Интерактивный плакат "Мое Святое Белогорье"
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Интерактивный плакат "Мое Святое Белогорье" предназначен для использования на уроках английского языка для учащихся 5-8 классов. Материал , использованный для подготовки плаката, краеведческий, основан на воспоминаниях жительницы села.
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Afanasovo Welcome to Afanasovo . Today we'll take a tour to our village . It is not big and is not much different from the thousands of similar villages of our country . But for us , it's our little motherland . Here is a piece of Holy Russia can be seen in every corner . This tour was produced by Lyubov Biryukova , The teacher of English language Afanasovo school
The village Afanasovo is situated near the route of international significance , just 12 kilometers from the district centre Korocha . The first mention of the village dates back to the end of the 17th century. Its name has different versions. The chronicler of our village Naumova Zinaida Petrovna wrote in her research that our village appeared in the 17th century. The first settler was an alien guy Afanasii , on behalf of which gave the name of our village. Our village has grown. Different crafts flourished there. And people were kind, simple, hardworking, skillful and intelligent. Now there are more than 550 people in our village . According to Korochanskiy Museum, Afanasovo has been a settlement in 1637 . Afanasovo became known as the village after the abolition of serfdom in 1862 , and it had 52 houses and 548 inhabitants. Our local craftsmen were famous all over the province. The famous apple gardens were laid in the late 19th century. The first horticultural society was appeared. New sorts of apples were bred in the local school gardeners. The products of our gardeners were participated in Russian and international exhibitions and received high marks. Many workers awarded by orders and medals . During the war our countrymen proved themselves brave and selfless defenders of our country. There is a monument to inhabitants of the village who died in the great Patriotic War. The price of their lives is our peaceful life today. Vocabulary Test
is situated - расположено the route of international significance- дорога международного значения The first mention- первые упоминания The first settler- первый поселенец An alien guy – пришлый мужик on behalf of which gave the name – по имени которого Different crafts- различные ремесла А settlement- селение after the abolition of serfdom- после отмены крепостного права local craftsmen – местные умельцы proved themselves- зарекомендовали себя а peaceful life - мирная жизнь
Where is the village of Afanasovo situated? Whom name was given of our village? What people did live there? When has Afanasovo been a settlement?
The school is situated in the cent r e of our village . I t celebrates fifty years in t his year . One hundred twenty-five students are studied in our school . Sixteen teachers work here . There are classrooms , gym and library . T he cooks prepare delicious breakfasts and lunches for the children . Y ou can play table tennis in the hallway a t break . T here is an apple garden n ext to the school , where there are delicious apples . T here was a big apple crop in t his year . T here are the flowerbeds with roses in front to the school . The c hildren take care of the flowers and the school yard looke s beautiful and well-kept . Vocabulary Test Our school
the hallway - коридор a big apple crop - большой урожай яблок the flowerbeds - цветочные клумбы well-kept – ухоженный adandelion - одуванчик
Where is t he school situated ? How many years is it ? How many students stud y in our school ? How many teachers work here ? What is there next to the school ? Are there the flowerbeds with dandelions ?
Village Afanasovo is situated in one of the most beautiful places of the Korocha district . Groves and the vast meadows, fertile land and the purest spring water has attracted immigrants from different places. In the second half of the 19th century the landowner Alferov took place under white mountain for his farmstead. The farmstead was built and the work was under way on the development of the territory. the Poplar alley was laid from the farmstead , the ponds went near alley from cascade. the people separated valuable breedsof fishes in the ponds . The forest was planted on the mountain, which is still called Panski forest. The tracks were covered with gravel , there were arbours , in which young ladies rested in the heat. Spring Sagelka was dug for the needs of the landowner. It was next to the landowner ̓s home. The water in Sagelka was clean and cold even in the summer heat. Springs in the well were beaten so much that farmers put edge with vine that the water remains clean and fresh. The weeping willows were planted near the spring. The guests of St. Petersburg and Moscow were often there. They walked around the farmstead, admired nature, drunk pure spring water. Now the farmstead is destroyed, but spring still gladdens everyone with its cool and delicious water. In 2010 the spring was consecrated. Vocabulary Test Spring Sagelka
The spring- родник The grove- роща vast meadows- обширные луга а fertile land- плодородная земля the purest spring water- чистейшая родниковая вода a landowner- помещик a farmstead- поместье the Poplar alley- тополиная аллея to separate valuable breeds of fishes- разводить ценные породы рыб а gravel- гравий An arbour - беседка in the heat – в тени was dug- был выкопан An edge - край with vine - лозой The weeping willows- плакучие ивы was consecrated - освещен
Where did the landowner Alferov take place for his farmstead? What was laid from the farmstead ? Was water in Sagelka clean and cold even in the summer heat? Did they walk around the farmstead, admir nature, drink pure spring water? When was the spring consecrated?
