Конспект занятия "Визит к стоматологу"
план-конспект занятия
Разработка является составной частью темы "Стоматология", изучаемая в рамках программы по английскому языку в медицинском колледже. Специальность 31.02.01 Лечебное дело.Целью урока является активизация лексического материала в диалогической речи. Обучающиеся работают в парах, проигрывают ситуацииобщения врача и пациента. Данная работа (конспект занятия по теме "визит к стоматологгу") включаеттематическийсловарь, тест, диалоги-образцы, на основе которых обучающиеся разыгрывают собственные сценки. Планируемые результаты занятия - совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков, развитие навыка общения с пациентами, созданиепозитивного отношения к изучаемому предмету.
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Специальность 31.02.01 Лечебное Дело
Конспект практического занятия по теме «Визит к стоматологу»
- Изучение лексического материала по теме «Визит к стоматологу».
- Изучение грамматического материала:
A dentist - стоматолог;
A bad toothache - сильная зубная боль;
Gum pain - боль в деснах;
To make an appointment with a dentist - записаться на прием к врачу;
To have a dental check-up - иметь стоматологический осмотр;
To take a seat and wait - присесть и подождать;
The next on the list - следующий в очереди;
A dentist office - кабинет стоматолога;
A dental chair - стоматологическое кресло;
A filling has come out - пломба слетела;
To chip a tooth - сломать зуб;
To get your teeth brightened - отбелить зубы;
To get/get off braces - установить/снять брекеты;
Dental cleaning and polish - стоматологическая чистка и полировка зубов;
To open the mouth a little wider - открыть рот немного шире;
A mouthwash - ополаскиватель для полости рта;
Napkins - салфетки;
A decay - кариес;
Plaque - зубной камень/налет;
A bad teeth hygiene - плохая зубная гигиена;
Sweet tooth - сладкоежка;
X-ray - рентген;
Gap - промежуток между зубами.
Dental light - стоматологический светильник/лампа;
X-ray machine - машина для рентгена;
Dental explorer - стоматологический зонд;
Tooth polisher - полировальное приспособление;
A mask - маска;
Surgical gloves - хирургические перчатки;
A filling - пломба;
To take tooth out - удалить зуб;
To fill the cavity with the composite material - наполнить полость композитным материалом;
Give an anesthetic injection - сделать обезболивающий укол;
Let me know you feel any pain - дайте мне знать, если чувствуете любую боль;
A crown - зубная коронка;
A dental cement - зубной цемент
Glossary of Dental Terms
Abscess (n) – абсцесс
Acid (n) – кислота
Bow drill – лучковая дрель
Braces (n) – брекеты
Bridge (n) – мостовидный протез
Brush (n, v) – щетка, чистить
Calculus or tartar (n) – зубной камень
Canine (n) – клык
Cavity (n) – полость
Cementum (n) – цементное вещество зуба
Checkup (n) – осмотр
Cleaning (n) – профессиональная чистка зубов
Crown (n) – коронка
Dental anatomy – стоматологическая анатомия
Dental notation system – система нумерации зубов
Dental pain – зубная боль
Dental treatment – стоматологическое лечение
Dentin (n) – дентин
Dentist (n) – стоматолог
Denture (n) – зубной протез
Enamel (n) – эмаль
Extract (v) – удалять, вырывать
FDI – Всемирная Ассоциация (Федерация) Стоматологов
Filling (n) – пломба
Floss (n, v) – зубная нить, чистить зубной нитью между зубами
Fluoride (n) – фториды
Forceps (n) – щипцы
Fracture (n) – трещина
Gingivitis (n) – гингивит
Gum (n) – десна
Hurt (v) – болеть
Incisor (n) – резец
Jaw (n) – челюсть
Mandible (n) – нижняя челюсть
Maxilla (n) – верхняя челюсть
Molar (n) – моляр, коренной зуб
Mouth (n) – рот
Mouth mirror – стоматологическое зеркало
Nerve (n) – нерв
Odontologist or forensic dentist – одонтолог
Palmer notation – система Палмера
Drill (v) – сверлить
Permanent teeth – коренные зубы
Plaque (n) – зубной налет
Premolar (n) – премоляр, зуб коренной малый
Primary teeth – молочные зубы
Pulp (n) – пульпа
Removal (n) – удаление
Root (n) – корень
Root canal – корневой канал зуба
Scale (n) – очищение зубов от камня
Surgery (n) – хирургическое вмешательство
Tissue (n) – ткань
Tooth (n) – зуб
Tooth decay – кариес
Tooth fairy – зубная фея
Toothpaste (n) – зубная паста
Toothbrush (n) – зубная щетка
Tooth formation – формирование зуба
Treatment (n) – лечение
Tumor (n) – опухоль
Periodontal ligament – периодонтальные связки
Periodontitis (n) – пародонтит
Universal numbering system – универсальная система нумерации зубов
Veneer (n) – виниры
Wisdom tooth – зуб мудрости
X-ray (n) – рентген
Dental light
Dental mirror
Dental explorer
X-ray machine
Dental chair
Tooth polisher
Manual toothbrush
Electric toothbrush
Dental floss
Mouthwash / fluoride rinse
Patient: I have had a really bad toothache for the last 2 days. I can’t stand it anymore!
Doctor: Don’t worry, you will have an X-ray now. It allows me to learn about the state of your dental roots.
Patient: Give me napkins, please.
Doctor: Of course. The X-ray showed me I need to take your tooth out. I give you an anesthetic injection.
Patient: Can you put a crown over the pulled out tooth?
Doctor: It is necessary. Try to calm down and let me start.
Going to the dentist’s office
Patient: Hi. Dr. Hyde?
