Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку
методическая разработка на тему
Методическая разработка урока по английскому языке на тему "Иностранные языки в жизни людей"
Цель занятия: Развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков иноязычной речи, формирование навыков изучающего чтения, совершенствование навыков аудирования.
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Цель занятия:
Развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков иноязычной речи, формирование навыков изучающего чтения, совершенствование навыков аудирования.
- обучающая: практиковать студентов во всех видах речевой деятельности;
-развивающая: развитие личностной активности учащихся;
-воспитательная: воспитание положительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры.
Тип занятия: комбинированный урок
Наглядные пособия: постеры “Do you know that…?” и “In your culture”, раздаточный материал (карточки с дополнительными заданиями по теме);
ТСО: аудиозапись диалога.
Учебная литература: Агабекян И.П., Английский язык для студентов среднего
профессионального образования, Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, история, география.
I.Организационный момент.
Т: Good morning boys! I see that all are present today. I am fine. How are you? And you? That’s OK! Let’s begin our lesson.
Сообщение цели урока. Т: Today we are going to speak about the role of foreign languages in the life of the people and in your life. We are going to act dialogues, have some tasks in reading and listening comprehension, speak about professions dealing with English, get some new information, then we’ll review some grammar material while using new words and expressions.
Т: Let’s read the epigraph of our lesson. На доске: “Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own”. (J. Goethe)
II. Фонзарядка:
The English language, foreign languages, learning a language, die out (dead) language, official language, knowledge, fluently, memorize, necessary, practice, communicate, all over the world, advice, exchange programmed, correspondence, international exchange center.
T: Try to use these words and expressions at the lesson.
III. Речевая зарядка:
T: Agree or disagree with the following statements, please.
I agree that English is an international language. – S1, S2, etc.
(I agree that…, I disagree that…, I think that…)
- Latin is a dead language.
- Chinese is a very difficult language.
- It is never too late to learn.
- I can speak English easily about many things.
- Learning English can be fun.
- A person who knows two languages is called a polyglot.
- Russian is one of the most expressive and rich languages in the world.
IV. Практика учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности:
1. Развитие навыков устной речи.
T: You like to speak English, don’t you?
Why are learning English?
Use the chart <Приложение1> and phrases of spoken etiquette and answer my questions, please.
a) Why is English important in Russia?
P1: I think that English is important in Russia because we can … (Работа по цепочке). And you? <Приложение1> <Рамка1>
b) What is the best way to learn English? P1: As for me, the best way to learn English is … etc. <Приложение1> <Рамка2>
с) What are the useful learning strategies? <Приложение1> <Рамка3>
d) What is a good English learner? <Приложение1> <Рамка4>
2. Прослушивание учащимися аудиозаписи диалога и контроль понимания прослушанного.
T: These students are talking about their language learning experience. Listen to their conversation and be ready to do the test. Контроль понимания: “True or False” statements. Учащиеся записывают в тетради номер утверждения и указывают “True or False”. (Key: True – 1, 3, 4; False – 2, 5)
1. The new programme is called “Accelerate Your Learning”.
2. It combines only video and tape.
3. The only problem is that there is too much work.
4. A new teacher advises them to read English newspapers and magazines.
5. So the students can buy them in their new town.
3. Чтение учащимися текста с извлечением информации.
T: As you know the English language has become the lingua franca of the century. Read the short text “It is an Ordinary Language but …” Read the passage and be ready to answer what the author’s purpose in this passage is. Учащиеся получают тексты с тестовым заданием. Время выполнения – 2 минуты.
It is an Ordinary Language but …
Britain`s influence on the world has been great. Take for example the influence of the English language around the world. The English language has become the lingua franca of the century. At present English is supposed to be better suited to play the role of a world language than other languages on earth. Unlike, for example, German, Russian, or Chinese, the simple structure and grammar of English, along with its tendency to use shorter, less abstract words and more-concise sentences, are all advantageous for the composers of song lyrics, ad slogans, cartoon captions, newspaper headlines, and movie and TV dialogue. English has become the standard language of international communication and mass culture.
