Типы судов
план-конспект занятия
План конспект урока - для закрепления и углубления\ знаний по теме; развитие видов речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение); создание и содействие реализации модели социального поведения и коммуникативной практики будущих членов экипажа судов при обсуждении вопросов, касающихся темы; пробуждение познавательного интереса к вопросам, относящимся к будущей специальности; воспитание активной позиции и инициативности
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Предварительный просмотр:
Комитет по образованию Санкт-Петербурга
Санкт-Петербургское государственное автономное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Морской технический колледж имени адмирала Д.Н.Сенявина»
План открытого практического занятия
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
Тема: Types of Vessels/ Типы судов
Подготовила преподаватель Зяблова Вера Викторовна
2022 г.
открытого практического занятия
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
Тема: Types of Vessels/ Типы судов
Цели: закрепление и углубление знаний по теме; развитие видов речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение); создание и содействие реализации модели социального поведения и коммуникативной практики будущих членов экипажа судов при обсуждении вопросов, касающихся темы; пробуждение познавательного интереса к вопросам, относящимся к будущей специальности; воспитание активной позиции и инициативности.
- обеспечить в ходе занятия усвоение и закрепление материала темы;
- продолжить формирование следующие специальных умений по дисциплине: расширение лексического запаса и активизация употребления новой лексики в речи, употребление модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов;
- актуализировать знания о типах судов и их основных технических характеристиках;
- расширить общий и профессиональный кругозор учащихся;
- создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков через разнообразные виды речевой деятельности (монологическая, диалогическая речь);
- содействовать развитию умений осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность
- способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, коллективе;
- содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка;
- содействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроках через средства обучения;
- содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, потребности в самовоспитании
Тип занятия: комбинированное
Оборудование: презентация к занятию, тексты для чтения и перевода на английском языке, карточки с заданиями на английском и русском языках,
Ход занятия
I Вводная часть (Introduction) 5 минут
- Организационный момент: приветствие, объявление темы, цели и задач занятия (Слайд 1)
Good morning everybody. I’m glad to see you. Take your seats. Today we are going to discuss a very interesting theme “Types of Vessels”. Each of you should be ready to answer any Crew Manager’s question as to the type of vessel you sail on and your position and duties on board. So let us broaden the knowledge on these topics – learn new words, read texts and do different vocabulary and grammar exercises to be ready to speak about crewmembers’ duties and types of vessels they work on.
- Введение в языковую ситуацию
What’s your future profession? (a seaman; marine engineering) Are you going to become a helmsman or a motorman? Will you work in the Deck Department or in the Engine Department?
- Актуализация опорных знаний 10 минут
(Работа в группах)
Task 1.3.1 Read the text and revise the organization of the crew work on board cargo vessels (Слайд 2)
Card 1
Ship’s Crew Members and Their Responsibilities
Every crew member has his responsibilities on board ship.
The Captain/ Master is responsible for the safety of the ship, her crew, cargoes and passengers if any.
Deck Department Personnel Duties
The Chief Officer (Chief Mate) is the head of the Deck Department. He allocates duties to the crew. He is responsible for the ship’s safety equipment and provides the ship with provision and supplies. The Second Officer (Second Mate) is responsible for the cargo operations. The Third Officer (Third Mate) chooses the charts for the coming voyage, plots the course and makes necessary corrections on the charts according to the latest navigational information. Besides, all navigators are in charge of keeping efficient communication at sea.
The Boatswain and sailors (or deck hands, as they say in Britain) are responsible to the Chief Mate. They carry out routine activities such as painting, washing and scrubbing decks, holds, rust-prevention, maintenance of cargo gear and life-saving appliances. They also keep watch at the wheel as helmsmen or look-outs.
Engine Department Personnel Duties
The Chief Engineer is responsible for all operation and maintenance of all mechanical equipment throughout the ship.
