our granny."
- The trainer said to me: "You can win the competition if you train hard."
- My Dad said: "Tom, you haven't done your homework."
- Ann's sister said: "My favourite channel is BBC 2."
- Our teacher said: "Your tests are excellent."
- My friend said: "I've been to England."
- Our friends said: "We're going to enter the same institute in summer."
- The teacher said to Ann: "You'll have to rewrite your sentences."
- My Dad said: "I have washed the floor, cooked dinner and have done the shopping.
Now you must wash up the dishes."
- "He had his last exam yesterday," said Tom.
12. Tony said: "The programme deals with the lives of people in cities."
9. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.
William Shakespeare is known to be the greatest England 's poet and dramatist. He was born in Stratford upon - Avon in1564. The exact day of his birth appears to be unknown. Shakespeare was earning his own living when he was 18.Hewas not yet 19 when he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children - Susanna, Judith and Hamnet. Judith and Hamnet were twins.
Not much is known about Shakespeare's life just after his marriage. He is supposed to have taught at school in the country for a while. Some believe him to have been working with his father, who was a glove maker. A few years later he appeared in London as an actor and writer of plays. His plays were written in poetry.
In 1592 bubonic plague, a terrible disease, swept over London. All London theatres were closed. During that time Shakespeare wrote some of his plays about early kings of England. Henry V and Richard III are two of these plays.
Besides his historical plays Shakespeare wrote both comedies and tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is considered to be the most famous of his tragedies. Other tragedies are Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello.
At the height of his success Shakespeare returned to Stratford. There he died in 1616. He was buried in Stratford -upon - Avon.
Notes to the text:
1. To earn one's living – зарабатывать на жизнь
2. twins - близнецы
3. bubonic plague – бубонная чума
4. both and - и: и, как : так и
- Where and when was Shakespeare born?
- How many children had he?
- When did be begin to write poems?
- What historical plays written by Shakespeare do you know?
- What did he write besides historical plays?
- Where was Shakespeare buried?
Тексты и упражнения по устным темам с заданиями для самоконтроля.
Цель: активизировать лексико-грамматический материал по предложенным темам, приобрести дополнительный материал для решения коммуникативных задач и повышения лингвострановедческой компетенции.
- Vocabulary:
• to be born –быть рожденным
• to finish-закончить
• to enter-поступить
• to go to school-ходить в школу
• to go in for sport-заниматься спортом
• a wardrobe-гардероб
• a dressing table-туалетный столик
• a carpet-ковер
• on the floor-на полу
• parents-родители
- Прочтите и переведите текст.
I am Petrova Nina. I was born on the 10th of August 1973 in the town of Gorno -Altaisk. I finished school in 1990 and entered the Pedagogical Institute. Now I am a first-year student. I am seventeen. My family is not large. I have a mother, a father and a younger sister.
My father's name is Sergei Mikhailovitch. He is an engineer. He works in an office. He is 50 years of age. My mother's name is Anna Ivanovna. She is a teacher. She teachers English at school. She is a good teacher. My mother is 47. My sister's name is Tanya. She is 15 years old. She goes to school. She studies in the ninth form. She is a good pupil. She goes in for sports. She likes skating and skiing. We live in a new big house. There are three rooms in our house, a kitchen and a bathroom. My sister and I have our own room. It is not very large, but very comfortable. There are two beds, a wardrobe, a dressing table and a writing table in our room. You can see a nice carpet on the floor. In our room we sleep and work. We usually have a rest in the living-room together with our parents.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is your name?
2. When and where were you born?
3. How old are you?
4. What are you now?
5. Is your family large?
6. What's your father's name?
7. What is he?
8. Where does your mother work?
9. How old is she?
10. Have you a sister or a brother?
11. Where does your family live?
4.Составьте свой текст по теме и выучите наизусть.
1. Vocabulary:
• Great Britain - Великобритания
• to be situated - располагаться
• to lie - располагаться, лежать
• the British Isles – Британские острова
• an island - остров
• the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
• to consist of - состоять из
• to include - включать
• England - Англия
• Wales - Уэльс
• Scotland - Шотландия
• Northern Ireland – Северная Ирландия
• the English Channel – пролив Ла - Манш
• the Strait of Dover – Дуврский пролив = Па-де-Кале
• the Irish Sea – Ирландское море
• the Severn - Северн
• the Cambrian mountains – Кембрийские горы
• the C heviot Hills - Червиот - Хилс
• the Cumbrian mountains – Кемберленсдские горы
• to separate - отделять
• surface - поверхность
• to wash - омывать
• to be washed - омываться
• a lake - озеро
• a river - река
• navigable - судоходный
• all the year round – круглый год
• an area - площадь
• population - население
• an industrial state – индустриальное государство
• a harbour - гавань
• highly developed -высокоразвитый
• the capital - столица
• a coast line - береговая линия
2. Прочтите и переведите: а) словосочетания, б) предложения
а) European continent, on the British Isles, thousands of small Islands, in the west of the counrty, to the north of England, east of Great Britain, a lot of beautiful lakes, the Island of Great Britain, a flat surface, a mountainous surface, a highly developed industrial country, a densely populated country.
б) 1) The British Isles lie to north-west of Europe . 2) Great Britain is situated on the British Isles . 3) The British Isles consist of two large Islands and a thousand of small ones. 4) Great Britain includes three countries: England , Wales and Scotland . 5) There are many mountains, rivers and lakes in Great Britain . 6) Great Britain is a highly developed . 7) There are many industrial cities and towns in Great Britain . 8) There are a lot of harbours on the coastline of the British Isles , which serve as ports.
3. Прочтите и переведите текст.
Great Britain is a capitalists state. It lies on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large Islands Great Britain and Ireland and of thousands of small Islands. Great Britain consists of three countries: England, Wales and Scotland. England Lies in the south of the British Isles, Wales is to the west of England and Scotland is in the north of Great Britain.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain includes four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland lies in the north - east of Ireland.
The Atlantic Ocean washes the British Isles in the west. In the east you can see the North Sea and the southern coast is washed by the English Channel. The Irish Sea lies between England and Ireland .
The North Sea and the English Channel, the narrowest part of which is called the Strait of Dover, separate Great Britain from the European continent.