Dentist: So, what's seems to be the problem today?
Patient: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning.
Dentist: Hum. Open up. Let's take a look . . .
Patient: Okay. Uh . . .
Dentist: Hummmm. [Humm? Uh?] Wow! I've never seen one like THIS before.
Let me try this.
Patient: Uhhh . . . Ouhhhh [Man screaming in pain . . .]
Dentist: Well, besides a lot of plaque buildup, there is a major cavity in one of
your wisdom teeth. Hasn't this given you any trouble?
Patient: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I
drink something cold. Does it look that bad?
Dentist: Well, we're going to remove the decay, and then we'll either put a
filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we can't repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth.
Patient: Uh, well, that sounds painful!
Dentist: Don't worry. I've done this . . . once before. Nah, just relax.
Patient: Wait! Aren't you supposed to give me something to dull the pain?
Dentist: Oh yeah. I almost forgot. We can either use a local anesthetic or
nitrous oxide . . . laughing gas. . . to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it.
Patient: Nah, Nah, nah! Put me under! I can't stand pain, and I'd rather not be
aware of what's going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that looks like my
other teeth?
Dentist: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. It'll probably last longer.
Patient: Okay, well whatever. Let's get it over with.
Dentist: Okay, pleasant dreams. Drill please.
He advised Jane to fill ... with composite material.
A crown
B filling
C cavity
D stain
A string used to clean in between your teeth is called ...
A a toothbrush.
B an implant.
C a toothpick.
D a dental floss.
A damaged tooth with a piece missing is a ... tooth.
A crooked
B chipped
C wisdom
D milk
The material which dentists put in the tooth cavity is called ...
A anaesthesia.
B veneers.
C implant.
D filling.
Every time you rinse your mouth with ..., it kills off the bacteria.
A mouthwash
B toothpaste
C dental floss
D veneers
If she puts a ceramic ... over the chipped tooth, it will be protected.
A enamel
B crown
C composite filling
D mouthwash
A dental ... gives your teeth some flossing and polishing to make them shine.
If a person doesn’t get any anaesthesia, his tooth treatment might be …
A painful.
B painless.
C enjoyable.
D exciting.
A dental ... is a permanent replacement of a missing tooth.
A brush
B implant
C paste
D floss
If you’ve got bad toothache, you need to make a(n) ... at the dentist.
A date
B meeting
C appointment
D encounter
Task 1. Answer the following questions.
1. Do you remember how you lost your first primary tooth?
2. How did your parents try to comfort you when you lost your primary tooth?
3. Is there a tooth fairy or another similar character in your culture?
Tooth fairy
There are three central figures in the pantheon of North American children’s mythology: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy.
But while the origins of the first two are fairly well documented — a combination of Christian and pagan traditions, with some recent tweaks from the marketing departments at Coca-Cola and Cadbury, respectively — far less is known about the third. As recently as the 1970s, when a radio DJ in Chicago made an on-air reference to the tooth fairy, staff at the American Dental Association were inundated with calls for more information about her. “We went out of our minds,” the director of library services said at the time. “We should have at our fingertips answers to all dentally related questions.
But in this area we have nothing.” Around the same time, a professor at nearby Northwestern University Dental School named Rosemary Wells found herself similarly baffled. What Wells discovered in her initial research was striking. Despite the seeming timelessness of the character, the tooth fairy is in fact an extremely recent arrival on the mythological scene.
Her first print appearance is an eight-page playlet for children by Esther Watkins Arnold from 1927. Of course, rituals surrounding tooth loss date back much further than that. Every recorded human culture has some kind of tradition surrounding the disposal of a child’s lost baby teeth.
Perhaps the most widely practiced ritual, one that has been documented everywhere from Russia to New Zealand to Mexico, involves offering the lost tooth as a sacrifice to a mouse or rat, in the hopes that the child’s adult teeth will grow in as strong and sturdy as the rodent’s. Wells and others have argued that the tooth fairy serves as a much-needed source of comfort during an experience that can otherwise be scary, even traumatic.
The three stages in a rite of passage, as described in Arnold van Gennep’s book of the same name, are nicely mirrored in both the loss of a tooth and the tooth-fairy ritual in general: separation (tooth falls out; child leaves tooth under pillow), transition (gap in teeth; child goes to sleep) and incorporation (new tooth grows in; child wakes up to a gift of money). The tooth fairy doesn’t appear to be overstaying her welcome, either. According to Wells’s survey, 97% of parents held positive or neutral feelings toward her. Researchers at Visa recently found that the tooth fairy is now leaving an average of $3.70 USD per tooth.
Test “Tooth fairy”
Task 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Who likes to give surprises to kids who leave baby teeth under their pillows?
a) Tooth Pixie
b) Tooth Minion
c) Tooth Fairy
2. What is the Tooth Fairy's favorite type of teeth to collect?
a) Pointy Teeth
b) Healthy Teeth
c) Dirty Teeth
3. Other countries have different magical beings who collect baby teeth! Which
of these is not a tooth collector somewhere in the world?
a) Santa Claus
b) Magical Mouse
c) Tooth Rat
4. The first appearance of a tooth fairy was in:
a) 1970
b) 1927
c) 1965
5. A tooth fairy gives this instead of the tooth.
a) candies
b) money
c) toys
Read the poem. Translate it into Russian. Try to save the rhyme.
Memorize the English poem if you like it.
Tooth Fairy letter Poem
In this pocket you will find
A teensy, tiny tooth of mine.
So while I sleep where
dreams are made,
Let's see if you
can make a trade.
In this pocket I will lay,
the little tooth I lost today.
Please, dear fairy,
tonight as I sleep
leave me a coin.
My tooth you can keep.
Unknown Author
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