Choose the best answer according to the text.
The author’s purpose in this passage is to explain …
a) why Britain’s influence on the world has been great;
b) why English is well-suited to become the standard language of international communication and mass culture;
c) that mass culture has a tendency to use shorter, less abstract words and more-concise sentences.
T: Are you ready? Choose the best answer according to the text. (Key: b)
4. Беседа с учащимися о профессиях, связанных с английским языком.
a) T: Some people think that English is important in Russia because we can communicate with people in the world, do business and get a better job. It is also useful when you travel. Some of my pupils live and work abroad. They say that thanks to English and their brains they have good jobs, good money and their life is always sunny. Their names are M. Sverchkova (Wales), V. Zhirnov (the USA), N. Sokolovskaya (Canada), E. Yakovleva (the USA). Their jobs are: an engineer, a programmist, a shop assistant, a doctor.
b) T: Answer my question, please. What professions dealing with English do you know?
c) Контроль домашнего задания:
Сообщения студентов о профессиях, связанных с английским языком.
T: Well, boys! Listen to the projects of your friends and be ready to answer my questions.
Прослушать сообщения троих студентов, остальные сдают на проверку свои проектные работы.
5. Работа в парах.
Чтение студентами диалогов и составление своих диалогов по образцу
а) чтение диалогов: №1: S1 – S2; №2: S3 – S4.
I. - How long have you been learning English?
- I’ve been learning it for seven years.
- What do you like most of all while learning English?
- I like reading books, magazines and watching videos.
- What about educational TV programmes?
- They are interesting and helpful.
- How do you cope with phrasal verbs?
- I try to memorize them. But it isn’t easy.
II.- What do you think about learning grammar?
- It is necessary foundations. You must learn and practise grammar in any language.
- What is the most difficult thing for you in learning English?
- I think listening. I sometimes can’t get the idea of what I hear. And I have to listen to tape again and again.
- Learning a language is long hard and sometimes dull work. But … There are a lot of rewards for that work. I mean your ability to read, to communicate, to understand songs, to write, to travel abroad…
b) T: Some teenagers think that learning a language is long, hard and sometimes dull work. But there are some rules of memory which can help you to make this work easier, read these rules. What kind of rules do you follow?
P1: As for me, I follow rule №3, etc.
c) Драматизация учащимися диалогов, составленных по образцу.
T: Think of your own dialogues for 2 minutes. Give your friend some advice on how to learn English easier.
T: Thank you for your dialogues; let’s go on.
6. Активизация лексики в ходе выполнения лексико-грамматических упражнений.
Ответившие диалог студенты сразу приступают к выполнению заданий. T: So let’s review tag questions!
Ex. I:
Choose questions tags:
1) Let’s speak English, …
a) shall we?
b) don’t we?
c) do we?
2) Your friend can’t speak English, …
a) does he?
b) can he?
c) doesn’t he? 3) The best way to speak English fluently is to practice a lot, …
a) don’t it?
b) isn’t it?
c) isn’t he?
4) People all over the world speak 3.000 languages, …
a) don’t they?
b) do they?
c) doesn’t they?
5) Learning English can be fun, …
a) can he?
b) can’t it?
c) is it?
Ex. II: Групповая работа. Учащиеся в группах (S1, S2, S3, S4), (S5, S6) разгадывают кроссворд. <Приложение2> T: If you put the verbs in the puzzle into the correct form, you’ll be able to read a proverb. Whose group is the first? (Key: Knowledge is power).
T: Do you know any proverbs dealing with knowledge?
Примерные ответы учащихся: S1: It is never too late to learn; S2: Live and learn; S3: Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
7. Работа с постерами “Do you know that…?”, “In your culture”.
a) T: Read the information and try to use it in your home compositions and topics.
На доске - постеры <Приложение3>.
Чтение учащимися по цепочке: №1 (S1 – S8); №2 (S1 – S5).