Some parts of Great Britain are flat and others are mountainous. The surface of Eastern and Northern Ireland is flat, but the surface of Wales and Scotland is hilly and mountainous. In the west of Wales we can see the Cambrian mountains.
The Cheviot Hills separate England from Scotland. To the south of Cheviot Hills you can see the Pennines and Cumbrian mountains. There are a lot of beautiful lakes in Cumbrian mountains.
There are many rivers in Britain but they are not very long. The principal rivers are the Severn, the Trent and the Thames. The Severn is the longest river but the most important river is the Thames. It is navigable all the year round.
The area of Great Britain is 211000 square km. and population is more than 55 mln.
Great Britain is a highly developed capitalist country. There are many industrial cities and towns such as Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Sheffield and many others. Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and London itself are university cities. On the map you can sea numerous harbours which serve as ports among which are London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Portsmouth and others. London is the capital of Great Britain.
4. Ответьте на вопросы:
• What do we call a group of islands situated to the northwest of Europe?
• What are the names of the two biggest islands?
• What parts does Great Britain consist of?
• Where is each part situated? ( England, Wales, Scotland).
• What are the most important rivers in Great Britain?
• Why is the Thames the most important river?
• Are there many mountains and hills in Great Britain?
• What are the names of the mountains?
• What is the area (the population) of Great Britain?
• What country is Great Britain?
• What industrial (university) cities of Great Britain do you know?
• Why are there many ports in Great Britain?
5. Расскажите о Великобритании, используя данные вопросы.
1. Vocabulary:
• the capital - столица
• political - политический
• economic - экономический
• cultural - культурный
• commercial - коммерческий
• financial - финансовый
• ancient - древний
• a century - век, столетие
• to include - включать
• to consist of – состоять из
• the West End – Западная часть (Уэст Энд)
• the East End - Восточная часть
• the City - Центральная часть (Сити)
• rich - богатый
• poor - бедный
• a bank - 1) берег 2) банк
• a business office – деловое учреждение
• to admire the sightseeings of London – любоваться достопримечательностями Лондона
• the Houses of Parliament - парламент
• a tower - башня
• the Tower of London –Лондонский Тауэр
• Big Ben – название часов
• architectural monuments – архитектурные памятники
• the British Museum – Британский музей
• the National Gallery – Национальная Галерея
• Buchingham Palace – Букингемский дворец
• Westminister Abbey – Вестминстерское аббатство
• The Nelson Column – колонна Нельсона
• St. Paul 's Cathedral – собор св. Павла
• The suburbs of London – пригород Лондона
2. Переведите следующие слова:
a) to be situated - situation; near - nearly - nearness; administration - administrative; narrow - narrowness; rich -richness; poor - poorly;
b) narrow - wide; poor - rich; clean - dirty; near - far; famous - unknown; ancient - young; old - new;
с) to include - to consist (of); section - part; due to - thanks to; chiefly - mainly; almost nearly - about; sightseeing's -the places of interest;
3. Переведите предложения:
1. This book consists of five parts. 2. London includes three sections. 3. The ancient Kremlin looks very beautiful. 4. London is an ancient city. 5. Many ancient Russian churches and cathedrals are really beautiful. 6. St. Paul's Cathedral is well known in the world. 7. What's the time? It's nearly two o'clock. 8. London is situated on the banks of the Thames nearly 40 miles from its mouth (устья). 9. The West End, the East End and the City are the chief parts of London. 10. Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world admire the sights of London. 11. The most beautiful London park -Hyde Park - is in the West End. 12. The Houses of Parliament are situated in Westminster - in the administrative centre of London.
4. Прочтите и переведите текст:
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. London is an ancient city. It is more than 20 centuries old. The population of London with its suburbs is more than eight million people.
London is situated on the banks of the river Thames. The river Thames divides the city into two large parts - the West End and the East End. London consists of four important sections: the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster.
The City is a small part of London only one square mile in area but it is a financial and business centre of the country. There are trusts; banks and various business offices here.
Westminster is an administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament are situated here. It is the seat of the British Government. The building is very beautiful with its towers and a big clock called Big Ben.
Westminster is famous for Westminster Abbey where kings and queens are crowned. It is just opposite the houses of Parliament. Many famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey, among them Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling. Here are the memorials to Shakespeare and Longfellow.
The West End is a rich part of London. Here you can see the best theatres and cinemas, concert halls and museums, restaurants and hotels, a lot of parks and gardens.
Hyde Park is among them. Rich people live here. The streets are wide and clean, the houses are beautiful. It is a cultural centre of London.
The Fast End is the poorest section of London. It includes ports and docks. It is an industrial centre of London. There are many factories and plants. The streets are narrow. The houses are not beautiful. Poor and working people live here.
London is famous for its interesting places. There are many architectural, art and historical monuments in London such as the British Museum, the Tower of London, the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace, the Nelson Column which is in Trafalgar Square and many others. Thousands of tourists come to London to admire its sightseeings.
4. Ответьте на вопросы:
• What is London?
• Where is London situated?
• How old is London?
• What is the population of London with its suburbs?
• What parts does London consist of?
• What centre of London is the City?
• Which section of London is an administrative one?
• Which part of London is the poorest?
• What is the West End?
• Who lives in the City (in the West End, in the East End)?
• What can you see in the West End (in the City, in the East End)?
• Name interesting places of London .
5. Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом.
• London is the capital of Great Britain .
• The sections of London .
• The City - a financial part of London .
• The West End - a rich part of London .
• The East End - the poorest part of London .
• Westminster - an administrative section of London .
1. Vocabulary:
• to found (founded) - основывать
• to occupy the leading place – занимать ведущее место
• the struggle for the unification – борьба за воссоединение
• to start one's activity - начать свою деятельность
• a head - во главе
• well known - хорошо известный
• to admire - восхищаться
• to be famous – быть знаменитым
• the seat of the Government – место правительства
• to take place - проходить
Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. There is a monument to Yuri in Moscow. Moscow always occupied the leading place in the history of Russia. Already in the 13th century Moscow was the centre of the struggle for the unification of the Russian lands. The first Russian public theatre, the first - hand written Russian newspaper, the first Russian University started their activity in Moscow.