The personnel of the Engine Department operate and maintain the Engine Room equipment: propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery, deck machinery. They carry out regular maintenance work to avoid their breakdowns. The Chief Engineer and his assistants carry out fuel and ballast operations.
All the machinery on board ship is the combination of mechanical and electrical or electronic automatic systems. A modern ship has rather complex electrical equipment and devices. The Electrical Engineer’s duty is to keep electrical equipment in order and to repair it in case of trouble. He has to assist the ship’s engineer and deck officer in all kinds of electrical problems.
Task 1.3.2 Fill in the boxes with appropriate names of different positions
in the ship’s crew in the chart (Слайд 3 и ответы на вопросы) – работа в группах
Card 2
OS (Ordinary seaman)
AB (Able seaman)
OS (Ordinary seaman)
Questions: 1. Who is responsible for the ship, her crew and cargo? 2. How many departments are there on ships? What are they? 3. Who is the head of the Deck Department? 4. Who is the head of the Engine Department? 4. Who keeps watch on the navigating bridge? 5. Does the Chief Engineer keep watch in the Engine Room? 6. Who keeps watch in the Engine Room?
Card 3
Task 1.3.3 Match the positions of crew members and their duties on board
(Слайд 4. Произнесение фраз и их перевод). – индивидуально 5 минут
| is responsible for are responsible for |
1e; 2i; 3d; 4a; 5b; 6f; 7g; 8c; 9h; 10j
II Основная часть 50 минут
- Reading for new information
You know the organization of the crew work and the duties of crewmembers very well. Thank you very much. But you should know that there are a lot of different types of ships sailing in coastal waters and at high sea. (прибрежные воды и открытый океан)
- Answer some questions:
1. Are there many types of vessels in the world? 2. Do we define the type of vessel according to her size or the type of cargo she carries?
- Word building (Слайд 5) - работа по цепочке 7 минут
Translate the derivatives according to the Part of Speech they belong to
Carry – carrier – carriage – carrying – carried; freight – freighter (торговое судно); special – specialize – specializing – specialized; liquid – liquefy - liquefied; break – breaker – breakage – ice-breaker; process – processor (рыбообрабатывающее судно) – processing – processed; catch – catcher (рыболовецкое судно) – catching; coast – coaster (каботажное судно)
- There are some words which meaning is корабль. Let’s define their exact meanings (Слайд 6) 5 минут
ship (чаще военный корабль) – vessel (more than 500 tons deadweight)– carrier (перевозчик груза) – boat (лодка, небольшое судно) – craft
(Если вы работаете на судне валовой вместимостью 500 или более, то можно сказать, что при общении с иностранцами, в переписке, держите в уме и «vessel», и «ship». А если вы к тому же правильно и к месту употребите название типа судна – «bulker», «containership», – то это, несомненно, покажет вашу эрудированность и уверенное владение английским языком.)
- Match the words meaning different types of cargo with the word carrier to form the type of vessel. Translate the words into Russian (Слайд 7) (фронтальная работа) 5 минут
| + carrier |
- Read some useful information on the slides and translate it. Write down new words if any into your notebooks. (Слайды 8 – 19) – работа по цепочке
10 минут
2.2 Auding
Pre-listening activities (Work on the new vocabulary)
2.2.1 Write down new words in your notebooks and remember them 15 минут
Vocabulary (слайд 20)
to carry in bulk
| навал перевозить навалом заниматься чем-либо цель лихтер спасательное судно паром флот в соответствии с устройство, механизм дальность плавания |
Listening activities
- Listen to the text and fill in the table (индивидуальная работа по карточкам)
Types of Vessels
Vessels may be in all shapes and sizes. There are merchant vessels, passenger vessels and navy ones. A cargo that a vessel carries determines her type. Some of vessels are called general cargo ships or freighters. Others are specialized and used for carrying one kind of cargo such as ore, timber and so on.