V. Домашнее задание.
Написать сочинение о роли иностранных языков в жизни людей, используя информацию с постеров “Do you know that …?”, “In your culture”, использовать материалы стенда “For the lesson”.
VI. Итоги урока.
a) T: Do you agree with the epigraph of the lesson?
(Студенты читают эпиграф к уроку ещё раз). Let’s read the epigraph of the lesson once again.
S1: Yes, of course. I agree with Goethe that …, etc.
b) Вывод:
T: Now you see that English has become the standard language of international communication and mass culture. Let’s hope that you will continue studying English. One of the best ways to improve English is by correspondence with a pen-friend. You may choose an address of a pen-pal. Use the information “For the lesson”. (На стенде “К уроку” - информация из Интернета: адреса сверстников из англо-говорящих стран).
с) Выставление оценок:
T: Boys! You spoke English fluently and nice. Thank you for your good answers. Your marks today are: …
The lesson is over. Good-bye! See you!
Методическая разработка занятия
(комбинированный урок)
Дисциплина Английский язык
Тема Страна изучаемого языка (географическое положение, природные и климатические особенности, отдельные исторические факты развития государства)
Специальность 080501
Преподаватель: Н.В.Капустина
Тольятти 2009 г.
Цель занятия: совершенствование навыков, умений устной речи.
- обучающая: обобщение и систематизация фактического материала по
- развивающая: развитие произносительных навыков;
- воспитательная: формирование уважения к Соединенным Штатам Америки,
развитие познавательных интересов студентов; расширение
кругозора студентов.
Тип занятия: ролевая игра.
Методы и методические приемы: выступления студентов,
самостоятельная работа
Наглядные пособия: карта США; фотографии достопримечательностей;
изображения предметов, изобретенных в США.
ТСО: CD «США», компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, экран.
Учебная литература: Агабекян И.П., Английский язык для студентов среднего
профессионального образования, Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006.
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, история, география.
Предварительная организационная подготовка.
Примерно за 2 недели до проведения ролевой игры студентам предложены темы для выступлений:
1. США (географическое положение, климат).
2. США ( промышленность, сельское хозяйство).
3. Праздники США.
4. США (изобретения).
Студентам предложен список учебной и научно-популярной литературы, по которому
можно подготовить данные темы.
За несколько дней до занятия найденный материал проверяется и корректируется.
Ход урока
Организационный момент (2 – 3 мин)
1. Приветствие
2. Проверка отсутствующих
3. Сообщение темы занятия и его целей
Teacher: Good morning, everyone. Today we are traveling through the United States of America. We have two teams of experts who will help us during our journey and at the end we’ll see which team is the best. The people in this team are not experts so we will call them tourists. Here we have our judges. They are fourth-year students, so they are worthy of respect. And here is our guide.
Guide: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the United States of America. I’m pleased to meet you. The weather is wonderful, and I hope that our journey will be too. Let me introduce myself. My name is … I am your guide and group leader. I shall accompany you everywhere. I’ll show you everything. You’ll travel through the country. You’ll visit cities and historical places, museums and theatres. There are a lot of interesting things to see. You’ll get to know the country and its capital. You’ll meet people and make friends. I hope that we’ll become friends.
Teacher: Before our journey let’s listen to our experts. They are authorities in their fields of Geography and Economics.
Представители команд делают сообщения, используя карту США.
Team 1: The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. The continental part of the USA consists of two highland regions and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east, and the Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains in the west. The highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains is 2,037 meters high. The highest peak of the Cordillera in the USA is 4,418 meters. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains are the central lowlands, which are called the prairie and the eastern lowlands called the Mississippi valley. The five Great Lakes, between the USA and Canada, are joined together by short rivers or canals, and the Saint Lawrence River joins then to the Atlantic Ocean. In the west of the USA there is another lake called the Great Salt Lake. The main rivers of the USA are Mississippi, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, the Colorado and the Columbia which flow into the Pacific Ocean, the Saint Lawrence River and the Hudson River, which flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The USA is very large country, so it has several different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east where much snow falls in winder. The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. The region around the Great Lakes is known for its changeable weather.