In 1918 the Soviet Government with V.I.Lenin ahead moved to Moscow from Petrograd and it became the capital of the first socialist state in the world.
Moscow is an industrial, cultural and political centre. It is an educational and scientific centre. There are many institutes, universities, and research establishments in Moscow. The University after Lomonosov and the University of Friendship after Patris Lumumba are well-known in the whole world.
We admire Moscow's fine buildings, palaces, architectural monuments. The museums, art galleries and exhibitions, theatres, historical monuments of Moscow make it very important for world culture.
The Lenin Museum, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of History and Revolution and the famous state Tretiakov Gallery are well-known in the world.
Moscow is the seat of the Government of Russia.
All the congresses and conferences of the state organs take place in Moscow.
2. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык географические названия:
Norway, Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia, Korea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea, the Okhostsk Sea, the Arctic Ocean.
3. Правильно прочитайте:
• education, population, revolution, foundation, exhibition, inification, collection;
• culture, picture, century, architecture, cultural, architectural.
4. Просмотрите текст и зачитайте предложения соответствующие следующим пунктам:
а) из истории Москвы;
б) Москва - научный и образовательный центр;
в) Москва - культурный центр;
г) Москва - политический центр.
1. Vocabulary:
• out-of-doors – на улице
• to be close to nature – быть близко к природе
• to save own lives - спасать собственную жизнь
• to look for - искать
• a shelter - убежище
• to seek a shelter – искать убежище
• to for cast weather - предсказывать погоду
• to make up - делать, составлять
• moisture - влажность
• to affect living things - воздействовать на живые существа
• weather changes - изменения погоды
• weather sings - признаки погоды, показатели погоды
• to predict - предсказывать 1) prediction - предсказание
• complicated - сложный
• damp - влажный, сырой
• relative humidity - относительная влажность
• saturated - насыщенный
• a sponge - губка
• to rely on nature – полагаться на природу
• a spider - паук
• to spin webs – плести паутину
• a dragnet - паутина
• to catch insects (caught) – поймать насекомых
• to soal wings – смачивать крылья
• a frog - лягушка
• a toad - жаба
• to feast - лакомиться
• to be true – быть верным
2. Read and translate the text:
Weather Wisdom.
A long time ago when people lived mostly out-of-doors, they were close to nature. They noticed that plants, mammals, insects, and birds sensed the coming of storm sooner than people did. All living things have a natural instinct to save their own lives, and so they look for shelter just before a storm. When ancient people saw animals seeking shelter, they did, too.
Of course, plants and animals do not actually forecast weather, but they are good weather indicators. The elements that make up weather-atmospheric pressure, moisture, temperature, and wind-affect living things in special ways, and their reactions give clues to weather changes. The people of long ago called these clues "weather sings", and those who knew how to read the sings were often just as correct in their predictions as modern meteorologists, the scientists who study weather and collect weather information with complicated scientific instruments.
Meteorologists tell us that during fair weather the air usually contains very little moisture. But just before a rain the air becomes damp and has a higher relative humidity. Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to how much it could hold. When the air has all the moisture it can hold, it is saturated. You might compare it to a sponge. When a sponge is damp it is wet, but has relatively little moisture in it. When it is dropping wet, it is saturated.
Now meteorologists use special instruments to measure relative humidity, but in earlier times, people relied on nature to tell them when the humidity was high. Spiders were one of their best humidity indicators.
Normally, spiders spin their webs between 6 and 7 p. m. During calm, clear weather they don't bother to make large webs or to take in. But when there is high humidity and a drop in air pressure spiders work overtime building more and larger dragnets. Somehow they seem to know that insects will be easier to catch when the humidity is high. The moisture in the air soaks the insects "wings, making it difficult for them to fly. However, since a heavy rain would ruin the net and wash away the bugs caught in it, spiders will take down their nets before a storm. An old saying warns:
When spiders take in their net, the ground will soon be wet.
Frogs and toads come out and feast on the easily caught insects when the air is cool and moist. Toads seldom come out when the air is dry. This is also true of frogs, and it is another reason why you can hear more of them before a rain.
3. Answer the questions:
• Why were people in old times closer to nature?
• Who sense the coming of storm sooner?
• What do usually animals, birds and insects look for before a storm?
• What elements make up weather?
• When do the spiders spin large webs?
• Why do they spin large webs before a storm?
• What other weather sings' do you know? (give an example).
• an ant - муравей
• weather clue - ключ к разгадке погоды (показатель погоды)
• a huge mound - огромная куча, насыпь
• holes - ходы, норки, лазы
• a downpour - ливень
• to break up - разбивать, нарушать
• to scurry into nests – поспешно забраться в ходы
• to build dams – строить дамбу, плотину, преграду
• to prevent smth. from - преградить от чего-либо
• a bee - пчела
• humidity - влажность
• a hive - улей
• a buttefly - бабочка
• to disappear - исчезать
• to hide - прятаться
• a tree trunk – ствол дерева
• to seek shelter – искать убежище
• to protect - защищать
• a firefly - жук-светляк
• locust - саранча
• daisy - маргаритка
• dandelion - одуванчик
• tulip - тюльпан
• to close the blossoms – закрывать соцветие, бутон
• clover plants – клеверные растения
• to draw leaves together – сворачивать листы
• leaf stalk - черешок листа (устьице листа)
• curly hair - кудрявый волос
• sensitive - чувствительный
• living hydrometre - живой гидрометр
• joints - суставы
• cause to increase - вызывать увеличение, приводить к увеличению
• painful - болезненный
2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Some people watch ants for weather clues. Anytime you see ants industriously building huge mounds around their holes, prepare for rain. About two hours before a downpour, all kinds of ants - but especially large black or red ants - will break up their caravants, scurry into their nests, and begin building dams around the ant hill. These mounds, which are sometimes several inches in height, prevent rainwater from running into the ant hills.
Bees give weather clues, too. They are usually active several hours before a rain, but as the humidity increases, they return to their hives. Some American Indians say that the longer the increased activity lasts, the longer the rain will be.