Vessels carrying cargo in bulk are called bulkers. Vessels engaged in the carriage of bulk liquid cargoes such as petroleum oils are named tankers.
There are different types of cargo vessels according to their purpose: tugs, barges, lighters, salvage tugs, ice-breakers, reefers, oil-bulk-ore carriers (OBO), passenger-car ferries, container ships, gas carriers, liquefied natural gas carriers (LNG), RO-RO ships, dry cargo ships, passenger liners, and so on.
A fishing fleet of our country is represented by some types of vessels. A fishing ship only processing fish is called a processor. A fishing ship which only catches fish is called a catcher. In compliance with their fishing gear fishing boats are called as stern trawlers, purse seiners, longliners.
The ships differ by the range of sailing. There are coasters and deep sea, or high sea vessels.
OBO | |
LNG | |
Ro-Ro |
Post-listening activities
- Fill in the sentences with appropriate words and word expressions (индивидуальная работа по карточкам)
tankers a processor a cargo sailing gear a catcher bulkers |
- … that a vessel carries determines her type.
- Vessels carrying cargo in bulk are called ….
- Vessels engaged in the carriage of bulk liquid cargoes are named ….
- A fishing ship only processing fish is called ….
- A fishing ship which only catches fish is called ….
- In compliance with their fishing … fishing boats are called as stern trawlers, purse seiners, longliners.
- The ships differ by the range of ….
2.3.Развитие монологической и диалогической речи 7 минут
2.3.1 Give a short report on principal particulars of different vessels according to the data in the cards (слайд 21). Use the following speech patterns
I’d like to tell you …
The vessel was built in … by … shipyard.
The principal particulars of the ship are …
She has …
She develops the speed of …
Ro-Ro (“S. Kirov” type) Length o. a. (over all) – 156.6 m Breadth – 23.8 m Height – 16.9 m Draught – 7.2 m Deadweight – 7,100 t Speed – 17.3 kn S.Petersburg, 1989 | Tanker (“Pobeda” type) Length o. a. (over all) – 228.0 m Breadth – 32.2 m Height – 18.0 m Draught – 13.6 m Deadweight – 68,550 t Speed – 15.8 kn Kerch, 1981 - 1987 | Timber-carrier (Kapitan Goncharov” type) Length o. a. (over all) – 131.6 m Breadth – 19.3 m Height – 8.8 m Draught – 7.4 m Deadweight – 7,700 t Speed – 15.0 kn Malta, 1989 |
Bukker (“Khariton Greku” type) Length o. a. (over all) – 215.2 m Breadth – 31.8 m Height – 16.9 m Draught – 12.3 m Deadweight – 52,450 t Speed – 14.2 kn Nikolaev,1982 | Railway Ferry (“Klaipeda” type) Length o. a. (over all) – 190.9 m Breadth – 28.0 m Height – 15.2 m Draught – 7.2 m Deadweight – 11,920 t Speed – 16.0 kn Germany, 1987 | Cruise Liner (“Song of America” type) Length o. a. (over all) – 214.5 m Breadth – 32.6 m Height – 17.3 m Draught – 7.0 m Accomodation – 1500 passengers Crew – 500 Finland, 1982 - 1999 |
2.3.2 Add the missed phrases in the dialogues and act the dialogues in pairs (работа в парах)
Выполнение упражнения 19, с.192 (Китаевич)
III. Заключительная часть 15 минут
3.1 Рефлексия
3.1.1 Presentation of the video followed by the discussion on main character features of a seaman
Before the video demonstration
Smooth seas do not make good sailors.
Could you translate this saying? What does it mean? Think about it while watching the video
After the video demonstration
So, what kind of man should a good sailor be? What are main features of a sailor? Choose appropriate characteristics from given on the screen
3.2 Подведение итогов
3.3 Выдача домашнего задания
1. Study new words
2. Write a short essay “Smooth seas do not make good sailors”. Use the character features mentioned at the lesson
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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