Team 2: The USA is a highly developed industrial country, and its agriculture is highly mechanized. Coal is found in many parts of the country: in the Cordillera Mountains, in the state of Kansas, in the east near Birmingham and Pittsburgh. The state of Illinois is especially rich in coal. Iron is mined near the Great Lakes and in other areas. The USA has rich oil-fields in California, Texas, Alaska and other regions. It holds first place in the capitalist world for production of coal, iron, oil and natural gas. The heavy industries are for the most past in the Middle West, in the region of the Great Lakes, around Detroit and Chicago, in the north-eastern states and near Birmingham. The automobile industry and all kinds of machine-
Building is highly developed especially in and near Detroit, in California and in the areas of heavy industry. Ship-building is developed along the Atlantic coast and also in San Francisco and Seattle on the Pacific coal. The textile industry is concentrated in the north-east, in Boston and other cities: but it is especially well developed in the South, where much cotton is grown, in the Mississippi valley. The USA has a highly developed railway system. It also has the best system of roads in the capitalist world. The Great Lakes and the rivers, especially the Saint Lawrence River and the Mississippi, are used for transport. American agriculture produces more food products than any other capitalist country. Much of then are exported. In the Middle West very much grain is grown. Fresh fruit and vegetables come all the year round from the southern regions, especially Florida, from California and south-western states. The highlands in the west of the country are famous for their cattle farming. Poultry-farming and vegetable growing are concentrated in the countryside near all the big cities.
Teacher: Now our experts are ready for the journey. And what about our tourists? Let’s give them this crossword puzzle. Try to guess the words during the journey. If everybody is ready, let’s start.
Guide: We are beginning our journey in the most ancient English town in the USA. It is situated on the Atlantic coast. It was founded in 1620. Do you know its name?
(It is New Plymouth.)
Now we are on the American continent.
Teacher: The American continent differs very much from Europe. There are a lot of animals in America, which you can’t find in Europe. I am sure that you know about them. Let our experts give you some riddles about these animals.
Представители команд по очереди задают вопросы болельщикам-туристам.
- A big bird living in North America (bald eagle),
- A large animal of the cat family having a golden fur with black spots (jaguar),
- An American snake (rattle-snake),
- The bison of North America (buffalo),
- A small brightly colored bird (humming-bird).
- A bear with large head and body and brown or grey fur (grizzly-bear).
- A toothless animal eats ants (anteater).
- A small animal having brownish grey fur and black mask like markings (raccoon).
- An animal of the dog family (coyote).
- An animal having an amour like shell of plates (armadillo).
Teacher: But it is not only animals that are different. When the first Europeans came to America they saw many strange plants and they took some of them to Europe. Tourists, do you know which ones they were?
(Potato, tomato, tobacco, cocoa, maize, etc.)
Guide: Now along the Atlantic coast we are going to the city, which has played a very important part in the American history. I am sure you know this city very well.
(It is Boston.)
Teacher: The USA is not an old country but it has a very interesting history. There are some dates on the blackboard. What do they mean to the Americans? Let’s ask our experts.
Team 2:
- In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent.
- In 1620 the first Englishmen came to America on the “Mayflower”.
- If I am not mistaken, in 1773 an incident named the Boston Tea Party too place.
- From 1775 to 1783 the war for independence of American colonies from British rule lasted.
- In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and some other people and adopted in Philadelphia.
- As far as I remember, the US Constitution was adopted in 1788.
Team 1:
- In 1801 Washington, the capital of the United States was built in District of Columbia.
- As far as I know, in 1848 the gold rush in California took place.
- President Lincoln freed the Negro staves in 1863.
- From 1861 to 1865 the Civil war between the states lasted in America.
- In 1867 the United States bought Alaska from Russia, if I am not mistaken, for a little more than seven million dollars.
- In 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.
Guide: You know that the United States of America is a very large country. So let’s take a plane to get to the Pacific coast.
Teacher: Let our guide tell us the nicknames of the states we are flying over now. I think we can guess their real names. Will you show us the route on the map?