Other insects are also good humidity indicators. Butterflies usually flit from flower to flower all day long. When they suddenly disappear and can be found hiding on tree trunks or on the underside of leaves, they are seeking shelter to protect their fragile wings from a hard rain.
Fireflies fly very low when there is a high relative humidity. But an old saying states:
“When fireflies are about in large numbers, the weather will be fair for the next three days”.
And if you hear lots of locusts singing, you can be sure the air is dry, because locusts sing only when it is hot and dry.
Plants are also handy humidity indicators. They are affected in different ways. Just before a rain many flowers - like the daisy, dandelion and tulip - close their blossoms, and clover plants draw their leaves together. It is believed that the absorption of moisture from the air causes a change in the leaf stalk, making the leaves turn over. It may be that the rough underside of the leaf can absorb rain better than the smooth topside.
Almost everyone knows what humidity does to hair. Curly hair gets curlier and straight hair gets limp. The reason is that hair absorbs moisture from damp air. Straight hair actually gets longer. Swiss geologists used this fact to invent the first hydrometer. In 1783 Horace Benedict de Saussure fastened some human hair to a needle. The hair expanded when the air was moist and contracted when the air was dry, moving the needle across a numbered scale. His instrument is called a hair hydrometer and is still used by meteorologists.
Some people are very sensitive to humidity. People who have arthritis are, in a sense, "living hydrometers". High humidity causes the fluids in their tissues and joints to increase, making movement difficult and painful. That is why many older people say. "It's going to rain. I can feel it by my bones." They actually can.
By learning to read weather sings, you can get a few hours advance warning if a storm is headed your way. It may keep you from getting' your new shoes ruined in the rain, from having a family picnic spoiled, or your garden beaten down by a storm. If you are backpacking camping, boating or doing similar outdoor activities it might even save your life.
3.Ответьте на вопросы:
• How do ants prepare for rain?
• When do beers return to their hives?
• Where do butterflies seek a shelter?
• Are plants also humidity indicators? (Give examples).
• What is the meaning of reading weather sings?
(1711 - 1765)
- Vocabulary:
• to be born - родиться
• at an early age – в раннем возрасте
• to be eager - to wish - to want - хотеть
• at the age of 14 - в 14-летнем возрасте
• to enter an Institute – поступить в институт
• the Slavonic - Greek - Latin Academy - славяно - греко – латинская академия
• to be capable – быть способным
• to make great progress – добиться больших успехов
• because of - из-за
• to be in the majority – быть в большинстве
• to hinder - препятствовать
• in spite of – не смотря на
• to produce stained glass – получить цветное стекло
• the law of Conservation of Matter and Motion – Закон сохранения материи
• natural resources – естественные ресурсы
• to make experiments – делать эксперименты
• peasant origin – крестьянское происхождение
• could not but admire - не могли не восхищаться
• to be known abroad - быть известным за рубежом
• on the initiative of exact – по инициативе
• to be more exact – точнее говоря
• to devote one's life to - посвятить свою жизнь чему-то
2. Прочтите и переведите текст:
M.V.Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist and poet, was born in 1711 in a small village near the town of Kholmogori. Now this village is called Lomonosovo.
Lomonosov's father was a fisherman and at an early age the boy often went with father to the White Sea and learned much about fishing. The boy did not go to school but he was eager to learn and learned to read at an early age
At the age of 19 he left his home and went on foot to Moscow. After many difficulties he entered the Slavonic - Greek - Latin Academy where he studied hard for five years. As Lomonosov was extremely capable and made great progress, he was sent to Petersburg to study at the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences. There he studied mathematics, physics, foreign languages and other subjects.
In 1736 the Academy of Sciences sent Lomonosov to Germany where he studied chemistry and metallurgy. When he came back to Petersburg in 1741 he began his scientific work, taught chemistry and other subjects at the Academy of Sciences. In those days it was difficult for Russian scientist to work for his country because of foreign scientists who were in the majority at the Academy and everywhere and hindered the advance of Russian science.
In spite of great difficulties Lomonosov founded the first chemical laboratory in Russia where he produced stained glass. He formulated the main principles of the Law of Conservation of Matter and Motion. He studied natural resources of the earth and made experiments with atmospheric electricity. Lomonosov developed the Russian literary language - he wrote the first Russian grammar and wrote poetry, introduced such terms as thermometer, formula, atmosphere and others into Russian scientific language.
Many members of the Academy of Sciences despised Lomonosov for his peasant origin and were his enemies but they could not but admire his talent.
In 1745 Lomonosov was made academician and appointed professor of chemistry. Lomonosov's works were known abroad. He was one of the most learned men in Europe and foreign academies honoured the great Russian scientist Lomonosov by electing him honorary member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and of the Bologna Academy of Sciences.
The Moscow University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of Lomonosov. "Lomonosov was a great man. He founded our first university. To be, more exact, he himself was our first university"; said the great Russian poet Pushkin. Lomonosov was Rector of the Petersburg University during the last years of his life. He devoted his whole life to the development of Russian science. He wrote many books on various problems of science, technique and culture. And all that he did, he did for his people and for his country.
3.Ответьте на вопросы:
• When and where was M.V.Lomonosov born?
• What family was he born in?
• How did Lomonosov go to Moscow?
• Where did Lomonosov study?
• What subjects did Lomonosov study at the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences?
• Why was it difficult for Lomonosov to work for his country?
• What fields of science did Lomonosov work?
• When was Lomonosov made academician and appointed professor of chemistry?
• When did Lomonosov die?
4. Подготовьте пересказ текста.
(1834 - 1907)
• to be born - родиться
• to receive a secondary education – получить среднее образование
• to graduate from the Institute – окончить институт
• to receive master ' s degree – получить степень кандидата наук
• a two - year scientific commision - 2-годичная научная командировка
• to take part in - принимать участие в
• pedagogical activities - педагогическая деятельность
• to put down the results – записать результаты
• to describe - описывать
• to be divided - разделять(ся)
• to possess similar properties – обладать одинаковыми свойствами
• the Periodic Table of Elements – Периодическая таблица элементов
• a new era – новая эра
• to pay attention to – обратить внимание
• to put forward the idea of – выдвинуть идею
• the Bureau of Weights and Measures – Палата мер и весов
• pneumonia – воспаление легких
• a great deal of attention – большое внимание
2.Прочтите и переведите текст:
Dmitry Ivanovitch Mendeleyev, the great Russian scientist, the father of the Periodic Table of Elements, was born in Tobolsk in 1834 in the family of the director of the town Gymnasium. He received a secondary education at the Tobolsk Gymnasium. At the age of 16 he finished school and went to Petersburg where he entered the Pedagogical Institute and graduated from it with a gold medal in 1855.
