Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме «Обычаи, традиции, поверья народов России и англоговорящих стран. Изучение лексических единиц и устойчивых выражений»
методическая разработка
Методическая разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку для 1 курса по программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по теме "Обычаи, традиции, поверья народов России и англоговорящих стран
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Кузбасский многопрофильный техникум»
Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку
по теме
«Обычаи, традиции, поверья народов России и англоговорящих стран.
Изучение лексических единиц и устойчивых выражений»
Разработал: преподаватель иностранного языка ГПОУ КМТ Бахарева Т.Н. |
Белово, 2023
Цель: 1) образовательная: способствовать совершенствованию лексических навыков обучающихся;
2) развивающая: способствовать развитию у обучающихся умения работать с текстом, находить и сопоставлять страноведческую информацию, умения работать с лексическим материалом, словарем, применять лексику по теме в речи;
3) воспитательная: воспитывать у обучающихся интерес и уважение к традициям и обычаям народов своей сраны и других народов мира.
Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.
Метод урока: фронтальный, с применением элементов педагогических технологий: кейс-метода и поискового метода.
Формы организации деятельности обучающихся: коллективная, парная, индивидуальная.
Оборудование: персональный компьютер, аудиоматериал, раздаточный материал, иллюстрации.
Ход урока:
Этап учебного занятия | время | Деятельность преподавателя | Деятельность обучающихся |
| 5 мин | Приветствие: Hello! Glad to see you in class! Who is abcent today? Who is on duty today? | Приветствуют, отвечают |
| 10 мин | совершенствование лексических навыков I will play audio and you have to guess the topic of the lesson. - Great job! Now open your notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson. - Look at the board. there are written questions that you need to find answers to during the lesson - Have you traveled abroad, if so, have you ever visited any local holiday? - Agree that there are a lot of unusual and interesting things in local holidays - So today we will talk about unusual holidays in the UK, learn their history and traditions | Слушают аудио запись, формулируют тему урока Записывают тему урока Изучают и озвучивают вопросы на английском и русском языке. Отвечают Соглашаются с мнением преподавателя, приводят примеры Слушают |
-работа с карточками; -чтение; -говорение; -аудирование; -аудирование; -говорение | 55 мин | Раздает на парты карточки с текстами о необычных праздниках в Великобритании, озвучивает задания: 1) прочитать, подобрать описанию праздника соответствующий перевод текста; 2)соотнести описание праздника с его названием на английском языке, занести ответы в карточку ответов; 3)проговорить описание традиции. 4) найти своему описанию праздника соответствующее изображение. Корректирует ответы Listen to the pronunciation of new words And now we are trying to pronounce these words Find new words in the crossword puzzle and circle them | Слушают задание Озвучивают ответы Выполняют задание Остальные переводят, записывают опорные слова. Находят, озвучивают название праздника на русском языке Слушают Проговаривают Работают с кроссвордом, находят новые слова |
| 5 мин | Learn new words, answer the questions Answer the questions that were asked at the beginning of the lesson:
Прощание: Our lesson is over. Thank you all for your work. See you soon. | Слушают, записывают домашнее задание Слушают, отвечают |
Приложение 1
Card number one
Tea drinking is something that needs to be highlighted in the traditions of the British. And even if the once obligatory 5 o'clock tea in modern Britain is not observed everywhere and not always, but here not only any meal necessarily ends with at least a cup of tea, but there are special rules for its serving and preparation. For a Briton, tea is not even a drink, but a special ritual, in the scrupulousness of which the nation could argue with the Celestial Empire itself. Depending on the time of day, it is customary to serve a certain tea, except for lunch, when any variety and any accompaniment is appropriate (milk, lemon, etc.). In the morning, early—rising Britons can have time to drink tea twice - as soon as they wake up and after a hearty breakfast. The traditional time for serving tea as a separate meal remains the interval of 16:00-18:00 hours. Only small sandwiches are supposed to go with it.
Card number two
It all starts 4 weeks before Christmas, the preparation period is called "Advent" (translated as advent). Religious families observe fasting and attend special services, and secular families also prepare for the celebration. Children must keep a special calendar, opening one window every day and taking out sweets from it. On Sundays, Advent candles are lit in houses — two purple, pink and white, each of which symbolizes its own stage of preparation for the holiday. And on Christmas Eve, it's time to light the central so-called "Jesus candle". On the day of the holiday, large families gather together, sometimes traveling considerable distances, exchange gifts and put a traditional Christmas goose on the table.
Card number three
In another way, it is called Guy Fawkes night. This fairly well- known character in November 1605 planned to blow up parliament on the day of its opening by King James I. However, the day did not go well, the conspirator was captured and executed a little later. But until now, on the night of November 5, Albion residents take out homemade Fox effigies for burning on bonfires, and then massively launch fireworks and have fun until the morning.
Card number four
Another traditional fun competition, during which participants must dig up as many worms as possible strictly on equal plots of land allocated to them. The rules prohibit the use of baits and other stimulants for this. The maximum that you can attract more worms to your site is music.
Card number five
It takes place in the city of Egremont, where once the ruling feudal lord decided to treat ordinary residents with apples. They were so sour that it was impossible to eat them without a grimace on the face. And to this day, residents of the region arrange a competition for the ugliest and most hilarious grimace.