Guide (показывает на карте место после того, как туристы правильно назовут штат):
- the Keystone State (Pennsylvania),
- the Lake State (Michigan),
- the Land of Lincoln (Illinois),
- the Central State (Kansas),
- the Blackwater State (Nebraska),
- the Equality State (Wyoming),
- the Salt Lake State (Utah),
- the Golden State (California).
Guide: There are two great places of interest here, near Los Angeles. What are they?
(They are Hollywood and Disneyland).
Teacher: California is the land of everlasting holiday. But there are of course a number of national holidays in the country. What can our experts tell us about them?
Даты праздников написаны на доске.
Team 1:
On the first of January, New Year’s Day, all banks, stores, factories and schools are closed. People do not go to bed until after midnight on December 31. They like to see “the old year out and the new year in”. Many people give parties on New Year’s Eve.
The fourteenth of February is St. Valentine’s Day. It is a day of love and friendship. It is widely celebrated among persons of all ages by the exchange of special greeting-cards, valentines. Flowers and candy are favorite presents which friends and family give each other.
On the second Sunday of May, Mother’s Day, Americans honour their mothers. They send their mothers a card or a gift, present flowers, prepare dinner for them.
The last Monday in May is Memorial Day, or Decoration Day. It is dedicated to those who fell in the War of Independence, in World War I or as anti-fascist fighters in World War II. On this day, patriotic songs are also sung on the radio and TV.
The Fourth of July is Independence Day. It is the biggest national holiday of the USA. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, when the American colonists were fighting for independence against England.
Team 2:
On October 12, 1492, Columbus discovered the first island in America. The first celebration of the discovery, Columbus Day, was held in New York City in 1792.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31. It is a holiday for young people and children. They make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people make parties and dress up like ghosts and witches.
Another holiday is Veterans’ Day on November 11. During the Day there are usually parades and ceremonies held in honour of those who fell in the two World Wars.
Thanksgiving Day comes on the fourth Thursday in November. In the autumn of 1621, the Pilgrim Fathers celebrated their first harvest festival in America and called it Thanksgiving Day. Since that time Thanksgiving Day has been celebrated every year.
Christmas is celebrated on December 25. It is a religious holiday. Just before Christmas day people send Christmas and New Year greetings to their friends and relatives. Store, post-offices, banks and business places close for this day, schools and colleges close between Christmas and New Year’s Day. People usually stay at home at Christmas-time, and spend the day with their families.
Teacher: But the Americans don’t just have holidays. They also work, and they work a lot. New inventions are appearing every day. Many of them are made in the USA. Here are some things which were invented in America. What can you tell us about them?
Выносят поднос с предметами, изобретенными в США. Представители команд по очереди берут предметы, показывают и говорят о них.
- The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Bell.
- The electric light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison.
- The steamboat was invented in 1807 by Robert Fulton.
- The nylon was invented in 1927.
- The transistor was invented in1947.
- The structure of the DNA was invented by Watson in 1962.
Guide: Now we are going to visit the largest city of the USA. It is the industrial and cultural centre of the country. What city is it?
(It is New York.)
For many people New York is the symbol of the USA. First it was inhabited by the Dutch, then by the English but people from all over the world live here now.
Guide: Next we’ll visit the capital of the USA, Washington. It is not a large city. There is no industry in it, just administrative buildings and places of interest. What are they?
(The Capitol Building, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, Fort Washington, the Smithsonian Institution and others)
Teacher: Now let’s talk about some other places of interest in America. Maybe our experts can tell us about them.
Представители команд описывают фотографии достопримечательностей США.
Team 1:
- The Statue of Liberty on the Manhattan Island meets people coming to America.
- A bridge over the Niagara River connects the two states- Canada to the Left and the USA to the right.
- Here you can see Disneyland built by Walt Disney Los Angeles.
- This is San Francisco, the capital of the state of California.
- The Rocky Mountains are in the west of the USA. In the Rockies there are several peaks about five thousand meters high.