After graduation Mendeleyev worked as a teacher for two years, first in the Simferopol and then Odessa Gymnasiums. In 1859 Mendeleyev received his master's degree and went abroad on a two-year scientific commission. In 1860 he took part in the World Chemical Congress in Karlsruhe.
When Mendeleyev returned to Russia he was elected professor of the Petersburg Technological Institute and two years later professor of the Petersburg University where he carried his scientific and pedagogical activities for twenty - three years. Mendeleyev taught chemistry. His lectures were always interesting and the students of that time listened to them with great interest and attention. Besides lectures Mendeleyev made a lot of experiments in his laboratory and in his classes. He put down the results of his experiments and later grouped all those data. Mendeleyev described more than 60 elements and found that all the elements could be divided into nine groups. Each of these groups may be divided into five rows. The elements of one group possess more or less similar properties. In 1869 Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table of Elements which began a new era in chemical thought.
Mendeleyev also paid much attention to many subjects. He was the first to put forward the idea of studying the upper layers of the atmosphere.
In 1893 Mendeleyev was appointed Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. He was elected member of many academies abroad.
In February 1907 at the age of 75 Mendeleyev died of pneumonia.
Mendeleyev always combined theory and practice. He gave a great deal of attention throughout his life to the development of the industry of his country. He wrote: "Science and industry - there lie my dreams!"
3. Answer the questions to the text:
• When and where was Mendeleyev born?
• What Institute did Mendeleyev study?
• Where did Mendeleyev work after graduating from the Institute?
• When was Mendeleyev elected professor of the Petersburg Institute and University?
• How many elements did Mendeleyev describe?
• When did Mendeleyev publish his Periodic Table?
• What subject did Mendeleyev pay attention to besides chemical elements?
- Подготовьте пересказ текста.
- Vocabulary
• general purpose machine— устройство для выполнения различных операций
• to process information — обрабатывать информацию
• word process program — текстовый редактор
• a spread sheet— программа обработки крупноформатных динамических таблиц
• database program — база данных browser — браузер
• soft ware program— программное обеспечение
• hardware— аппаратные средства
• in put devices— устройство для ввода информации
• magnetic ink character reader— магнитное чернильное считывающее устройство
• barcode— штрих код
• a reflection of a light beam — отражение луча света
• to identify — распознавать
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Everyday Uses of Computers
Most machines are designed to do one job. Computers are different: they are general purpose machines. By changing the program instructions, computers can be used to process information in very different ways. For example, a word processor program allows the computer to process text,' a spreadsheet enables the computer to perform calculations, a database program is used for searching and sorting records, and a browser program is used for looking at pages on the Internet (the Internet is the connection of computers from different parts of the world). Computers are used in almost every type of work and can be found everywhere. Computer equipment is known as hardware programs and data are called software.
A variety of devices can be attached to a computer. Input devices are used to enter data into the computer for processing.
Magnetic ink characters are commonly found on bank cheques.
An optical input device called a barcode reader uses the reflection of a light beam to read a sequence of printed parallel bars called a barcode. The bars are of different thickness and each sequence of bars represents a different number according to a standard code.
Barcode labels are used to code items. Each item can be identified by a computer, using a barcode reader to scan the labels. Barcodes are used in industry, shops, and supermarkets for stock control and to allow a computer to look up the price of items being purchased.
Most television advertisements and many films use graphics, produced by a computer. In hospitals, bedside terminals connected to hospital's main computer allow doctors to type in orders for blood tests and to schedule their customers' money. In libraries and bookshops, computers can help you to find the book you want as quickly as possible. We also use computers to control the production process.
- Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и фраз:
To be designed to do smth.; in very different ways; to enable smb. to do smth.; to search and sort records; a variety of devices; an optical input device; a sequence of printed parallel bars; to scan the labels; to look up the price of the items; to type in smth.
- Переведите на английский язык.
Совершать вычисления; просматривать страницы в интернете; компьютерное оборудование; программы и данные; банковские чеки; прикроватные датчики в больницах; следить за счетами клиентов.
- Заполните пропуски.
Computers are now___ of our day life. In shops, they____. In factories, they____. In____, they look after patient records and medicines. When we have a bank account, a computer______. In our homes сomputers_______.
- Ответьте на вопросы:
- What kind of machines are computers?
- Name some of the main programs of the computer.
- Explain the words "hardware", "software".
- Where do we usually use magnetic ink character reader?
- Do we use computers in many spheres of our life? Give some examples.
Peter Carl Faberge
- Vocabulary
• a paternal ancestor- предок по отцовской линии
• arevocation of the Edict –аннулирование Указа
• to retire to-удалиться к
• respected goldsmiths-уважаемые ювелиры
• to view the objects-рассмотреть объекты
• work master-владелец работы
• to be awarded-быть награжденным
• to revive-возрождаться
• the art of enameling-искусство эмалировки
• to be exhausted-быть исчерпанным
• to embellishe –украшать
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Peter Carl Faberge was born in Saint Petersburg, in the family of the Baltic German jeweller Gustav Fabergé and his Danish wife Charlotte Jungstedt. Gustav Fabergé’s paternal ancestors were Huguenots who fled from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, first to Germany near Berlin, then in 1800 to the Baltic province of Livonia, then part of Russia.
Getting education in Saint Petersburg in 1860 Gustav Fabergé together with his wife and children retired to Dresden. He left the business in the hands of capable and trusted Peter Carl. Two years later Agathon, the Fabergés' second son, was born.
In 1864, Peter Carl embarked upon a Grand Tour of Europe. He received tuition from respected goldsmiths in Germany, France and England, attended a course at Schloss’s Commercial College in Paris, and viewed the objects in the galleries of Europe’s leading museums.
