The "International Educational Space" is an open, actively thinking, multilingual environment created by mankind for the accumulation, transfer, dissemination of knowledge in the interests of the whole society.
The need to develop international relations actualizes the structural and functional transformations of the international educational space. The main principles of international integration of education have become its openness and accessibility for all segments of society, the continuity of human learning in the modern world, a harmonious combination of humanitarian and technical components of education. Therefore, Russian educational institutions pay great attention to issues of international integration, realizing at the same time that compliance with the high requirements for international cooperation is feasible only with the transition of secondary education to a new round.
In our article, we touch upon the most relevant, in our opinion, technologies integrated into the education of Russia, in order to inspire students to independently acquire knowledge.
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Olga Yugay
School №8, Dzhankoy
The "International Educational Space" is an open, actively thinking, multilingual environment created by mankind for the accumulation, transfer, dissemination of knowledge in the interests of the whole society.
The need to develop international relations actualizes the structural and functional transformations of the international educational space. The main principles of international integration of education have become its openness and accessibility for all segments of society, the continuity of human learning in the modern world, a harmonious combination of humanitarian and technical components of education. Therefore, Russian educational institutions pay great attention to issues of international integration, realizing at the same time that compliance with the high requirements for international cooperation is feasible only with the transition of secondary education to a new round.
In our article, we touch upon the most relevant, in our opinion, technologies integrated into the education of Russia, in order to inspire students to independently acquire knowledge.
ICT (information and communication technologies)
The use of ICT in the educational process is one of the ways to increase the motivation of learning. ICTs contribute to the development of the creative personality not only of the student, but also of the teacher. ICTs help to realize the main human needs - communication, education, self-realization. The introduction of ICT in the educational process is designed to increase the effectiveness of lessons, free teachers from routine work, enhance the attractiveness of presenting material, differentiate types of tasks, and diversify feedback forms.
The technology of programmed learning originated in the early 50s of the 20th century, when the American psychologist Skinner proposed to increase efficiency to control the assimilation of the material, to build it as a consistent program for feeding portions of information and their control. Programmed learning refers to the controlled assimilation of educational material using a computer. The training material is a series of small portions of information provided in a certain logical sequence.
A special place is occupied by technologies that ensure the activity and independence of students. This corresponds to the methodology of cooperation. With such training, students see the importance of helping each other. The work is organized in such a way that the completion of the task depends not on the leader of the group, but on each member of the group.
The use of ICT opens up didactic possibilities related to the visualization of the material, its "revival", the ability to make visual journeys (very relevant in our time!), the ability to visualize those phenomena that cannot be demonstrated in other ways, allow you to combine control and training procedures.
The first analogue of the Unified State Exam was introduced in France in the 60s. French colonies in Africa gained independence, and there were a lot of immigrants from Africa in the country. Their level of education was extremely low, but, nevertheless, the children of immigrants needed to study, and the French authorities met them halfway by greatly simplifying the examination system. Test surveys were introduced, the final exam was combined with the entrance to the university.
The first prototypes of the Unified State Exam began to appear in Russia in 1997. In some schools, experiments on voluntary testing of graduates have begun.
The author of the idea of a Unified State Exam in Russia was Vladimir Filippov, who headed the Ministry of Education from 1998 to 2004. It was he who began a large-scale reform of domestic education: Russia's accession to the Bologna process with the division of higher education into bachelor's and master's degrees, the creation of new educational standards. One of the necessary conditions for this process was the introduction of new ways to assess the knowledge of schoolchildren.
The purpose of the Unified State Exam is to destroy corruption in schools and universities and ensure effective verification of graduates' knowledge (the standard five-point scale has not coped with this task for a long time). That is why the test form was chosen, with which the impartial machine works. In addition, the state exam should make higher education truly accessible to children from the regions.
"PISA for Schools” is an educational quality assessment tool developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
- The study involves students whose age at the time of testing is from 15 years and 3 months to 16 years and 2 months (from grade 7).
- The "PISA for Schools" research toolkit includes a test and questionnaire for students, as well as an online questionnaire for the school administration.
- Study participants perform tasks on a computer.
- All tasks are based on the conceptual framework of the PISA study.
- The PISA for Schools study makes it possible to obtain results in relation to a single PISA research scale.
- Regional PISA assessments are conducted in September and October of the billing year.
What are the goals of the PISA for Schools project (PISA-based testing)?
The PISA for Schools project has two main goals:
- provide an opportunity to conduct a "PISA for schools" study on demand (that is, outside the main stage of the PISA study, which has a 3-year cycle);
- develop opportunities for global peer-to-peer exchange of experience in order to improve learning outcomes.
The project provides an assessment at the school level for an operational discussion of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies that are relevant in a rapidly changing world, and also gives teachers and school coordinators valuable international experience on how to develop them.
The PISA for Schools project aims to:
- Empower school coordinators and teachers by providing evidence-based analysis of student outcomes;
- to measure the ability of students to use and creatively apply knowledge;
- to provide important information about the conditions of education at school by collecting contextual data on the socio-economic level of students and motivation to study through a questionnaire of students;
- to help schools measure the key skills of the 21st century (for example, joint problem solving) in addition to assessing reading, math and science literacy;
- to promote opportunities for global peer learning among school coordinators, teachers and education officials.
Formative assessment
For more than 10 years, schoolchildren from Finland have occupied the first lines of international rankings as the most educated and literate in the world. At the same time, according to the World Health Organization, children in this country are the happiest and least aggressive. How is it possible for schoolchildren to study so well and at the same time remain calm and satisfied? One of the reasons is grades at school: they are not given here every day, but only for great work, and privately, in the student's personal account.
The Finnish school system has adopted a 10-point grading system. In elementary school, up to the 3rd grade, grades are not given at all. From 3rd to 7th grade, teachers evaluate children verbally - from "mediocre" to "excellent". From the 8th grade, grades are given on a 10-point scale. They don't scold for marks. The purpose of the assessment is to motivate the child to develop and adjust his individual curriculum. In all schools of the country, electronic school diaries "Wilma" are used, the access code to which is also issued to parents. Teachers put grades there, write down absences, talk about the life of a child at school. A psychologist, social and medical workers and a so—called "teacher of the future" - a specialist who talks to a student and reveals his inclinations for any kind of activity - also keep records there. All these specialists are available free of charge within the Finnish school system. "Cons" instead of twos, "pros" instead of fives. If the student has completed his homework, he will receive a "plus", if not - a "minus". The work during the lesson is also evaluated. If the student does not manifest himself in any way, the teacher can write a message in an electronic diary and offer to work next time. This is how the teacher corrects mistakes in the students' works.
In a Finnish school, grades are given not for the result, but for the effort.
So, international technologies that are confidently integrated into Russian education can inspire students to further independent search for knowledge. This means to provide our society with excellent specialists in various fields of knowledge in the future!
- Иностранный язык. Планируемые результаты. / М.: Просвещение, 2013. Развитие творческих способностей школьников и формирование различных моделей учета их достижений/ Под редакцией Курнешовой.
- Костяев А.Е. Использование информационно-коммуникативных (ИКТ) технологий на уроках в школе - С. 407-408.
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