- This is Columbia University in New York.
- In this picture you can see the Pentagon.
- And this is the Capitol, the seat of the Congress.
Team 2:
- The Washington Monument is also called the Pencil. It is 5 hundred and fifty five high.
- This is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It is situated on the Pacific coast.
- This is Grand Canyon.
- Manhattan is an island, which forms the heart of New York.
- Boston is known for its universities. Here is one of them.
- Here you can see the United Nation building in New York.
- The White House is the President’s residence.
- The National Gallery of Art is also situated in Washington.
I think that our journey is coming to an end. Let the experts ask their final questions to the opposing team. Two questions each, please.
Team 1:
- What is the former name of New York? (New Amsterdam)
- What is the real name of O. Henry? (William Porter)
- Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington)
- How many states signed the Declaration of Independence? (13)
- Who wrote the first detective stories? (Edgar Poe)
- Which is the largest state? (Alaska)
Team 2:
- What is the highest building in Washington? (the Capitol)
- What is the name of the parliament? (Congress)
- What is the oldest college of the USA? (Harvard)
- What is the longest river? (the Mississippi)
- In what country was the Statue of Liberty made? (France)
- What is the real name of Mark Twain? (Samuel Clemens)
Let our judges tell us the final score.
Подведение итогов, выставление оценок (5 мин)
В конце занятия делается общий вывод урока, преподаватель благодарит выступающих за интересные и содержательные сообщения, выставляются оценки за работу на уроке.
Домашнее задание (2 – 3 мин).
The lesson is over.
Методическая разработка занятия
(комбинированный урок)
Дисциплина Английский язык
Тема Народные праздники. Ввод и тренировка ЛЕ. Ознакомление со страноведческими реалиями страны изучаемого языка. Чтение текста с полным охватом содержания. Беседа по теме.
Специальность 080501 Менеджмент
Преподаватель: Н.В.Капустина
Тольятти 2009 г.
Цель занятия: знакомство с фактами американской истории, связанными с президентами США, с тем, как американцы празднуют День Президента и чтят память своих резидентов.
- обучающая: совершенствование речевых навыков (диалогическая и монологическая речь), развитие умения читать (формирование грамматических навыков чтения), развитие умений воспринимать на слух (в записи) информацию в деталях.
- развивающая: развитие способности к сравнению, формулирование выводов на основе прочитанного и услышанного, способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации и способности осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные действия.
- воспитательная: осознание реалий родной культуры и страны изучаемого языка.
Тип занятия: комбинированный урок.
Наглядные пособия: портреты президентов Барака Обамы и Д.А. Медведева,
карты США и России.
ТСО: аудиозапись текста для аудирования, гимнов России и США,
песня «America The Beautiful».
Учебная литература: Агабекян И.П., Английский язык для студентов среднего профессионального образования, Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006.
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, история.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
2. Проверка отсутствующих.
3. Сообщение темы занятия и его целей.
Изучение нового материала.
Звучит песня «America The Beautiful».
Teacher: In February, Americans celebrate President’s Day, which honors the birthdays of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and al other past presidents of the United States. That means when you get elected, there’s automatically a holiday honoring you – no matter how good you are at job.
Two of American’s greatest leaders. G. Washington and A. Lincoln, were born in February. Until the 1970s, there were two holidays celebrated in the USA: George Washington’s birthday (February 22), and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (February 12).
In 1971, President Richard Nixon decided that one celebration would do and change it into one federal holiday called President’s Day. So now American kids have only one day off school instead of two!
Both presidents have been honored in different ways. G.Washington is still the only president to have a state named after him. The nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., also has his name. There are cities, towns, streets, schools, bridges, and parks named after both President Lincoln and President Washington.
Both have famous memorials in Washington, D.C. Their portraits also appear on postage stamps, bills, and coins. Washington’s house in Mount Vernon and Lincoln’s home in Springfield, Illinois, have been made into museums.
Аудирование текста:
Teacher: Do you know who was the first American President?
- Who was elected the 44-th American President in November 2004?