His travel and study continued until 1872, when at the age of 26 he returned to St. Petersburg and married Augusta Julia Jacobs. For the following 10 years, his father’s trusted workmaster Hiskias Pendin acted as his mentor and tutor. The company was also involved with cataloguing, repairing, and restoring objects in the Hermitage during the 1870s. In 1881 the business moved to larger street-level premises at 16/18 Bolshaya Morskaya.
Upon the death of Hiskias Pendin in 1882, Carl Fabergé took sole responsibility for running the company. Carl was awarded the title Master Goldsmith. Carl Fabergé’s reputation was so high that the normal three-day examination was waived. His brother, Agathon, an extremely talented and creative designer, joined the business from Dresden, where he had also possibly studied at the Arts and Crafts School.
Carl and Agathon were a sensation at the Pan-Russian Exhibition held in Moscow in 1882. Carl was awarded a gold medal and the St. Stanisias Medal. One of the Fabergé pieces displayed was a replica of a 4th century BC gold bangle from the Scythian Treasure in the Hermitage. The Tsar declared that he could not distinguish the Fabergé's work from the original and ordered that objects by the House of Fabergé should be displayed in the Hermitage.
When Peter Carl took over the House, there was a move from producing jewellery in the fashionable French 18th century style. This resulted in reviving the lost art of enameling and concentrating on setting every single stone in a piece to its best advantage. Indeed, it was not unusual for Agathon to make ten or more wax models so that all possibilities could be exhausted before deciding on a final design. Shortly after Agathon joined the firm, the House introduced objects deluxe: gold be jeweled items embellished with enamel .
In 1885, Tsar Alexander III gave the House of Fabergé the title; ‘Goldsmith by special appointment to the Imperial Crown’.
- Проверь верная ли информация. Исправь неверное.
- Gustav Fabergé’s paternal ancestors weren’t English lords because they were Huguenots.
- Agathon, the Fabergés' second son, was born in Dresden.
- Peter Carl received a tuition from respected goldsmiths in Germany, France and England.
- After his father’s death Carl Fabergé took sole responsibility for running the company.
- Peter Carl and his brother Agathon revived the lost art of enamelling .
- The Tsar ordered that objects by the House of Fabergé should not be displayed in the Hermitage.
- Ответь на вопросы.
- Where was Peter Carl Faberge born?
- Who were Gustav Fabergé’s paternal ancestors?
- When did Gustav Fabergé retire to Dresden?
- At what age did Peter Carl marry?
- What title was Peter Carl awarded?
- Where did the Tsar order to display the objects by the House of Fabergé ?
- Подготовьте сообщение о другом известном ювелире.
Land Rover
- Vocabulary
• car manufacturer- производитель автомобилей
• headquarter - штаб-квартира
• vehicle - автомобиль
• to be used by – быть использованным
• to launch - запустить
• a marquee - марка
• to merge - объединить
• to be acquired by – быть приобретеным
• to be broken-up by – быть разоренным
• owner – владелец
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Land Rover is a British car manufacturer with its headquarters in Gaydon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom which specializes in four-wheel-drive vehicles. It is owned by the Indian company Tata Motors, forming part of their Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) group. It is the second oldest four-wheel-drive car brand in the world (after Jeep).
The Land Rover name was originally used by the Rover Company for one specific vehicle model, named simply the Land Rover, launched by Rover in 1948. Over the following years it developed into a marquee encompassing a range of four-wheel-drive models, including the Defender, Discovery, Freelander, Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and Range Rover Evoque. Land Rovers are currently assembled in the company's Halewood and Solihull plants, with research and development taking place at JLR's Gaydon and Whitley engineering centres. Land Rover sold 194,000 vehicles worldwide in 2009.
Land Rover has had several owners during its history. In 1967 the Rover Company became part of Leyland Motor Corporation and in 1968 Leyland Motor Corporation itself merged with British Motor Holdings to form British Leyland. In the 1980s British Leyland was broken-up and in 1988 Rover Group, including Land Rover, was acquired by British Aerospace. In 1994 Rover Group was acquired by BMW. In 2000 Rover Group was broken-up by BMW and Land Rover was sold to Ford Motor Company, becoming part of its Premier Automotive Group. In June 2008 Ford sold both Land Rover and Jaguar Cars to Tata Motors.
- Ответь на вопросы.
- Where are Land Rover’s headquarters?
- Who is the owner of the model?
- Is it the first or the second four-wheel-drive car brand in the world?
- When and whom was the car launched?
- How many cars did the company sold in 2009?
- How many times was the company broken up and acquired?
- Подготовьте рассказ об автомобиле другой марки
Дополнительные тексты для чтения
Цель: пополнить словарный запас, дать возможность овладеть разными аспектами иноязычной культуры.
My Friend's Family
I have a friend. My friend's name is Igor. He is twelve. He is a schoolboy. Igor is a pioneer.
Igor's hair is dark. He has brown eyes and a straight nose. He is not tall.
My friend's family is small. He has a father, a mother and a sister. Igor's father, Yakov Vasilievich, is an engineer at a shoe factory. He is forty-two. He is a Communist. Yakov Vasilievich is tall. He has black hair and brown eyes. Igor's mother's name is Zoya Trofimovna. She is a small woman. She has fair hair and blue eyes.
Igor's sister Natasha is a nice little girl. She is like her mother. She is small and thin. Her hair is fair too. She has a round face and a short nose. Her hands and feet are small.
It is a very good family.
Answer the questions about Igor's family.
• Is Igor's family large?
• What is his family like?
• How many sisters has he?
• How old is Igor?
• What is he?
• Is Igor a pioneer or a Komsomol member?
• What colour is Igor's hair?
• Is it dark or fair?
• Has he grey eyes?
• What kind of nose has he?
• Is Igor tall or short?
• What colour are his eyes?
• What is the name of Igor's father?
• What is he?
• What is Yakov Vasilievich?
• Is he a Communist?
• Has Igor a mother?
• What is she like?
• Is Igor's sister a little girl?
• Is she like her mother?
• Whatcolour is her hair?
• Whose sister is Natasha?
• What kind of face has Natasha?
• Is Natasha small and thin?
• What kind of family is this?
Answer the questions.
• Have you a family?