Card number six
Not at all harmless entertainment, also based on a competition, the rules of which are extremely simple — you need to eat the most fresh nettles. At the same time, it is forbidden to use any anesthetic substances for the oral cavity, as well as to eat nettles brought with them of unknown origin and quality to the jury. Everything should be as honest as possible. The venue is Marshwood in the southern part of the country.
Card number seven
To the delight of the mayors of other cities, the custom of the annual weighing of the head of the municipality takes place only in High Wycombe. Weighing takes place in public, and its meaning is that the result should not exceed last year's figure. If the mayor has grown fat, it is considered that he is not completely clean in his hand, and for this the townspeople loudly express their dissatisfaction with him. Currently, it costs whistling and other verbal expressions of disapproval, and in the recent past it could easily have been pelted with rotten fruits.
Card number eight
A very comical action, during which the participants have to catch up with a whole head of cheese, launched down the mountainside. The participants themselves sometimes roll after no worse than a head of cheese. The winner is the one who will be able to catch up and catch her first.
Card number nine
It is far from a harmless tradition, which is adhered to in Ottery St. Mary and which has been going on for more than one hundred years. According to legend, it was started in honor of the exposure of the so-called Gunpowder conspiracy back in 1605. A large barrel is filled with resin and set on fire, after which it is carried through the streets. The occupation is very difficult and dangerous, since a barrel with burning resin is not supposed to roll down the street, but to be carried on your shoulders.
Card number ten
Every year there is a festival in Cambridgeshire, very reminiscent of our Carnival. A bear costume is made of straw and put on a person who walks through the streets of the city in it, accompanied by a festive crowd. People dance and sing, and at the end the costume is solemnly burned at the stake to the songs and general rejoicing.
Card number eleven
Four centuries have passed since the decree of Charles II on the protection of crows, but it is still being observed with all care. According to legend, Charles heard a prediction that as soon as the crows disappear in this place, so will England fall. To prevent this from happening, at least six ravens are constantly registered in the Tower in the official soldier's service. At the same time, for bad behavior, they can be dismissed from their post in the same way as any soldier.
Card number twelve
In Dorking, Surrey, for a long time there was a tradition according to which the groom had to carry the bride into the house in his arms. For unknown reasons, this cute custom has transformed into a real sports competition for the strong in body and spirit. Now the men of Dorking have to run 400 meters on their shoulders with their wife, and for a while.
Приложение 2
Приложение 3
ФИ____________________________ ______________ № группы______________
g | а | b | l | a | n | d | c | d | g | w | h | i | s | t | l | i | n | g | f |
r | t | e | a | g | e | k | l | p | n | o | h | s | g | r | i | m | a | c | e |
o | w | r | u | t | y | u | i | o | i | p | m | o | a | s | d | a | c | f | g |
o | n | e | t | t | l | e | h | j | h | k | o | u | l | z | x | y | o | c | m |
m | v | b | i | n | g | m | q | w | g | s | t | r | a | w | z | o | m | x | o |
b | e | a | r | y | o | i | p | j | i | v | s | x | z | a | r | r | p | t | u |
h | j | k | l | q | o | w | y | g | e | h | u | j | x | v | w | q | e | y | t |
a | q | z | x | e | s | a | n | d | w | i | c | h | r | s | p | i | t | c | h |
p | d | f | g | h | e | j | k | l | i | m | n | o | p | a | s | t | i | h | v |
p | w | y | u | x | r | z | v | k | f | t | p | u | y | j | d | a | t | e | q |
l | q | z | x | y | e | j | w | n | e | t | m | b | a | i | t | e | i | e | p |
e | o | f | p | r | w | s | t | u | f | r | h | o | z | c | w | f | o | s | q |
w | r | i | t | p | o | s | b | t | g | a | n | n | f | d | k | f | n | e | l |
с | h | r | i | s | t | m | a | s | z | d | i | f | e | s | t | i | v | a | l |
r | m | e | n | r | f | x | r | e | v | i | s | i | b | n | m | g | k | l | d |
o | w | r | t | p | s | d | r | r | g | t | e | r | f | g | n | y | q | z | x |
w | r | t | p | s | d | f | e | v | f | i | r | e | w | o | r | k | g | k | l |
z | x | c | v | b | n | m | l | i | q | o | w | r | o | t | p | s | d | f | g |
k | l | m | n | p | r | s | t | c | q | n | z | x | r | u | n | n | i | n | g |
m | o | u | n | t | a | i | n | e | z | x | c | v | m | b | n | m | g | d | s |
Приложение 3
Лексический материал к уроку
Tea - чай, groom - жених, wife - жена, custom - обычай, ritual - ритуал, sandwich - бутерброд, Christmas - рождество, goose - гусь, crow - ворона, Tower - Тауэр, service - служба, bear - медведь, straw - солома, festival - фестиваль, bonfire - костер, effigy - чучело, firework - фейерверк, worm -червь, land - земля, bait - приманка, barrel - бочка, resin (pitch) - смола, fire - огонь, cheese - сыр, running - бег, mountain - гора, grimace - гримаса, apple - яблоко, sour - кислый, mayor - мэр, weighing - взвешивание, whistling - свист, nettle - крапива, mouth - рот, competition - соревнование, tradition - традиция.
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