презентация Shanty towns
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Презентация к уроку Geography Module 5 Spotlight 11
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Look at the picture. What is shanty towns? How can this words be related to it? Overcrowded community * basic services * illegal * medical care * unemployment * poverty * clean water * disease * crime * legal ownership
What exactly is a shanty towns A shanty towns or slum is an overcrowded community of rough huts or poor quality houses which have few or no access to basic services like water and electricity.
European overcrowded community
Europe's largest illegal settlement lies just outside the Spanish capital, Madrid. A sprawling tangle of tents and cement houses, Cañada Real is now home to over 40,000 people. But maybe not for long…
Forty years ago, Cañada Real was built by peasants who moved to Madrid for jobs. With the economic crisis, the settlement has swelled to some 40,000 residents - a mix of North Africans, Roma people and other immigrants and Spaniards down on their luck.
Cañada Real is built on a traditional livestock path, on a 14-kilometer-long dry riverbed that's been public land for 700 years. From Spain's perspective, people are allowed to be here, just not to build permanent dwellings .
Residents pay income and sales tax, but not on property. Most built their houses themselves, with water tanks but no sewers. There are no schools or health clinics. People have to walk to other neighborhoods for medical services .
The high level of poverty often leads to organized crime and violence. The local authorities have tried to criminalize people living there. They always have represented this area as a drug area, as an arms-dealing area .
After decades of turning a blind eye to this illegal settlement, cash-strapped municipal authorities want the land back. Over the past two years, bulldozers have been sent to demolish dozens of homes here
With the onset of the crisis Cañada Real no longer serves a purpose for big business interests in Madrid. And that's the problem. So they're poised to remove it now. The only question is how
Watch the video about London`s shanty town and a nswer the questions.
Imagine your life in a shanty town. Prepare a proposal for the city council to improve conditions in the shanty towns. Think about -housing -sanitation -services -housing -sanitation -services
Список используемых ресурсов: 1. http://www.dw.de/madrids-slum-of-shame-faces-uncertain-future/a-16196833 2. http://www.javierdelgado.net/bitacora.php?id=16
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