• Is your family very large?
• How many sisters and brothers have you?
• Have you a mother?
• Have you a father?
• How old is he?
• What is he?
• Is your mother a pensioner?
• What is your mother?
• How old is she?
• Are your mother and father English?
• Have you a grandfather?
• How old is he?
Our House
We have a nice house. This is a picture of our house. You can see it is not very large. There are four rooms in our house: the living - room, the dining room, two bedrooms and the kitchen.
The door of the house is shut. You can see three windows. They are the living-room windows. The weather is fine and the windows are open you cannot see the kitchen windows. The kitchen is behind the living - room.
In front of the house we can see a small garden with flowers in it. Behind the house there is a garden. You can see flowers and trees in the garden.
Answer the questions.
• Have you a house or a flat?
• How many rooms are there in it?
• In what street is your house?
• Are your rooms large?
• How many windows are there in your rooms?
• Have you a telephone?
• What is your telephone number?
• Is there a garden is front of your house?
Zhukov's Flat
I have a friend. His name is Vasya Zhukov. Vasya Zhukov's family isn't very large. He has a father, a mother, a brother and a sister. They have a flat in a new house in Komsomolskaya Street. Vasya Zhukov's flat is Number Twelve.
Their flat has three rooms and a kitchen. Two of the rooms are large, Vasya and his little brother have a room too. The children's room is small, it has one window. In their room there is a bed and a sofa. In the corner of the room there is a bookcase with Russian books on the shelves. On the left there is a desk. There are three chairs in the room.
There are many green trees in the street in front of their house. At the back of Vasya Zukov's house there is a yard.
Read the text and answer the questions.
• What is Vasya Zhukov?
• Is his family large?
• Has he a father and a mother?
• Where is his flat?
• What house is his flat in?
• What is there in front of Vasya Zhukov's house?
• What is the number of his flat?
• How many rooms has Vasya Zhukov's flat?
• What are the rooms like?
• How many windows has the children's room?
• What is there in their room?
• What is there in the corner of the room?
• Are there Russian or English books in the bookcase?
• What is there on the left?
• Whose desk is that?
• How many chairs are there in the children's room?
• Is there a sofa or a bed in the room?
• What is there at the back of Vasya Zhukov's house?
My Day
Part I.
I get up at seven o'clock. I open the window and make my bed I do my morning exercises in front of the open window. Then I wash my hands and face with cold water and wash behind my ears too. I brush my teeth.
I go back to my bedroom and put on my shirt.
I take my red scarf out the wardrobe. The wardrobe is in the corner of the bedroom.
Then I go to the kitchen and have my breakfast. I usually have bread and butter and a glass of warm milk. I like milk very much.
After breakfast I put all my books and exercise-books into my school - bag. In cold weather I put on my warm coat. Then I say Good-bye to my mother and go toschool.
In the street I see my friends, they go to school, too.
Part II.
At school we have English lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. At these lessons we speak English. We read short texts and write exercises in our √ books. We have lessons up to two o'clock.
When lessons are over, I come back home.
At home I have my dinner, wash up the plates in the kitchen and then go out into the garden and play.
At half past four I sit down at my desk and do my homework.
In the evening I play with my friends in the yard or read Russian books.
On Sunday I do not go to school. I go to the park or play.
The Seasons
Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons. It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. In spring it is warn. The weather is fine. You can see flowers in the fields.
It is summer. June, July and August are summer months.
In summer it is hot. The weather is fine. The days are long and the nights are short. The fields and the trees are green.
It is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months.
In autumn it is cool. The weather is bad.
The trees are yellow and red. You can see apples in the trees.
It is winter. December, January and February are winter months.
It is cold in winter. The weather is cold. The days are short and the nights are long.
The streets, the trees and the fields are white with snow.
Answer the questions.
• How many seasons has a year?
• What are they?
• Which are the summer months?
• Is it cold in summer?
• What is the weather like in summer?
• When are the days long?
• Are March, April and May winter months?
• Which are the winter months?
• Is it cold in winter?
• Can you see snow in winter?
• What is the weather like in winter?
• What colour are the fields in winter?
• Is the weather fine in winter?
• Is it cool or warm in autumn?
• What colour are the trees in autumn?
• When can you see apples in the trees, in spring or in autumn?
• What can you see in the fields in spring?
The Seasons.
Part One.
Who made the first calendar? We do not know. People in all countries know the seasons of the year. How many seasons are there? We say that there are four seasons, but people in some countries say that they have more: five seasons, or seven. The seasons are not the same in all countries.
The seasons in our calendar are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring begins on the first of March. It is not very warm at the beginning of spring, and the March wind is often cold, but in April the days are longer and warmer. It doesn't snow, but it often rains in spring, and English people say, ⌠April showers bring May flowers.
In spring the collective farmers work in the fields. Schoolchildren work in their school gardens, and they plant trees and flowers in the yards and streets.
May is a beautiful spring month. The sky is blue, the sun shines, and birds sing in the trees. The young grass and trees are bright green, and we begin to see flowers in the gardens and fields. Every day the gardens and parks look more and more beautiful.
Summer begins in June. It begins earlier in the South. The days in June are warmer than in May, and longer too.
In July and August the sun shines bright and it is hot. Schoolchildren have their long holidays in these months. They have a nice time in summer. They go to pioneer camps and live in tents, and many city children go to live in the country. Many older pupils work on collective farms in August.
Part Two.
The autumn months are September, October and November. Now the summer holidays are over, and boys and girls are back at school. Autumn is the harvest season, and the trees are full of fruit. There are many nice days early in autumn. The sun shines brightly, but it isn't hot. The yellow, red and brown trees look beautiful in the sun. Late in autumn, at the end of October and in November, the wind is cold, and the nights are longer and darker. Now we often see grey clouds in the sky, and it rains. Sometimes it rains and snows together. Then people say, ⌠Winter will soon be here.
The winter months are December, January and February. The nights are very long, and it is dark when we get up in the morning. The lakes and rivers, the fields and forests are white with snow. Now the skating √ rinks are full of happy boys and girls. City people go skiing in the country.
Late in February we find little blue and white flowers in many places in the forest, and we say, ⌠Spring will soon be here.
