Открытый урок по английскому языку
план-конспект урока на тему

Бухгалтер и его должностные инструкции


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок:

Тема: "A Bookkeeper. The Scope of His Activity"

("Бухгалтер. Сфера его трудовой деятельности")


"A Bookkeeper And His Functionary Instructions"

("Бухгалтер. Его должностные инструкции")

Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков.

Задачи: 1) образовательная - говорение по теме, совершенствование лексических навыков.

2) развивающая: развитие внимания, памяти, логического мышления.

Оснащение урока: записи на доске, раздаточный материал.

План урока:

0. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

1. Воспроизведение и коррекция опорных знаний.

2. Работа с текстом по теме урока.

3. Деловая игра. Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения.

4. Говорение в монологической форме.

5. Домашнее задание.

6. Окончание урока.

Выставление оценок.

Этапы урока

Ход и содержание урока


Методы, приемы


Начало занятия. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, comrades.

I am glad to see you.

Today we are going to continue the discussion about the matter of bookkeeping.

We shall see:

- what professionals you are

- and how you have mastered the language of business - accounting terms and ideas.

The theme of our lesson is "A Bookkeeper. The Scope of His Activity."

3 мин

Постановка проблемы.

Look at the blackboard.

Read the words:

  • to act-


So we are going to speak about  FUNCTIONARY


of a bookkeeper.

We shall work on the text.

The text in unknown for you.

But: the words and word - combinations, which are used in the text, are not new for you.

We have already learnt them.


Воспроизведение и коррекция опорных знаний.

Look at the blackboard.

Here are some words and word- combinations, which we have already learnt.

  • Read them and translate them into Russian.

(Учащиеся читают слова и устойчивые выражения по теме, написанные на доске, и переводят их на русский язык.)

Translate from English into Russian:

  • to work for a proprietorship-
  • one's knowledge of bookkeeping-
  • to do business-
  • to sell goods at a profit-
  • to purchase goods-
  • to spend money-
  • to borrow money-
  • to save money-
  • to lend money-
  • to play the game with many players-
  • to keep the score-
  • to keep business records in big volumes: "the books"-
  • to tell the owners-
  • how much money comes into the business-
  • how much money goes out of the business-
  • how much money the business owns-
  • how much money the business owes-
  • to gain in value-
  • to lose in value-
  • to keep a record-
  • transaction-
  • to keep a record of every transaction-
  • to involve money-
  • to transfer money-
  • to transfer money from one account to another-
  • to be in the form of-
  • to record transactions in the journal-
  • to enter transactions in chronological order-
  • to make a journal entry-
  • to transfer entries to the accounts-
  • to prepare financial reports-
  • Now translate some words and set-expressions from Russian into English.

(Учащиеся переводят слова, словосочетания и устойчивые выражения с русского языка на английский, пользуясь записями, сделанными на доске).

Translate from Russian into English:

  • сколько денег входит в бизнес-
  • сколько денег выходит из бизнеса-
  • увеличивается ли рыночная стоимость предприятия или уменьшается?
  • сделка- это любая деловая операция, которая включает в себя денежные средства-

5 мин


Работа с текстом по теме урока.

1)Let us listen to the text.

The main character of the text is Mr. Smith, a bookkeeper. Look at him. (Показываю детям картинку с карикатурным изображением Мистера Смита, бухгалтера по профессии.)

This text is about Mr. Smith and the scope of his activity.

Listen to the text and try to determine

his functionary instructions.

(Учитель читает текст детям, дети следят за чтением учителя по выданным распечатанным образцaм текста.)

This is Mr. Smith. He is a bookkeeper. He works for a proprietorship. His knowledge of bookkeeping is very good. The owner of the proprietorship is Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox does business. His business is selling motor-cars. Mr. Fox buys and sells motor-cars; spends, borrows, saves and lends money. Mr. Fox plays the game with many players and Mr. Smith keeps the score in this game.

   Bookkeeping involves a lot of work. Mr. Smith keeps business records in big volumes: “the books”. His “books” are computer disks. Mr. Smith tells the owner, how much money comes into his business, how much goes out, how much money the business owns and owes. Is the business gaining or losing in value? Mr. Smith keeps a record of every transaction. A transaction is any business operation that involves money.

It may be a sale, a purchase, a loan, a lease payment, or any other activity in which money is transferred from one account to another. The money can be in the form of cash (currency), cheque or money order.

The first responsibility of Mr. Smith is to keep a record of every transaction of the business he works for.

Mr.Smith records transactions in the journal.

In the journal Mr.Smith enters transactions in chronological order(making a journal entry).

Later Mr.Smith transfers entries to the accounts and uses them to prepare many kinds of financial reports.

2) And now let us read and translate the text sentence by sentence, turn by tern.

(Дети по очереди предложение за предложением читают и переводят текст, образец чтения которого только что предоставил учитель.)

3)Now we shall do a written task. Please, copy out from the text the sentences, which tell us what Mr. Smith does every day at work.

I shall give you 5 minutes for it.

(Детям выдаются листочки бумаги, в течении 5-ти минут они выписывают перечень деяний мистера Смита в его рабочее время.)

4)Please, read the sentences from the text, which tell us about Mr. Smiths activity.

(Дети по очереди читают предложения, выписанные из текста, о сфере деятельности мистера Смита, бухгалтера.)

2 мин

5 мин



Обучение в сотрудничестве, проблемное.


Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения.

And now let us do such a task.

Here are lists of paper.

Let us choose the right answer to each sentence from given below.

(Дети читают предложения из листков с заданиями к тексту и выполняют задания по типу игры "Как стать миллионером".

(Предложения с заданиями к тексту):

  1. Mr. Smith is:
  1. a bookkeeper
  2. a mechanic
  3. a director
  1. He works for:
  1. a sole proprietorship
  2. a partnership
  3. a corporation
  1. The firm he works for:
  1. sells motor-cars
  2. takes care after people’s teeth
  3. makes artificial flowers
  1. The owner of the firm he works for:
  1. makes money
  2. makes a career
  3. makes wine
  1. Mr. Smith works with:
  1. money
  2. children
  3. sick people
  1. Bookkeeping involves:
  1. a lot of work
  2. a lot of fun
  3. a lot of charity
  1. Mr. Smith tells the owner:
  1. how clever he is
  2. how much money comes into his business
  3. how to become a good teacher
  1. A transaction is any business operation that involves:
  1. love
  2. humour
  3. money
  1. A transaction is an activity in which money is:
  1. robbed from the bank
  2. transferred from one account to another
  3. printed on the printer

  1.   The first responsibility of a bookkeeper is:
  1. to defend his country
  2. to play computer games from morning till night
  3. to keep a record of every transaction
  1.   Later a bookkeeper transfers entries to the accounts and:
  1. forgets about them immediately
  2. builds a villa on the Miami beach
  3. uses them to prepare many kinds of financial reports
  1.   The motor of any bookkeeper is:
  1. money is the root of all evil
  2. a penny saved is a penny gained
  3. money makes the mare go (за деньги и кляча поскачет).

5 мин



Говорение в монологической форме.

Now, children, let us determine the functionary instructions of Mr. Smith, a bookkeeper.

(Дети по очереди перечисляют должностные инструкции мистера Смита, бухгалтера).


Обучение в сотрудничестве


Домашнее задание.

Write down a composition.

The theme is:"A Bookkeeper. The Scope of His Activity". ("Бухгалтер. Сфера его трудовой деятельности.")

2 мин


Окончание урока.

Объявление оценок.

3 мин

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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