Монологи и диалоги для отработки навыка говорения в 10-11 классах
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по теме
Приведенный перечень предназначается для отработки навыка говорения в рамках подготовки к ЕГЭ
Вложение | Размер |
![]() | 109 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Topic | Monolog | Dialog |
1. Living in the city/ country. Home |
| (A)Where would you like to go:
(B) Which style is better to redecorate your flat:
(C) You family have just moved a new house. What do you want your relatives to give you as a present for house-warming party:
2. Science and technology |
| (A) Best way of communication:
(B) What was the most important invention which changed our lives in last 50 years:
Topic | Monolog | Dialog |
3. Holidays and parties |
| (A) You are going to celebrate your school …th anniversary. What should you do for your parents and guests:
(B) What to give mum as a birthday present:
(B) How to spend the New Year night:
(D) You want to organize a party with your friend:
(E) It’s 7th of March. You want to make a pleasant surprise for your Mum tomorrow:
4. Environment |
| (A) Which ecological problem is the most serious in your home place:
(B) what type of electric power plant is the best to put up in your area:
5. Pets |
| (A) What pet you could give your friend as a birthday present
6. Family |
| (A) What family of your own would you like to have in the future:
7. Friendship |
| (A) Preferable way to communicate with your friends:
8. Hobby and spare time |
| (A) Planning to start a new hobby with your friend:
(B) Your school is planning “Arts and Crafts Week”. You are going to take part in:
(C) You and your friend are discussing how you can spend your time at the weekend
(D) You and your friend are planning to do a course each week. You are discussing which course to take:
(E) You are thinking of creating a website together with your friend:
9. Education |
| (A) Pros and cons of different systems of education:
(B) Types of educational establishments:
10. Jobs |
| (A) You and your friend are discussing your future occupation:
(B) You have decided to work part-time to earn some pocket money:
11. Shopping |
| (A) You are choosing where to go shopping foe clothes:
12. Art |
| (A) You are discussing what art work you should print from the Internet, frame and give as a birthday present to your friend:
13. Famous people. The price of fame |
| (A) You are discussing with your friend what would you ask him if you happen to meet face to face:
14. Cinema and Theatre |
| (A) Choose a film to watch in the evening:
15. Mass Media (TV, Radio, newspspers) |
| (A) Best source of getting information about the world:
16. Sports |
| (A) You and your friend are thinking of taking up a new kind of sport/ Which one to choose:
(B) You and your friend are at the Olympic games nd you are discussing what sport you would like to buy tickets for:
17. Healthy lifestyle |
| (A) You and your friends are thinking of he best way of losing weight:
18. Music |
| (A) You are discussing what sort of music would be good as a background music in the local café:
19. Books |
| (A) You are discussing what sort of book should be given to your friend as a birthday present:
20. Travelling |
| (A) You have 4 hours before leaving to the airport. Choose one place to spend this time:
(B) Discuss several accommodation possibilities:
© Choose a trip:
(D) Discuss the following destination to travel:
(E) You are planning a two-week holiday with your friend next summer:
(F) You and you friend are planning to get to a city in 1.000 kms from where you live. How to get there:
21. Learning a foreign language |
| (A) What is the best way to learn English:
(B) What really helps a man to learn English:
22. Clothes and Fashion |
| |
23. Generation gap. The problems of youth. Plans for the Future |
| (A) Your priorities in your future life:
24. Money |
| (A) true way to make a fortune:
25. Food |
| |
26. Weather |
| |
27. Crime | ||
28. At the Doctor’s |
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