Some boys and girls like winter better than the other seasons. Some say that summer is the best season of the year. We think that there is something nice in all the seasons. What do you think?
Speak on the topic: The Season I like Best of All.
England lies in the south of Great Britain. The north of England is a country of factories. You can hear the noise of machines everywhere, from morning until night and in some places all night too. Thousands and thousands of men and women work in the factories, and the things that they make go to countries everywhere.
England began to make machines and build factories earlier than other countries. More than a hundred years ago, English people began to say, ⌠Our country is the world. Of course England is not the workshop of the world today. But we know that the industrial revolution came to England first, that England was a pioneer in industry.
We have already said that the people of the north are factory workers. In the south the people are farmers, and they send meat and milk and fruit to London and other big cities.
England has many small farms, but not enough big farms, so English farmers cannot send enough food for the millions of workers in the cities. England gets only one-third of her bread and meat from her farms, and only one-tenth of the butter that she needs. Every day big ships come to English ports with food from Canada and the United States and South America. Every day smaller ships bring food from Europe to London and other English ports.
London, the capital of England, is on the Thames river, 50 kilometres from the sea. People sometimes ask, ⌠Why did London, a city in the south-east of England and not near the centre, become the capital?
To find the answer to this questions, we must remember that in old times England was not an industrial country. There were less people, and they lived in the warmer parts of England. In the south and east they could plant grain and get food easier. The place on the Thames river where London now stands was very important. There was a good port there for ships that came from Europe. People came to the Thames to sell things and to buy the things that the ships brought from other countries.
Where London now stands, there was a good place for a bridge. The Romans that came to England almost two thousand years ago built the first bridge there. They built many roads from the bridge into the whole country round. The most important road was the road from the London bridge to the south-east of England, because from there the way to Europe was the shortest.
Very early in history London became England's biggest port and most important city. Today London is one of the most important cities in the world.
Answer the questions.
• What can you say about the north of England?
• Why is the south of England different from the north?
• What can you say about the south of England?
• Where does England get the food that she needs?
• Where is London?
• Why did London become the capital of England?
Football is the most popular team game in Britain. The British invented it and it has spread to every corner of the world. There is no British team. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland compete separately in European and World Cup matches. The English and Welsh clubs have together formed a League with four divisions. The Scottish League has three divisions. The champions of the English First Division, and the Scottish Premier Division qualify to play in the European Cup competition.
British football has traditionally drawn its main following from the working class. In general, the intelligentsia ignored it. But in the last two decades of the twentieth century, it has started to attract wider interest. The appearance of fanzines is an indication of this. Fanzines are magazines written in an informal but often highly intelligent and witty style, published by the fans of some of the clubs. One or two books of literary merit have been written which focus not only on players, teams and tactics but also on the wider social aspects of the game. Light-hearted football programmes have appeared on television which similarly give attention to 'off-the-field' matters. There has also been much academic interest. At the 1990 World Cup there was a joke among English fans that it was impossible to find a hotel room because they had all been taken by sociologists!
Many team sports in Britain, but especially football, tend to be men- only, 'tribal' affairs. In the USA, the whole family goes to watch the baseball. Similarly, the whole family goes along to cheer the Irish national football team. But in Britain, only a handful of children or women go to football matches. Perhaps this is why active support for local teams has had a tendency to become violent. During the 1970s and 1980s football hooliganism was a major problem in England. In the 1990s, however, it seemed to be on the decline. English fans visiting Europe are now no worse in their behavior than the fans of many other countries.
Answer the questions.
• Who invented football?
• How do England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland compete in European and World Cup matches?
• What did happen with interest to football in the twentieth century?
• In what way does television react football?
• Are there any women football teams in Britain?
• What kind of problems did England face in the 1970s and 1980s?
The game particularly associated with England is cricket. Judging by the numbers of people who play it and watch it (( look at ‘Spectator attendance at major sports’), cricket is definitely not the national sport of Britain. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, interest in it is largely confined to the middle classes. Only in England and a small part of
Wales is it played at top level. And even in England, where its enthusiasts come from all classes, the majority of the population do not understand its rules. Moreover, it is rare for the English national team to be the best in the world.
Cricket is, therefore, the national English game in a symbolic sense.
However, to some people cricket is more than just a symbol. The comparatively low attendance at top class matches does not give a true picture of the level of interest in the country. One game of cricket takes a terribly long time, which a lot of people simply don't have to spare.
Eleven players in each team. Test matches between national teams can last up to five days of six hours each. Top club teams play matches lasting between two and four days. There are also one-day matches lasting about seven hours. In fact there are millions of people in the country who don't just enjoy cricket but are passionate about it! These people spend up to thirty days each summer tuned to the live radio commentary of ‘Test’ (= international) Matches. When they get the chance, they watch a bit of the live television coverage. Some people even do both at the same time (they turn the sound down on the television and listen to the radio). To these people, the commentators become well-loved figures. When, in 1994, one famous commentator died, the Prime Minister lamented that 'summers will never: be the same again'. And if cricket fans are too busy to listen to the radio commentary, they can always phone a special number to be given the latest score!
Speak on the topic: My favourite kind of sport.
Sports in Russia.
Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.
Millions of people watch figure skating competitions, hockey, and football matchers, car races, tennis tournaments and other sports event. Certainly watching sports events and going in for sport are two different things. In the past it was never admitted that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that our sport was totally amateur. Now everybody knows that sport can be a profession and a business.
But sport can be fun as well. Besides, it helps to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. Doing sports is becoming more and more popular. Some people do it occasionally – swimming in summer, skiing or skating in winter – but many people go in for sport on more regular basis. They try to find time to go to a swimming pool or a gym, at least once a week for aerobics or yoga classes, body building or just work-out on a treadmill. Some people jog very morning, some play tennis.
For those who can afford it there are clubs where they give lessons of scuba diving or riding. In spring and summer young people put on their roller - skates and skate in the streets and parks.
Answer the questions.
• Are there any sport societies and clubs in Russia?
• How many world records have been set by Russian sportsmen?
• What kind of sportsmen can you call?
• What competitions do people prefer to watch?
• Do people use sport to keep fit and to be healthy?
• What do people like to go in for in spring and summer?
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