- What kind of a person do you think the Americans expect their President to be?
- Why is it difficult to be a President?
- What are Americans proud of?
Now you’ll listen to the text “Wave the Flag, Mr. President” and check if your answers were right. But before it pay attention to the new words from the text.
(Фонетическая отработка новых лексических единиц из текста, выписанных на доску).
( good family man – хороший семьянин,
to persuade – убеждать,
to carry out – выполнять,
confident – уверенный,
to wave – развивать,
to keep the prices down – снижать цены,
powerful – могучий, сильный.)
Студенты слушают аудиозапись текста. Script of the text:
“Wave the Flag, Mr. President.”
Americans want to be proud of their President, as well as their country. They like him to be good looking, religious, and a very good family man. They want him to be strong, to be a good talker, and to be confident about the future. They expect him to keep the prices down at home and to keep the country looking powerful abroad. A president has to make his job to look easy, and smile confidently when he speaks to the nation on TV. But in fact, his job is impossible one. He cannot do as much as he would like, or as the country expects him to do. He can make decisions, but he cannot always persuade people to carry them out.
One of the President’s biggest difficulties is that every decision he makes must also be approved by Congress. But Congress can, and quite often does, refuse to give its approval. A President who knows how to get Congress on his side is likely to be a successful President.
The United States government is of course more than the President and the Congress. It employs over 18.000.000 people. Many Americans think there are far too many of them. “Don’t go by train,” they will tell you. “The railroad’s no good. It’s run by the government.” It’s not really surprising that so many people dislike government control. After all, many of their grandparents came to the States to get away from powerful governments, at home.
Dislike of government power doesn’t stop people from feeling patriotic though. It certainly didn’t stop the California who invented a flag-waving machine, so that people could show their feelings without getting tired.
Teacher: (контроль понимания прослушанного): Now let’s check up if you guessed right.
- What kind of a person do Americans expect their President to be?
- Is it difficult to be a President? Why?
- What are Americans proud of?
- Teacher: Today we honor two great American Presidents: Abraham Lincoln, remembered for his belief in democracy and equality of all men, and George Washington, known as the “Father of his country”.
( 4 студентам было дано задание приготовить сообщения об этих президентах и выучить стихотворения).
Student 1: George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. When he was born, America was not a country yet. In belonged to England, a country across the ocean. People in America didn’t want to belong to England so they fought a war to become a separate country. G. Washington was an American general in the war. America won the war and picked a new name for itself: the United States of America. G Washington was elected to be its first president.
A legend is told about Washington as a boy. Young George had a new hatchet
and with it he cut down a small cherry tree. When his father saw the tree, he was angry. “George,” he said. Did you do that?” George was afraid to admit that he did.
But the boy decided to tell the truth. “Yes, Father,” he said, I cut down the cherry tree with my hatchet. I cannot tell a lie.”
G. Washington’s father was proud of George for telling the truth.
Student 2: There is a song about G. Washington. American kids sing it on this holiday.
George Washington
One time there was a little boy
Who had a little hatchet.
He looked and looked around to find
A little tree to catch it.
At last he spied a cherry tree.
His father’s pride and joy.
He chopped it down, right to the ground.
My! What a naughty boy!
And then he heard an angry voice.
It sounded like a cymbal.
George knew he was in trouble great
And he began to tremble.
“Who cut this tree, my son did you?”
His father asked the question.
“Yes, it was I. I cannot lie.
I cut it with my hatchet!”
Georgie, Georgie, no, no, no.
Be careful! What you do.
Hatchets can be dangerous
And you might get hurt too!
Student 3: Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 in 1809. Things were different then. When Abe was a boy, he lived in a log cabin. A log cabin is a small house made out of logs cut from trees. His father cut down the trees and made the cabin.
There were no electric lights in the cabin because electricity hadn’t been invented yet. So young Aby read books by firelight. Abe’s family was poor. Often he went barefoot because he didn’t have any shoes.
When A.Lincoin grew up, he studied hard and became a lawyer. Then he was elected to be a law-maker. In 1861, A. Lincoin became the 16th President of the United States.