Th e poplar The poplar is a symbol of the village Afanasovo . Old people say that it was already about two hundred years . T he students tried to hug the trunk of a poplar d uring the y tour . O nly twelve students could to join hands then be able to connect the circuit . This poplar has a height of about forty meters and almost four meters in diameter . This poplar is a silent witness to all that is happening in the village . T he first school was built near the poplar i n 1905 and then the church was built in honor of St . Ioasa ph in 1913 . T he people met n ear the poplar , here they accompanied villagers to the war . T he tree still pleases people of its beauty and the cool shade , d espite its advanced age . Vocabulary Test
The poplar - тополь its advanced age - преклонный возраст to please - радовать the cool shade – прохладная тень
What is a symbol of the village Afanasovo? How old is it? What is a silent witness to all that is happening in the village ? When was the first school built ?
The monument People need remember and honor their history. The Great Patriotic War was tragic milestone in the life of our village, which was claimed 365 lives of our villagers . The monument was erected in memory of those tragic events in 1984. We remember the soldiers who died during the war. The remains of an unknown soldier who was killed and buried in the woods during the liberation of the village from the german invaders , and reburied in a mass grave . Klepikov Mikhail Alekseevich was the head by this reburial operation. The people met near the monument each year on 9th May and 22d June . Pupils lay flowers and vow to always remember the heroism of his fellow villagers. Vocabulary Test
villagers- односельчане the remains of an unknown soldier- останки неизвестного солдата the germen invaders – немецкие захватчики was reburied- перезахоронены a mass grave – братская могила to vow – клясться
How many lives did the war claim of our villagers? When was a monument erected? Whom remains were reburied in a mass grave? Who was at the head this reburial operation? What do pupils do each year on May 9 and June 22?
The Church The Church was built In 1915. The Church was consecrated in honor of Saint Joasaph , Bishop of Belgorod on September 17, 1915 . This day became a feast day in the village. There was served in the church during the revolution and civil war . The Church was closed In the thirties and began to slowly ruin : removed the bells, crosses, dragged the icons , and then began to break the building. But people could not live without their shrine . They sought long and hard to build a new church. And finally, good news spread through the village. The Church will in Afanasovo ! The church in honor of St. Joasaph of Belgorod, the Saint patron of our village was built in 2011. 5 th May , 2011, the first stone was consecrated in the construction of the chapel. 21t, September, 2011 the Church was consecrated by the Archbishop of Belgorod and Stary Oskol , Ioan of Belgorod. It was a real treat for all people . I am very happy that there is the source of spirituality in our village . Vocabulary Test
was consecrated - освящен Bishop of Belgorod -Епископ Белгородский a feast day - престольный праздник were served -служили ( проводили службу) to slowly ruin - медленно разрушалась dragged the icons - растаскивали иконы their shrine- святыня the Saint patron- покровитель was consecrated- был заложен the Archbishop of Belgorod and Stary Oskol - архиепископ Белгородский и Старооскольский
When was the church built? Was the church consecrated in honor of Saint Joasaph , Bishop of Belgorod? Did this day become a feast day in our village? When the church closed and began to slowly ruin? Could the people live without their shrine? When was the first stone consecrated in the construction of the chapel?
This tour was produced by Lyubov Biryukova , the teacher of English language Good -buy , my friends !
Ресурсы: Microsoft Power Point 2010 2 . Афанасовское сельское поселение Корочанский район korocha.ru › afanasovo 3 . Из воспоминаний жительницы села Афанасово Наумовой Зинаиды Петровны
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