During his presidency, A.Lincoin received several death threats, but he took very few safety precautions. He usually traveled without a guard because he thought that a president shouldn’t be shielded from the public. Lincoln was assassinated while talking to the public at the Ford Theatre. It happened in 1865.
Student 4: And this rap song is about Lincoln.
Lincoln Rap
Abraham Lincoln, I’ve been Abraham Lincoln, I’ve been
thinking thinking
When you were a tiny babe. Back to when you wrote the
As a youth told the truth Emansipation Proclamation
And so they called you So the slavers could all be free.
Honest Abe.
Abraham Lincoln, I’ve been Abraham Lincoln, I’ve been
thinking thinking
How you taught yourself the How you bravely led the land.
Every book around you took Once divided, now united
And read like no one ever You made sure our house would
saw. Stand.
Во время рассказа уч-ся демонстрируются слайды с портретами президентов, памятник Дж. Вашингтону и Мемориал А. Линкольна в Вашингтоне, D.C.
- Teacher: There are different ways how the Americans honor their Presidents. One of them is Mount Rushmore. (Слайд с изображением гор) You have hand-outs with the text. Scan the text in 3 min. and find the information to the questions:
- What is Mount Rushmore National Memorial?
- Who was the sculptor?
- How long did it take to complete the Mount Rushmore Memorial?
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore is 6,200-foot mountain in the state of South Dacota. The faces of four American presidents – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt – are carved into the mountain. These faces, known as the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, are the largest carved figures in the world.
The memorial is the work of the sculptor Gutzon Borglum. The state of South Dakota chose Borglum for the job because he was famous for huge statees. But, even for Borglum, this memorial was a challenge.
Borglum began work in 1927. The only way to get up the mountain was on foot or on horseback. And Borglum and his helpers had to make the trip hundreds of time just to bring up the equipment they needed.
Borglum had prepared a smaller model of the faces. Points were measured on the model, and then transferred to the mountain to show where to remove rock and how much rock to remove. Workers then used drills and dynamite to remove rock and create the faces. This work was, of course difficult and dangerous, especially in the cold weather.
The Mount Rushmore Memorial took 14 years to complete. Borglum died shortly before it was done. His son finished the work. Finally, in 1942, the memorial was opened to the public. People were amazed. The faces of the presidents looked so real, and they were about sixty feet high- as high as five- story building.
Teacher: Now, please answer the questions about the text. Look through the text again and find details.
- Mount Rushmore is ___________________.
- a memorial to a sculptor from South Dacota;
- 6,200-foot mountain in South Dacota.
- Gutzon Borglum ______________________.
- was a huge sculptor;
- sculpted huge figures.
- Only the ___________ of the presidents are carved into the mountain.
a) faces;
b) Bodies.
4. The faces of the presidents were about _____________.
a) fourteen feet high;
b) sixty feet high.
5. The models Borglum made __________.
a) were sixty feet high;
b) showed the helpers what to do.
6. Borglum and his men used _________.
a) horses, drills, and dynamite;
b) rock models and cold weather.
7. Borglum’s son __________.
a) died before the work was done;
b) finished his father’s work.
8. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial
a) is dangerous in cold weather;
b) is as tall as five-story building.
Teacher: Dear guys! We’ve just learnt about one American holiday more. We hope you have learnt much interesting information about American way of life. Thanks to everybody for the work.
We live in different countries, speak different languages but in one thing we are the same: we are proud of our nations, traditions and leaders.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Presidents!
Звучит гимн России, а затем гимн США.
Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.
В конце занятия делается общий вывод урока, преподаватель благодарит выступающих за интересные и содержательные сообщения, выставляются оценки за работу на уроке.
Домашнее задание.
на тему: «Развитие творческих способностей студентов через……»
Автор-разработчик Н.В.Капустина
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Автор-разработчик Н.В.Капустина
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Автор-разработчик Н.В.Капустина
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Председатель методического совета Н.В.Рыбакина
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